@ -524,7 +524,8 @@ struct
let function_type = CTypes_decl.get_type_from_expr_info expr_info context.tenv in
let procname = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name context.procdesc in
let sil_loc = get_sil_location si pln context in
let fun_exp_stmt, params_stmt = (match stmt_list with (* First stmt is the function expr and the rest are params*)
(* First stmt is the function expr and the rest are params *)
let fun_exp_stmt, params_stmt = (match stmt_list with
| fe:: params -> fe, params
| _ -> assert false) in
let trans_state_pri = PriorityNode.try_claim_priority_node trans_state si in
@ -554,7 +555,8 @@ struct
(Procname.to_string pn) <> CFrontend_config.builtin_object_size
| _ -> true in
let params_stmt = if should_translate_args then
CTrans_utils.assign_default_params params_stmt callee_pname_opt else [] in
CTrans_utils.assign_default_params params_stmt callee_pname_opt ~is_cxx_method:false
else [] in
let res_trans_par =
let l = list_map (fun i -> exec_with_self_exception instruction trans_state_param i) params_stmt in
let rt = collect_res_trans (res_trans_callee :: l) in
@ -609,6 +611,70 @@ struct
| [ret_id'] -> { res_trans_to_parent with exps =[(Sil.Var ret_id', function_type)] }
| _ -> assert false) (* by construction of red_id, we cannot be in this case *)
and cxxMemberCallExpr_trans trans_state si stmt_list expr_info =
let pln = trans_state.parent_line_number in
let context = trans_state.context in
let function_type = CTypes_decl.get_type_from_expr_info expr_info context.tenv in
let procname = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name context.procdesc in
let sil_loc = get_sil_location si pln context in
(* First stmt is the method+this expr and the rest are params *)
let fun_exp_stmt, params_stmt = (match stmt_list with
| fe:: params -> fe, params
| _ -> assert false) in
let trans_state_pri = PriorityNode.try_claim_priority_node trans_state si in
(* claim priority if no ancestors has claimed priority before *)
let line_number = get_line si pln in
let trans_state_callee = { trans_state_pri with
parent_line_number = line_number;
succ_nodes = [] } in
let result_trans_callee = instruction trans_state_callee fun_exp_stmt in
(* first for method address, second for 'this' expression *)
assert ((list_length result_trans_callee.exps) = 2);
let (sil_method, typ_method) = list_hd result_trans_callee.exps in
let callee_pname = match sil_method with
| Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun pn) -> pn
| _ -> assert false (* method pointer not implemented, this shouldn't happen *) in
let params_stmt = CTrans_utils.assign_default_params params_stmt (Some callee_pname) ~is_cxx_method:true in
(* As we may have nodes coming from different parameters we need to *)
(* call instruction for each parameter and collect the results *)
(* afterwards. The 'instructions' function does not do that *)
let trans_state_param =
{ trans_state_pri with parent_line_number = line_number; succ_nodes = [] } in
let result_trans_params =
let l = list_map (exec_with_self_exception instruction trans_state_param) params_stmt in
(* this function will automatically merge 'this' argument with rest of arguments in 'l'*)
let rt = collect_res_trans (result_trans_callee :: l) in
{ rt with exps = list_tl rt.exps } in
let actual_params = result_trans_params.exps in
let ret_id = if (Sil.typ_equal function_type Sil.Tvoid) then []
else [Ident.create_fresh Ident.knormal] in
let call_flags = {
Sil.cf_virtual = false (* TODO t7725350 *);
Sil.cf_noreturn = false;
Sil.cf_is_objc_block = false;
} in
let call_instr = Sil.Call (ret_id, sil_method, actual_params, sil_loc, call_flags) in
let ids = result_trans_params.ids @ ret_id in
let instrs = result_trans_params.instrs @ [call_instr] in
let res_trans_tmp = { result_trans_params with ids = ids; instrs = instrs; exps =[] } in
let nname = "Call " ^ (Sil.exp_to_string sil_method) in
let result_trans_to_parent =
PriorityNode.compute_results_to_parent trans_state_pri sil_loc nname si res_trans_tmp in
Cg.add_edge context.cg procname callee_pname;
let callee_ms = CMethod_signature.find callee_pname in
ignore (CMethod_trans.create_local_procdesc context.cfg context.tenv callee_ms [] [] false)
with Not_found ->
CMethod_trans.create_external_procdesc context.cfg callee_pname false None);
match ret_id with
| [] -> { result_trans_to_parent with exps =[] }
| [ret_id'] -> { result_trans_to_parent with exps =[(Sil.Var ret_id', function_type)] }
| _ -> assert false (* by construction of red_id, we cannot be in this case *)
and objCMessageExpr_trans trans_state si obj_c_message_expr_info stmt_list expr_info =
Printing.log_out " priority node free = '%s'\n@."
(string_of_bool (PriorityNode.is_priority_free trans_state));
@ -1415,29 +1481,40 @@ struct
let field_name = match decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_name with
| Some s -> s.Clang_ast_t.ni_name
| _ -> assert false in
let field_typ = match decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_qual_type with
| Some t -> CTypes_decl.qual_type_to_sil_type trans_state.context.tenv t
let field_qt = match decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_qual_type with
| Some t -> t
| _ -> assert false in
let field_typ = CTypes_decl.qual_type_to_sil_type trans_state.context.tenv field_qt in
Printing.log_out "!!!!! Dealing with field '%s' @." field_name;
let exp_stmt = extract_stmt_from_singleton stmt_list
"WARNING: in MemberExpr there must be only one stmt defining its expression.\n" in
let res_trans_exp_stmt = instruction trans_state exp_stmt in
let (e, class_typ) = extract_exp_from_list res_trans_exp_stmt.exps
let result_trans_exp_stmt = instruction trans_state exp_stmt in
let (obj_sil, class_typ) = extract_exp_from_list result_trans_exp_stmt.exps
"WARNING: in MemberExpr we expect the translation of the stmt to return an expression\n" in
let class_typ =
(match class_typ with
| Sil.Tptr (t, _) -> CTypes_decl.expand_structured_type trans_state.context.tenv t
| t -> t) in
let exp =
(match class_typ with
match decl_ref.Clang_ast_t.dr_kind with
| `Field | `ObjCIvar ->
let exp = match class_typ with
| Sil.Tvoid -> Sil.exp_minus_one
| _ ->
Printing.log_out "Type is '%s' @." (Sil.typ_to_string class_typ);
(match ObjcInterface_decl.find_field trans_state.context.tenv field_name (Some class_typ) false with
| Some (fn, _, _) -> Sil.Lfield (e, fn, class_typ)
| None -> assert false)) in
{ res_trans_exp_stmt with
| Some (fn, _, _) -> Sil.Lfield (obj_sil, fn, class_typ)
| None -> assert false) in
{ result_trans_exp_stmt with
exps = [(exp, field_typ)] }
| `CXXMethod ->
(* consider using context.CContext.is_callee_expression to deal with pointers to methods? *)
let raw_type = field_qt.Clang_ast_t.qt_raw in
let class_name = match class_typ with Sil.Tptr (t, _) | t -> CTypes.classname_of_type t in
let pname = mk_procname_from_cpp_method class_name field_name raw_type in
let method_exp = (Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun pname), field_typ) in
Cfg.set_procname_priority trans_state.context.cfg pname;
{ result_trans_exp_stmt with exps = [method_exp; (obj_sil, class_typ)] }
| _ -> assert false
and objCIvarRefExpr_trans trans_state stmt_info expr_info stmt_list obj_c_ivar_ref_expr_info =
let decl_ref = obj_c_ivar_ref_expr_info.Clang_ast_t.ovrei_decl_ref in
@ -1702,6 +1779,9 @@ struct
| None ->
callExpr_trans trans_state stmt_info stmt_list ei)
| CXXMemberCallExpr(stmt_info, stmt_list, ei) ->
cxxMemberCallExpr_trans trans_state stmt_info stmt_list ei
| ObjCMessageExpr(stmt_info, stmt_list, expr_info, obj_c_message_expr_info) ->
if is_block_enumerate_function obj_c_message_expr_info then
block_enumeration_trans trans_state stmt_info stmt_list expr_info