@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ end = struct
| Some { Typ . desc = Tint ik } -> Typ . ikind_is_unsigned ik
| _ -> false in
let type_of_texp = function
| Exp . Sizeof (t , _ , _ ) -> Some t
| Exp . Sizeof {typ } -> Some typ
| _ -> None in
let texp_is_unsigned texp = type_opt_is_unsigned @@ type_of_texp texp in
let strexp_lt_minus1 = function
@ -436,7 +436,9 @@ end = struct
(* L.d_str "check_le "; Sil.d_exp e1; L.d_str " "; Sil.d_exp e2; L.d_ln ( ) ; *)
match e1 , e2 with
| Exp . Const ( Const . Cint n1 ) , Exp . Const ( Const . Cint n2 ) -> IntLit . leq n1 n2
| Exp . BinOp ( Binop . MinusA , Exp . Sizeof ( t1 , None , _ ) , Exp . Sizeof ( t2 , None , _ ) ) ,
| Exp . BinOp ( Binop . MinusA ,
Exp . Sizeof { typ = t1 ; dynamic_length = None } ,
Exp . Sizeof { typ = t2 ; dynamic_length = None } ) ,
Exp . Const ( Const . Cint n2 )
when IntLit . isminusone n2 && type_size_comparable t1 t2 ->
(* [ sizeof ( t1 ) - sizeof ( t2 ) <= -1 ] *)
@ -1220,9 +1222,11 @@ let exp_imply tenv calc_missing subs e1_in e2_in : subst2 =
do_imply subs ( Exp . Var v1 ) ( Exp . BinOp ( Binop . MinusA , e2 , e1 ) )
| Exp . BinOp ( Binop . PlusPI , Exp . Lvar pv1 , e1 ) , e2 ->
do_imply subs ( Exp . Lvar pv1 ) ( Exp . BinOp ( Binop . MinusA , e2 , e1 ) )
| Exp . Sizeof ( t1 , None , st1 ) , Exp . Sizeof ( t2 , None , st2 )
| Exp . Sizeof { typ = t1 ; dynamic_length = None ; subtype = st1 } ,
Exp . Sizeof { typ = t2 ; dynamic_length = None ; subtype = st2 }
when Typ . equal t1 t2 && Subtype . equal_modulo_flag st1 st2 -> subs
| Exp . Sizeof ( t1 , Some d1 , st1 ) , Exp . Sizeof ( t2 , Some d2 , st2 )
| Exp . Sizeof { typ = t1 ; dynamic_length = Some d1 ; subtype = st1 } ,
Exp . Sizeof { typ = t2 ; dynamic_length = Some d2 ; subtype = st2 }
when Typ . equal t1 t2 && Exp . equal d1 d2 && Subtype . equal_modulo_flag st1 st2 -> subs
| e' , Exp . Const ( Const . Cint n )
when IntLit . iszero n && check_disequal tenv Prop . prop_emp e' Exp . zero ->
@ -1504,7 +1508,8 @@ let expand_hpred_pointer =
match Tenv . lookup tenv name with
| Some _ ->
(* type of struct at adr_base is known *)
Some ( Exp . Sizeof ( adr_typ , None , Subtype . exact ) )
Some ( Exp . Sizeof { typ = adr_typ ; nbytes = None ;
dynamic_length = None ; subtype = Subtype . exact } )
| None -> None
| _ -> None
@ -1512,14 +1517,14 @@ let expand_hpred_pointer =
| Some se -> se
| None ->
match cnt_texp with
| Sizeof ( cnt_typ , len , st ) ->
| Sizeof ( { typ = cnt_typ } as sizeof_data ) ->
(* type of struct at adr_base is unknown ( typically Tvoid ) , but
type of contents is known , so construct struct type for single fld : cnt_typ * )
let name = Typ . Name . C . from_string ( " counterfeit " ^ string_of_int ! count ) in
incr count ;
let fields = [ ( fld , cnt_typ , Annot . Item . empty ) ] in
ignore ( Tenv . mk_struct tenv ~ fields name ) ;
Exp . Sizeof (Typ . mk ( Tstruct name ) , len , st )
Exp . Sizeof {sizeof_data with typ = Typ . mk ( Tstruct name ) }
| _ ->
(* type of struct at adr_base and of contents are both unknown: give up *)
raise ( Failure " expand_hpred_pointer: Unexpected non-sizeof type in Lfield " ) in
@ -1527,10 +1532,11 @@ let expand_hpred_pointer =
expand true true hpred'
| Sil . Hpointsto ( Exp . Lindex ( e , ind ) , se , t ) ->
let t' = match t with
| Exp . Sizeof ( t_ , len , st ) -> Exp . Sizeof ( Typ . mk ( Tarray ( t_ , None ) ) , len , st )
| Exp . Sizeof ( { typ = t_ } as sizeof_data ) ->
Exp . Sizeof { sizeof_data with typ = Typ . mk ( Tarray ( t_ , None ) ) }
| _ -> raise ( Failure " expand_hpred_pointer: Unexpected non-sizeof type in Lindex " ) in
let len = match t' with
| Exp . Sizeof (_ , Some len , _ ) -> len
| Exp . Sizeof {dynamic_length = Some len } -> len
| _ -> Exp . get_undefined false in
let hpred' = Sil . Hpointsto ( e , Sil . Earray ( len , [ ( ind , se ) ] , Sil . inst_none ) , t' ) in
expand true true hpred'
@ -1611,26 +1617,27 @@ struct
case , if they are possible * )
let subtype_case_analysis tenv texp1 texp2 =
match texp1 , texp2 with
| Exp . Sizeof ( t1 , len1 , st1 ) , Exp . Sizeof ( t2 , len2 , st2 ) ->
let pos_opt , neg_opt = case_analysis_type tenv ( t1 , st1 ) ( t2 , st2 ) in
| Exp . Sizeof sizeof1 , Exp . Sizeof sizeof2 ->
let pos_opt , neg_opt = case_analysis_type tenv
( sizeof1 . typ , sizeof1 . subtype ) ( sizeof2 . typ , sizeof2 . subtype ) in
let pos_type_opt = match pos_opt with
| None -> None
| Some st1' ->
let t1' , len1' = if check_subtype tenv t1 t2 then t1 , len1 else t2 , len2 in
Some ( Exp . Sizeof ( t1' , len1' , st1' ) ) in
| Some subtype ->
if check_subtype tenv sizeof1 . typ sizeof2 . typ then
Some ( Exp . Sizeof { sizeof1 with subtype } )
Some ( Exp . Sizeof { sizeof2 with subtype } ) in
let neg_type_opt = match neg_opt with
| None -> None
| Some st1' -> Some ( Exp . Sizeof ( t1 , len1 , st1' ) ) in
| Some subtype -> Some ( Exp . Sizeof { sizeof1 with subtype } ) in
pos_type_opt , neg_type_opt
| _ -> (* don't know, consider both possibilities *)
Some texp1 , Some texp1
let cast_exception tenv texp1 texp2 e1 subs =
let _ = match texp1 , texp2 with
| Exp . Sizeof (t1 , _ , _ ) , Exp . Sizeof ( t2 , _ , st2 ) ->
| Exp . Sizeof {typ = t1 } , Exp . Sizeof { typ = t2 ; subtype = st2 } ->
if Config . developer_mode | |
( Subtype . is_cast st2 &&
not ( Subtyping_check . check_subtype tenv t1 t2 ) ) then
@ -1666,7 +1673,8 @@ let get_overrides_of tenv supertype pname =
(* * Check the equality of two types ignoring flags in the subtyping components *)
let texp_equal_modulo_subtype_flag texp1 texp2 = match texp1 , texp2 with
| Exp . Sizeof ( t1 , len1 , st1 ) , Exp . Sizeof ( t2 , len2 , st2 ) ->
| Exp . Sizeof { typ = t1 ; dynamic_length = len1 ; subtype = st1 } ,
Exp . Sizeof { typ = t2 ; dynamic_length = len2 ; subtype = st2 } ->
[ % compare . equal : Typ . t * Exp . t option ] ( t1 , len1 ) ( t2 , len2 )
&& Subtype . equal_modulo_flag st1 st2
| _ -> Exp . equal texp1 texp2
@ -1677,7 +1685,7 @@ let texp_imply tenv subs texp1 texp2 e1 calc_missing =
(* classes and arrays in Java, and just classes in C++ and ObjC *)
let types_subject_to_dynamic_cast =
match texp1 , texp2 with
| Exp . Sizeof (typ1 , _ , _ ) , Exp . Sizeof ( typ2 , _ , _ ) -> (
| Exp . Sizeof {typ = typ1 } , Exp . Sizeof { typ = typ2 } -> (
match typ1 . desc , typ2 . desc with
| ( Tstruct _ | Tarray _ ) , ( Tstruct _ | Tarray _ ) ->
is_java_class tenv typ1
@ -1737,24 +1745,26 @@ let handle_parameter_subtype tenv prop1 sigma2 subs (e1, se1, texp1) (se2, texp2
let type_rhs e =
let sub_opt = ref None in
let filter = function
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e' , _ , Exp . Sizeof ( t , len , sub ) ) when Exp . equal e' e ->
sub_opt := Some ( t , len , sub ) ;
| Sil . Hpointsto ( e' , _ , Exp . Sizeof sizeof_data ) when Exp . equal e' e ->
sub_opt := Some sizeof_data ;
| _ -> false in
if List . exists ~ f : filter sigma2 then ! sub_opt else None in
let add_subtype () = match texp1 , texp2 , se1 , se2 with
| Exp . Sizeof ( { desc = Tptr ( t1 , _ ) } , None , _ ) , Exp . Sizeof ( { desc = Tptr ( t2 , _ ) } , None , _ ) ,
| Exp . Sizeof { typ = { desc = Tptr ( t1 , _ ) } ; dynamic_length = None } ,
Exp . Sizeof { typ = { desc = Tptr ( t2 , _ ) } ; dynamic_length = None } ,
Sil . Eexp ( e1' , _ ) , Sil . Eexp ( e2' , _ )
when not ( is_allocated_lhs e1' ) ->
match type_rhs e2' with
| Some ( t2_ptsto , len2 , sub2 ) ->
| Some sizeof_data2 ->
if not ( Typ . equal t1 t2 ) && Subtyping_check . check_subtype tenv t1 t2
then begin
let pos_type_opt , _ =
Subtyping_check . subtype_case_analysis tenv
( Exp . Sizeof ( t1 , None , Subtype . subtypes ) )
( Exp . Sizeof ( t2_ptsto , len2 , sub2 ) ) in
( Exp . Sizeof { typ = t1 ; nbytes = None ;
dynamic_length = None ; subtype = Subtype . subtypes } )
( Exp . Sizeof sizeof_data2 ) in
match pos_type_opt with
| Some t1_noptr ->
ProverState . add_frame_typ ( e1' , t1_noptr ) ;
@ -1984,15 +1994,18 @@ and sigma_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 sigma2 : (subst2 *
let fld = Fieldname . Java . from_string s in
let se = Sil . Eexp ( Exp . Var ( Ident . create_fresh Ident . kprimed ) , Sil . Inone ) in
( fld , se ) in
let fields = [ " java.lang.String.count " ; " java.lang.String.hash " ; " java.lang.String.offset " ; " java.lang.String.value " ] in
let fields = [ " java.lang.String.count " ; " java.lang.String.hash " ;
" java.lang.String.offset " ; " java.lang.String.value " ] in
Sil . Estruct ( List . map ~ f : mk_fld_sexp fields , Sil . inst_none ) in
let const_string_texp =
match ! Config . curr_language with
| Config . Clang ->
Exp . Sizeof ( Typ . mk ( Tarray ( Typ . mk ( Tint Typ . IChar ) , Some len ) ) , None , Subtype . exact )
Exp . Sizeof { typ = Typ . mk ( Tarray ( Typ . mk ( Tint Typ . IChar ) , Some len ) ) ;
nbytes = None ; dynamic_length = None ; subtype = Subtype . exact }
| Config . Java ->
let object_type = Typ . Name . Java . from_string " java.lang.String " in
Exp . Sizeof ( Typ . mk ( Tstruct object_type ) , None , Subtype . exact ) in
Exp . Sizeof { typ = Typ . mk ( Tstruct object_type ) ;
nbytes = None ; dynamic_length = None ; subtype = Subtype . exact } in
Sil . Hpointsto ( root , sexp , const_string_texp ) in
let mk_constant_class_hpred s = (* creat an hpred from a constant class *)
let root = Exp . Const ( Const . Cclass ( Ident . string_to_name s ) ) in
@ -2002,7 +2015,8 @@ and sigma_imply tenv calc_index_frame calc_missing subs prop1 sigma2 : (subst2 *
Sil . Eexp ( ( Exp . Const ( Const . Cstr s ) , Sil . Inone ) ) ) ] , Sil . inst_none ) in
let class_texp =
let class_type = Typ . Name . Java . from_string " java.lang.Class " in
Exp . Sizeof ( Typ . mk ( Tstruct class_type ) , None , Subtype . exact ) in
Exp . Sizeof { typ = Typ . mk ( Tstruct class_type ) ;
nbytes = None ; dynamic_length = None ; subtype = Subtype . exact } in
Sil . Hpointsto ( root , sexp , class_texp ) in
( match move_primed_lhs_from_front subs sigma2 with