@ -83,9 +83,6 @@ struct
type t
val pp : t pp
type as_inlined_location = t [ @@ deriving compare , equal , sexp_of ]
val empty : t
val push_call : Llair . func Llair . call -> Dom . from_call -> t -> t
val pop_return : t -> ( Dom . from_call * Llair . jump * t ) option
@ -100,6 +97,8 @@ struct
-> ' a
-> ' a )
-> ( Dom . from_call * Llair . jump * t * ' a ) option
type as_inlined_location = t [ @@ deriving compare , equal , sexp_of ]
end = struct
type t =
| Return of
@ -122,36 +121,6 @@ struct
Format . fprintf ppf " T#%i%a " dst . dst . sort_index pp s
| Empty -> ()
type as_inlined_location = t [ @@ deriving sexp_of ]
(* Treat a stack as a code location in a hypothetical expansion of the
program where all non - recursive functions have been completely
inlined . In particular , this means to compare stacks as if all Return
frames for recursive calls had been removed . Additionally , the
from_call info in Return frames is ignored . * )
let rec compare_as_inlined_location x y =
if x = = y then 0
match ( x , y ) with
| Return { recursive = true ; stk = x } , y
| x , Return { recursive = true ; stk = y } ->
compare_as_inlined_location x y
| Return { dst = j ; stk = x } , Return { dst = k ; stk = y } -> (
match Llair . Jump . compare j k with
| 0 -> compare_as_inlined_location x y
| n -> n )
| Return _ , _ -> - 1
| _ , Return _ -> 1
| Throw ( j , x ) , Throw ( k , y ) -> (
match Llair . Jump . compare j k with
| 0 -> compare_as_inlined_location x y
| n -> n )
| Throw _ , _ -> - 1
| _ , Throw _ -> 1
| Empty , Empty -> 0
let equal_as_inlined_location = [ % compare . equal : as_inlined_location ]
let invariant s =
let @ () = Invariant . invariant [ % here ] s [ % sexp_of : t ] in
match s with
@ -189,6 +158,36 @@ struct
| Throw _ as stk -> violates invariant stk
pop_throw_ state stk
type as_inlined_location = t [ @@ deriving sexp_of ]
(* Treat a stack as a code location in a hypothetical expansion of the
program where all non - recursive functions have been completely
inlined . In particular , this means to compare stacks as if all Return
frames for recursive calls had been removed . Additionally , the
from_call info in Return frames is ignored . * )
let rec compare_as_inlined_location x y =
if x = = y then 0
match ( x , y ) with
| Return { recursive = true ; stk = x } , y
| x , Return { recursive = true ; stk = y } ->
compare_as_inlined_location x y
| Return { dst = j ; stk = x } , Return { dst = k ; stk = y } -> (
match Llair . Jump . compare j k with
| 0 -> compare_as_inlined_location x y
| n -> n )
| Return _ , _ -> - 1
| _ , Return _ -> 1
| Throw ( j , x ) , Throw ( k , y ) -> (
match Llair . Jump . compare j k with
| 0 -> compare_as_inlined_location x y
| n -> n )
| Throw _ , _ -> - 1
| _ , Throw _ -> 1
| Empty , Empty -> 0
let equal_as_inlined_location = [ % compare . equal : as_inlined_location ]
module Work : sig