[inferbo] Add alloc size safety condition

- Plug model checkers
- Add alloc size safety condition on alloc of negative, zero or big size

Reviewed By: sblackshear

Differential Revision: D6375144

fbshipit-source-id: bbea6f3
Mehdi Bouaziz 7 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent d12371c6c3
commit 168ce5a6bb

@ -227,6 +227,16 @@ let _global_variable_initialized_with_function_or_method_call =
let inferbo_alloc_is_big = from_string "INFERBO_ALLOC_IS_BIG"
let inferbo_alloc_is_negative = from_string "INFERBO_ALLOC_IS_NEGATIVE"
let inferbo_alloc_is_zero = from_string "INFERBO_ALLOC_IS_ZERO"
let inferbo_alloc_may_be_big = from_string ~enabled:false "INFERBO_ALLOC_MAY_BE_BIG"
let inferbo_alloc_may_be_negative = from_string ~enabled:false "INFERBO_ALLOC_MAY_BE_NEGATIVE"
let inherently_dangerous_function = from_string "INHERENTLY_DANGEROUS_FUNCTION"
let interface_not_thread_safe = from_string "INTERFACE_NOT_THREAD_SAFE"

@ -140,6 +140,16 @@ val field_should_be_nullable : t
val field_not_null_checked : t
val inferbo_alloc_is_big : t
val inferbo_alloc_is_negative : t
val inferbo_alloc_is_zero : t
val inferbo_alloc_may_be_big : t
val inferbo_alloc_may_be_negative : t
val inherently_dangerous_function : t
val interface_not_thread_safe : t

@ -316,12 +316,16 @@ module CFG = Analyzer.TransferFunctions.CFG
module Sem = BufferOverrunSemantics.Make (CFG)
module Report = struct
(* I'd like to avoid rebuilding this :(
Everything depend on CFG only because of `get_allocsite` *)
module Models = BufferOverrunModels.Make (CFG)
type extras = Typ.Procname.t -> Procdesc.t option
let add_condition
: Typ.Procname.t -> CFG.node -> Exp.t -> Location.t -> Dom.Mem.astate -> PO.ConditionSet.t
: Typ.Procname.t -> Exp.t -> Location.t -> Dom.Mem.astate -> PO.ConditionSet.t
-> PO.ConditionSet.t =
fun pname node exp location mem cond_set ->
fun pname exp location mem cond_set ->
let array_access =
match exp with
| Exp.Var _ ->
@ -353,7 +357,6 @@ module Report = struct
match array_access with
| Some (arr, traces_arr, idx, traces_idx, is_plus)
-> (
let site = Sem.get_allocsite pname node 0 0 in
let size = ArrayBlk.sizeof arr in
let offset = ArrayBlk.offsetof arr in
let idx = (if is_plus then Itv.plus else Itv.minus) offset idx in
@ -364,7 +367,7 @@ module Report = struct
match (size, idx) with
| NonBottom size, NonBottom idx ->
let traces = TraceSet.merge ~traces_arr ~traces_idx location in
PO.ConditionSet.add_bo_safety pname location site ~size ~idx traces cond_set
PO.ConditionSet.add_array_access pname location ~size ~idx traces cond_set
| _ ->
cond_set )
| None ->
@ -452,15 +455,19 @@ module Report = struct
let cond_set =
match instr with
| Sil.Load (_, exp, _, location) | Sil.Store (exp, _, _, location) ->
add_condition pname node exp location mem cond_set
add_condition pname exp location mem cond_set
| Sil.Call (_, Const Cfun callee_pname, params, location, _) -> (
match Summary.read_summary pdesc callee_pname with
| Some summary ->
let callee = extras callee_pname in
instantiate_cond tenv pname callee params mem summary location
|> PO.ConditionSet.join cond_set
| _ ->
cond_set )
match Models.dispatcher callee_pname params with
| Some {Models.check} ->
check pname node location mem cond_set
| None ->
match Summary.read_summary pdesc callee_pname with
| Some summary ->
let callee = extras callee_pname in
instantiate_cond tenv pname callee params mem summary location
|> PO.ConditionSet.join cond_set
| _ ->
cond_set )
| _ ->

@ -45,9 +45,12 @@ module Make (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let check_alloc_size size_exp pname _node location mem cond_set =
let _, _, length0 = get_malloc_info size_exp in
let v_length = Sem.eval length0 mem in
let traces = Dom.Val.get_traces v_length in
let length = Dom.Val.get_itv v_length in
PO.ConditionSet.add_alloc_size pname location length traces cond_set
match Dom.Val.get_itv v_length with
| Bottom ->
| NonBottom length ->
let traces = Dom.Val.get_traces v_length in
PO.ConditionSet.add_alloc_size pname location ~length traces cond_set
let set_uninitialized node (typ: Typ.t) ploc mem =

@ -15,6 +15,77 @@ module ItvPure = Itv.ItvPure
module MF = MarkupFormatter
module ValTraceSet = BufferOverrunTrace.Set
module AllocSizeCondition = struct
type t = ItvPure.astate
let get_symbols = ItvPure.get_symbols
let pp fmt length = F.fprintf fmt "alloc(%a)" ItvPure.pp length
let pp_description fmt length = F.fprintf fmt "Alloc: %a" ItvPure.pp length
let make ~length = if ItvPure.is_invalid length then None else Some length
let have_similar_bounds = ItvPure.have_similar_bounds
let xcompare ~lhs ~rhs =
match ItvPure.xcompare ~lhs ~rhs with
| `Equal ->
| `NotComparable ->
| `LeftSubsumesRight ->
| `RightSubsumesLeft ->
| `LeftSmallerThanRight | `RightSmallerThanLeft as cmp ->
let lpos = ItvPure.le_sem ItvPure.zero lhs in
let rpos = ItvPure.le_sem ItvPure.zero rhs in
if not (ItvPure.equal lpos rpos) then `NotComparable
else if ItvPure.is_true lpos then
match cmp with
| `LeftSmallerThanRight ->
| `RightSmallerThanLeft ->
else if ItvPure.is_false lpos then
match cmp with
| `LeftSmallerThanRight ->
| `RightSmallerThanLeft ->
else `NotComparable
let itv_big = ItvPure.of_int 1_000_000
let check length =
match ItvPure.xcompare ~lhs:length ~rhs:ItvPure.zero with
| `Equal | `RightSubsumesLeft ->
Some IssueType.inferbo_alloc_is_zero
| `LeftSmallerThanRight ->
Some IssueType.inferbo_alloc_is_negative
| _ ->
match ItvPure.xcompare ~lhs:length ~rhs:ItvPure.mone with
| `Equal | `LeftSmallerThanRight | `RightSubsumesLeft ->
Some IssueType.inferbo_alloc_is_negative
| `LeftSubsumesRight when Itv.Bound.is_not_infty (ItvPure.lb length) ->
Some IssueType.inferbo_alloc_may_be_negative
| _ ->
match ItvPure.xcompare ~lhs:length ~rhs:itv_big with
| `Equal | `RightSmallerThanLeft | `RightSubsumesLeft ->
Some IssueType.inferbo_alloc_is_big
| `LeftSubsumesRight when Itv.Bound.is_not_infty (ItvPure.ub length) ->
Some IssueType.inferbo_alloc_may_be_big
| _ ->
let subst bound_map length =
match ItvPure.subst length bound_map with NonBottom length -> Some length | Bottom -> None
module ArrayAccessCondition = struct
type t = {idx: ItvPure.astate; size: ItvPure.astate} [@@deriving compare]
@ -160,32 +231,66 @@ module ArrayAccessCondition = struct
module Condition = struct
type t = ArrayAccess of ArrayAccessCondition.t [@@deriving compare]
type t = AllocSize of AllocSizeCondition.t | ArrayAccess of ArrayAccessCondition.t
let make_alloc_size = Option.map ~f:(fun c -> AllocSize c)
let make_array_access = Option.map ~f:(fun c -> ArrayAccess c)
let get_symbols = function ArrayAccess c -> ArrayAccessCondition.get_symbols c
let get_symbols = function
| AllocSize c ->
AllocSizeCondition.get_symbols c
| ArrayAccess c ->
ArrayAccessCondition.get_symbols c
let subst bound_map = function
| AllocSize c ->
AllocSizeCondition.subst bound_map c |> make_alloc_size
| ArrayAccess c ->
ArrayAccessCondition.subst bound_map c |> make_array_access
let have_similar_bounds c1 c2 =
match (c1, c2) with ArrayAccess c1, ArrayAccess c2 ->
ArrayAccessCondition.have_similar_bounds c1 c2
match (c1, c2) with
| AllocSize c1, AllocSize c2 ->
AllocSizeCondition.have_similar_bounds c1 c2
| ArrayAccess c1, ArrayAccess c2 ->
ArrayAccessCondition.have_similar_bounds c1 c2
| _ ->
let xcompare ~lhs ~rhs =
match (lhs, rhs) with ArrayAccess lhs, ArrayAccess rhs ->
ArrayAccessCondition.xcompare ~lhs ~rhs
match (lhs, rhs) with
| AllocSize lhs, AllocSize rhs ->
AllocSizeCondition.xcompare ~lhs ~rhs
| ArrayAccess lhs, ArrayAccess rhs ->
ArrayAccessCondition.xcompare ~lhs ~rhs
| _ ->
let pp fmt = function ArrayAccess c -> ArrayAccessCondition.pp fmt c
let pp fmt = function
| AllocSize c ->
AllocSizeCondition.pp fmt c
| ArrayAccess c ->
ArrayAccessCondition.pp fmt c
let pp_description fmt = function ArrayAccess c -> ArrayAccessCondition.pp_description fmt c
let pp_description fmt = function
| AllocSize c ->
AllocSizeCondition.pp_description fmt c
| ArrayAccess c ->
ArrayAccessCondition.pp_description fmt c
let check = function
| AllocSize c ->
AllocSizeCondition.check c
| ArrayAccess c ->
ArrayAccessCondition.check c
let check = function ArrayAccess c -> ArrayAccessCondition.check c
module ConditionTrace = struct
@ -197,7 +302,6 @@ module ConditionTrace = struct
type t =
{ proc_name: Typ.Procname.t
; location: Location.t
; id: string
; cond_trace: cond_trace
; val_traces: ValTraceSet.t }
[@@deriving compare]
@ -238,9 +342,9 @@ module ConditionTrace = struct
match ct.cond_trace with Intra pname -> pname | Inter (caller_pname, _, _) -> caller_pname
let make : Typ.Procname.t -> Location.t -> string -> ValTraceSet.t -> t =
fun proc_name location id val_traces ->
{proc_name; location; id; cond_trace= Intra proc_name; val_traces}
let make : Typ.Procname.t -> Location.t -> ValTraceSet.t -> t =
fun proc_name location val_traces ->
{proc_name; location; cond_trace= Intra proc_name; val_traces}
let make_call_and_subst ~traces_caller ~caller_pname ~callee_pname location ct =
@ -256,7 +360,7 @@ module ConditionSet = struct
type t = condition_with_trace list
(* invariant: add_one of one of the elements should return the original list *)
(* invariant: join_one of one of the elements should return the original list *)
let empty = []
@ -284,7 +388,7 @@ module ConditionSet = struct
else `KeepExistingAndContinue
let add_one condset new_ =
let join_one condset new_ =
let rec aux ~new_ acc ~same = function
| [] ->
if same then new_ :: condset else new_ :: acc
@ -300,27 +404,32 @@ module ConditionSet = struct
aux ~new_ [] ~same:true condset
let join condset1 condset2 = List.fold_left ~f:add_one condset1 ~init:condset2
let join condset1 condset2 = List.fold_left ~f:join_one condset1 ~init:condset2
let add_bo_safety pname location id ~idx ~size val_traces condset =
match ArrayAccessCondition.make ~idx ~size |> Condition.make_array_access with
let add_opt pname location val_traces condset = function
| None ->
| Some cond ->
let trace = ConditionTrace.make pname location id val_traces in
let trace = ConditionTrace.make pname location val_traces in
let cwt = {cond; trace} in
join [cwt] condset
let add_alloc_size _pname _location _size _val_traces _condset =
L.(die InternalError) "Not implemented add_alloc_size"
let add_array_access pname location ~idx ~size val_traces condset =
ArrayAccessCondition.make ~idx ~size |> Condition.make_array_access
|> add_opt pname location val_traces condset
let add_alloc_size pname location ~length val_traces condset =
AllocSizeCondition.make ~length |> Condition.make_alloc_size
|> add_opt pname location val_traces condset
let subst condset (bound_map, trace_map) caller_pname callee_pname location =
let subst_add_cwt condset cwt =
match Condition.get_symbols cwt.cond with
| [] ->
add_one condset cwt
join_one condset cwt
| symbols ->
match Condition.subst bound_map cwt.cond with
| None ->
@ -339,7 +448,7 @@ module ConditionSet = struct
location trace
let trace = make_call_and_subst cwt.trace in
add_one condset {cond; trace}
join_one condset {cond; trace}
List.fold condset ~f:subst_add_cwt ~init:[]

@ -837,6 +837,8 @@ module ItvPure = struct
(lower, upper)
let mone = of_bound Bound.mone
let m1_255 = (Bound.minus_one, Bound._255)
let nat = (Bound.zero, Bound.PInf)

@ -142,3 +142,19 @@ void may_over_or_underrun_symbolic2_Nowarn_Good(int n) {
int a[n];
a[1] = 0;
void alloc_is_negative_Bad() { malloc(-2); }
void alloc_may_be_negative_Bad() { malloc(zero_or_ten(0) - 5); }
void alloc_may_be_negative_Good_FP() { malloc(zero_or_ten(1) - 5); }
void alloc_is_zero_Bad() { malloc(0 * sizeof(int)); }
void alloc_is_big_Bad() { malloc(2 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000); }
void alloc_may_be_big_Bad() { malloc(zero_or_ten(1) * 100 * 1000 * 1000 + 1); }
void alloc_may_be_big_Good_FP() {
malloc(zero_or_ten(1) * 100 * 1000 * 1000 + 1);

@ -21,6 +21,13 @@ codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/function_call.c, function_call, 4, BUFFER_OVERRUN_
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/global.c, compare_global_variable_bad, 3, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, [ArrayDeclaration,ArrayAccess: Offset: [10, 10] Size: [10, 10]]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/goto_loop.c, goto_loop, 11, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, [ArrayDeclaration,Assignment,ArrayAccess: Offset: [10, +oo] Size: [10, 10]]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/inf_loop.c, inf_loop, 4, CONDITION_ALWAYS_TRUE, []
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/issue_kinds.c, alloc_is_big_Bad, 0, INFERBO_ALLOC_IS_BIG, [Alloc: [2000000000, 2000000000]]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/issue_kinds.c, alloc_is_negative_Bad, 0, INFERBO_ALLOC_IS_NEGATIVE, [Alloc: [-2, -2]]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/issue_kinds.c, alloc_is_zero_Bad, 0, INFERBO_ALLOC_IS_ZERO, [Alloc: [0, 0]]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/issue_kinds.c, alloc_may_be_big_Bad, 0, INFERBO_ALLOC_MAY_BE_BIG, [Call,Assignment,Return]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/issue_kinds.c, alloc_may_be_big_Good_FP, 1, INFERBO_ALLOC_MAY_BE_BIG, [Call,Assignment,Return]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/issue_kinds.c, alloc_may_be_negative_Bad, 0, INFERBO_ALLOC_MAY_BE_NEGATIVE, [Call,Assignment,Return]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/issue_kinds.c, alloc_may_be_negative_Good_FP, 0, INFERBO_ALLOC_MAY_BE_NEGATIVE, [Call,Assignment,Return]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/issue_kinds.c, l1_concrete_overrun_Bad, 2, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, [ArrayDeclaration,ArrayAccess: Offset: [10, 10] Size: [10, 10]]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/issue_kinds.c, l1_concrete_underrun_Bad, 2, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, [ArrayDeclaration,ArrayAccess: Offset: [-1, -1] Size: [10, 10]]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/issue_kinds.c, l1_symbolic_overrun_Bad, 3, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, [ArrayDeclaration,ArrayAccess: Offset: [max(10, s$0), s$1] Size: [10, 10]]
