@ -1384,7 +1384,7 @@ and check_untainted exp taint_kind caller_pname callee_pname prop =
(** execute a call for an unknown or scan function *)
and unknown_or_scan_call ~is_scan ret_type_option ret_annots
{ Builtin.tenv; pdesc; prop_= pre; path; ret_ids;
args= actual_pars; proc_name= callee_pname; loc; } =
args; proc_name= callee_pname; loc; instr; } =
let remove_file_attribute prop =
let do_exp p (e, _) =
let do_attribute q = function
@ -1393,7 +1393,13 @@ and unknown_or_scan_call ~is_scan ret_type_option ret_annots
Prop.remove_attribute res q
| _ -> q in
IList.fold_left do_attribute p (Prop.get_exp_attributes p e) in
IList.fold_left do_exp prop actual_pars in
let filtered_args =
match args, instr with
| _:: other_args, Sil.Call (_, _, _, _, { Sil.cf_virtual }) when cf_virtual ->
(* Do not remove the file attribute on the reciver for virtual calls *)
| _ -> args in
IList.fold_left do_exp prop filtered_args in
let add_tainted_pre prop actuals caller_pname callee_pname =
if Config.taint_analysis then
match Taint.accepts_sensitive_params callee_pname None with
@ -1417,11 +1423,14 @@ and unknown_or_scan_call ~is_scan ret_type_option ret_annots
| Sil.Lvar _, Sil.Tptr _ -> true
| _ -> false)
actual_pars in
args in
let has_nullable_annot = Annotations.ia_is_nullable ret_annots in
let pre_final =
(* in Java, assume that skip functions close resources passed as params *)
let pre_1 = if !Config.curr_language = Config.Java then remove_file_attribute pre else pre in
let pre_1 =
if Procname.is_java callee_pname
then remove_file_attribute pre
else pre in
let pre_2 = match ret_ids, ret_type_option with
| [ret_id], Some ret_typ ->
@ -1430,7 +1439,7 @@ and unknown_or_scan_call ~is_scan ret_type_option ret_annots
pre_1 in
let pre_3 = add_constraints_on_actuals_by_ref tenv pre_2 actuals_by_ref callee_pname loc in
let caller_pname = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc in
add_tainted_pre pre_3 actual_pars caller_pname callee_pname in
add_tainted_pre pre_3 args caller_pname callee_pname in
if is_scan (* if scan function, don't mark anything with undef attributes *)
then [(Tabulation.remove_constant_string_class pre_final, path)]