@ -507,9 +507,9 @@ let explain_leak tenv hpred prop alloc_att_opt bucket =
Some desc_string
else match vpath with
| Some de ->
| Some de when not (Sil.dexp_has_tmp_var de) ->
Some (Sil.dexp_to_string de)
| None -> None in
| _ -> None in
let res_action_opt, resource_opt, vpath = match alloc_att_opt with
| Some (Sil.Aresource ({ Sil.ra_kind = Sil.Racquire } as ra)) ->
Some ra, Some ra.Sil.ra_res, ra.Sil.ra_vpath
@ -541,8 +541,8 @@ let explain_leak tenv hpred prop alloc_att_opt bucket =
(L.d_str "explain_leak: current instruction is Nullify for pvar ";
Pvar.d pvar; L.d_ln ());
(match exp_lv_dexp (State.get_node ()) (Sil.Lvar pvar) with
| None -> None
| Some de -> Some (Sil.dexp_to_string de))
| Some de when not (Sil.dexp_has_tmp_var de)-> Some (Sil.dexp_to_string de)
| _ -> None)
| Some (Sil.Abstract _) ->
if verbose then (L.d_str "explain_leak: current instruction is Abstract"; L.d_ln ());
let get_nullify = function
@ -563,8 +563,8 @@ let explain_leak tenv hpred prop alloc_att_opt bucket =
(L.d_str "explain_leak: current instruction Set for ";
Sil.d_exp lexp; L.d_ln ());
(match exp_lv_dexp node lexp with
| Some dexp -> Some (Sil.dexp_to_string dexp)
| None -> None)
| Some dexp when not (Sil.dexp_has_tmp_var dexp) -> Some (Sil.dexp_to_string dexp)
| _ -> None)
| Some instr ->
if verbose