[sledge] Move additional Fol representation operations to Trm and Fml

Operations over the core representation are more useful in the core
representation modules.

Reviewed By: ngorogiannis

Differential Revision: D24532340

fbshipit-source-id: f1eab822d
Josh Berdine 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent dd19e11949
commit 194127eb4b

@ -8,6 +8,28 @@
(** Global namespace intended to be opened in each source file *)
include NS0
(** Map-and-construct operations that preserve physical equality *)
let map1 f e cons x =
let x' = f x in
if x == x' then e else cons x'
let map2 f e cons x y =
let x' = f x in
let y' = f y in
if x == x' && y == y' then e else cons x' y'
let map3 f e cons x y z =
let x' = f x in
let y' = f y in
let z' = f z in
if x == x' && y == y' && z == z' then e else cons x' y' z'
let mapN f e cons xs =
let xs' = Array.map_endo ~f xs in
if xs' == xs then e else cons xs'
module Array = Array
module Float = Float
module HashSet = HashSet

@ -80,6 +80,16 @@ val snd3 : _ * 'b * _ -> 'b
val trd3 : _ * _ * 'c -> 'c
(** Third projection from a triple. *)
(** Map-and-construct operations that preserve physical equality *)
val map1 : ('a -> 'a) -> 'b -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
val map2 : ('a -> 'a) -> 'b -> ('a -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'a -> 'b
val map3 :
('a -> 'a) -> 'b -> ('a -> 'a -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a -> 'b
val mapN : ('a -> 'a) -> 'b -> ('a array -> 'b) -> 'a array -> 'b
(** Pretty-printing *)
(** Pretty-printer for argument type. *)

@ -14,6 +14,46 @@ type set = Set.t
include Prop.Fml
let pp_boxed fs fmt =
Format.pp_open_box fs 2 ;
Format.kfprintf (fun fs -> Format.pp_close_box fs ()) fs fmt
let ppx strength fs fml =
let pp_t = Trm.ppx strength in
let rec pp fs fml =
let pf fmt = pp_boxed fs fmt in
let pp_arith op x =
let a, c = Trm.Arith.split_const (Trm.Arith.trm x) in
pf "(%a@ @<2>%s %a)" Q.pp (Q.neg c) op (Trm.Arith.ppx strength) a
let pp_join sep pos neg =
pf "(%a%t%a)" (Set.pp ~sep pp) pos
(fun ppf ->
if (not (Set.is_empty pos)) && not (Set.is_empty neg) then
Format.fprintf ppf sep )
(Set.pp ~sep (fun fs fml -> pp fs (_Not fml)))
match fml with
| Tt -> pf "tt"
| Not Tt -> pf "ff"
| Eq (x, y) -> pf "(%a@ = %a)" pp_t x pp_t y
| Not (Eq (x, y)) -> pf "(%a@ @<2>≠ %a)" pp_t x pp_t y
| Eq0 x -> pp_arith "=" x
| Not (Eq0 x) -> pp_arith "" x
| Pos x -> pp_arith "<" x
| Not (Pos x) -> pp_arith "" x
| Not x -> pf "@<1>¬%a" pp x
| And {pos; neg} -> pp_join "@ @<2>∧ " pos neg
| Or {pos; neg} -> pp_join "@ @<2> " pos neg
| Iff (x, y) -> pf "(%a@ <=> %a)" pp x pp y
| Cond {cnd; pos; neg} ->
pf "@[<hv 1>(%a@ ? %a@ : %a)@]" pp cnd pp pos pp neg
| Lit (p, xs) -> pf "%a(%a)" Ses.Predsym.pp p (Array.pp ",@ " pp_t) xs
pp fs fml
let pp = ppx (fun _ -> None)
let tt = mk_Tt ()
let ff = _Not tt
let bool b = if b then tt else ff
@ -79,4 +119,21 @@ let _Eq x y =
_Eq (Trm._Sized x (Trm.seq_size_exn a)) a
| _ -> sort_eq x y
let map_pos_neg f e cons ~pos ~neg =
map2 (Set.map ~f) e (fun pos neg -> cons ~pos ~neg) pos neg
let rec map_trms b ~f =
match b with
| Tt -> b
| Eq (x, y) -> map2 f b _Eq x y
| Eq0 x -> map1 f b _Eq0 x
| Pos x -> map1 f b _Pos x
| Not x -> map1 (map_trms ~f) b _Not x
| And {pos; neg} -> map_pos_neg (map_trms ~f) b _And ~pos ~neg
| Or {pos; neg} -> map_pos_neg (map_trms ~f) b _Or ~pos ~neg
| Iff (x, y) -> map2 (map_trms ~f) b _Iff x y
| Cond {cnd; pos; neg} -> map3 (map_trms ~f) b _Cond cnd pos neg
| Lit (p, xs) -> mapN f b (_Lit p) xs
let map_vars b ~f = map_trms ~f:(Trm.map_vars ~f) b
let vars p = Iter.flat_map ~f:Trm.vars (trms p)

@ -11,10 +11,14 @@ open Propositional_intf
include FORMULA with type trm := Trm.t
module Set : FORMULA_SET with type elt := t with type t = set
val ppx : Var.t Var.strength -> t pp
val pp : t pp
val tt : t
val ff : t
val bool : bool -> t
val _Eq0 : Trm.t -> t
val _Pos : Trm.t -> t
val _Eq : Trm.t -> Trm.t -> t
val map_vars : t -> f:(Var.t -> Var.t) -> t
val map_trms : t -> f:(Trm.t -> Trm.t) -> t
val vars : t -> Var.t iter

@ -12,9 +12,8 @@ type var = Var.t
type trm = Trm.t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
type fml = Fml.t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
* Conditional terms
let map_pos_neg f e cons ~pos ~neg =
map2 (Set.map ~f) e (fun pos neg -> cons ~pos ~neg) pos neg
(** Conditional terms, denoting functions from structures to values, taking
the form of trees with internal nodes labeled with formulas and leaves
@ -22,64 +21,17 @@ type fml = Fml.t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
type cnd = [`Ite of fml * cnd * cnd | `Trm of trm]
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
* Expressions
(** Expressions, which are partitioned into terms, conditional terms, and
formulas. *)
type exp = [cnd | `Fml of fml] [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
* Representation operations
(** pp *)
let pp_boxed fs fmt =
Format.pp_open_box fs 2 ;
Format.kfprintf (fun fs -> Format.pp_close_box fs ()) fs fmt
let ppx_f strength fs fml =
let ppx_cnd strength fs ct =
let pp_t = Trm.ppx strength in
let rec pp fs fml =
let pf fmt = pp_boxed fs fmt in
let pp_arith op x =
let a, c = Arith.split_const (Arith.trm x) in
pf "(%a@ @<2>%s %a)" Q.pp (Q.neg c) op (Arith.ppx strength) a
let pp_join sep pos neg =
pf "(%a%t%a)" (Fml.Set.pp ~sep pp) pos
(fun ppf ->
if (not (Fml.Set.is_empty pos)) && not (Fml.Set.is_empty neg) then
Format.fprintf ppf sep )
(Fml.Set.pp ~sep (fun fs fml -> pp fs (_Not fml)))
match (fml : fml) with
| Tt -> pf "tt"
| Not Tt -> pf "ff"
| Eq (x, y) -> pf "(%a@ = %a)" pp_t x pp_t y
| Not (Eq (x, y)) -> pf "(%a@ @<2>≠ %a)" pp_t x pp_t y
| Eq0 x -> pp_arith "=" x
| Not (Eq0 x) -> pp_arith "" x
| Pos x -> pp_arith "<" x
| Not (Pos x) -> pp_arith "" x
| Not x -> pf "@<1>¬%a" pp x
| And {pos; neg} -> pp_join "@ @<2>∧ " pos neg
| Or {pos; neg} -> pp_join "@ @<2> " pos neg
| Iff (x, y) -> pf "(%a@ <=> %a)" pp x pp y
| Cond {cnd; pos; neg} ->
pf "@[<hv 1>(%a@ ? %a@ : %a)@]" pp cnd pp pos pp neg
| Lit (p, xs) -> pf "%a(%a)" Ses.Predsym.pp p (Array.pp ",@ " pp_t) xs
pp fs fml
let pp_f = ppx_f (fun _ -> None)
let ppx_c strength fs ct =
let pp_t = Trm.ppx strength in
let pp_f = ppx_f strength in
let pp_f = Fml.ppx strength in
let rec pp fs ct =
let pf fmt = pp_boxed fs fmt in
match ct with
@ -89,89 +41,11 @@ let ppx_c strength fs ct =
pp fs ct
let ppx strength fs = function
| #cnd as c -> ppx_c strength fs c
| `Fml f -> ppx_f strength fs f
| #cnd as c -> ppx_cnd strength fs c
| `Fml f -> Fml.ppx strength fs f
let pp = ppx (fun _ -> None)
(** map *)
let map1 f e cons x =
let x' = f x in
if x == x' then e else cons x'
let map2 f e cons x y =
let x' = f x in
let y' = f y in
if x == x' && y == y' then e else cons x' y'
let map3 f e cons x y z =
let x' = f x in
let y' = f y in
let z' = f z in
if x == x' && y == y' && z == z' then e else cons x' y' z'
let mapN f e cons xs =
let xs' = Array.map_endo ~f xs in
if xs' == xs then e else cons xs'
let map_pos_neg f e cons ~pos ~neg =
let pos' = Fml.Set.map ~f pos in
let neg' = Fml.Set.map ~f neg in
if pos' == pos && neg' == neg then e else cons ~pos:pos' ~neg:neg'
(** map_trms *)
let rec map_trms_f ~f b =
match b with
| Tt -> b
| Eq (x, y) -> map2 f b _Eq x y
| Eq0 x -> map1 f b _Eq0 x
| Pos x -> map1 f b _Pos x
| Not x -> map1 (map_trms_f ~f) b _Not x
| And {pos; neg} -> map_pos_neg (map_trms_f ~f) b _And ~pos ~neg
| Or {pos; neg} -> map_pos_neg (map_trms_f ~f) b _Or ~pos ~neg
| Iff (x, y) -> map2 (map_trms_f ~f) b _Iff x y
| Cond {cnd; pos; neg} -> map3 (map_trms_f ~f) b _Cond cnd pos neg
| Lit (p, xs) -> mapN f b (_Lit p) xs
(** map_vars *)
let rec map_vars_t ~f e =
match e with
| Var _ as v -> (f (Var.of_ v) : var :> trm)
| Z _ | Q _ -> e
| Arith a ->
let a' = Arith.map ~f:(map_vars_t ~f) a in
if a == a' then e else _Arith a'
| Splat x -> map1 (map_vars_t ~f) e _Splat x
| Sized {seq; siz} -> map2 (map_vars_t ~f) e _Sized seq siz
| Extract {seq; off; len} -> map3 (map_vars_t ~f) e _Extract seq off len
| Concat xs -> mapN (map_vars_t ~f) e _Concat xs
| Select {idx; rcd} -> map1 (map_vars_t ~f) e (_Select idx) rcd
| Update {idx; rcd; elt} -> map2 (map_vars_t ~f) e (_Update idx) rcd elt
| Record xs -> mapN (map_vars_t ~f) e _Record xs
| Ancestor _ -> e
| Apply (g, xs) -> mapN (map_vars_t ~f) e (_Apply g) xs
let map_vars_f ~f = map_trms_f ~f:(map_vars_t ~f)
let rec map_vars_c ~f c =
match c with
| `Ite (cnd, thn, els) ->
let cnd' = map_vars_f ~f cnd in
let thn' = map_vars_c ~f thn in
let els' = map_vars_c ~f els in
if cnd' == cnd && thn' == thn && els' == els then c
else `Ite (cnd', thn', els')
| `Trm t ->
let t' = map_vars_t ~f t in
if t' == t then c else `Trm t'
let map_vars ~f = function
| `Fml p -> `Fml (map_vars_f ~f p)
| #cnd as c -> (map_vars_c ~f c :> exp)
* Core construction functions
@ -413,7 +287,21 @@ module Term = struct
(** Transform *)
let map_vars = map_vars
let rec map_vars_c ~f c =
match c with
| `Ite (cnd, thn, els) ->
let cnd' = Fml.map_vars ~f cnd in
let thn' = map_vars_c ~f thn in
let els' = map_vars_c ~f els in
if cnd' == cnd && thn' == thn && els' == els then c
else `Ite (cnd', thn', els')
| `Trm t ->
let t' = Trm.map_vars ~f t in
if t' == t then c else `Trm t'
let map_vars ~f = function
| `Fml p -> `Fml (Fml.map_vars ~f p)
| #cnd as c -> (map_vars_c ~f c :> exp)
let fold_map_vars e s0 ~f =
let s = ref s0 in
@ -441,8 +329,8 @@ module Formula = struct
let inject f = `Fml f
let project = function `Fml f -> Some f | #cnd as c -> project_out_fml c
let ppx = ppx_f
let pp = pp_f
let ppx = Fml.ppx
let pp = Fml.pp
(* constants *)
@ -492,7 +380,7 @@ module Formula = struct
(** Transform *)
let map_vars = map_vars_f
let map_vars = Fml.map_vars
let rec map_terms ~f b =
let lift_map1 : (exp -> exp) -> t -> (trm -> t) -> trm -> t =

@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ and Formula : sig
(** Transform *)
val map_terms : f:(Term.t -> Term.t) -> t -> t
val map_vars : f:(Var.t -> Var.t) -> t -> t
val map_vars : t -> f:(Var.t -> Var.t) -> t
val fold_map_vars : t -> 's -> f:(Var.t -> 's -> Var.t * 's) -> t * 's
val rename : Var.Subst.t -> t -> t

@ -370,6 +370,27 @@ include Trm
let zero = _Z Z.zero
let one = _Z Z.one
(** Transform *)
let rec map_vars e ~f =
match e with
| Var _ as v -> (f (Var.of_ v) : Var.t :> t)
| Z _ | Q _ -> e
| Arith a ->
let a' = Arith.map ~f:(map_vars ~f) a in
if a == a' then e else _Arith a'
| Splat x -> map1 (map_vars ~f) e _Splat x
| Sized {seq; siz} -> map2 (map_vars ~f) e _Sized seq siz
| Extract {seq; off; len} -> map3 (map_vars ~f) e _Extract seq off len
| Concat xs -> mapN (map_vars ~f) e _Concat xs
| Select {idx; rcd} -> map1 (map_vars ~f) e (_Select idx) rcd
| Update {idx; rcd; elt} -> map2 (map_vars ~f) e (_Update idx) rcd elt
| Record xs -> mapN (map_vars ~f) e _Record xs
| Ancestor _ -> e
| Apply (g, xs) -> mapN (map_vars ~f) e (_Apply g) xs
(** Traverse *)
let rec iter_vars e ~f =
match e with
| Var _ as v -> f (Var.of_ v)

@ -62,3 +62,4 @@ val seq_size : t -> t option
val vars : t -> Var.t iter
val zero : t
val one : t
val map_vars : t -> f:(Var.t -> Var.t) -> t
