@ -277,48 +277,13 @@ module JsonCostsPrinter = MakeJsonListPrinter (struct
end )
let error_filter filters proc_name file error_name =
let mk_ error_filter filters proc_name file error_name =
( Config . write_html | | not ( IssueType . ( equal skip_function ) error_name ) )
&& filters . Inferconfig . path_filter file
&& filters . Inferconfig . error_filter error_name
&& filters . Inferconfig . proc_filter proc_name
type report_kind = Costs | Issues [ @@ deriving compare ]
type bug_format_kind = Json [ @@ deriving compare ]
let get_outfile outfile =
match outfile with
| Some outfile ->
| None ->
L . ( die InternalError ) " An outfile is require for this format. "
let pp_issue_in_format ( format_kind , ( outfile_opt : Utils . outfile option ) ) error_filter
{ Issue . proc_name ; proc_location ; err_key ; err_data } =
match format_kind with
| Json ->
let outf = get_outfile outfile_opt in
IssuesJson . pp outf . fmt
{ error_filter ; proc_name ; proc_loc_opt = Some proc_location ; err_key ; err_data }
let pp_issues_in_format ( format_kind , ( outfile_opt : Utils . outfile option ) ) =
match format_kind with
| Json ->
let outf = get_outfile outfile_opt in
IssuesJson . pp_issues_of_error_log outf . fmt
let pp_issues_of_error_log error_filter linereader proc_loc_opt procname err_log bug_format_list =
let pp_issues_in_format format =
pp_issues_in_format format error_filter linereader proc_loc_opt procname err_log
List . iter ~ f : pp_issues_in_format bug_format_list
let collect_issues summary issues_acc =
let err_log = Summary . get_err_log summary in
let proc_name = Summary . get_proc_name summary in
@ -328,130 +293,61 @@ let collect_issues summary issues_acc =
err_log issues_acc
let pp_costs_in_format ( format_kind , ( outfile_opt : Utils . outfile option ) ) =
match format_kind with
| Json ->
let outf = get_outfile outfile_opt in
JsonCostsPrinter . pp outf . fmt
let pp_costs summary costs_format_list =
let pp format =
pp_costs_in_format format
let write_costs summary ( outfile : Utils . outfile ) =
JsonCostsPrinter . pp outfile . fmt
{ loc = Summary . get_loc summary
; proc_name = Summary . get_proc_name summary
; cost_opt = summary . Summary . payloads . Payloads . cost }
List . iter ~ f : pp costs_format_list
let pp_summary_by_report_kind formats_by_report_kind summary issues_acc =
let pp_summary_by_report_kind ( report_kind , format_list ) =
match ( report_kind , format_list ) with Costs , _ -> pp_costs summary format_list | _ -> ()
List . iter ~ f : pp_summary_by_report_kind formats_by_report_kind ;
collect_issues summary issues_acc
let pp_lint_issues_by_report_kind formats_by_report_kind error_filter linereader procname error_log
let pp_summary_by_report_kind ( report_kind , format_list ) =
match ( report_kind , format_list ) with
| Issues , _ :: _ ->
pp_issues_of_error_log error_filter linereader None procname error_log format_list
| _ ->
List . iter ~ f : pp_summary_by_report_kind formats_by_report_kind
(* * Process lint issues of a procedure *)
let pp_lint_issues filters formats_by_report_kind linereader procname error_log =
let error_filter = error_filter filters procname in
pp_lint_issues_by_report_kind formats_by_report_kind error_filter linereader procname error_log
let write_lint_issues filters ( issues_outf : Utils . outfile ) linereader procname error_log =
let error_filter = mk_error_filter filters procname in
IssuesJson . pp_issues_of_error_log issues_outf . fmt error_filter linereader None procname error_log
(* * Process a summary *)
let process_summary formats_by_report_kind summary issues_acc =
pp_summary_by_report_kind formats_by_report_kind summary issues_acc
(* * Although the out_file is an Option type, the None option is strictly meant for the logs
format_kind , and all other formats should contain an outfile value . * )
let mk_format format_kind fname =
Option . value_map
~ f : ( fun out_file -> [ ( format_kind , Some out_file ) ] )
~ default : [] ( Utils . create_outfile fname )
let init_issues_format_list report_json = mk_format Json report_json
let init_files format_list_by_kind =
let init_files_of_report_kind ( report_kind , format_list ) =
let init_files_of_format ( format_kind , ( outfile_opt : Utils . outfile option ) ) =
match ( format_kind , report_kind ) with
| Json , Costs ->
let outfile = get_outfile outfile_opt in
JsonCostsPrinter . pp_open outfile . fmt ()
| Json , Issues ->
let outfile = get_outfile outfile_opt in
IssuesJson . pp_open outfile . fmt ()
List . iter ~ f : init_files_of_format format_list
List . iter ~ f : init_files_of_report_kind format_list_by_kind
let finalize_and_close_files format_list_by_kind =
let close_files_of_report_kind ( report_kind , format_list ) =
let close_files_of_format ( format_kind , ( outfile_opt : Utils . outfile option ) ) =
( match ( format_kind , report_kind ) with
| Json , Costs ->
let outfile = get_outfile outfile_opt in
JsonCostsPrinter . pp_close outfile . fmt ()
| Json , Issues ->
let outfile = get_outfile outfile_opt in
IssuesJson . pp_close outfile . fmt () ) ;
match outfile_opt with Some outfile -> Utils . close_outf outfile | None -> ()
List . iter ~ f : close_files_of_format format_list ;
List . iter ~ f : close_files_of_report_kind format_list_by_kind
let process_summary ~ costs_outf summary issues_acc =
write_costs summary costs_outf ; collect_issues summary issues_acc
let p p_summary_and_issues formats_by_report_kind issue_formats =
let process_all_summaries_and_issues ~ issues_outf ~ costs_outf =
let linereader = Printer . LineReader . create () in
let filters = Inferconfig . create_filters () in
let all_issues = ref [] in
SpecsFiles . iter_from_config ~ f : ( fun summary ->
all_issues := process_summary formats_by_report_kind summary ! all_issues ) ;
all_issues := process_summary ~ costs_outf summary ! all_issues ) ;
all_issues := Issue . sort_filter_issues ! all_issues ;
if Config . is_checker_enabled QuandaryBO then all_issues := QuandaryBO . update_issues ! all_issues ;
List . iter
~ f : ( fun ( { Issue . proc_name } as issue ) ->
let error_filter = error_filter filters proc_name in
List . iter
~ f : ( fun issue_format -> pp_issue_in_format issue_format error_filter issue )
issue_formats )
~ f : ( fun { Issue . proc_name ; proc_location ; err_key ; err_data } ->
let error_filter = mk_error_filter filters proc_name in
IssuesJson . pp issues_outf . Utils . fmt
{ error_filter ; proc_name ; proc_loc_opt = Some proc_location ; err_key ; err_data } )
! all_issues ;
(* Issues that are generated and stored outside of summaries by linter and checkers *)
List . iter ( Config . lint_issues_dir_name :: FileLevelAnalysisIssueDirs . get_registered_dir_names () )
~ f : ( fun dir_name ->
IssueLog . load dir_name
| > IssueLog . iter ~ f : ( pp_lint_issues filters formats_by_report_kind linereader ) ) ;
finalize_and_close_files formats_by_report_kind
IssueLog . load dir_name | > IssueLog . iter ~ f : ( write_lint_issues filters issues_outf linereader )
) ;
let main ~ report_json =
let issue_formats = init_issues_format_list report_json in
let formats_by_report_kind =
let costs_report_format_kind =
let file = Config . ( results_dir ^/ costs_report_json ) in
[ ( Costs , mk_format Json file ) ]
costs_report_format_kind @ [ ( Issues , issue_formats ) ]
let main ~ issues_json ~ costs_json =
let mk_outfile fname =
match Utils . create_outfile fname with
| None ->
L . die InternalError " Could not create '%s'. " fname
| Some outf ->
init_files formats_by_report_kind ;
pp_summary_and_issues formats_by_report_kind issue_formats ;
let issues_outf = mk_outfile issues_json in
IssuesJson . pp_open issues_outf . fmt () ;
let costs_outf = mk_outfile costs_json in
JsonCostsPrinter . pp_open costs_outf . fmt () ;
process_all_summaries_and_issues ~ issues_outf ~ costs_outf ;
JsonCostsPrinter . pp_close costs_outf . fmt () ;
Utils . close_outf costs_outf ;
IssuesJson . pp_close issues_outf . fmt () ;
Utils . close_outf issues_outf ;