[sledge sem] Rework phi instructions

Reviewed By: jberdine

Differential Revision: D18830554

fbshipit-source-id: 57293a4d8
Scott Owens 5 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 65f5f3e334
commit 1ddeacee50

@ -30,8 +30,25 @@ Datatype:
var = Var_name string typ
(* These labels have more structure than in the OCaml, but this makes it much
* easier to reason about generating many labels from a single LLVM label when
* splitting blocks at calls and phi instructions. We don't have to worry about
* l1, l2, l3, etc already being in use when working from a block labelled l.
* The semantics doesn't look inside of labels, other than for the function
* name, so the extra structure could be flattened as long as the flattening
* doesn't introduce clashes. It's probably not worth the hassle to do so. *)
label = Lab_name string string
label =
(* Args: function name, block name which is None for the entry block, numerical index *)
| Lab_name string (string option) num
(* A move block that was created from a phi instruction.
* Args: function name, from block label, to block label *)
| Mov_name string (string option) string
Definition label_to_fname_def:
(label_to_fname (Lab_name fname _ _) = fname)
(label_to_fname (Mov_name fname _ _) = fname)
(* Based on the constructor functions in exp.mli rather than the type definition *)
@ -94,7 +111,7 @@ Datatype:
| Iswitch exp (label list)
(* Args: result reg, function to call, arguments, return type of callee,
* return target, exception target *)
| Call var label (exp list) typ label label
| Call var string (exp list) typ label label
| Return exp
| Throw exp
| Unreachable
@ -462,13 +479,12 @@ End
Inductive step_term:
(∀prog s e table default idx fname bname idx_size.
eval_exp s e (FlatV (IntV idx idx_size))
Lab_name fname bname = (case alookup table idx of Some lab => lab | None => default)
(∀prog s e table default idx idx_size.
eval_exp s e (FlatV (IntV idx idx_size))
step_term prog s
(Switch e table default) Tau
(s with bp := Lab_name fname bname))
(s with bp := (case alookup table idx of Some lab => lab | None => default)))
(∀prog s e labs i idx idx_size.
eval_exp s e (FlatV (IntV (&idx) idx_size))
@ -478,14 +494,13 @@ Inductive step_term:
(Iswitch e labs) Tau
(s with bp := el i labs))
(∀prog s v fname bname es t ret1 ret2 vals f.
alookup prog.functions fname = Some f
f.entry = Lab_name fname bname
(∀prog s v callee es t ret1 ret2 vals f.
alookup prog.functions callee = Some f
list_rel (eval_exp s) es vals
step_term prog s
(Call v (Lab_name fname bname) es t ret1 ret2) Tau
<| bp := Lab_name fname bname;
(Call v callee es t ret1 ret2) Tau
<| bp := f.entry;
glob_addrs := s.glob_addrs;
locals := alist_to_fmap (zip (f.params, vals));
stack :=
@ -543,9 +558,8 @@ Inductive step_block:
Inductive get_block:
∀prog bp fname bname f b.
bp = Lab_name fname bname
alookup prog.functions fname = Some f
∀prog bp f b.
alookup prog.functions (label_to_fname bp) = Some f
alookup f.cfg bp = Some b
get_block prog bp b

@ -816,10 +816,10 @@ Definition prog_ok_def:
∀fname dec.
alookup p fname = Some dec
∃block. alookup dec.blocks None = Some block block.h = Entry)
((* All non-entry blocks have a proper header *)
∀fname dec l b.
alookup p fname = Some dec alookup dec.blocks (Some l) = Some b
b.h Entry)
((* All non-entry blocks have a proper header, and entry blocks don't *)
∀fname dec.
alookup p fname = Some dec
(every (\b. fst b = None (snd b).h = Entry) dec.blocks))
(* There is a main function *)
∃dec. alookup p (Fn "main") = Some dec

@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ Definition translate_reg_def:
Definition translate_label_def:
translate_label f (Lab l) = Lab_name f l
(translate_label f None suffix = Lab_name f None suffix)
(translate_label f (Some (Lab l)) suffix = Lab_name f (Some l) suffix)
Definition translate_const_def:
@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ End
* *)
(* TODO *)
(* TODO: Finish *)
Definition translate_instr_to_inst_def:
(translate_instr_to_inst gmap emap (llvm$Store (t1, a1) (t2, a2)) =
llair$Store (translate_arg gmap emap a2) (translate_arg gmap emap a1) (sizeof t1))
@ -192,14 +193,35 @@ Definition translate_instr_to_inst_def:
Load (translate_reg r t) (translate_arg gmap emap a1) (sizeof t))
(* TODO *)
Definition dest_label_def:
dest_label (Lab s) = s
(* TODO: Finish *)
Definition translate_instr_to_term_def:
(translate_instr_to_term f gmap emap (Br a l1 l2) =
Switch (translate_arg gmap emap a) [(0, translate_label f l2)] (translate_label f l1))
(translate_instr_to_term f gmap emap (Exit a) =
(* When we branch to a new block, use the label of the move block that
* corresponds to the Phi instructions for that control-flow edge *)
(translate_instr_to_term lab gmap emap (Br a l1 l2) =
let (f,l) = case lab of Lab_name f l _ => (f, l) | Mov_name f l _ => (f, l) in
Switch (translate_arg gmap emap a)
[(0, Mov_name f l (dest_label l2))]
(Mov_name f l (dest_label l1)))
(translate_instr_to_term l gmap emap (Exit a) =
Exit (translate_arg gmap emap a))
Definition dest_fn_def:
dest_fn (Fn f) = f
Definition translate_call_def:
translate_call gmap emap ret exret (llvm$Call r ty fname args) =
llair$Call (translate_reg r ty)
(dest_fn fname)
(map (λ(t,a). translate_arg gmap emap a) args)
(translate_ty ty) ret exret
instr_class =
| Exp reg ty
@ -250,9 +272,22 @@ End
Definition extend_emap_non_exp_def:
(extend_emap_non_exp emap (Load r t _) = emap |+ (r, Var (translate_reg r t)))
(extend_emap_non_exp emap (Call r t _ _) = emap |+ (r, Var (translate_reg r t)))
(extend_emap_non_exp emap _ = emap)
(* Given a non-empty list of blocks, add an inst to the first one *)
Definition add_to_first_block_def:
(add_to_first_block i [] = [])
(add_to_first_block i ((l,b)::bs) = (l, b with cmnd := i::b.cmnd) :: bs)
Definition inc_label_def:
(inc_label (Lab_name f l i) = Lab_name f l (i + 1))
(inc_label (Mov_name f _ l) = Lab_name f (Some l) 0)
(* Translate a list of instructions into an block. f is the name of the function
* that the instructions are in, reg_to_keep is the set of variables that we
* want to keep assignments to (e.g., because of sharing in the expression
@ -275,154 +310,123 @@ End
Definition translate_instrs_def:
(translate_instrs f gmap emap reg_to_keep [] = (<| cmnd := []; term := Unreachable |>, emap))
(translate_instrs f gmap emap reg_to_keep (i :: is) =
(translate_instrs l gmap emap reg_to_keep [] = ([], emap))
(translate_instrs l gmap emap reg_to_keep (i :: is) =
case classify_instr i of
| Exp r t =>
let x = translate_reg r t in
let e = translate_instr_to_exp gmap emap i in
if r reg_to_keep then
let (b, emap') = translate_instrs f gmap (emap |+ (r, Var x)) reg_to_keep is in
(b with cmnd := Move [(x, e)] :: b.cmnd, emap')
let (bs, emap') = translate_instrs l gmap (emap |+ (r, Var x)) reg_to_keep is in
(add_to_first_block (Move [(x, e)]) bs, emap')
translate_instrs f gmap (emap |+ (r, e)) reg_to_keep is
translate_instrs l gmap (emap |+ (r, e)) reg_to_keep is
| Non_exp =>
let (b, emap') = translate_instrs f gmap (extend_emap_non_exp emap i) reg_to_keep is in
(b with cmnd := translate_instr_to_inst gmap emap i :: b.cmnd, emap')
let (bs, emap') = translate_instrs l gmap (extend_emap_non_exp emap i) reg_to_keep is in
(add_to_first_block (translate_instr_to_inst gmap emap i) bs, emap')
| Term =>
(<| cmnd := []; term := translate_instr_to_term f gmap emap i |>, emap)
(* TODO *)
| Call => ARB)
Definition dest_label_def:
dest_label (Lab s) = s
<| cmnd := []; term := translate_instr_to_term l gmap emap i |>)],
| Call =>
let (bs, emap') = translate_instrs (inc_label l) gmap (extend_emap_non_exp emap i) reg_to_keep is in
(* TODO: exceptional return address *)
<| cmnd := []; term := translate_call gmap emap (inc_label l) ARB i |>) :: bs,
Definition dest_phi_def:
dest_phi (Phi r t largs) = (r, t, largs)
(* Given a label and phi node, get the assignment for that incoming label. *)
Definition build_move_for_lab_def:
build_move_for_lab gmap emap l (Phi r t largs) =
case alookup largs l of
| Some a => (translate_reg r t, translate_arg gmap emap a)
(* This shouldn't be able happen in a well-formed program *)
| None => (translate_reg r t, Nondet)
Definition translate_label_opt_def:
(translate_label_opt f entry None = Lab_name f entry)
(translate_label_opt f entry (Some l) = translate_label f l)
(* Given a list of phis and a label, get the move block corresponding to
* entering the block targeted by l_to from block l_from *)
Definition generate_move_block_def:
generate_move_block f gmap emap phis l_from l_to =
<| cmnd := [Move (map (build_move_for_lab gmap emap l_from) phis)];
term := Iswitch (Integer 0 (IntegerT 1)) [translate_label f (Some l_to) 0] |>
(* Translate the LHS and args in the phis of a header, but leave the labels
* identifying the from-blocks alone for processing later *)
Definition translate_header_def:
(translate_header f gmap emap entry Entry = [])
(translate_header f gmap emap entry (Head phis _) =
(λ(r, t, largs).
(translate_reg r t,
map (λ(l, arg). (translate_label_opt f entry l, translate_arg gmap emap arg)) largs))
(map dest_phi phis))
(translate_header f from_ls l_to gmap emap Entry = [])
(translate_header f from_ls (Some l_to) gmap emap (Head phis _) =
map (λl_from.
(Mov_name f (option_map dest_label l_from) (dest_label l_to),
generate_move_block f gmap emap phis l_from l_to))
Definition header_to_emap_upd_def:
(header_to_emap_upd Entry = [])
(header_to_emap_upd (Head phis _) =
map (λ(r, t, largs). (r, Var (translate_reg r t))) (map dest_phi phis))
map (λx. case x of Phi r t largs => (r, Var (translate_reg r t))) phis)
Definition translate_block_def:
translate_block f entry_n gmap emap regs_to_keep (l, b) =
let (b', emap') = translate_instrs f gmap emap regs_to_keep b.body in
((Lab_name f (the (option_map dest_label l) entry_n),
(translate_header f gmap emap entry_n b.h, b')),
(emap' |++ header_to_emap_upd b.h))
translate_block f gmap emap regs_to_keep edges (l, b) =
let emap2 = emap |++ header_to_emap_upd b.h in
let (bs, emap3) = translate_instrs (Lab_name f (option_map dest_label l) 0) gmap emap2 regs_to_keep b.body in
(translate_header f (THE (alookup edges l)) l gmap emap b.h ++ bs, emap3)
(* Given a label and phi node, get the assignment for that incoming label. *)
Definition build_move_for_lab_def:
build_move_for_lab l (r, les) =
case alookup les l of
| Some e => (r,e)
(* This shouldn't be able happen in a well-formed program *)
| None => (r, Nondet)
(* Given a list of phis and a label, get the move corresponding to entering
* the block targeted by l_to from block l_from *)
Definition generate_move_block_def:
generate_move_block phis l_from l_to =
let t = Iswitch (Integer 0 (IntegerT 1)) [l_to] in
case alookup phis l_to of
| None => <| cmnd := [Move []]; term := t |>
| Some (phis, _) =>
<| cmnd := [Move (map (build_move_for_lab l_from) phis)];
term := t |>
Definition label_name_def:
label_to_name (Lab_name _ l) = l
(* Given association list of labels and phi-block pairs, and a particular block,
* build the new move blocks for its terminator *)
Definition generate_move_blocks_def:
generate_move_blocks f used_names bs (l_from, (_, body)) =
case body.term of
| Iswitch e ls =>
let (used_names, new_names) = gen_names used_names (map label_to_name ls) in
let mb = map2 (λl_to new. (Lab_name f new, generate_move_block bs l_from l_to)) ls new_names in
(used_names, (l_from, body with term := Iswitch e (map fst mb)) :: mb)
Definition translate_param_def:
translate_param (t, r) = translate_reg r t
Definition generate_move_blocks_list_def:
(generate_move_blocks_list f used_names bs [] = (used_names, []))
(generate_move_blocks_list f used_names bs (b::bs') =
let (used_names, new_blocks) = generate_move_blocks f used_names bs b in
let (used_names, new_blocks2) =
generate_move_blocks_list f used_names bs bs'
(used_names, new_blocks :: new_blocks2))
Definition get_from_ls_def:
(get_from_ls to_l [] = [])
(get_from_ls to_l ((from_l, b) :: bs) =
if to_l set (map Some (instr_to_labs (last b.body))) then
from_l :: get_from_ls to_l bs
get_from_ls to_l bs)
(* Given an association list of labels and phi-block pairs, remove the phi's,
* by generating an extra block along each control flow edge that does the move
* corresponding to the relevant phis. *)
Definition remove_phis_def:
remove_phis f used_names bs = flat (snd (generate_move_blocks_list f used_names bs bs))
Definition get_regs_to_keep_def:
get_regs_to_keep d = ARB
Definition translate_param_def:
translate_param (t, r) = translate_reg r t
Definition translate_blocks_def:
(translate_blocks f gmap emap regs_to_keep edges [] = [])
(translate_blocks f gmap emap regs_to_keep edges (bl::blocks) =
let (b,emap') = translate_block f gmap emap regs_to_keep edges bl in
let bs = translate_blocks f gmap emap' regs_to_keep edges blocks in
b ++ bs)
Definition translate_def_def:
translate_def f d gmap =
let used_names = ARB in
let entry_name = gen_name used_names "entry" in
(* TODO *)
let regs_to_keep = UNIV in
let regs_to_keep = get_regs_to_keep d in
let edges = map (λ(l, b). (l, get_from_ls l d.blocks)) d.blocks in
(* We thread a mapping from register names to expressions through. This
* works assuming that the blocks are in a good ordering, which must exist
* because the LLVM is in SSA form, and so each definition must dominate all
* uses.
* *)
let (bs, emap) =
(λ(bs, emap) b.
let (b', emap') = translate_block f entry_name gmap emap regs_to_keep b in
(b'::bs, emap'))
([], fempty) d.blocks
<| params := map translate_param d.params;
(* TODO: calculate these from the produced llair, and not the llvm *)
locals := ARB;
entry := Lab_name f entry_name;
cfg := remove_phis f used_names (reverse bs);
entry := Lab_name f None 0;
cfg := translate_blocks f gmap fempty regs_to_keep edges d.blocks;
freturn := ARB;
fthrow := ARB |>
Definition dest_fn_def:
dest_fn (Fn f) = f
Definition get_gmap_def:
get_gmap p = ARB
Definition translate_prog_def:
translate_prog p =
let gmap = ARB in
let gmap = get_gmap p in
<| glob_init := ARB;
functions := map (\(fname, d). (dest_fn fname, translate_def (dest_fn fname) d gmap)) p |>

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