@ -347,63 +347,27 @@ end
module Analyzer = AbstractInterpreter.Make (ProcCfg.Exceptional) (TransferFunctions)
let report_src_snk_paths { Callbacks.proc_desc; tenv; summary }
annot_map (src_annot_list, (snk_annot: Annot.t)) =
let report_src_snk_path { Callbacks.proc_desc; tenv; summary } sink_map snk_annot src_annot =
let proc_name = Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in
let loc = Procdesc.get_loc proc_desc in
let report_src_snk_path sink_map (src_annot: Annot.t) =
if method_overrides_annot src_annot tenv proc_name
let f_report =
report_annotation_stack src_annot.class_name snk_annot.class_name in
(method_has_annot snk_annot tenv)
(lookup_annotation_calls proc_desc snk_annot)
(CallSite.make proc_name loc)
sink_map in
if method_overrides_annot src_annot tenv proc_name
let f_report =
report_annotation_stack src_annot.Annot.class_name snk_annot.Annot.class_name in
(method_has_annot snk_annot tenv)
(lookup_annotation_calls proc_desc snk_annot)
(CallSite.make proc_name loc)
let report_src_snk_paths proc_data annot_map src_annot_list snk_annot =
let sink_map = AnnotReachabilityDomain.find snk_annot annot_map in
List.iter ~f:(report_src_snk_path sink_map) src_annot_list
List.iter ~f:(report_src_snk_path proc_data sink_map snk_annot) src_annot_list
with Not_found -> ()
let is_expensive tenv pname =
check_attributes Annotations.ia_is_expensive tenv pname
let method_is_expensive tenv pname =
is_modeled_expensive tenv pname || is_expensive tenv pname
let check_expensive_subtyping_rules { Callbacks.proc_desc; tenv; summary } overridden_pname =
let proc_name = Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in
let loc = Procdesc.get_loc proc_desc in
if not (method_is_expensive tenv overridden_pname) then
let description =
"Method %a overrides unannotated method %a and cannot be annotated with %a"
MF.pp_monospaced (Typ.Procname.to_string proc_name)
MF.pp_monospaced (Typ.Procname.to_string overridden_pname)
MF.pp_monospaced ("@" ^ Annotations.expensive) in
let exn =
(expensive_overrides_unexpensive, Localise.verbatim_desc description) in
Reporting.log_error summary ~loc exn
let checker ({ Callbacks.proc_desc; tenv; summary} as callback) : Specs.summary =
let proc_name = Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in
if is_expensive tenv proc_name then
PatternMatch.override_iter (check_expensive_subtyping_rules callback) tenv proc_name;
let initial =
(AnnotReachabilityDomain.empty, Domain.TrackingDomain.NonBottom Domain.TrackingVar.empty) in
let proc_data = ProcData.make_default proc_desc tenv in
match Analyzer.compute_post proc_data ~initial with
| Some (annot_map, _) ->
List.iter ~f:(report_src_snk_paths callback annot_map) src_snk_pairs;
Summary.update_summary annot_map summary
| None ->
(* New implementation starts here *)
module AnnotationSpec = struct
@ -430,31 +394,58 @@ module StandardAnnotationSpec = struct
sink_predicate = (method_has_annot snk_annot);
sanitizer_predicate = default_sanitizer;
report = (fun proc_data annot_map ->
List.iter ~f:(report_src_snk_paths proc_data annot_map) src_snk_pairs
report_src_snk_paths proc_data annot_map src_annots snk_annot)
module NoAllocationAnnotationSpec = struct
let no_allocation_annot = annotation_of_str Annotations.no_allocation
let constructor_annot = annotation_of_str dummy_constructor_annot
let spec = AnnotationSpec.{
source_predicate = (fun tenv pname ->
method_overrides_annot (annotation_of_str Annotations.performance_critical) tenv pname);
sink_predicate = (method_has_annot (annotation_of_str dummy_constructor_annot));
method_overrides_annot no_allocation_annot tenv pname);
sink_predicate = (method_has_annot constructor_annot);
sanitizer_predicate = method_has_ignore_allocation_annot;
report = (fun proc_data annot_map ->
List.iter ~f:(report_src_snk_paths proc_data annot_map) src_snk_pairs
report_src_snk_paths proc_data annot_map [no_allocation_annot] constructor_annot);
module ExpensiveAnnotationSpec = struct
let performance_critical_annot = annotation_of_str Annotations.performance_critical
let expensive_annot = annotation_of_str Annotations.expensive
let is_expensive tenv pname =
check_attributes Annotations.ia_is_expensive tenv pname
let method_is_expensive tenv pname =
is_modeled_expensive tenv pname || is_expensive tenv pname
let check_expensive_subtyping_rules { Callbacks.proc_desc; tenv; summary } overridden_pname =
let proc_name = Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in
let loc = Procdesc.get_loc proc_desc in
if not (method_is_expensive tenv overridden_pname) then
let description =
"Method %a overrides unannotated method %a and cannot be annotated with %a"
MF.pp_monospaced (Typ.Procname.to_string proc_name)
MF.pp_monospaced (Typ.Procname.to_string overridden_pname)
MF.pp_monospaced ("@" ^ Annotations.expensive) in
let exn =
(expensive_overrides_unexpensive, Localise.verbatim_desc description) in
Reporting.log_error summary ~loc exn
let spec = AnnotationSpec.{
source_predicate = is_expensive;
sink_predicate = (method_has_annot (annotation_of_str Annotations.expensive));
sink_predicate = (method_has_annot expensive_annot);
sanitizer_predicate = default_sanitizer;
report = (fun ({ Callbacks.tenv; proc_desc } as proc_data) _ ->
report = (fun ({ Callbacks.tenv; proc_desc } as proc_data) astate ->
let proc_name = Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in
PatternMatch.override_iter (check_expensive_subtyping_rules proc_data) tenv proc_name;
if is_expensive tenv proc_name then
PatternMatch.override_iter (check_expensive_subtyping_rules proc_data) tenv proc_name;
report_src_snk_paths proc_data astate [performance_critical_annot] expensive_annot
@ -475,3 +466,14 @@ let annot_specs =
[annotation_of_str Annotations.ui_thread ; annotation_of_str Annotations.for_ui_thread]
(annotation_of_str Annotations.for_non_ui_thread)) ::
let checker ({ Callbacks.proc_desc; tenv; summary} as callback) : Specs.summary =
let initial =
(AnnotReachabilityDomain.empty, Domain.TrackingDomain.NonBottom Domain.TrackingVar.empty) in
let proc_data = ProcData.make_default proc_desc tenv in
match Analyzer.compute_post proc_data ~initial with
| Some (annot_map, _) ->
List.iter annot_specs ~f:(fun (spec: AnnotationSpec.t) -> spec.report callback annot_map);
Summary.update_summary annot_map summary
| None ->