@ -28,59 +28,59 @@ let proc_kind_of_attr (proc_attributes : ProcAttributes.t) =
if proc_attributes . is_defined then ProcDefined else ProcUndefined
let replace pname pname_blob akind source_file attributes proc_desc callees =
let pname_str = Procname . to_string pname in
let akind_int64 = int64_of_attributes_kind akind in
let proc_desc_blob = Procdesc . SQLite . serialize proc_desc in
let callees_blob = Procname . SQLiteList . serialize callees in
DBWriter . replace_attributes ~ pname_str ~ pname : pname_blob ~ akind : akind_int64 ~ source_file
~ attributes ~ proc_desc : proc_desc_blob ~ callees : callees_blob
let find_more_defined_statement =
let should_try_to_update =
let find_more_defined_statement =
ResultsDatabase . register_statement
{ |
SELECT attr_kind
FROM procedures
WHERE proc_name = : pname
SELECT attr_kind
FROM procedures
WHERE proc_name = : pname
AND attr_kind > : akind
| }
let should_try_to_update pname_blob akind =
| }
fun pname_blob akind ->
ResultsDatabase . with_registered_statement find_more_defined_statement ~ f : ( fun db find_stmt ->
Sqlite3 . bind find_stmt 1 (* :pname *) pname_blob
| > SqliteUtils . check_result_code db ~ log : " replace bind pname " ;
Sqlite3 . bind find_stmt 2 (* :akind *) ( Sqlite3 . Data . INT ( int64_of_attributes_kind akind ) )
| > SqliteUtils . check_result_code db ~ log : " replace bind attribute kind " ;
SqliteUtils . result_single_column_option ~ finalize : false ~ log : " Attributes.replace " db find_stmt
SqliteUtils . result_single_column_option ~ finalize : false ~ log : " Attributes.replace " db
| > (* there is no entry with a strictly larger "definedness" for that proc name *)
Option . is_none )
let select_statement =
let find =
let select_statement =
ResultsDatabase . register_statement " SELECT proc_attributes FROM procedures WHERE proc_name = :k "
let find pname_blob =
fun pname_blob ->
ResultsDatabase . with_registered_statement select_statement ~ f : ( fun db select_stmt ->
Sqlite3 . bind select_stmt 1 pname_blob
| > SqliteUtils . check_result_code db ~ log : " find bind proc name " ;
SqliteUtils . result_single_column_option ~ finalize : false ~ log : " Attributes.find " db select_stmt
SqliteUtils . result_single_column_option ~ finalize : false ~ log : " Attributes.find " db
| > Option . map ~ f : ProcAttributes . SQLite . deserialize )
let load pname = find ( Procname . SQLite . serialize pname )
let store ~ proc_desc ( attr : ProcAttributes . t ) =
let p kind = proc_kind_of_attr attr in
let a kind = proc_kind_of_attr attr in
let key = Procname . SQLite . serialize attr . proc_name in
if should_try_to_update key pkind then
replace attr . proc_name key pkind
( SourceFile . SQLite . serialize attr . loc . Location . file )
( ProcAttributes . SQLite . serialize attr )
( Option . map proc_desc ~ f : Procdesc . get_static_callees | > Option . value ~ default : [] )
if should_try_to_update key akind then
let source_file_blob = SourceFile . SQLite . serialize attr . loc . Location . file in
let attributes_blob = ProcAttributes . SQLite . serialize attr in
let pname_str = Procname . to_string attr . proc_name in
let akind_int64 = int64_of_attributes_kind akind in
let proc_desc_blob = Procdesc . SQLite . serialize proc_desc in
let callees_blob =
Option . map proc_desc ~ f : Procdesc . get_static_callees
| > Option . value ~ default : [] | > Procname . SQLiteList . serialize
DBWriter . replace_attributes ~ pname_str ~ pname : key ~ akind : akind_int64
~ source_file : source_file_blob ~ attributes : attributes_blob ~ proc_desc : proc_desc_blob
~ callees : callees_blob
let find_file_capturing_procedure pname =