@ -615,10 +615,6 @@ and checkers_repeated_calls =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"checkers-repeated-calls" ~in_help:CLOpt.[Analyze, manual_generic]
"check for repeated calls"
and checkers =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"checkers" ~in_help:CLOpt.[Analyze, manual_generic]
"the checkers instead of the full analysis"
and clang_biniou_file =
CLOpt.mk_path_opt ~long:"clang-biniou-file"
~in_help:CLOpt.[Capture, manual_clang] ~meta:"file"
@ -1613,17 +1609,17 @@ let post_parsing_initialization command_opt =
linters_def_file := linters_def_default_file :: !linters_def_file;
(match !analyzer with
| Some Checkers -> checkers := true
| Some Crashcontext -> checkers := true; crashcontext := true
| Some Eradicate -> checkers := true; eradicate := true
| Some Tracing -> tracing := true
| Some (CaptureOnly | CompileOnly | BiAbduction | Linters) -> ()
| Some BiAbduction -> biabduction := true
| Some Crashcontext -> crashcontext := true
| Some Eradicate -> eradicate := true
| Some Tracing -> biabduction := true; tracing := true
| Some (CaptureOnly | CompileOnly | Checkers | Linters) -> ()
| None ->
let open CLOpt in
match command_opt with
| Some Compile -> analyzer := Some CompileOnly
| Some Capture -> analyzer := Some CaptureOnly
| _ -> ()
| _ -> biabduction := true (* the default option is to run the biabduction analysis *)
Option.value ~default:CLOpt.Run command_opt
@ -1701,7 +1697,6 @@ and bugs_txt = !bugs_txt
and changed_files_index = !changed_files_index
and calls_csv = !calls_csv
and dump_duplicate_symbols = !dump_duplicate_symbols
and checkers = !checkers
and checkers_repeated_calls = !checkers_repeated_calls
and clang_biniou_file = !clang_biniou_file
and clang_ignore_regex = !clang_ignore_regex