@ -154,7 +154,127 @@ let instrument tenv procdesc =
let f _node = instrument_instruction in
let f _node = instrument_instruction in
tt "instrument\n" ;
tt "instrument\n" ;
let _updated = Procdesc.replace_instrs_by procdesc ~f in
let _updated = Procdesc.replace_instrs_by procdesc ~f in
tt "add types %d\n" !max_args ; add_types tenv ; tt "done\n" )
tt "add types %d@\n" !max_args ; add_types tenv ; tt "done@\n" )
(** [lookup_static_var var prop] expects [var] to have the form [Exp.Lfield (obj, fieldname)],
and looks up inside the spatial part of [prop]. This function is currently used only to get
around some limitations:
(a) one cannot do boolean-conjunction on symbolic heaps; and
(b) the prover fails to see that 0!=o.f * o|-f->0 is inconsistent
let lookup_static_var env (var : Exp.t) (prop : 'a Prop.t) : Exp.t option =
let from_strexp = function Sil.Eexp (e, _) -> Some e | _ -> None in
let get_field field (f, e) = if Typ.Fieldname.equal field f then from_strexp e else None in
let get_strexp field = function
| Sil.Estruct (fs, _inst) ->
List.find_map ~f:(get_field field) fs
| _ ->
let get_hpred obj field = function
| Sil.Hpointsto (obj', se, _typ) when Exp.equal obj obj' ->
get_strexp field se
| _ ->
match var with
| Exp.Lfield (obj, field, _typ) ->
let iter = Prop.prop_iter_create prop in
let iter = Option.bind ~f:(fun x -> Prop.prop_iter_find x (get_hpred obj field)) iter in
let state = Option.map ~f:(Prop.prop_iter_current env) iter in
Option.map ~f:snd state
| _ ->
let is_inconsistent env query =
tt "ask if inconsistent: %a@\n" (Prop.pp_prop Pp.text) query ;
let prover_result = Prover.check_inconsistency_base env query in
tt "prover_result = %b@\n" prover_result ;
let conjoin_props env post pre =
(* PRE: p and q have no footprints: that would make no sense in pre/posts. *)
(* TODO: Ideally, this should be boolean-conjunction. The function [Dom.prop_partial_meet]
comes close but fails in all practical cases. *)
List.fold ~init:post ~f:(Prop.prop_atom_and env) (Prop.get_pure pre)
For each (pre, post) pair of symbolic heaps and each (start, error) pair of Topl automata states,
φ := pre & post & (state_pre==start)
ψ := φ & (state_post!=error)
where & stands for boolean conjunction, in pre all program variables get suffix "_pre", and in post
all program variables get suffix "_post".
Warn when φ is consistent and ψ is inconsistent. (TODO: experiment with asking if it is not forced
but *possible* to get to error.)
To compute (pre & post) the function [conjoin_props] from above is used, which returns a weaker
formula: in particular, the spatial part of pre is dropped. To get around some limitations of the
prover we also use [lookup_static_var]; if a call to this function fails, we don't warn.
let add_errors exe_env summary =
let proc_desc = summary.Summary.proc_desc in
let proc_name = Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in
if not (ToplUtils.is_synthesized proc_name) then
let env = Exe_env.get_tenv exe_env proc_name in
let preposts : Prop.normal BiabductionSummary.spec list =
let biabduction_summary = summary.Summary.payloads.Payloads.biabduction in
let check_phase x =
if not BiabductionSummary.(equal_phase x.phase RE_EXECUTION) then
L.die InternalError "Topl.add_errors should only be called after RE_EXECUTION"
let extract_specs x = BiabductionSummary.(normalized_specs_to_specs x.preposts) in
Option.iter ~f:check_phase biabduction_summary ;
Option.value_map ~default:[] ~f:extract_specs biabduction_summary
let subscript varname sub = Printf.sprintf "%s_%s" varname sub in
let subscript_pre varname = subscript varname "pre" in
let subscript_post varname = subscript varname "post" in
let state_var = ToplUtils.static_var ToplName.state in
let handle_preposts BiabductionSummary.{pre; posts} =
let pre = BiabductionSummary.Jprop.to_prop pre in
tt "PRE = %a@\n" (Prop.pp_prop Pp.text) pre ;
let handle_start_error start_pre_value (start, error) =
let start_exp = Exp.int (IntLit.of_int start) in
let error_exp = Exp.int (IntLit.of_int error) in
let pre_start =
Prop.normalize env (Prop.prop_expmap (Exp.rename_pvars ~f:subscript_pre) pre)
let pre_start = Prop.conjoin_eq env start_exp start_pre_value pre_start in
let handle_post (post, _path (* TODO: use for getting a trace*)) =
let handle_state_post_value state_post_value =
tt "POST = %a@\n" (Prop.pp_prop Pp.text) post ;
let loc = Procdesc.get_loc proc_desc in
let post =
Prop.normalize env (Prop.prop_expmap (Exp.rename_pvars ~f:subscript_post) post)
let phi = conjoin_props env post pre_start in
let psi = Prop.conjoin_neq env error_exp state_post_value phi in
if (not (is_inconsistent env phi)) && is_inconsistent env psi then (
let property, _vname = ToplAutomaton.vname (Lazy.force automaton) error in
let message = Printf.sprintf "property %s reaches error" property in
Reporting.log_error summary IssueType.topl_error ~loc message )
else tt "CONSISTENT (do NOT warn)@\n"
(* Don't warn if [lookup_static_var] fails. *)
Option.iter ~f:handle_state_post_value (lookup_static_var env state_var post)
List.iter ~f:handle_post posts
let start_error_pairs = ToplAutomaton.get_start_error_pairs (Lazy.force automaton) in
let handle_state_pre_value state_pre_value =
List.iter ~f:(handle_start_error state_pre_value) start_error_pairs
(* Don't warn if [lookup_static_var] fails. *)
Option.iter ~f:handle_state_pre_value (lookup_static_var env state_var pre)
List.iter ~f:handle_preposts preposts
let sourcefile = ToplMonitor.sourcefile
let sourcefile = ToplMonitor.sourcefile