@ -25,22 +25,23 @@ and disjunction = starjunction list
type t = starjunction [@@deriving compare, sexp]
let pp_seg cong fs {loc; bas; len; siz; arr} =
let loc = Congruence.normalize cong loc in
let bas = Congruence.normalize cong bas in
let len = Congruence.normalize cong len in
let siz = Congruence.normalize cong siz in
let arr = Congruence.normalize cong arr in
Format.fprintf fs "@[<2>%a@ @[@[-[ %a, %a )->@]@ %a@]@]" Exp.pp loc Exp.pp
bas Exp.pp len Exp.pp (Exp.memory ~siz ~arr)
let pp_us fs us =
let map_seg {loc; bas; len; siz; arr} ~f =
{loc= f loc; bas= f bas; len= f len; siz= f siz; arr= f arr}
let pp_seg fs {loc; bas; len; siz; arr} =
Format.fprintf fs "@[<2>%a@ @[@[-[%a)->@]@ %a@]@]" Exp.pp loc
(fun fs (bas, len) ->
if (not (Exp.equal loc bas)) || not (Exp.equal len siz) then
Format.fprintf fs " %a, %a " Exp.pp bas Exp.pp len )
(bas, len) Exp.pp (Exp.memory ~siz ~arr)
let pp_us ?(pre = ("" : _ fmt)) fs us =
if not (Set.is_empty us) then
Format.fprintf fs "@<2>∀ @[%a@] .@ " Var.Set.pp us
[%Trace.fprintf fs "%( %)@[%a@] .@ " pre Var.Set.pp us]
let rec pp_ vs fs {us; xs; cong; pure; heap; djns} =
Format.pp_open_hvbox fs 0 ;
if not (Set.is_empty us) then Format.fprintf fs "@[%a@] .@ " Var.Set.pp us ;
pp_us fs us ;
if not (Set.is_empty xs) then
Format.fprintf fs "@<2>∃ @[%a@] .@ ∃ @[%a@] .@ " Var.Set.pp
(Set.inter xs vs) Var.Set.pp (Set.diff xs vs) ;
@ -61,7 +62,18 @@ let rec pp_ vs fs {us; xs; cong; pure; heap; djns} =
~pre:(if first then " " else "@ @<2>∧ ")
"@ * " (pp_seg cong) fs heap ;
"@ * " pp_seg fs
(List.map ~f:(map_seg ~f:(Congruence.normalize cong)) heap)
~compare:(fun s1 s2 ->
let b_o = function
| Exp.App {op= App {op= Add; arg}; arg= Integer {data}} ->
(arg, data)
| e -> (e, Z.zero)
[%compare: Exp.t * (Exp.t * Z.t)]
(s1.bas, b_o s1.loc)
(s2.bas, b_o s2.loc) )) ;
List.pp ~pre:"@ * " "@ * "
(pp_djn (Set.union vs (Set.union us xs)))
fs djns ;
@ -77,7 +89,6 @@ and pp_djn vs fs = function
let pp = pp_ Var.Set.empty
let pp_seg = pp_seg Congruence.true_
let fold_exps_seg {loc; bas; len; siz; arr} ~init ~f =
let f b z = Exp.fold_exps b ~init:z ~f in