@ -1446,6 +1446,9 @@ let expand_hpred_pointer calc_index_frame hpred : bool * bool * Sil.hpred =
| _ -> changed , calc_index_frame , hpred in
expand false calc_index_frame hpred
module Subtyping_check =
let object_type = Typename . Java . from_string " java.lang.Object "
let serializable_type = Typename . Java . from_string " java.io.Serializable "
@ -1454,15 +1457,23 @@ let cloneable_type = Typename.Java.from_string "java.lang.Cloneable"
let is_interface tenv class_name =
match Sil . tenv_lookup tenv class_name with
| Some ( Sil . Tstruct ( { Sil . csu = Csu . Class _ ; struct_name = Some _ } as struct_typ ) ) ->
| Some ( Sil . Tstruct ( { Sil . csu = Csu . Class Csu . Java ; struct_name = Some _ } as struct_typ ) ) ->
( IList . length struct_typ . Sil . instance_fields = 0 ) &&
( IList . length struct_typ . Sil . def_methods = 0 )
| _ -> false
let is_root_class class_name =
match class_name with
| Typename . TN_csu ( Csu . Class Csu . Java , _ ) ->
Typename . equal class_name object_type
| Typename . TN_csu ( Csu . Class Csu . CPP , _ ) ->
| _ -> false (* TODO add ObjC case *)
(* * check if c1 is a subclass of c2 *)
let check_subclass_tenv tenv c1 c2 =
let rec check cn =
Typename . equal cn c2 | | Typename . equal c2 object_type | |
Typename . equal cn c2 | | is_root_class c2 | |
match Sil . tenv_lookup tenv cn with
| Some ( Sil . Tstruct { Sil . struct_name = Some _ ; csu = Csu . Class _ ; superclasses } ) ->
IList . exists check superclasses
@ -1476,61 +1487,91 @@ let check_subclass tenv c1 c2 =
(* * check that t1 and t2 are the same primitive type *)
let check_subtype_basic_type t1 t2 =
match t2 with
| ( Sil . Tint Sil . IInt ) | ( Sil . Tint Sil . IBool )
| ( Sil . Tint Sil . IChar ) | ( Sil . Tfloat Sil . FDouble )
| ( Sil . Tfloat Sil . FFloat ) | ( Sil . Tint Sil . ILong )
| ( Sil . Tint Sil . IShort ) -> Sil . typ_equal t1 t2
| Sil . Tint Sil . IInt | Sil . Tint Sil . IBool
| Sil . Tint Sil . IChar | Sil . Tfloat Sil . FDouble
| Sil . Tfloat Sil . FFloat | Sil . Tint Sil . ILong
| Sil . Tint Sil . IShort -> Sil . typ_equal t1 t2
| _ -> false
(* * check if t1 is a subtype of t2 *)
let rec check_subtype tenv t1 t2 =
(* * check if t1 is a subtype of t2 , in Java *)
let rec check_subtype _java tenv t1 t2 =
match t1 , t2 with
| Sil . Tstruct { Sil . csu = Csu . Class ck1 ; struct_name = Some c1 } ,
Sil . Tstruct { Sil . csu = Csu . Class ck2 ; struct_name = Some c2 } ->
let cn1 = Typename . TN_csu ( Csu . Class ck1 , c1 )
and cn2 = Typename . TN_csu ( Csu . Class ck2 , c2 ) in
( check_subclass tenv cn1 cn2 )
| Sil . Tstruct { Sil . csu = Csu . Class Csu . Java ; struct_name = Some c1 } ,
Sil . Tstruct { Sil . csu = Csu . Class Csu . Java ; struct_name = Some c2 } ->
let cn1 = Typename . TN_csu ( Csu . Class Csu . Java , c1 )
and cn2 = Typename . TN_csu ( Csu . Class Csu . Java , c2 ) in
check_subclass tenv cn1 cn2
| Sil . Tarray ( dom_type1 , _ ) , Sil . Tarray ( dom_type2 , _ ) ->
check_subtype tenv dom_type1 dom_type2
check_subtype _java tenv dom_type1 dom_type2
| Sil . Tptr ( dom_type1 , _ ) , Sil . Tptr ( dom_type2 , _ ) ->
check_subtype tenv dom_type1 dom_type2
check_subtype _java tenv dom_type1 dom_type2
| Sil . Tarray _ , Sil . Tstruct { Sil . csu = Csu . Class ck2 ; struct_name = Some c2 } ->
let cn2 = Typename . TN_csu ( Csu . Class ck2 , c2 ) in
| Sil . Tarray _ , Sil . Tstruct { Sil . csu = Csu . Class Csu . Java ; struct_name = Some c2 } ->
let cn2 = Typename . TN_csu ( Csu . Class Csu . Java , c2 ) in
Typename . equal cn2 serializable_type
| | Typename . equal cn2 cloneable_type
| | Typename . equal cn2 object_type
| _ -> check_subtype_basic_type t1 t2
| _ -> ( check_subtype_basic_type t1 t2 )
let rec case_analysis_type tenv ( t1 , st1 ) ( t2 , st2 ) =
(* * check if t1 is a subtype of t2 *)
let check_subtype tenv t1 t2 =
if ! Config . curr_language = Config . Java then
check_subtype_java tenv t1 t2
else match t1 , t2 with
| Sil . Tstruct { Sil . csu = Csu . Class Csu . CPP ; struct_name = Some c1 } ,
Sil . Tstruct { Sil . csu = Csu . Class Csu . CPP ; struct_name = Some c2 } ->
let cn1 = Typename . TN_csu ( Csu . Class Csu . CPP , c1 )
and cn2 = Typename . TN_csu ( Csu . Class Csu . CPP , c2 ) in
check_subclass tenv cn1 cn2
| _ -> false (* TODO ObjC case *)
let rec case_analysis_type_java tenv ( t1 , st1 ) ( t2 , st2 ) =
match t1 , t2 with
| Sil . Tstruct { Sil . csu = Csu . Class ck1 ; struct_name = Some c1 } ,
Sil . Tstruct { Sil . csu = Csu . Class ck2 ; struct_name = Some c2 } ->
let cn1 = Typename . TN_csu ( Csu . Class ck1 , c1 )
and cn2 = Typename . TN_csu ( Csu . Class ck2 , c2 ) in
( Sil . Subtype . case_analysis ( cn1 , st1 ) ( cn2 , st2 ) ( check_subclass tenv ) ( is_interface tenv ) )
| Sil . Tstruct { Sil . csu = Csu . Class Csu . Java ; struct_name = Some c1 } ,
Sil . Tstruct { Sil . csu = Csu . Class Csu . Java ; struct_name = Some c2 } ->
let cn1 = Typename . TN_csu ( Csu . Class Csu . Java , c1 )
and cn2 = Typename . TN_csu ( Csu . Class Csu . Java , c2 ) in
Sil . Subtype . case_analysis ( cn1 , st1 ) ( cn2 , st2 )
( check_subclass tenv ) ( is_interface tenv )
| Sil . Tarray ( dom_type1 , _ ) , Sil . Tarray ( dom_type2 , _ ) ->
( case_analysis_type tenv ( dom_type1 , st1 ) ( dom_type2 , st2 ) )
case_analysis_type_java tenv ( dom_type1 , st1 ) ( dom_type2 , st2 )
| Sil . Tptr ( dom_type1 , _ ) , Sil . Tptr ( dom_type2 , _ ) ->
( case_analysis_type tenv ( dom_type1 , st1 ) ( dom_type2 , st2 ) )
case_analysis_type_java tenv ( dom_type1 , st1 ) ( dom_type2 , st2 )
| Sil . Tstruct { Sil . csu = Csu . Class ck1 ; struct_name = Some c1 } , Sil . Tarray _ ->
let cn1 = Typename . TN_csu ( Csu . Class ck1 , c1 ) in
| Sil . Tstruct { Sil . csu = Csu . Class Csu . Java ; struct_name = Some c1 } , Sil . Tarray _ ->
let cn1 = Typename . TN_csu ( Csu . Class Csu . Java , c1 ) in
if ( Typename . equal cn1 serializable_type
| | Typename . equal cn1 cloneable_type
| | Typename . equal cn1 object_type ) &&
( st1 < > Sil . Subtype . exact ) then ( Some st1 , None )
st1 < > Sil . Subtype . exact then Some st1 , None
else ( None , Some st1 )
| _ -> if ( check_subtype_basic_type t1 t2 ) then ( Some st1 , None )
else ( None , Some st1 )
(* * perform case analysis on [texp1 <: texp2], and return the updated types in the true and false case, if they are possible *)
| _ -> if check_subtype_basic_type t1 t2 then Some st1 , None
else None , Some st1
let case_analysis_type tenv ( t1 , st1 ) ( t2 , st2 ) =
if ! Config . curr_language = Config . Java then
case_analysis_type_java tenv ( t1 , st1 ) ( t2 , st2 )
else match t1 , t2 with
| Sil . Tstruct { Sil . csu = Csu . Class Csu . CPP ; struct_name = Some c1 } ,
Sil . Tstruct { Sil . csu = Csu . Class Csu . CPP ; struct_name = Some c2 } ->
let cn1 = Typename . TN_csu ( Csu . Class Csu . CPP , c1 )
and cn2 = Typename . TN_csu ( Csu . Class Csu . CPP , c2 ) in
(* cn1 <: cn2 or cn2 <: cn1 is implied in Java when we get two types compared *)
(* that get through the type system, but not in C++ because of multiple inheritance, *)
(* and the algorithm will only work correctly if this is the case *)
if check_subclass tenv cn1 cn2 | | check_subclass tenv cn2 cn1 then
Sil . Subtype . case_analysis ( cn1 , st1 ) ( cn2 , st2 ) ( check_subclass tenv )
( is_interface tenv )
else None , Some st1
| _ -> None , Some st1 (* TODO ObjC case *)
(* * perform case analysis on [texp1 <: texp2], and return the updated types in the true and false
case , if they are possible * )
let subtype_case_analysis tenv texp1 texp2 =
match texp1 , texp2 with
| Sil . Sizeof ( t1 , st1 ) , Sil . Sizeof ( t2 , st2 ) ->
@ -1539,7 +1580,7 @@ let subtype_case_analysis tenv texp1 texp2 =
let pos_type_opt = match pos_opt with
| None -> None
| Some st1' ->
let t1' = if ( check_subtype tenv t1 t2 ) then t1 else t2 in
let t1' = if check_subtype tenv t1 t2 then t1 else t2 in
Some ( Sil . Sizeof ( t1' , st1' ) ) in
let neg_type_opt = match neg_opt with
| None -> None
@ -1548,11 +1589,14 @@ let subtype_case_analysis tenv texp1 texp2 =
| _ -> (* don't know, consider both possibilities *)
Some texp1 , Some texp1
let cast_exception tenv texp1 texp2 e1 subs =
let _ = match texp1 , texp2 with
| Sil . Sizeof ( t1 , st1 ) , Sil . Sizeof ( t2 , st2 ) ->
if ( ! Config . developer_mode ) | | ( ( Sil . Subtype . is_cast st2 ) && not ( check_subtype tenv t1 t2 ) ) then
if ! Config . developer_mode | |
( Sil . Subtype . is_cast st2 &&
not ( Subtyping_check . check_subtype tenv t1 t2 ) ) then
ProverState . checks := Class_cast_check ( texp1 , texp2 , e1 ) :: ! ProverState . checks
| _ -> () in
raise ( IMPL_EXC ( " class cast exception " , subs , EXC_FALSE ) )
@ -1567,7 +1611,7 @@ let get_overrides_of tenv supertype pname =
| _ -> false in
let gather_overrides tname typ overrides_acc =
(* get all types in the type environment that are non-reflexive subtypes of [supertype] *)
if not ( Sil . typ_equal typ supertype ) && check_subtype tenv typ supertype then
if not ( Sil . typ_equal typ supertype ) && Subtyping_check . check_subtype tenv typ supertype then
(* only select the ones that implement [pname] as overrides *)
let resolved_pname = Procname . java_replace_class pname ( Typename . name tname ) in
if typ_has_method resolved_pname typ then ( typ , resolved_pname ) :: overrides_acc
@ -1588,11 +1632,15 @@ let texp_imply tenv subs texp1 texp2 e1 calc_missing =
| Sil . Sizeof ( Sil . Tstruct _ , _ ) , Sil . Sizeof ( Sil . Tstruct _ , _ )
| Sil . Sizeof ( Sil . Tarray _ , _ ) , Sil . Sizeof ( Sil . Tarray _ , _ )
| Sil . Sizeof ( Sil . Tarray _ , _ ) , Sil . Sizeof ( Sil . Tstruct _ , _ )
| Sil . Sizeof ( Sil . Tstruct _ , _ ) , Sil . Sizeof ( Sil . Tarray _ , _ ) -> true
| Sil . Sizeof ( Sil . Tstruct _ , _ ) , Sil . Sizeof ( Sil . Tarray _ , _ ) ->
! Config . curr_language = Config . Java
| Sil . Sizeof ( typ1 , _ ) , Sil . Sizeof ( typ2 , _ ) -> Sil . is_cpp_class typ1 && Sil . is_cpp_class typ2
(* TODO ObjC case *)
| _ -> false in
if ! Config . curr_language = Config . Java && types_subject_to_cast then
if types_subject_to_cast then
let pos_type_opt , neg_type_opt = subtype_case_analysis tenv texp1 texp2 in
let pos_type_opt , neg_type_opt = Subtyping_check . subtype_case_analysis tenv texp1 texp2 in
let has_changed = match pos_type_opt with
| Some texp1' ->
not ( texp_equal_modulo_subtype_flag texp1' texp1 )
@ -1626,7 +1674,7 @@ let sexp_imply_preprocess se1 texp1 se2 = match se1, texp1, se2 with
| _ -> se1
(* * handle parameter subtype for java : when the type of a callee variable in the caller is a strict subtype
(* * handle parameter subtype : when the type of a callee variable in the caller is a strict subtype
of the one in the callee , add a type frame and type missing * )
let handle_parameter_subtype tenv prop1 sigma2 subs ( e1 , se1 , texp1 ) ( se2 , texp2 ) =
let is_callee = match e1 with
@ -1651,9 +1699,11 @@ let handle_parameter_subtype tenv prop1 sigma2 subs (e1, se1, texp1) (se2, texp2
let t1 , t2 = Sil . expand_type tenv _ t1 , Sil . expand_type tenv _ t2 in
match type_rhs e2' with
| Some ( t2_ptsto , sub2 ) ->
if not ( Sil . typ_equal t1 t2 ) && check_subtype tenv t1 t2
if not ( Sil . typ_equal t1 t2 ) && Subtyping_check . check_subtype tenv t1 t2
then begin
let pos_type_opt , _ = subtype_case_analysis tenv ( Sil . Sizeof ( t1 , Sil . Subtype . subtypes ) ) ( Sil . Sizeof ( t2_ptsto , sub2 ) ) in
let pos_type_opt , _ =
Subtyping_check . subtype_case_analysis tenv
( Sil . Sizeof ( t1 , Sil . Subtype . subtypes ) ) ( Sil . Sizeof ( t2_ptsto , sub2 ) ) in
match pos_type_opt with
| Some t1_noptr ->
ProverState . add_frame_typ ( e1' , t1_noptr ) ;
@ -1663,10 +1713,7 @@ let handle_parameter_subtype tenv prop1 sigma2 subs (e1, se1, texp1) (se2, texp2
| None -> ()
| _ -> () in
if is_callee &&
! Config . footprint &&
( ! Config . Experiment . activate_subtyping_in_cpp | | ! Config . curr_language = Config . Java )
then add_subtype ()
if is_callee && ! Config . footprint then add_subtype ()
let rec hpred_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 sigma2 hpred2 : subst2 * Prop . normal Prop . t = match hpred2 with
| Sil . Hpointsto ( _ e2 , se2 , texp2 ) ->