@ -1304,6 +1304,13 @@ let solve e f =
let key, data = if ord > 0 then (e, f) else (f, e) in
Some (Map.add_exn s ~key ~data)
let concat_size args =
Vector.fold_until args ~init:(integer Z.zero Typ.siz)
~f:(fun sum -> function
| Memory {siz} -> Continue (add Typ.siz siz sum) | _ -> Stop None
~finish:(fun _ -> None)
match (e, f) with
| (Add {typ} | Mul {typ} | Integer {typ}), _
|_, (Add {typ} | Mul {typ} | Integer {typ}) -> (
@ -1316,16 +1323,14 @@ let solve e f =
Some (Map.add_exn s ~key:c ~data:r)
| e_f -> solve_uninterp e_f (integer Z.zero typ) )
| Concat {args= ms}, Concat {args= ns} -> (
let siz args =
Vector.fold_until args ~init:(integer Z.zero Typ.siz)
~f:(fun sum -> function
| Memory {siz} -> Continue (add Typ.siz siz sum)
| _ -> Stop None )
~finish:(fun _ -> None)
match (siz ms, siz ns) with
| Some p, Some q -> solve_uninterp e f >>= solve_ p q
| _ -> solve_uninterp e f )
match (concat_size ms, concat_size ns) with
| Some p, Some q -> solve_uninterp e f >>= solve_ p q
| _ -> solve_uninterp e f )
| Memory {siz= m}, Concat {args= ns} | Concat {args= ns}, Memory {siz= m}
-> (
match concat_size ns with
| Some p -> solve_uninterp e f >>= solve_ p m
| _ -> solve_uninterp e f )
| _ -> solve_uninterp e f
solve_ e f empty_map