@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ let rec pp ?pre ?suf sep pp_elt fs = function
| xs -> Format.fprintf fs "%( %)%a" sep (pp sep pp_elt) xs ) ;
| xs -> Format.fprintf fs "%( %)%a" sep (pp sep pp_elt) xs ) ;
Option.iter suf ~f:(Format.fprintf fs)
Option.iter suf ~f:(Format.fprintf fs)
let pop_exn =
let pop_exn = function
let not_found = Not_found_s (Atom "pop_exn") in
| x :: xs -> (x, xs)
function x :: xs -> (x, xs) | [] -> raise not_found
| [] -> raise (Not_found_s (Atom __LOC__))
let find_map_remove xs ~f =
let find_map_remove xs ~f =
let rec find_map_remove_ ys = function
let rec find_map_remove_ ys = function
@ -71,15 +71,13 @@ let rev_map_unzip xs ~f =
let y, z = f x in
let y, z = f x in
(y :: ys, z :: zs) )
(y :: ys, z :: zs) )
let remove_exn =
let remove_exn ?(equal = phys_equal) xs x =
let not_found = Not_found_s (Atom "remove_exn") in
let rec remove_ ys = function
fun ?(equal = phys_equal) xs x ->
| [] -> raise (Not_found_s (Atom __LOC__))
let rec remove_ ys = function
| z :: xs ->
| [] -> raise not_found
if equal x z then rev_append ys xs else remove_ (z :: ys) xs
| z :: xs ->
if equal x z then rev_append ys xs else remove_ (z :: ys) xs
remove_ [] xs
remove_ [] xs
let remove ?equal xs x =
let remove ?equal xs x =
try Some (remove_exn ?equal xs x) with Not_found_s _ -> None
try Some (remove_exn ?equal xs x) with Not_found_s _ -> None