[erl-frontend] Erlang AST, and parser for JSON AST.

The wrapper in `infer/lib/erlang/erlang.sh` dumps Erlang AST forms [1]
in a JSON format. The current commit parses that JSON to obtain an
internal representation (ErlangAst). The main parts of the commit are:
 - data structures for Erlang AST
 - parser (Erlang abstract forms in JSON format -> Eralng AST)
 - Rebar3.ml now drives the parser

[1] https://erlang.org/doc/apps/erts/absform.html

Reviewed By: mmarescotti, jvillard

Differential Revision: D28096896

fbshipit-source-id: b21263817
Radu Grigore 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 1c87f61728
commit 1bd741b070

@ -278,6 +278,14 @@ CLANG OPTIONS
analyze an iOS app. xcpretty just needs to be in the path, infer
command is still just `infer -- <xcodebuild command>`.
(Conversely: --no-xcpretty)
--erlang-ast-dir dir
Also load AST from all .json files in the given path. These .json
files usually come from a previous run with --debug.
Activates: Skip running rebar, to save time. It is useful together
with --erlang-ast-dir. (Conversely: --no-erlang-skip-rebar3)
--bootclasspath string
Specify the Java bootclasspath

@ -613,6 +613,16 @@ OPTIONS
Activates: Enable eradicate and disable all other checkers
(Conversely: --no-eradicate-only) See also infer-analyze(1).
--erlang-ast-dir dir
Also load AST from all .json files in the given path. These .json
files usually come from a previous run with --debug.
See also infer-capture(1).
Activates: Skip running rebar, to save time. It is useful together
with --erlang-ast-dir. (Conversely: --no-erlang-skip-rebar3)
See also infer-capture(1).
--external-java-packages +prefix
Specify a list of Java package prefixes for external Java
packages. If set, the analysis will not report non-actionable
@ -1637,6 +1647,9 @@ INTERNAL OPTIONS
Activates: Print initial and final typestates (Conversely:
Cancel the effect of --erlang-ast-dir.
Activates: Make infer output changed functions, similar to
test-determinator. It is used together with the --modified-lines.

@ -613,6 +613,16 @@ OPTIONS
Activates: Enable eradicate and disable all other checkers
(Conversely: --no-eradicate-only) See also infer-analyze(1).
--erlang-ast-dir dir
Also load AST from all .json files in the given path. These .json
files usually come from a previous run with --debug.
See also infer-capture(1).
Activates: Skip running rebar, to save time. It is useful together
with --erlang-ast-dir. (Conversely: --no-erlang-skip-rebar3)
See also infer-capture(1).
--external-java-packages +prefix
Specify a list of Java package prefixes for external Java
packages. If set, the analysis will not report non-actionable

@ -139,6 +139,8 @@ let manual_clang = "CLANG OPTIONS"
let manual_clang_linters = "CLANG LINTERS OPTIONS"
let manual_erlang = "ERLANG OPTIONS"
let manual_explore_bugs = "EXPLORE BUGS"
let manual_debug_procedures = "DEBUG PROCEDURES"
@ -1384,6 +1386,20 @@ and eradicate_return_over_annotated =
and eradicate_verbose = CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"eradicate-verbose" "Print initial and final typestates"
and erlang_ast_dir =
CLOpt.mk_path_opt ~long:"erlang-ast-dir"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Capture, manual_erlang)]
"Also load AST from all .json files in the given path. These .json files usually come from a \
previous run with $(b,--debug)."
and erlang_skip_rebar3 =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"erlang-skip-rebar3"
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Capture, manual_erlang)]
"Skip running rebar, to save time. It is useful together with $(b,--erlang-ast-dir)."
and export_changed_functions =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["test-determinator-clang"] ~long:"export-changed-functions"
@ -3012,6 +3028,10 @@ and eradicate_return_over_annotated = !eradicate_return_over_annotated
and eradicate_verbose = !eradicate_verbose
and erlang_ast_dir = !erlang_ast_dir
and erlang_skip_rebar3 = !erlang_skip_rebar3
and external_java_packages = !external_java_packages
and fail_on_bug = !fail_on_bug

@ -294,6 +294,10 @@ val eradicate_return_over_annotated : bool
val eradicate_verbose : bool
val erlang_ast_dir : string option
val erlang_skip_rebar3 : bool
val fail_on_bug : bool
val fcp_apple_clang : string option

@ -210,6 +210,10 @@ let read_json_file path =
try Ok (Yojson.Basic.from_file path) with Sys_error msg | Yojson.Json_error msg -> Error msg
let read_safe_json_file path =
try Ok (Yojson.Safe.from_file path) with Sys_error msg | Yojson.Json_error msg -> Error msg
let do_finally_swallow_timeout ~f ~finally =
let res =
try f ()

@ -52,16 +52,18 @@ val close_outf : outfile -> unit
(** close an outfile *)
val directory_fold : ('a -> string -> 'a) -> 'a -> string -> 'a
(** Functional fold function over all the file of a directory *)
(** Functional fold function over all the files of a directory *)
val directory_iter : (string -> unit) -> string -> unit
(** Functional iter function over all the file of a directory *)
(** Functional iter function over all the files of a directory *)
val directory_is_empty : string -> bool
(** Returns true if a given directory is empty. The directory is assumed to exist. *)
val read_json_file : string -> (Yojson.Basic.t, string) Result.t
val read_safe_json_file : string -> (Yojson.Safe.t, string) Result.t
val with_file_in : string -> f:(In_channel.t -> 'a) -> 'a
val with_file_out : string -> f:(Out_channel.t -> 'a) -> 'a

@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ endif
# Note that we run find under _build directory. Since we copy some
# sources from subfolders to src/ folder to avoid duplicates we use
# $(DEPTH_ONE) and iteration over main and library folders.
LIBRARY_FOLDERS = . ./IR ./absint ./al ./atd ./backend ./base ./biabduction ./bufferoverrun ./c_stubs ./checkers ./clang ./clang/unit ./concurrency ./cost ./integration ./istd ./java ./labs ./dotnet ./nullsafe ./nullsafe/unit ./pulse ./quandary ./scripts ./test_determinator ./topl ./unit
INCLUDE_FOLDERS = -I IR -I absint -I al -I atd -I backend -I base -I biabduction -I bufferoverrun -I c_stubs -I checkers -I clang -I clang/unit -I concurrency -I cost -I integration -I istd -I java -I labs -I dotnet -I nullsafe -I nullsafe/unit -I pulse -I quandary -I scripts -I test_determinator -I topl -I unit
LIBRARY_FOLDERS = . ./IR ./absint ./al ./atd ./backend ./base ./biabduction ./bufferoverrun ./c_stubs ./checkers ./clang ./clang/unit ./concurrency ./cost ./erlang ./integration ./istd ./java ./labs ./dotnet ./nullsafe ./nullsafe/unit ./pulse ./quandary ./scripts ./test_determinator ./topl ./unit
INCLUDE_FOLDERS = -I IR -I absint -I al -I atd -I backend -I base -I biabduction -I bufferoverrun -I c_stubs -I checkers -I clang -I clang/unit -I concurrency -I cost -I erlang -I integration -I istd -I java -I labs -I dotnet -I nullsafe -I nullsafe/unit -I pulse -I quandary -I scripts -I test_determinator -I topl -I unit
ml_src_files = $(shell \

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** Erlang abstract forms, following https://erlang.org/doc/apps/erts/absform.html *)
open! IStd
(* TODO: validation, including basic type-checking *)
(** {2 Basics} *)
type module_reference = ModuleName of string | ModuleMissing | ModuleVariable of string
type function_reference = FunctionName of string | FunctionVariable of string
(* NOTE: Arity could be an expression but we don't handle that case, yet. *)
type function_ = {module_: module_reference; function_: function_reference; arity: int}
type line = int
type record_name = string
type binary_operator =
| Add
| And
| AndAlso
| AtLeast
| AtMost
| BAnd
| BOr
| Bsl
| Bsr
| BXor
| Equal
| ExactlyEqual
| ExactlyNotEqual
| FDiv
| Greater
| IDiv
| Less
| ListAdd
| ListSub
| Mul
| NotEqual
| Or
| OrElse
| Rem
| Send
| Sub
| Xor
type unary_operator = UBNot | UMinus | UNot
type association_kind = Arrow | Exact
type exception_ = Atom of string | Pattern of string
type type_specifier = (* TODO *) unit
(** {2 S8.2: Atomic literals} *)
type literal = Atom of string | Char of string | Float of float | Int of string | String of string
(** {2 S8.4: Expressions} *)
type body = expression list
and simple_expression =
| BinaryOperator of expression * binary_operator * expression
| BitstringComprehension of {expression: expression; qualifiers: qualifier list}
| BitstringConstructor of bin_element list
| Block of body
| Call of {module_: expression option; function_: expression; args: expression list}
| Case of {expression: expression; cases: case_clause list}
| Catch of expression
| Cons of {head: expression; tail: expression}
| Fun of function_
| If of case_clause list
| Lambda of {name: string option; cases: case_clause list}
| ListComprehension of {expression: expression; qualifiers: qualifier list}
| Literal of literal
| Map of {map: expression option; updates: association list}
| Match of {pattern: pattern; body: (* body is a pattern within patterns *) expression}
| Nil
| Receive of {cases: case_clause list; timeout: timeout option}
| RecordAccess of {record: expression; name: record_name; field: string}
| RecordIndex of {name: record_name; field: string} (* factor from above? *)
| RecordUpdate of {record: expression option; name: record_name; updates: record_update list}
| TryCatch of {body: body; ok_cases: case_clause list; catch_cases: catch_clause list; after: body}
| Tuple of expression list
| UnaryOperator of unary_operator * expression
| Variable of string
and expression = {line: line; simple_expression: simple_expression}
and qualifier =
| BitsGenerator of {pattern: pattern; expression: expression}
| Filter of expression
| Generator of {pattern: pattern; expression: expression}
and timeout = {time: expression; handler: body}
and bin_element =
{expression: expression; size: expression option; types: type_specifier list option}
(* A [None] field stands for _, which means "all other fields". *)
and record_update = {field: string option; expression: expression}
and association = {kind: association_kind; key: expression; value: expression}
and pattern = expression
and guard = expression
(** {2 S8.5 Clauses} *)
and 'pat clause = {line: line; patterns: 'pat list; guards: guard list; body: body}
and case_clause = pattern clause
and catch_clause = catch_pattern clause
and catch_pattern = {exception_: exception_; pattern: pattern; variable: string}
(** {2 S8.1: Module declarations and forms} *)
(* TODO: Add records, types, and specs. *)
type simple_form =
| Export of function_ list
| Import of {module_name: string; functions: function_ list}
| Module of string
| File of {path: string}
| Function of {function_: function_; clauses: case_clause list}
type form = {line: line; simple_form: simple_form}
type module_ = form list

@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module L = Logging
module YSU = Yojson.Safe.Util
module Ast = ErlangAst
open IOption.Let_syntax
type json = Yojson.Safe.t
type 'a parser = json -> 'a option
let unknown name json =
L.debug Capture Verbose "ErlangAst.Parse: unknown %s: %s@." name (Yojson.Safe.show json) ;
(* Takes a json of the form `List [j1;...;jn] and returns [f j1;...;f jn]. If skip_errors, then
elements that fail to parse are filtered out; otherwise, a parsing failure propagates up. *)
let to_list ?(skip_errors = false) ~(f : 'a parser) : 'a list parser =
fun json ->
let xs = List.map ~f (YSU.to_list json) in
if skip_errors then Some (List.filter_opt xs) else Option.all xs
with YSU.Type_error (error, json) -> unknown error json
let default_or (to_a : 'a parser) : 'a option parser = function
| `String "default" ->
Some None
| a ->
let* a = to_a a in
Some (Some a)
let to_line json : Ast.line option =
(* TODO: When OTP is upgraded, add case for line&col locations. *)
match json with
| `Int line ->
Some line
| `List [`List (`String "generated" :: _); `List [`String "location"; `Int line]] ->
Some line
| _ ->
unknown "line" json
let rec kill_singleton_list json =
match json with
| `List (`String _ :: _) ->
json (* an expression *)
| `List [x] ->
kill_singleton_list x (* singleton list dropped *)
| x ->
let one_list json =
match kill_singleton_list json with
| `List (`String _ :: _) as json ->
`List [json]
| `List _ as json ->
json (* already (nonsingleton) list *)
| json ->
`List [json]
let to_intlit json =
match json with
| `Int x ->
Some (Printf.sprintf "%d" x)
| `Intlit s ->
Some s
| _ ->
unknown "intlit" json
let to_binary_operator json : Ast.binary_operator option =
match json with
| `String "!" ->
Some Send
| `String "*" ->
Some Mul
| `String "+" ->
Some Add
| `String "++" ->
Some ListAdd
| `String "-" ->
Some Sub
| `String "--" ->
Some ListSub
| `String "/" ->
Some FDiv
| `String "/=" ->
Some NotEqual
| `String "<" ->
Some Less
| `String "=/=" ->
Some ExactlyNotEqual
| `String "=:=" ->
Some ExactlyEqual
| `String "=<" ->
Some AtMost
| `String "==" ->
Some Equal
| `String ">" ->
Some Greater
| `String ">=" ->
Some AtLeast
| `String "and" ->
Some And
| `String "andalso" ->
Some AndAlso
| `String "band" ->
Some BAnd
| `String "bor" ->
Some BOr
| `String "bsl" ->
Some Bsl
| `String "bsr" ->
Some Bsr
| `String "bxor" ->
Some BXor
| `String "div" ->
Some IDiv
| `String "or" ->
Some Or
| `String "orelse" ->
Some OrElse
| `String "rem" ->
Some Rem
| `String "xor" ->
Some Xor
| _ ->
unknown "binary_operator" json
let to_unary_operator json : Ast.unary_operator option =
match json with
| `String "-" ->
Some UMinus
| `String "bnot" ->
Some UBNot
| `String "not" ->
Some UNot
| _ ->
unknown "binary_operator" json
let to_exception json : Ast.exception_ option =
match json with
| `List [`String "atom"; _anno; `String atom] ->
Some (Atom atom)
| `List [`String "var"; _anno; `String variable] ->
Some (Pattern variable)
| _ ->
unknown "exception" json
let to_arity json : int option =
match json with
| `Int arity ->
Some arity
| `List [`String "integer"; _anno; `Int arity] ->
Some arity
| _ ->
unknown "arity" json
let to_module_reference json : Ast.module_reference option =
match json with
| `List [`String "atom"; _anno; `String name] ->
Some (ModuleName name)
| `List [`String "var"; _anno; `String variable] ->
Some (ModuleVariable variable)
| `String name ->
Some (ModuleName name)
| _ ->
unknown "module_reference" json
let to_function_reference json : Ast.function_reference option =
match json with
| `List [`String "atom"; _anno; `String name] ->
Some (FunctionName name)
| `List [`String "var"; _anno; `String variable] ->
Some (FunctionVariable variable)
| `String name ->
Some (FunctionName name)
| _ ->
unknown "function_reference" json
let rec to_expression json : Ast.expression option =
let expr line simple_expression : Ast.expression option = Some {line; simple_expression} in
match json with
| `List [`String "atom"; anno; `Bool atom] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
expr line (Literal (Atom (Printf.sprintf "%b" atom)))
| `List [`String "atom"; anno; `Null] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
expr line (Literal (Atom "null"))
| `List [`String "atom"; anno; `String atom] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
expr line (Literal (Atom atom))
| `List [`String "bc"; anno; expression; qualifiers] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* expression = to_expression expression in
let* qualifiers = to_list ~f:to_qualifier qualifiers in
expr line (BitstringComprehension {expression; qualifiers})
| `List [`String "bin"; anno; elements] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* elements = to_list ~f:to_bin_element elements in
expr line (BitstringConstructor elements)
| `List [`String "block"; anno; body] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* body = to_body body in
expr line (Block body)
| `List [`String "call"; anno; `List [`String "remote"; `Int _line2; module_; function_]; args] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* module_ = to_expression module_ in
let* function_ = to_expression function_ in
let* args = to_body args in
expr line (Call {module_= Some module_; function_; args})
| `List [`String "call"; anno; function_; args] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* function_ = to_expression function_ in
let* args = to_body args in
expr line (Call {module_= None; function_; args})
| `List [`String "case"; anno; expression; cases] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* expression = to_expression expression in
let* cases = to_list ~f:to_case_clause cases in
expr line (Case {expression; cases})
| `List [`String "catch"; anno; expression] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* expression = to_expression expression in
expr line (Catch expression)
| `List [`String "char"; anno; charlit] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* charlit = to_intlit charlit in
expr line (Literal (Char charlit))
| `List [`String "cons"; anno; head; tail] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* head = to_expression head in
let* tail = to_expression tail in
expr line (Cons {head; tail})
| `List [`String "float"; anno; `Float floatlit] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
expr line (Literal (Float floatlit))
| `List [`String "fun"; anno; `List [`String "clauses"; cases]] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* cases = to_list ~f:to_case_clause cases in
expr line (Lambda {name= None; cases})
| `List [`String "fun"; anno; `List [`String "function"; function_; arity]] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* function_ = to_function_reference function_ in
let* arity = to_arity arity in
expr line (Fun {module_= ModuleMissing; function_; arity})
| `List [`String "fun"; anno; `List [`String "function"; module_; function_; arity]] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* module_ = to_module_reference module_ in
let* function_ = to_function_reference function_ in
let* arity = to_arity arity in
expr line (Fun {module_; function_; arity})
| `List [`String "if"; anno; cases] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* cases = to_list ~f:to_case_clause cases in
expr line (If cases)
| `List [`String "integer"; anno; intlit] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* intlit = to_intlit intlit in
expr line (Literal (Int intlit))
| `List [`String "lc"; anno; expression; qualifiers] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* expression = to_expression expression in
let* qualifiers = to_list ~f:to_qualifier qualifiers in
expr line (ListComprehension {expression; qualifiers})
| `List [`String "map"; anno; map; updates] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* map = to_expression map in
let* updates = to_list ~f:to_association updates in
expr line (Map {map= Some map; updates})
| `List [`String "map"; anno; updates] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* updates = to_list ~f:to_association updates in
expr line (Map {map= None; updates})
| `List [`String "match"; anno; pattern; body] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* pattern = to_expression pattern in
let* body = to_expression body in
expr line (Match {pattern; body})
| `List [`String "named_fun"; anno; `String name; cases] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* cases = to_list ~f:to_case_clause cases in
expr line (Lambda {name= Some name; cases})
| `List [`String "nil"; anno] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
expr line Nil
| `List [`String "op"; _anno; `String "+"; argument] ->
to_expression argument
| `List [`String "op"; anno; op; argument] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* op = to_unary_operator op in
let* argument = to_expression argument in
expr line (UnaryOperator (op, argument))
| `List [`String "op"; anno; op; left; right] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* op = to_binary_operator op in
let* left = to_expression left in
let* right = to_expression right in
expr line (BinaryOperator (left, op, right))
| `List [`String "receive"; anno; cases; time; handler] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* cases = to_list ~f:to_case_clause cases in
let* time = to_expression time in
let* handler = to_body handler in
expr line (Receive {cases; timeout= Some {time; handler}})
| `List [`String "receive"; anno; cases] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* cases = to_list ~f:to_case_clause cases in
expr line (Receive {cases; timeout= None})
| `List [`String "record"; anno; `String name; updates] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* updates = to_list ~f:to_record_update updates in
expr line (RecordUpdate {record= None; name; updates})
| `List [`String "record"; anno; record; `String name; updates] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* record = to_expression record in
let* updates = to_list ~f:to_record_update updates in
expr line (RecordUpdate {record= Some record; name; updates})
| `List
[ `String "record_field"
; anno
; record
; `String name
; `List [`String "atom"; _anno; `String field] ] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* record = to_expression record in
expr line (RecordAccess {record; name; field})
| `List
[ `String "record_index"
; anno
; `String name
; `List [`String "atom"; _anno_field; `String field] ] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
expr line (RecordIndex {name; field})
| `List [`String "string"; anno; `List []] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
expr line (Literal (String ""))
| `List [`String "string"; anno; `String s] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
expr line (Literal (String s))
| `List [`String "try"; anno; body; ok_cases; catch_cases; after] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* body = to_body body in
let* ok_cases = to_list ~f:to_case_clause ok_cases in
let* catch_cases = to_list ~f:to_catch_clause catch_cases in
let* after = to_body after in
expr line (TryCatch {body; ok_cases; catch_cases; after})
| `List [`String "tuple"; anno; tuple] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* xs = to_list ~f:to_expression tuple in
expr line (Tuple xs)
| `List [`String "var"; anno; `String variable] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
expr line (Variable variable)
| _ ->
unknown "expression" json
and to_body json : Ast.expression list option = to_list ~f:to_expression json
and to_association json : Ast.association option =
match json with
| `List [`String "map_field_assoc"; _anno; key; value] ->
let* key = to_expression key in
let* value = to_expression value in
Some {Ast.kind= Arrow; key; value}
| `List [`String "map_field_exact"; _anno; key; value] ->
let* key = to_expression key in
let* value = to_expression value in
Some {Ast.kind= Exact; key; value}
| _ ->
unknown "association" json
and to_record_update json : Ast.record_update option =
match json with
| `List
[ `String "record_field"
; _anno_update
; `List [`String "var"; _anno_field; `String "_"]
; expression ] ->
let* expression = to_expression expression in
Some {Ast.field= None; expression}
| `List
[ `String "record_field"
; _anno_update
; `List [`String "atom"; _anno_field; `String field]
; expression ] ->
let* expression = to_expression expression in
Some {Ast.field= Some field; expression}
| _ ->
unknown "record_update" json
and to_bin_element json : Ast.bin_element option =
match json with
| `List [`String "bin_element"; _anno; expression; size; (* TODO *) _type_specifier_list] ->
let* expression = to_expression expression in
let* size = default_or to_expression size in
Some {Ast.expression; size; types= None}
| _ ->
unknown "bin_element" json
and to_catch_pattern json : Ast.catch_pattern option =
match json with
| `List
[ `String "tuple"
; _anno
; `List [exception_; pattern; `List [`String "var"; _var_anno; `String variable]] ] ->
let* exception_ = to_exception exception_ in
let* pattern = to_expression pattern in
Some {Ast.exception_; pattern; variable}
| _ ->
unknown "catch_pattern" json
and to_guards line json : Ast.expression list option =
let andalso e1 e2 = {Ast.line; simple_expression= BinaryOperator (e1, AndAlso, e2)} in
let to_dnf_term xs =
let* atom_guards = to_list ~f:to_expression (one_list xs) in
match atom_guards with
| [] ->
unknown "empty_guard?" json
| [e] ->
Some e
| e :: es ->
Some (List.fold ~init:e ~f:andalso es)
json |> one_list |> to_list ~f:to_dnf_term
and to_clause : 'pat. 'pat parser -> 'pat Ast.clause parser =
fun to_pat json ->
match json with
| `List [`String "clause"; anno; patterns; guards; body] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* patterns = to_list ~f:to_pat patterns in
let* guards = to_guards line guards in
let body = one_list body in
let* body = to_body body in
Some {Ast.line; patterns; guards; body}
| json ->
unknown "clause" json
and to_qualifier json : Ast.qualifier option =
match json with
| `List [`String "b_generate"; _anno; pattern; expression] ->
let* pattern = to_expression pattern in
let* expression = to_expression expression in
Some (Ast.BitsGenerator {pattern; expression})
| `List [`String "generate"; _anno; pattern; expression] ->
let* pattern = to_expression pattern in
let* expression = to_expression expression in
Some (Ast.Generator {pattern; expression})
| filter ->
let* filter = to_expression filter in
Some (Ast.Filter filter)
and to_case_clause json : Ast.case_clause option = to_clause to_expression json
and to_catch_clause json : Ast.catch_clause option = to_clause to_catch_pattern json
let to_function json : Ast.function_ option =
match json with
| `List [`String function_; `Int arity] ->
let function_ = Ast.FunctionName function_ in
Some {module_= ModuleMissing; function_; arity}
| _ ->
unknown "function" json
let to_line_form json : Ast.form option =
let form line simple_form : Ast.form option = Some {line; simple_form} in
match json with
| `List [`String "attribute"; anno; `String "file"; `List [`String path; _anno_file]] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
form line (File {path})
| `List [`String "attribute"; anno; `String "module"; `String module_name] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
form line (Module module_name)
| `List [`String "attribute"; anno; `String "import"; `List [`String module_name; functions]] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* functions = to_list ~f:to_function functions in
form line (Import {module_name; functions})
| `List [`String "attribute"; anno; `String "export"; function_] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* func_list = to_list ~f:to_function function_ in
form line (Export func_list)
| `List [`String "function"; anno; `String function_; `Int arity; case_clause] ->
let* line = to_line anno in
let* clauses = to_list ~f:to_case_clause case_clause in
let function_ : Ast.function_reference = FunctionName function_ in
let function_ : Ast.function_ = {module_= ModuleMissing; function_; arity} in
form line (Function {function_; clauses})
| `List [`String "attribute"; _anno; `String _unknown_attribute; _] ->
(* TODO: handle types (spec, record, ...) *)
| `List [`String "eof"; _] ->
| _ ->
unknown "form" json
let to_module json : Ast.module_ option = to_list ~skip_errors:true ~f:to_line_form json

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
val to_module : Yojson.Safe.t -> ErlangAst.module_ option

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
; Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
; This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
; LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(name ErlangFrontend)
(public_name infer.ErlangFrontend)
(:standard -open Core -open IStdlib -open IStd -open OpenSource -open IBase
-open IR))
(libraries core memtrace IStdlib IBase IR))

@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module L = Logging
@ -15,9 +14,30 @@ let run_rebar result_dir args =
Process.create_process_and_wait ~prog ~args
let parse_and_store result_dir =
let process json =
let _ast = ErlangJsonParser.to_module json in
(* TODO: Translate to Sil, load source, call [SourceFiles.add]. *)
let log error = L.progress "E: %s@." error in
let read_one_ast json_file =
if Filename.check_suffix json_file ".json" then (
L.progress "P: parsing %s@." json_file ;
match Utils.read_safe_json_file json_file with
| Ok json ->
process json
| Error error ->
log error )
Utils.directory_iter read_one_ast result_dir
let capture ~args =
let in_dir = ResultsDir.get_path Temporary in
let rebar_result_dir = Filename.temp_dir ~in_dir "rebar3infer" "" in
run_rebar rebar_result_dir args ;
(* TODO: parse the JSON files *)
if not Config.debug_mode then Utils.rmtree rebar_result_dir
Option.iter ~f:parse_and_store Config.erlang_ast_dir ;
if not Config.erlang_skip_rebar3 then (
let in_dir = ResultsDir.get_path Temporary in
let rebar_result_dir = Filename.temp_dir ~in_dir "rebar3infer" "" in
run_rebar rebar_result_dir args ;
parse_and_store rebar_result_dir ;
if not Config.debug_mode then Utils.rmtree rebar_result_dir )

@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ let library =
-open Core -open IStdlib -open IStd -open OpenSource -open ATDGenerated
-open IBase -open IR -open Absint -open BO -open Checkers -open Costlib -open Concurrency -open Backend
-open TestDeterminators -open ClangFrontend -open ASTLanguage -open JavaFrontend %s %s))
-open TestDeterminators -open ClangFrontend -open ASTLanguage -open JavaFrontend -open ErlangFrontend %s %s))
(libraries xmlm core IStdlib ATDGenerated IBase IR Absint BO Checkers Costlib Concurrency Backend
TestDeterminators ClangFrontend ASTLanguage JavaFrontend)
TestDeterminators ClangFrontend ASTLanguage JavaFrontend ErlangFrontend)
(preprocess (pps ppx_compare))
