[pulse] do not short-circuit valid paths because of errors

Change most `t list access_result` to `t access_result list` so that the
Ok/Error is individual to each result in the list instead of having only
a toplevel Ok/Error affecting the whole list.

To make it not horrible to write this introduces new "monadic" operators
`let<*>` and `let<+>`. They are not entirely satisfactory but perhaps
it's just a notation issue as they are not quite bind/map operators
unlike what their notation might suggest. I'd say good enough for now.

The type change induced quite the churn but the new operators simplify
the code overall.

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D26150505

fbshipit-source-id: 33764fae3
Jules Villard 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 5112fd2f32
commit 1f6b9edacc

@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
open IResult.Let_syntax
module IRAttributes = Attributes
open PulseBasicInterface
open PulseDomainInterface
open PulseOperations.Import
let exec_list_of_list_result = function
| Ok posts ->
@ -24,17 +24,27 @@ let exec_list_of_list_result = function
let report_on_error {InterproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc; tenv; err_log} result =
PulseReport.report_error proc_desc tenv err_log result
>>| List.map ~f:(fun post -> ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram post)
>>| List.map ~f:(fun post -> ContinueProgram post)
|> exec_list_of_list_result
let report_on_error_list {InterproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc; tenv; err_log} result =
PulseReport.report_error proc_desc tenv err_log result |> exec_list_of_list_result
let post_of_report_result = function
| Ok post ->
Some post
| Error Unsat ->
| Error (Sat post) ->
Some post
let report_on_error_list {InterproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc; tenv; err_log} results =
List.filter_map results ~f:(fun exec_result ->
PulseReport.report_error proc_desc tenv err_log exec_result |> post_of_report_result )
let report_topl_errors proc_desc err_log summary =
let f = function
| ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate ->
| ContinueProgram astate ->
PulseTopl.report_errors proc_desc err_log (AbductiveDomain.Topl.get astate)
| _ ->
@ -60,24 +70,24 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct
AnalysisCallbacks.proc_resolve_attributes pname |> Option.map ~f:ProcAttributes.get_pvar_formals
let interprocedural_call {InterproceduralAnalysis.analyze_dependency; proc_desc; tenv; err_log}
ret callee_pname call_exp actuals call_loc astate =
let interprocedural_call {InterproceduralAnalysis.analyze_dependency; proc_desc} ret callee_pname
call_exp actuals call_loc astate =
match callee_pname with
| Some callee_pname when not Config.pulse_intraprocedural_only ->
let formals_opt = get_pvar_formals callee_pname in
let callee_data = analyze_dependency callee_pname in
PulseOperations.call ~caller_proc_desc:proc_desc tenv err_log ~callee_data call_loc
callee_pname ~ret ~actuals ~formals_opt astate
PulseOperations.call ~caller_proc_desc:proc_desc ~callee_data call_loc callee_pname ~ret
~actuals ~formals_opt astate
| _ ->
L.d_printfln "Skipping indirect call %a@\n" Exp.pp call_exp ;
let astate =
let arg_values = List.map actuals ~f:(fun ((value, _), _) -> value) in
PulseOperations.conservatively_initialize_args arg_values astate
[ Domain.ContinueProgram
[ Ok
(PulseOperations.unknown_call call_loc (SkippedUnknownCall call_exp) ~ret ~actuals
~formals_opt:None astate) ]
~formals_opt:None astate)) ]
(** has an object just gone out of scope? *)
@ -126,7 +136,7 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct
| ISLLatentMemoryError _ | AbortProgram _ | LatentAbortProgram _ | ExitProgram _ ->
Result.map ~f:(List.map ~f:do_one_exec_state) exec_state_res
List.map ~f:(Result.map ~f:do_one_exec_state) exec_state_res
let topl_store_step loc ~lhs ~rhs:_ astate =
@ -145,7 +155,7 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct
let dispatch_call ({InterproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc; tenv} as analysis_data) ret call_exp
actuals call_loc flags astate =
(* evaluate all actuals *)
let* astate, rev_func_args =
let<*> astate, rev_func_args =
List.fold_result actuals ~init:(astate, [])
~f:(fun (astate, rev_func_args) (actual_exp, actual_typ) ->
let+ astate, actual_evaled = PulseOperations.eval Read call_loc actual_exp astate in
@ -166,7 +176,7 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct
(* do interprocedural call then destroy objects going out of scope *)
let exec_state_res =
let exec_states_res =
match model with
| Some (model, callee_procname) ->
L.d_printfln "Found model for call@\n" ;
@ -191,29 +201,33 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct
PerfEvent.(log (fun logger -> log_end_event logger ())) ;
let exec_state_res =
let exec_states_res =
if Topl.is_deep_active () then
match callee_pname with
| Some callee_pname ->
topl_small_step call_loc callee_pname func_args ret exec_state_res
topl_small_step call_loc callee_pname func_args ret exec_states_res
| None ->
(* skip, as above for non-topl *) exec_state_res
else exec_state_res
(* skip, as above for non-topl *) exec_states_res
else exec_states_res
let+ exec_state =
let exec_states_res =
match get_out_of_scope_object callee_pname actuals flags with
| Some pvar_typ ->
L.d_printfln "%a is going out of scope" Pvar.pp_value (fst pvar_typ) ;
let* exec_states = exec_state_res in
List.map exec_states ~f:(fun exec_state ->
exec_object_out_of_scope call_loc pvar_typ exec_state )
|> Result.all
List.map exec_states_res ~f:(fun exec_state ->
exec_state >>= exec_object_out_of_scope call_loc pvar_typ )
| None ->
if Option.exists callee_pname ~f:IRAttributes.is_no_return then
List.filter_map exec_states_res ~f:(fun exec_state_res ->
match exec_state_res with
| Error _ as err ->
Some err
| Ok exec_state ->
ExecutionDomain.force_exit_program proc_desc exec_state
else exec_state
|> Option.map ~f:(fun exec_state -> Ok exec_state) )
else exec_states_res
(* [get_dealloc_from_dynamic_types vars_types loc] returns a dealloc procname and vars and
@ -271,7 +285,7 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct
L.d_printfln ~color:Pp.Orange
"Executing injected call to dealloc for vars (%a) that are exiting the scope@."
(Pp.seq ~sep:"," Var.pp) vars ;
let astates = List.fold ~f:call_dealloc dealloc_data ~init:[Domain.ContinueProgram astate] in
let astates = List.fold ~f:call_dealloc dealloc_data ~init:[ContinueProgram astate] in
(astates, ret_vars)
@ -362,13 +376,13 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct
report_on_error analysis_data result
| Prune (condition, loc, _is_then_branch, _if_kind) ->
(let+ astate = PulseOperations.prune loc ~condition astate in
(let<*> astate = PulseOperations.prune loc ~condition astate in
if PulseArithmetic.is_unsat_cheap astate then
(* [condition] is known to be unsatisfiable: prune path *)
(* [condition] is true or unknown value: go into the branch *)
[Domain.ContinueProgram astate])
[Ok (ContinueProgram astate)])
|> report_on_error_list analysis_data
| Call (ret, call_exp, actuals, loc, call_flags) ->
dispatch_call analysis_data ret call_exp actuals loc call_flags astate
@ -393,7 +407,7 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct
~init:[] astates
if Procname.is_java (Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc) then
remove_vars vars [Domain.ContinueProgram astate]
remove_vars vars [ContinueProgram astate]
(* Here we add and execute calls to dealloc for Objective-C objects
before removing the variables *)
@ -411,7 +425,7 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct
| Metadata (VariableLifetimeBegins (pvar, typ, location)) when not (Pvar.is_global pvar) ->
[PulseOperations.realloc_pvar pvar typ location astate |> Domain.continue]
| Metadata (Abstract _ | VariableLifetimeBegins _ | Nullify _ | Skip) ->
[Domain.ContinueProgram astate] )
[ContinueProgram astate] )
let exec_instr astate analysis_data cfg_node instr =

@ -78,12 +78,9 @@ let is_unsat_cheap exec_state = PathCondition.is_unsat_cheap (get_astate exec_st
type summary = AbductiveDomain.summary base_t [@@deriving compare, equal, yojson_of]
let summary_of_posts_common ~continue_program pdesc posts =
List.filter_mapi posts ~f:(fun i exec_state ->
L.d_printfln "Creating spec out of state #%d:@\n%a" i pp exec_state ;
match exec_state with
let summary_of_post_common ~continue_program proc_desc = function
| ContinueProgram astate | ISLLatentMemoryError astate -> (
match AbductiveDomain.summary_of_post pdesc astate with
match AbductiveDomain.summary_of_post proc_desc astate with
| Unsat ->
| Sat astate ->
@ -94,17 +91,19 @@ let summary_of_posts_common ~continue_program pdesc posts =
| ExitProgram astate ->
Some (ExitProgram astate)
| LatentAbortProgram {astate; latent_issue} ->
Some (LatentAbortProgram {astate; latent_issue}) )
Some (LatentAbortProgram {astate; latent_issue})
let summary_of_posts =
summary_of_posts_common ~continue_program:(fun astate ->
let summary_of_posts proc_desc posts =
List.filter_mapi posts ~f:(fun i exec_state ->
L.d_printfln "Creating spec out of state #%d:@\n%a" i pp exec_state ;
summary_of_post_common proc_desc exec_state ~continue_program:(fun astate ->
match (astate :> AbductiveDomain.t).isl_status with
| ISLOk ->
ContinueProgram astate
| ISLError ->
ISLLatentMemoryError astate )
ISLLatentMemoryError astate ) )
let force_exit_program =
summary_of_posts_common ~continue_program:(fun astate -> ExitProgram astate)
let force_exit_program proc_desc post =
summary_of_post_common proc_desc post ~continue_program:(fun astate -> ExitProgram astate)

@ -36,4 +36,4 @@ type summary = AbductiveDomain.summary base_t [@@deriving compare, equal, yojson
val summary_of_posts : Procdesc.t -> t list -> summary list
val force_exit_program : Procdesc.t -> t list -> t list
val force_exit_program : Procdesc.t -> t -> t option

@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
open! IStd
open IResult.Let_syntax
open PulseBasicInterface
open PulseDomainInterface
open PulseOperations.Import
type arg_payload = AbstractValue.t * ValueHistory.t
@ -18,16 +18,16 @@ type model =
-> Location.t
-> ret:Ident.t * Typ.t
-> AbductiveDomain.t
-> ExecutionDomain.t list PulseOperations.access_result
-> ExecutionDomain.t PulseOperations.access_result list
let ok_continue post = Ok [ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram post]
let ok_continue post = [Ok (ContinueProgram post)]
let cpp_model_namespace = QualifiedCppName.of_list ["__infer_pulse_model"]
module Misc = struct
let shallow_copy_value location event ret_id dest_pointer_hist src_value_hist astate =
let* astate, obj_copy = PulseOperations.shallow_copy location src_value_hist astate in
let+ astate =
let<*> astate, obj_copy = PulseOperations.shallow_copy location src_value_hist astate in
let<+> astate =
PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:dest_pointer_hist
~obj:(fst obj_copy, event :: snd obj_copy)
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ module Misc = struct
let shallow_copy location event ret_id dest_pointer_hist src_pointer_hist astate =
let* astate, obj =
let<*> astate, obj =
PulseOperations.eval_access Read location src_pointer_hist Dereference astate
shallow_copy_value location event ret_id dest_pointer_hist obj astate
@ -45,17 +45,16 @@ module Misc = struct
let shallow_copy_model model_desc dest_pointer_hist src_pointer_hist : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model model_desc; location; in_call= []} in
let+ astate = shallow_copy location event ret_id dest_pointer_hist src_pointer_hist astate in
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
shallow_copy location event ret_id dest_pointer_hist src_pointer_hist astate
let early_exit : model =
fun {proc_desc} ~callee_procname:_ _ ~ret:_ astate ->
match AbductiveDomain.summary_of_post proc_desc astate with
| Unsat ->
Ok []
| Sat astate ->
Ok [ExecutionDomain.ExitProgram astate]
[Ok (ExitProgram astate)]
let return_int : Int64.t -> model =
@ -96,10 +95,8 @@ module Misc = struct
AnalysisCallbacks.proc_resolve_attributes callee_procname
|> Option.map ~f:ProcAttributes.get_pvar_formals
[ ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram
(PulseOperations.unknown_call location (Model skip_reason) ~ret ~actuals ~formals_opt
astate) ]
PulseOperations.unknown_call location (Model skip_reason) ~ret ~actuals ~formals_opt astate
|> ok_continue
(** don't actually do nothing, apply the heuristics for unknown calls (this may or may not be a
@ -129,13 +126,14 @@ module Misc = struct
match operation with `Free -> Invalidation.CFree | `Delete -> Invalidation.CppDelete
if Config.pulse_isl then
let+ astates =
PulseOperations.invalidate_biad_isl location invalidation deleted_access astate
List.map astates ~f:(fun astate -> ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate)
match PulseOperations.invalidate_biad_isl location invalidation deleted_access astate with
| Error _ as err ->
| Ok astates ->
List.map astates ~f:(fun astate -> Ok (ContinueProgram astate))
let+ astate = PulseOperations.invalidate location invalidation deleted_access astate in
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
let<+> astate = PulseOperations.invalidate location invalidation deleted_access astate in
module C = struct
@ -160,11 +158,14 @@ module C = struct
|> PulseOperations.allocate callee_procname location ret_value
|> set_uninitialized size_exp_opt location ret_addr
let result_null =
let+ astate_null =
PulseArithmetic.and_eq_int ret_addr IntLit.zero astate
|> PulseOperations.invalidate location (ConstantDereference IntLit.zero) ret_value
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate_alloc; ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate_null]
ContinueProgram astate_null
[Ok (ContinueProgram astate_alloc); result_null]
let malloc_not_null_common ~size_exp_opt : model =
@ -217,19 +218,19 @@ module ObjC = struct
let dispatch_sync args : model =
fun {analyze_dependency; proc_desc; tenv; err_log} ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret astate ->
fun {analyze_dependency; proc_desc} ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret astate ->
match List.last args with
| None ->
Ok [ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
ok_continue astate
| Some {ProcnameDispatcher.Call.FuncArg.arg_payload= lambda_ptr_hist} -> (
let* astate, (lambda, _) =
let<*> astate, (lambda, _) =
PulseOperations.eval_access Read location lambda_ptr_hist Dereference astate
match AddressAttributes.get_closure_proc_name lambda astate with
| None ->
Ok [ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
ok_continue astate
| Some callee_proc_name ->
PulseOperations.call ~caller_proc_desc:proc_desc tenv err_log
PulseOperations.call ~caller_proc_desc:proc_desc
~callee_data:(analyze_dependency callee_proc_name)
location callee_proc_name ~ret ~actuals:[] ~formals_opt:None astate )
@ -262,41 +263,40 @@ module Optional = struct
let assign_none this ~desc : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:_ astate ->
let* astate, value = assign_value_fresh location this ~desc astate in
let<*> astate, value = assign_value_fresh location this ~desc astate in
let astate = PulseArithmetic.and_eq_int (fst value) IntLit.zero astate in
let+ astate = PulseOperations.invalidate location Invalidation.OptionalEmpty value astate in
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
let<+> astate = PulseOperations.invalidate location Invalidation.OptionalEmpty value astate in
let assign_value this _value ~desc : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:_ astate ->
(* TODO: call the copy constructor of a value *)
let+ astate, value = assign_value_fresh location this ~desc astate in
let astate = PulseArithmetic.and_positive (fst value) astate in
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
let<+> astate, value = assign_value_fresh location this ~desc astate in
PulseArithmetic.and_positive (fst value) astate
let assign_optional_value this init ~desc : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:_ astate ->
let* astate, value = to_internal_value_deref Read location init astate in
let+ astate, _ = write_value location this ~value ~desc astate in
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
let<*> astate, value = to_internal_value_deref Read location init astate in
let<+> astate, _ = write_value location this ~value ~desc astate in
let emplace optional ~desc : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:_ astate ->
let+ astate, _ = assign_value_fresh location optional ~desc astate in
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
let<+> astate, _ = assign_value_fresh location optional ~desc astate in
let value optional ~desc : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model desc; location; in_call= []} in
let* astate, ((value_addr, value_hist) as value) =
let<*> astate, ((value_addr, value_hist) as value) =
to_internal_value_deref Write location optional astate
(* Check dereference to show an error at the callsite of `value()` *)
let* astate, _ = PulseOperations.eval_access Write location value Dereference astate in
let<*> astate, _ = PulseOperations.eval_access Write location value Dereference astate in
PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (value_addr, event :: value_hist) astate |> ok_continue
@ -304,51 +304,51 @@ module Optional = struct
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let ret_addr = AbstractValue.mk_fresh () in
let ret_value = (ret_addr, [ValueHistory.Call {f= Model desc; location; in_call= []}]) in
let+ astate, (value_addr, _) = to_internal_value_deref Read location optional astate in
let<*> astate, (value_addr, _) = to_internal_value_deref Read location optional astate in
let astate = PulseOperations.write_id ret_id ret_value astate in
let astate_non_empty = PulseArithmetic.and_positive value_addr astate in
let astate_true = PulseArithmetic.and_positive ret_addr astate_non_empty in
let astate_empty = PulseArithmetic.and_eq_int value_addr IntLit.zero astate in
let astate_false = PulseArithmetic.and_eq_int ret_addr IntLit.zero astate_empty in
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate_false; ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate_true]
[Ok (ContinueProgram astate_false); Ok (ContinueProgram astate_true)]
let get_pointer optional ~desc : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model desc; location; in_call= []} in
let* astate, value_addr = to_internal_value_deref Read location optional astate in
let<*> astate, value_addr = to_internal_value_deref Read location optional astate in
let value_update_hist = (fst value_addr, event :: snd value_addr) in
let astate_value_addr =
PulseOperations.write_id ret_id value_update_hist astate
|> PulseArithmetic.and_positive (fst value_addr)
let nullptr = (AbstractValue.mk_fresh (), [event]) in
let+ astate_null =
let<*> astate_null =
PulseOperations.write_id ret_id nullptr astate
|> PulseArithmetic.and_eq_int (fst value_addr) IntLit.zero
|> PulseArithmetic.and_eq_int (fst nullptr) IntLit.zero
|> PulseOperations.invalidate location (ConstantDereference IntLit.zero) nullptr
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate_value_addr; ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate_null]
[Ok (ContinueProgram astate_value_addr); Ok (ContinueProgram astate_null)]
let value_or optional default ~desc : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model desc; location; in_call= []} in
let* astate, value_addr = to_internal_value_deref Read location optional astate in
let<*> astate, value_addr = to_internal_value_deref Read location optional astate in
let astate_non_empty = PulseArithmetic.and_positive (fst value_addr) astate in
let* astate_non_empty, value =
let<*> astate_non_empty, value =
PulseOperations.eval_access Read location value_addr Dereference astate_non_empty
let value_update_hist = (fst value, event :: snd value) in
let astate_value = PulseOperations.write_id ret_id value_update_hist astate_non_empty in
let+ astate, (default_val, default_hist) =
let<*> astate, (default_val, default_hist) =
PulseOperations.eval_access Read location default Dereference astate
let default_value_hist = (default_val, event :: default_hist) in
let astate_empty = PulseArithmetic.and_eq_int (fst value_addr) IntLit.zero astate in
let astate_default = PulseOperations.write_id ret_id default_value_hist astate_empty in
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate_value; ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate_default]
[Ok (ContinueProgram astate_value); Ok (ContinueProgram astate_default)]
module Cplusplus = struct
@ -385,12 +385,12 @@ module StdAtomicInteger = struct
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:_ astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::atomic::atomic()"; location; in_call= []} in
let this = (AbstractValue.mk_fresh (), [event]) in
let* astate, int_field =
let<*> astate, int_field =
PulseOperations.eval_access Write location this (FieldAccess internal_int) astate
let* astate = PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:int_field ~obj:init_value astate in
let+ astate = PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:this_address ~obj:this astate in
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
let<*> astate = PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:int_field ~obj:init_value astate in
let<+> astate = PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:this_address ~obj:this astate in
let arith_bop prepost location event ret_id bop this operand astate =
@ -409,30 +409,30 @@ module StdAtomicInteger = struct
let fetch_add this (increment, _) _memory_ordering : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::atomic::fetch_add()"; location; in_call= []} in
let+ astate =
let<+> astate =
arith_bop `Post location event ret_id (PlusA None) this (AbstractValueOperand increment)
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
let fetch_sub this (increment, _) _memory_ordering : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::atomic::fetch_sub()"; location; in_call= []} in
let+ astate =
let<+> astate =
arith_bop `Post location event ret_id (MinusA None) this (AbstractValueOperand increment)
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
let operator_plus_plus_pre this : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::atomic::operator++()"; location; in_call= []} in
let+ astate =
let<+> astate =
arith_bop `Pre location event ret_id (PlusA None) this (LiteralOperand IntLit.one) astate
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
let operator_plus_plus_post this _int : model =
@ -440,19 +440,19 @@ module StdAtomicInteger = struct
let event =
ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::atomic<T>::operator++(T)"; location; in_call= []}
let+ astate =
let<+> astate =
arith_bop `Post location event ret_id (PlusA None) this (LiteralOperand IntLit.one) astate
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
let operator_minus_minus_pre this : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::atomic::operator--()"; location; in_call= []} in
let+ astate =
let<+> astate =
arith_bop `Pre location event ret_id (MinusA None) this (LiteralOperand IntLit.one) astate
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
let operator_minus_minus_post this _int : model =
@ -460,18 +460,17 @@ module StdAtomicInteger = struct
let event =
ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::atomic<T>::operator--(T)"; location; in_call= []}
let+ astate =
let<+> astate =
arith_bop `Post location event ret_id (MinusA None) this (LiteralOperand IntLit.one) astate
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
let load_instr model_desc this _memory_ordering_opt : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model model_desc; location; in_call= []} in
let+ astate, _int_addr, (int, hist) = load_backing_int location this astate in
let astate = PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (int, event :: hist) astate in
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
let<+> astate, _int_addr, (int, hist) = load_backing_int location this astate in
PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (int, event :: hist) astate
let load = load_instr "std::atomic<T>::load()"
@ -489,17 +488,16 @@ module StdAtomicInteger = struct
let store this_address (new_value, new_hist) _memory_ordering : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:_ astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::atomic::store()"; location; in_call= []} in
let+ astate = store_backing_int location this_address (new_value, event :: new_hist) astate in
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
let<+> astate = store_backing_int location this_address (new_value, event :: new_hist) astate in
let exchange this_address (new_value, new_hist) _memory_ordering : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::atomic::exchange()"; location; in_call= []} in
let* astate, _int_addr, (old_int, old_hist) = load_backing_int location this_address astate in
let+ astate = store_backing_int location this_address (new_value, event :: new_hist) astate in
let astate = PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (old_int, event :: old_hist) astate in
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
let<*> astate, _int_addr, (old_int, old_hist) = load_backing_int location this_address astate in
let<+> astate = store_backing_int location this_address (new_value, event :: new_hist) astate in
PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (old_int, event :: old_hist) astate
module JavaObject = struct
@ -507,12 +505,11 @@ module JavaObject = struct
let clone src_pointer_hist : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "Object.clone"; location; in_call= []} in
let* astate, obj =
let<*> astate, obj =
PulseOperations.eval_access Read location src_pointer_hist Dereference astate
let+ astate, obj_copy = PulseOperations.shallow_copy location obj astate in
let astate = PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (fst obj_copy, event :: snd obj_copy) astate in
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
let<+> astate, obj_copy = PulseOperations.shallow_copy location obj astate in
PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (fst obj_copy, event :: snd obj_copy) astate
module StdBasicString = struct
@ -531,52 +528,49 @@ module StdBasicString = struct
let data this_hist : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::basic_string::data()"; location; in_call= []} in
let* astate, string_addr_hist = to_internal_string location this_hist astate in
let+ astate, (string, hist) =
let<*> astate, string_addr_hist = to_internal_string location this_hist astate in
let<+> astate, (string, hist) =
PulseOperations.eval_access Read location string_addr_hist Dereference astate
let astate = PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (string, event :: hist) astate in
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (string, event :: hist) astate
let destructor this_hist : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:_ astate ->
let model = CallEvent.Model "std::basic_string::~basic_string()" in
let call_event = ValueHistory.Call {f= model; location; in_call= []} in
let* astate, (string_addr, string_hist) = to_internal_string location this_hist astate in
let<*> astate, (string_addr, string_hist) = to_internal_string location this_hist astate in
let string_addr_hist = (string_addr, call_event :: string_hist) in
let* astate =
let<*> astate =
PulseOperations.invalidate_access location CppDelete string_addr_hist Dereference astate
let+ astate = PulseOperations.invalidate location CppDelete string_addr_hist astate in
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
let<+> astate = PulseOperations.invalidate location CppDelete string_addr_hist astate in
module StdFunction = struct
let operator_call ProcnameDispatcher.Call.FuncArg.{arg_payload= lambda_ptr_hist; typ} actuals :
model =
fun {analyze_dependency; proc_desc; tenv; err_log} ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret astate ->
fun {analyze_dependency; proc_desc} ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret astate ->
let havoc_ret (ret_id, _) astate =
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::function::operator()"; location; in_call= []} in
[PulseOperations.havoc_id ret_id [event] astate]
let* astate, (lambda, _) =
let<*> astate, (lambda, _) =
PulseOperations.eval_access Read location lambda_ptr_hist Dereference astate
let* astate = PulseOperations.Closures.check_captured_addresses location lambda astate in
let<*> astate = PulseOperations.Closures.check_captured_addresses location lambda astate in
match AddressAttributes.get_closure_proc_name lambda astate with
| None ->
(* we don't know what proc name this lambda resolves to *)
( havoc_ret ret astate
|> List.map ~f:(fun astate -> ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate) )
havoc_ret ret astate |> List.map ~f:(fun astate -> Ok (ContinueProgram astate))
| Some callee_proc_name ->
let actuals =
(lambda_ptr_hist, typ)
:: List.map actuals ~f:(fun ProcnameDispatcher.Call.FuncArg.{arg_payload; typ} ->
(arg_payload, typ) )
PulseOperations.call ~caller_proc_desc:proc_desc tenv err_log
PulseOperations.call ~caller_proc_desc:proc_desc
~callee_data:(analyze_dependency callee_proc_name)
location callee_proc_name ~ret ~actuals ~formals_opt:None astate
@ -584,10 +578,9 @@ module StdFunction = struct
let assign dest ProcnameDispatcher.Call.FuncArg.{arg_payload= src; typ= src_typ} ~desc : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model desc; location; in_call= []} in
let+ astate =
if PulseArithmetic.is_known_zero astate (fst src) then
let empty_target = AbstractValue.mk_fresh () in
let+ astate =
let<+> astate =
PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:dest ~obj:(empty_target, [event]) astate
PulseOperations.havoc_id ret_id [event] astate
@ -597,8 +590,6 @@ module StdFunction = struct
Misc.shallow_copy location event ret_id dest src astate
| _ ->
Misc.shallow_copy_value location event ret_id dest src astate
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
module GenericArrayBackedCollection = struct
@ -689,14 +680,15 @@ module GenericArrayBackedCollectionIterator = struct
let constructor ~desc this init : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:_ astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model desc; location; in_call= []} in
construct location event ~init ~ref:this astate >>| ExecutionDomain.continue >>| List.return
let<+> astate = construct location event ~init ~ref:this astate in
let operator_compare comparison ~desc iter_lhs iter_rhs _ ~callee_procname:_ location
~ret:(ret_id, _) astate =
let operator_compare comparison ~desc iter_lhs iter_rhs : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model desc; location; in_call= []} in
let* astate, _, (index_lhs, _) = to_internal_pointer_deref Read location iter_lhs astate in
let+ astate, _, (index_rhs, _) = to_internal_pointer_deref Read location iter_rhs astate in
let<*> astate, _, (index_lhs, _) = to_internal_pointer_deref Read location iter_lhs astate in
let<*> astate, _, (index_rhs, _) = to_internal_pointer_deref Read location iter_rhs astate in
let ret_val = AbstractValue.mk_fresh () in
let astate = PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (ret_val, [event]) astate in
let ret_val_equal, ret_val_notequal =
@ -716,24 +708,29 @@ module GenericArrayBackedCollectionIterator = struct
|> PulseArithmetic.prune_binop ~negated:false Ne (AbstractValueOperand index_lhs)
(AbstractValueOperand index_rhs)
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate_equal; ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate_notequal]
[Ok (ContinueProgram astate_equal); Ok (ContinueProgram astate_notequal)]
let operator_star ~desc iter _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret astate =
let operator_star ~desc iter : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model desc; location; in_call= []} in
let+ astate, pointer, (elem, _) = to_elem_pointed_by_iterator Read location iter astate in
let astate = PulseOperations.write_id (fst ret) (elem, event :: snd pointer) astate in
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
let<+> astate, pointer, (elem, _) = to_elem_pointed_by_iterator Read location iter astate in
PulseOperations.write_id (fst ret) (elem, event :: snd pointer) astate
let operator_step step ~desc iter _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:_ astate =
let operator_step step ~desc iter : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:_ astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model desc; location; in_call= []} in
let index_new = AbstractValue.mk_fresh () in
let* astate, pointer, _ =
let<*> astate, pointer, _ =
to_elem_pointed_by_iterator Read ~step:(Some step) location iter astate
PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:pointer ~obj:(index_new, event :: snd pointer) astate
>>| ExecutionDomain.continue >>| List.return
let<+> astate =
PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:pointer
~obj:(index_new, event :: snd pointer)
module JavaIterator = struct
@ -741,54 +738,54 @@ module JavaIterator = struct
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model desc; location; in_call= []} in
let ref = (AbstractValue.mk_fresh (), [event]) in
let+ astate = GenericArrayBackedCollectionIterator.construct location event ~init ~ref astate in
let astate = PulseOperations.write_id (fst ret) ref astate in
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
let<+> astate =
GenericArrayBackedCollectionIterator.construct location event ~init ~ref astate
PulseOperations.write_id (fst ret) ref astate
(* {curr -> v_c} is modified to {curr -> v_fresh} and returns array[v_c] *)
let next ~desc iter _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret astate =
let next ~desc iter : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model desc; location; in_call= []} in
let new_index = AbstractValue.mk_fresh () in
let* astate, (curr_index, curr_index_hist) =
let<*> astate, (curr_index, curr_index_hist) =
GenericArrayBackedCollectionIterator.to_internal_pointer Read location iter astate
let* astate, (curr_elem_val, curr_elem_hist) =
let<*> astate, (curr_elem_val, curr_elem_hist) =
GenericArrayBackedCollection.element location iter curr_index astate
let+ astate =
let<+> astate =
PulseOperations.write_field location ~ref:iter
~obj:(new_index, event :: curr_index_hist)
let astate =
PulseOperations.write_id (fst ret) (curr_elem_val, event :: curr_elem_hist) astate
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
(* {curr -> v_c } is modified to {curr -> v_fresh} and writes to array[v_c] *)
let remove ~desc iter _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:_ astate =
let remove ~desc iter : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:_ astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model desc; location; in_call= []} in
let new_index = AbstractValue.mk_fresh () in
let* astate, (curr_index, curr_index_hist) =
let<*> astate, (curr_index, curr_index_hist) =
GenericArrayBackedCollectionIterator.to_internal_pointer Read location iter astate
let* astate =
let<*> astate =
PulseOperations.write_field location ~ref:iter
~obj:(new_index, event :: curr_index_hist)
let new_elem = AbstractValue.mk_fresh () in
let* astate, arr = GenericArrayBackedCollection.eval Read location iter astate in
let+ astate =
let<*> astate, arr = GenericArrayBackedCollection.eval Read location iter astate in
let<+> astate =
PulseOperations.write_arr_index location ~ref:arr ~index:curr_index
~obj:(new_elem, event :: curr_index_hist)
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
module StdVector = struct
@ -802,15 +799,16 @@ module StdVector = struct
>>= PulseOperations.havoc_field location vector GenericArrayBackedCollection.field trace
let init_list_constructor this init_list _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:_ astate =
let init_list_constructor this init_list : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:_ astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::vector::vector()"; location; in_call= []} in
let* astate, init_copy = PulseOperations.shallow_copy location init_list astate in
let+ astate =
let<*> astate, init_copy = PulseOperations.shallow_copy location init_list astate in
let<+> astate =
PulseOperations.write_field location ~ref:this GenericArrayBackedCollection.field
~obj:(fst init_copy, event :: snd init_copy)
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
let invalidate_references vector_f vector : model =
@ -821,18 +819,17 @@ module StdVector = struct
; location
; in_call= [] }
reallocate_internal_array [crumb] vector vector_f location astate
>>| ExecutionDomain.continue >>| List.return
let<+> astate = reallocate_internal_array [crumb] vector vector_f location astate in
let at ~desc vector index : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model desc; location; in_call= []} in
let+ astate, (addr, hist) =
let<+> astate, (addr, hist) =
GenericArrayBackedCollection.element location vector (fst index) astate
let astate = PulseOperations.write_id (fst ret) (addr, event :: hist) astate in
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
PulseOperations.write_id (fst ret) (addr, event :: hist) astate
let vector_begin vector iter : model =
@ -842,44 +839,48 @@ module StdVector = struct
let pointer_val = (AbstractValue.mk_fresh (), pointer_hist) in
let index_zero = AbstractValue.mk_fresh () in
let astate = PulseArithmetic.and_eq_int index_zero IntLit.zero astate in
let* astate, ((arr_addr, _) as arr) =
let<*> astate, ((arr_addr, _) as arr) =
GenericArrayBackedCollection.eval Read location vector astate
let* astate, _ = GenericArrayBackedCollection.eval_element location arr index_zero astate in
let<*> astate, _ = GenericArrayBackedCollection.eval_element location arr index_zero astate in
let<+> astate =
PulseOperations.write_field location ~ref:iter GenericArrayBackedCollection.field
~obj:(arr_addr, pointer_hist) astate
>>= PulseOperations.write_field location ~ref:iter
GenericArrayBackedCollectionIterator.internal_pointer ~obj:pointer_val
>>= PulseOperations.write_deref location ~ref:pointer_val ~obj:(index_zero, pointer_hist)
>>| ExecutionDomain.continue >>| List.return
let vector_end vector iter : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:_ astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::vector::end()"; location; in_call= []} in
let* astate, (arr_addr, _) = GenericArrayBackedCollection.eval Read location vector astate in
let* astate, (pointer_addr, _) =
let<*> astate, (arr_addr, _) = GenericArrayBackedCollection.eval Read location vector astate in
let<*> astate, (pointer_addr, _) =
GenericArrayBackedCollection.eval_pointer_to_last_element location vector astate
let pointer_hist = event :: snd iter in
let pointer_val = (pointer_addr, pointer_hist) in
let* astate =
let<*> astate =
PulseOperations.write_field location ~ref:iter GenericArrayBackedCollection.field
~obj:(arr_addr, pointer_hist) astate
let+ astate =
let<+> astate =
PulseOperations.write_field location ~ref:iter
GenericArrayBackedCollectionIterator.internal_pointer ~obj:pointer_val astate
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
let reserve vector : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:_ astate ->
let crumb = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::vector::reserve()"; location; in_call= []} in
let<+> astate =
reallocate_internal_array [crumb] vector Reserve location astate
>>| AddressAttributes.std_vector_reserve (fst vector)
>>| ExecutionDomain.continue >>| List.return
let push_back vector : model =
@ -891,18 +892,17 @@ module StdVector = struct
ok_continue astate
(* simulate a re-allocation of the underlying array every time an element is added *)
reallocate_internal_array [crumb] vector PushBack location astate
>>| ExecutionDomain.continue >>| List.return
let<+> astate = reallocate_internal_array [crumb] vector PushBack location astate in
let empty vector : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let crumb = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "std::vector::empty()"; location; in_call= []} in
let+ astate, (value_addr, value_hist) =
let<+> astate, (value_addr, value_hist) =
GenericArrayBackedCollection.eval_is_empty location vector astate
let astate = PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (value_addr, crumb :: value_hist) astate in
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
PulseOperations.write_id ret_id (value_addr, crumb :: value_hist) astate
module JavaCollection = struct
@ -910,30 +910,29 @@ module JavaCollection = struct
let set coll (index, _) (new_elem, new_elem_hist) : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "Collection.set"; location; in_call= []} in
let* astate, arr = GenericArrayBackedCollection.eval Read location coll astate in
let* astate, (old_addr, old_hist) =
let<*> astate, arr = GenericArrayBackedCollection.eval Read location coll astate in
let<*> astate, (old_addr, old_hist) =
GenericArrayBackedCollection.element location coll index astate
let+ astate =
let<+> astate =
PulseOperations.write_arr_index location ~ref:arr ~index
~obj:(new_elem, event :: new_elem_hist)
let astate = PulseOperations.write_id (fst ret) (old_addr, event :: old_hist) astate in
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
PulseOperations.write_id (fst ret) (old_addr, event :: old_hist) astate
(* writes to arr[index]-> new_elem *)
let add_at coll (index, _) (new_elem, new_elem_hist) : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:_ astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "Collection.add"; location; in_call= []} in
let* astate, arr = GenericArrayBackedCollection.eval Read location coll astate in
let+ astate =
let<*> astate, arr = GenericArrayBackedCollection.eval Read location coll astate in
let<+> astate =
PulseOperations.write_arr_index location ~ref:arr ~index
~obj:(new_elem, event :: new_elem_hist)
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
(* writes to arr[index]-> new_elem where index is a fresh address *)
@ -946,14 +945,14 @@ module JavaCollection = struct
let remove_at coll (index, _) : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:_ astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "Collection.add"; location; in_call= []} in
let* astate, arr = GenericArrayBackedCollection.eval Read location coll astate in
let<*> astate, arr = GenericArrayBackedCollection.eval Read location coll astate in
let fresh_elem = AbstractValue.mk_fresh () in
let+ astate =
let<+> astate =
PulseOperations.write_arr_index location ~ref:arr ~index
~obj:(fresh_elem, event :: snd arr)
[ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
(* writes to arr[index]-> fresh_elem where index is fresh *)
@ -990,14 +989,14 @@ module JavaInteger = struct
let constructor this_address init_value : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:_ astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "Integer.init"; location; in_call= []} in
let+ state = construct this_address init_value event location astate in
[ExecutionDomain.continue state]
let<+> astate = construct this_address init_value event location astate in
let equals this arg : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let* astate, _int_addr1, (int1, hist) = load_backing_int location this astate in
let* astate, _int_addr2, (int2, _) = load_backing_int location arg astate in
let<*> astate, _int_addr1, (int1, hist) = load_backing_int location this astate in
let<*> astate, _int_addr2, (int2, _) = load_backing_int location arg astate in
let binop_addr = AbstractValue.mk_fresh () in
let astate =
PulseArithmetic.eval_binop binop_addr Binop.Eq (AbstractValueOperand int1)
@ -1008,7 +1007,7 @@ module JavaInteger = struct
let int_val this : model =
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let* astate, _int_addr1, int_value_hist = load_backing_int location this astate in
let<*> astate, _int_addr1, int_value_hist = load_backing_int location this astate in
PulseOperations.write_id ret_id int_value_hist astate |> ok_continue
@ -1016,9 +1015,8 @@ module JavaInteger = struct
fun _ ~callee_procname:_ location ~ret:(ret_id, _) astate ->
let event = ValueHistory.Call {f= Model "Integer.valueOf"; location; in_call= []} in
let new_alloc = (AbstractValue.mk_fresh (), [event]) in
let+ astate = construct new_alloc init_value event location astate in
let astate = PulseOperations.write_id ret_id new_alloc astate in
[ExecutionDomain.continue astate]
let<+> astate = construct new_alloc init_value event location astate in
PulseOperations.write_id ret_id new_alloc astate
module JavaPreconditions = struct

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ type model =
-> Location.t
-> ret:Ident.t * Typ.t
-> AbductiveDomain.t
-> ExecutionDomain.t list PulseOperations.access_result
-> ExecutionDomain.t PulseOperations.access_result list
val dispatch :

@ -4,17 +4,35 @@
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module L = Logging
open IResult.Let_syntax
open PulseBasicInterface
open PulseDomainInterface
type t = AbductiveDomain.t
type 'a access_result = 'a PulseReport.access_result
module Import = struct
type access_mode = Read | Write | NoAccess
type 'abductive_domain_t base_t = 'abductive_domain_t ExecutionDomain.base_t =
| ContinueProgram of 'abductive_domain_t
| ExitProgram of AbductiveDomain.summary
| AbortProgram of AbductiveDomain.summary
| LatentAbortProgram of {astate: AbductiveDomain.summary; latent_issue: LatentIssue.t}
| ISLLatentMemoryError of 'abductive_domain_t
type 'a access_result = 'a PulseReport.access_result
type access_mode = Read | Write | NoAccess
include IResult.Let_syntax
let ( let<*> ) x f = match x with Error _ as err -> [err] | Ok y -> f y
let ( let<+> ) x f =
match x with Error _ as err -> [err] | Ok y -> [Ok (ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram (f y))]
include Import
let check_addr_access access_mode location (address, history) astate =
let access_trace = Trace.Immediate {location; history} in
@ -665,8 +683,8 @@ let conservatively_initialize_args arg_values ({AbductiveDomain.post} as astate)
AbstractValue.Set.fold AbductiveDomain.initialize reachable_values astate
let call ~caller_proc_desc tenv err_log ~(callee_data : (Procdesc.t * PulseSummary.t) option)
call_loc callee_pname ~ret ~actuals ~formals_opt (astate : AbductiveDomain.t) =
let call ~caller_proc_desc ~(callee_data : (Procdesc.t * PulseSummary.t) option) call_loc
callee_pname ~ret ~actuals ~formals_opt (astate : AbductiveDomain.t) =
let get_arg_values () = List.map actuals ~f:(fun ((value, _), _) -> value) in
match callee_data with
| Some (callee_proc_desc, exec_states) ->
@ -688,7 +706,7 @@ let call ~caller_proc_desc tenv err_log ~(callee_data : (Procdesc.t * PulseSumma
let pvar = Pvar.mk name callee_pname in
(Var.of_pvar pvar, capture_mode) )
let+ astate, captured_vars_with_actuals =
let<*> astate, captured_vars_with_actuals =
match actuals with
| (actual_closure, _) :: _
when not (Procname.is_objc_block callee_pname || List.is_empty captured_vars) ->
@ -718,15 +736,13 @@ let call ~caller_proc_desc tenv err_log ~(callee_data : (Procdesc.t * PulseSumma
| Unsat ->
(* couldn't apply pre/post pair *)
| Sat post -> (
match PulseReport.report_error caller_proc_desc tenv err_log post with
| Error Unsat ->
| Error (Sat post) | Ok post ->
post :: posts ) )
| Sat post ->
post :: posts )
| None ->
(* no spec found for some reason (unknown function, ...) *)
L.d_printfln "No spec found for %a@\n" Procname.pp callee_pname ;
let astate = conservatively_initialize_args (get_arg_values ()) astate in
unknown_call call_loc (SkippedKnownCall callee_pname) ~ret ~actuals ~formals_opt astate
|> fun astate -> Ok [ExecutionDomain.ContinueProgram astate]
let astate =
conservatively_initialize_args (get_arg_values ()) astate
|> unknown_call call_loc (SkippedKnownCall callee_pname) ~ret ~actuals ~formals_opt
[Ok (ContinueProgram astate)]

@ -9,11 +9,9 @@ open! IStd
open PulseBasicInterface
open PulseDomainInterface
type t = AbductiveDomain.t
type 'a access_result = 'a PulseReport.access_result
type access_mode =
(** For [open]ing in other modules. *)
module Import : sig
type access_mode =
| Read
| Write
| NoAccess
@ -21,6 +19,35 @@ type access_mode =
without actual memory access, for example, when evaluating [&x.f] we need to check
initialized-ness of [x], not that of [x.f]. *)
(** {2 Imported types for ease of use and so we can write variants without the corresponding
module prefix} *)
type 'abductive_domain_t base_t = 'abductive_domain_t ExecutionDomain.base_t =
| ContinueProgram of 'abductive_domain_t
| ExitProgram of AbductiveDomain.summary
| AbortProgram of AbductiveDomain.summary
| LatentAbortProgram of {astate: AbductiveDomain.summary; latent_issue: LatentIssue.t}
| ISLLatentMemoryError of 'abductive_domain_t
type 'a access_result = 'a PulseReport.access_result
(** {2 Monadic syntax} *)
include module type of IResult.Let_syntax
val ( let<*> ) : 'a access_result -> ('a -> 'b access_result list) -> 'b access_result list
(** monadic "bind" but not really that turns an [access_result] into a list of [access_result]s
(not really because the first type is not an [access_result list] but just an [access_result]) *)
val ( let<+> ) :
'a access_result -> ('a -> 'abductive_domain_t) -> 'abductive_domain_t base_t access_result list
(** monadic "map" but even less really that turns an [access_result] into an analysis result *)
include module type of Import
type t = AbductiveDomain.t
val check_addr_access :
access_mode -> Location.t -> AbstractValue.t * ValueHistory.t -> t -> t access_result
(** Check that the [address] is not known to be invalid *)
@ -159,8 +186,6 @@ val check_address_escape :
val call :
-> Tenv.t
-> Errlog.t
-> callee_data:(Procdesc.t * PulseSummary.t) option
-> Location.t
-> Procname.t
@ -168,7 +193,7 @@ val call :
-> actuals:((AbstractValue.t * ValueHistory.t) * Typ.t) list
-> formals_opt:(Pvar.t * Typ.t) list option
-> t
-> ExecutionDomain.t list access_result
-> ExecutionDomain.t access_result list
(** perform an interprocedural call: apply the summary for the call proc name passed as argument if
it exists *)
