Summary: This diff glues the previous work together. The ClassLevelAnalysis finds list of provisional violation, builds the graph based on them, and outputs this graph as a separate issue. Reviewed By: artempyanykh Differential Revision: D24682802 fbshipit-source-id: 8174da91amaster
@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
type point_info =
{ id: string
; annotation: ProvisionalAnnotation.t
; mutable num_violations: int
; mutable dependent_points: ProvisionalAnnotation.t list }
module AnnotationMap = Caml.Map.Make (struct
type t = ProvisionalAnnotation.t [@@deriving compare]
let get_provisional_annotation = function
| AnnotatedNullability.ProvisionallyNullable provisional_annotation ->
Some provisional_annotation
| _ ->
(* Corresponding provisional annotations for the return value and params, if any *)
let annotations_of_signature AnnotatedSignature.{ret; params} =
let annotated_nullability =
:: params ~f:(fun AnnotatedSignature.{param_annotated_type= {nullability}} ->
nullability )
List.filter_map annotated_nullability ~f:get_provisional_annotation
(* Given a list of provisional annotations, construct corresponding nodes for the graph *)
let graph_nodes_of_provisional_annotations annotations =
let get_id index annotation =
(* Symbolic prefix corresponding to annotation point type for convenience*)
let prefix =
match annotation with
| ProvisionalAnnotation.Field _ ->
| ProvisionalAnnotation.Method _ ->
| ProvisionalAnnotation.Param _ ->
Format.sprintf "%s%d" prefix index
let annotation_points =
List.mapi annotations ~f:(fun index annotation ->
( annotation
, {id= get_id index annotation; annotation; num_violations= 0; dependent_points= []} ) )
AnnotationMap.of_seq (Stdlib.List.to_seq annotation_points)
let build_graph_nodes tenv class_struct class_name =
let class_typ = Typ.mk_struct class_name in
let field_annotations =
|> List.filter_map ~f:(fun (field_name, _, _) ->
let AnnotatedField.{annotated_type= {nullability}} =
(AnnotatedField.get tenv field_name ~class_typ ~class_under_analysis:class_name)
get_provisional_annotation nullability )
let method_signatures =
|> ~f:(fun proc_name ->
let proc_attributes = Option.value_exn (PatternMatch.lookup_attributes tenv proc_name) in
AnnotatedSignature.get_for_class_under_analysis tenv proc_attributes )
let method_and_param_annotations =
| method_signatures ~f:annotations_of_signature |> List.concat
graph_nodes_of_provisional_annotations (field_annotations @ method_and_param_annotations)
let get_offending_annotations = function
| ProvisionalViolation.Assignment violation ->
AssignmentRule.ProvisionalViolation.offending_annotations violation
| ProvisionalViolation.Dereference violation ->
DereferenceRule.ProvisionalViolation.offending_annotations violation
let get_fix_annotation = function
| ProvisionalViolation.Assignment violation ->
AssignmentRule.ProvisionalViolation.fix_annotation violation
| ProvisionalViolation.Dereference _ ->
let update_by_violation nodes provisional_violation =
let fix_annotation = get_fix_annotation provisional_violation in
Option.iter fix_annotation ~f:(fun annotation ->
if not (AnnotationMap.mem annotation nodes) then
Logging.die InternalError "Did not find a node for %a in the graph" ProvisionalAnnotation.pp
annotation ) ;
let offending_annotations = get_offending_annotations provisional_violation in
List.iter offending_annotations ~f:(fun annotation ->
match AnnotationMap.find_opt annotation nodes with
| Some annotation_point -> (
match fix_annotation with
| Some fix_annotation ->
(* If that provisional annotation becomes real [@Nullable], that would raise an issue fixable by the other annotation.
Add the new edge in the graph.
annotation_point.dependent_points <-
(fix_annotation :: annotation_point.dependent_points)
| None ->
(* If that provisional annotation becomes real [@Nullable], that would lead to a violation
* (not related to other provisional annotations).
annotation_point.num_violations <- annotation_point.num_violations + 1 )
| None ->
Logging.die InternalError "Did not find a node for %a in the graph"
ProvisionalAnnotation.pp annotation )
(* Given a list of provisional violations, connect corresponding nodes in the annotation graph *)
let update_nodes_and_set_edges nodes provisional_violations =
List.iter provisional_violations ~f:(update_by_violation nodes)
let get_kind_json = function
| ProvisionalAnnotation.Field _ ->
| ProvisionalAnnotation.Method _ ->
| ProvisionalAnnotation.Param _ ->
let get_field_name_json = function
| ProvisionalAnnotation.Field {field_name} ->
Some (Fieldname.get_field_name field_name)
| ProvisionalAnnotation.Method _ | ProvisionalAnnotation.Param _ ->
let get_param_num_json = function
| ProvisionalAnnotation.Param {num} ->
Some num
| ProvisionalAnnotation.Method _ | ProvisionalAnnotation.Field _ ->
let java_type_to_string java_type = Pp.string_of_pp (Typ.pp_java ~verbose:true) java_type
let get_access_level tenv proc_name =
let proc_attributes = PatternMatch.lookup_attributes_exn tenv (Procname.Java proc_name) in
match ProcAttributes.get_access proc_attributes with
| Default ->
| Public ->
| Private ->
| Protected ->
let get_method_info_json tenv annotation =
let open IOption.Let_syntax in
let+ proc_name =
match annotation with
| ProvisionalAnnotation.Param {method_info} ->
Some method_info
| ProvisionalAnnotation.Method proc_name ->
Some proc_name
| ProvisionalAnnotation.Field _ ->
let method_name = Procname.Java.get_method proc_name in
let params = Procname.Java.get_parameters proc_name |> ~f:java_type_to_string in
let access_level = get_access_level tenv proc_name in
Jsonbug_t.{method_name; params; access_level}
let to_json_annotation_point tenv graph {id; annotation; num_violations; dependent_points} :
Jsonbug_t.annotation_point =
{ id
; kind= get_kind_json annotation
; method_info= get_method_info_json tenv annotation
; field_name= get_field_name_json annotation
; param_num= get_param_num_json annotation
; num_violations
; dependent_point_ids=
| dependent_points ~f:(fun dependent_point ->
let node = AnnotationMap.find dependent_point graph in
| ) }
(* Convert the graph to the JSON representation *)
let to_json tenv graph =
AnnotationMap.bindings graph |> ~f:snd
(* Sort by ids to get any stable order *)
|> List.sort ~compare:(fun {id= id1} {id= id2} -> id1 id2)
|> ~f:(to_json_annotation_point tenv graph)
let build_graph tenv class_struct class_name provisional_violations =
let graph = build_graph_nodes tenv class_struct class_name in
update_nodes_and_set_edges graph provisional_violations ;
to_json tenv graph
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
(** Annotation graph for a Java class comprises of: * Nodes (annotation points): potential places in
the class declaration to be annotated as [@Nullable] * For each annotation point the graph
stores what will happen if this annotation point becomes real [@Nullable] (new violations that
will arise) * Edges: if annotating a point A will require annotating another point B as
[@Nullable], A -> B are connected in the graph. *)
val build_graph :
Tenv.t -> Struct.t -> -> ProvisionalViolation.t list -> Jsonbug_t.annotation_point list
(** Given a Java class and the list of all provisional violations found in that class, build the
annotation graph *)
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
type t =
| Assignment of AssignmentRule.ProvisionalViolation.t
| Dereference of DereferenceRule.ProvisionalViolation.t
let of_issue = function
| TypeErr.Condition_redundant _
| TypeErr.Field_not_initialized _
| TypeErr.Inconsistent_subclass _
| TypeErr.Over_annotation _ ->
| TypeErr.Nullable_dereference {dereference_violation} ->
DereferenceRule.ProvisionalViolation.from dereference_violation
|> ~f:(fun violation -> Dereference violation)
| TypeErr.Bad_assignment {assignment_violation} ->
AssignmentRule.ProvisionalViolation.from assignment_violation
|> ~f:(fun violation -> Assignment violation)
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
(** A simple wrapper over provisional violations for Rules *)
type t =
| Assignment of AssignmentRule.ProvisionalViolation.t
| Dereference of DereferenceRule.ProvisionalViolation.t
val of_issue : TypeErr.err_instance -> t option
(** If the nullsafe issue is associated with a provisional violation, return it *)
Reference in new issue