[starvation] substitute arguments over parameters in locks

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D19374478

fbshipit-source-id: 48f59327d
Nikos Gorogiannis 5 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 07e91cabf7
commit 21cff2d659

@ -39,3 +39,7 @@ let get_formal_base index t =
let get_formals_indexes = AccessPath.BaseMap.bindings let get_formals_indexes = AccessPath.BaseMap.bindings
let pp = AccessPath.BaseMap.pp ~pp_value:Int.pp let pp = AccessPath.BaseMap.pp ~pp_value:Int.pp
let cardinal = AccessPath.BaseMap.cardinal
let iter = AccessPath.BaseMap.iter

@ -31,3 +31,7 @@ val get_formals_indexes : t -> (AccessPath.base * int) list
(** Get a list of (base * index) pairs. Note: these are sorted by base, not index *) (** Get a list of (base * index) pairs. Note: these are sorted by base, not index *)
val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit [@@warning "-32"] val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit [@@warning "-32"]
val cardinal : t -> int
val iter : (AccessPath.base -> int -> unit) -> t -> unit

@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
{astate with attributes} ) {astate with attributes} )
let do_call ProcData.{tenv; summary} lhs callee actuals loc (astate : Domain.t) = let do_call ProcData.{tenv; summary; extras} lhs callee actuals loc (astate : Domain.t) =
let open Domain in let open Domain in
let make_ret_attr return_attribute = {empty_summary with return_attribute} in let make_ret_attr return_attribute = {empty_summary with return_attribute} in
let make_thread thread = {empty_summary with thread} in let make_thread thread = {empty_summary with thread} in
@ -198,14 +198,16 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
(* constructor calls are special-cased because they side-effect the receiver and do not (* constructor calls are special-cased because they side-effect the receiver and do not
return anything *) return anything *)
let treat_modeled_summaries () = let treat_modeled_summaries () =
let callsite = CallSite.make callee loc in
IList.eval_until_first_some IList.eval_until_first_some
[ get_returned_executor_summary [ get_returned_executor_summary
; get_thread_assert_summary ; get_thread_assert_summary
; get_future_is_done_summary ; get_future_is_done_summary
; get_mainLooper_summary ; get_mainLooper_summary
; get_callee_summary ] ; get_callee_summary ]
|> Option.map ~f:(Domain.integrate_summary ~tenv ~lhs callsite astate) |> Option.map ~f:(fun summary ->
let subst = Lock.make_subst extras actuals in
let callsite = CallSite.make callee loc in
Domain.integrate_summary ~tenv ~lhs ~subst callsite astate summary )
in in
IList.eval_until_first_some IList.eval_until_first_some
[treat_handler_constructor; treat_thread_constructor; treat_assume; treat_modeled_summaries] [treat_handler_constructor; treat_thread_constructor; treat_assume; treat_modeled_summaries]

@ -220,6 +220,42 @@ module Lock = struct
let compare_wrt_reporting {path= (_, typ1), _} {path= (_, typ2), _} = let compare_wrt_reporting {path= (_, typ1), _} {path= (_, typ2), _} =
(* use string comparison on types as a stable order to decide whether to report a deadlock *) (* use string comparison on types as a stable order to decide whether to report a deadlock *)
String.compare (Typ.to_string typ1) (Typ.to_string typ2) String.compare (Typ.to_string typ1) (Typ.to_string typ2)
(** A substitution from formal position indices to actuals. Since we only care about locks, use
[None] to denote an argument that cannot be resolved to a lock object. *)
type subst = t option Array.t
let[@warning "-32"] pp_subst fmt subst =
PrettyPrintable.pp_collection fmt ~pp_item:(Pp.option pp) (Array.to_list subst)
let make_subst formal_map actuals =
let actuals = Array.of_list actuals in
let len =
(* deal with var args functions *)
Int.max (FormalMap.cardinal formal_map) (Array.length actuals)
let subst = Array.create ~len None in
(fun _base idx ->
if idx < Array.length actuals then subst.(idx) <- make formal_map actuals.(idx) )
formal_map ;
let apply_subst (subst : subst) lock =
match lock.root with
| Global _ | Class _ ->
Some lock
| Parameter index -> (
match subst.(index) with
| None ->
| Some actual ->
Some {actual with path= AccessPath.append actual.path (snd lock.path)}
with Invalid_argument _ -> None )
end end
module Event = struct module Event = struct
@ -258,6 +294,26 @@ module Event = struct
let make_strict_mode_call callee = StrictModeCall callee let make_strict_mode_call callee = StrictModeCall callee
let make_object_wait lock = MonitorWait lock let make_object_wait lock = MonitorWait lock
let apply_subst subst event =
let make_monitor_wait lock = MonitorWait lock in
let make_lock_acquire lock = LockAcquire lock in
let apply_subst_aux make lock =
match Lock.apply_subst subst lock with
| None ->
| Some lock' when phys_equal lock lock' ->
Some event
| Some lock' ->
Some (make lock')
match event with
| MonitorWait lock ->
apply_subst_aux make_monitor_wait lock
| LockAcquire lock ->
apply_subst_aux make_lock_acquire lock
| MayBlock _ | StrictModeCall _ ->
Some event
end end
(** A lock acquisition with source location and procname in which it occurs. The location & procname (** A lock acquisition with source location and procname in which it occurs. The location & procname
@ -280,6 +336,15 @@ module Acquisition = struct
let make_dummy lock = {lock; loc= Location.dummy; procname= Procname.Linters_dummy_method} let make_dummy lock = {lock; loc= Location.dummy; procname= Procname.Linters_dummy_method}
let apply_subst subst acquisition =
match Lock.apply_subst subst acquisition.lock with
| None ->
| Some lock when phys_equal acquisition.lock lock ->
Some acquisition
| Some lock ->
Some {acquisition with lock}
end end
(** Set of acquisitions; due to order over acquisitions, each lock appears at most once. *) (** Set of acquisitions; due to order over acquisitions, each lock appears at most once. *)
@ -295,6 +360,13 @@ module Acquisitions = struct
let no_locks_common_across_threads tenv acqs1 acqs2 = let no_locks_common_across_threads tenv acqs1 acqs2 =
for_all (fun acq1 -> not (lock_is_held_in_other_thread tenv acq1.lock acqs2)) acqs1 for_all (fun acq1 -> not (lock_is_held_in_other_thread tenv acq1.lock acqs2)) acqs1
let apply_subst subst acqs =
(fun acq acc ->
match Acquisition.apply_subst subst acq with None -> acc | Some acq' -> add acq' acc )
acqs empty
end end
module LockState : sig module LockState : sig
@ -409,8 +481,32 @@ module CriticalPairElement = struct
let describe = pp let describe = pp
let apply_subst subst elem =
match Event.apply_subst subst elem.event with
| None ->
| Some event' ->
let acquisitions' = Acquisitions.apply_subst subst elem.acquisitions in
Some {elem with acquisitions= acquisitions'; event= event'}
end end
let is_recursive_lock event tenv =
let is_class_and_recursive_lock = function
| {Typ.desc= Tptr ({desc= Tstruct name}, _)} | {desc= Tstruct name} ->
ConcurrencyModels.is_recursive_lock_type name
| typ ->
L.debug Analysis Verbose "Asked if non-struct type %a is a recursive lock type.@."
(Typ.pp_full Pp.text) typ ;
match event with
| Event.LockAcquire lock_path ->
AccessPath.get_typ lock_path.path tenv |> Option.exists ~f:is_class_and_recursive_lock
| _ ->
module CriticalPair = struct module CriticalPair = struct
include ExplicitTrace.MakeTraceElem (CriticalPairElement) (ExplicitTrace.DefaultCallPrinter) include ExplicitTrace.MakeTraceElem (CriticalPairElement) (ExplicitTrace.DefaultCallPrinter)
@ -433,15 +529,42 @@ module CriticalPair = struct
pair2.acquisitions ) pair2.acquisitions )
let integrate_summary_opt existing_acquisitions call_site (caller_thread : ThreadDomain.t) let apply_subst subst pair =
(callee_pair : t) = match CriticalPairElement.apply_subst subst pair.elem with
ThreadDomain.apply_to_pair caller_thread callee_pair.elem.thread | None ->
|> Option.map ~f:(fun thread -> None
let f (elem : CriticalPairElement.t) = | Some elem' ->
let acquisitions = Acquisitions.union existing_acquisitions elem.acquisitions in Some (map ~f:(fun _elem -> elem') pair)
({elem with acquisitions; thread} : elem_t)
with_callsite (map ~f callee_pair) call_site ) let integrate_summary_opt ?subst ?tenv existing_acquisitions call_site
(caller_thread : ThreadDomain.t) (callee_pair : t) =
let substitute_pair subst callee_pair =
match subst with None -> Some callee_pair | Some subst -> apply_subst subst callee_pair
let filter_out_reentrant_relock callee_pair =
match tenv with
| None ->
Some callee_pair
| Some tenv
when get_final_acquire callee_pair
|> Option.for_all ~f:(fun lock ->
(not (Acquisitions.lock_is_held lock existing_acquisitions))
|| not (is_recursive_lock callee_pair.elem.event tenv) ) ->
Some callee_pair
| _ ->
substitute_pair subst callee_pair
|> Option.bind ~f:filter_out_reentrant_relock
|> Option.bind ~f:(fun callee_pair ->
ThreadDomain.apply_to_pair caller_thread callee_pair.elem.thread
|> Option.map ~f:(fun thread ->
let f (elem : CriticalPairElement.t) =
let acquisitions = Acquisitions.union existing_acquisitions elem.acquisitions in
({elem with acquisitions; thread} : elem_t)
with_callsite (map ~f callee_pair) call_site ) )
let get_earliest_lock_or_call_loc ~procname ({elem= {acquisitions}} as t) = let get_earliest_lock_or_call_loc ~procname ({elem= {acquisitions}} as t) =
@ -506,22 +629,6 @@ module CriticalPair = struct
let can_run_in_parallel t1 t2 = ThreadDomain.can_run_in_parallel t1.elem.thread t2.elem.thread let can_run_in_parallel t1 t2 = ThreadDomain.can_run_in_parallel t1.elem.thread t2.elem.thread
end end
let is_recursive_lock event tenv =
let is_class_and_recursive_lock = function
| {Typ.desc= Tptr ({desc= Tstruct name}, _)} | {desc= Tstruct name} ->
ConcurrencyModels.is_recursive_lock_type name
| typ ->
L.debug Analysis Verbose "Asked if non-struct type %a is a recursive lock type.@."
(Typ.pp_full Pp.text) typ ;
match event with
| Event.LockAcquire lock_path ->
AccessPath.get_typ lock_path.path tenv |> Option.exists ~f:is_class_and_recursive_lock
| _ ->
(** skip adding an order pair [(_, event)] if (** skip adding an order pair [(_, event)] if
- we have no tenv, or, - we have no tenv, or,
@ -536,14 +643,15 @@ let should_skip ?tenv event lock_state =
module CriticalPairs = struct module CriticalPairs = struct
include CriticalPair.FiniteSet include CriticalPair.FiniteSet
let with_callsite astate ?tenv lock_state call_site thread = let with_callsite astate ?tenv ?subst lock_state call_site thread =
let existing_acquisitions = LockState.get_acquisitions lock_state in let existing_acquisitions = LockState.get_acquisitions lock_state in
fold fold
(fun ({elem= {event}} as critical_pair : CriticalPair.t) acc -> (fun critical_pair acc ->
if should_skip ?tenv event lock_state then acc CriticalPair.integrate_summary_opt ?subst ?tenv existing_acquisitions call_site thread
else critical_pair
CriticalPair.integrate_summary_opt existing_acquisitions call_site thread critical_pair |> Option.fold ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc (new_pair : CriticalPair.t) ->
|> Option.fold ~init:acc ~f:(fun acc new_pair -> add new_pair acc) ) if should_skip ?tenv new_pair.elem.event lock_state then acc else add new_pair acc )
astate empty astate empty
end end
@ -820,9 +928,9 @@ let pp_summary fmt (summary : summary) =
AttributeDomain.pp summary.attributes AttributeDomain.pp summary.attributes
let integrate_summary ?tenv ?lhs callsite (astate : t) (summary : summary) = let integrate_summary ?tenv ?lhs ?subst callsite (astate : t) (summary : summary) =
let critical_pairs' = let critical_pairs' =
CriticalPairs.with_callsite summary.critical_pairs ?tenv astate.lock_state callsite CriticalPairs.with_callsite summary.critical_pairs ?tenv ?subst astate.lock_state callsite
astate.thread astate.thread
in in
{ astate with { astate with

@ -58,6 +58,11 @@ module Lock : sig
val compare_wrt_reporting : t -> t -> int val compare_wrt_reporting : t -> t -> int
(** a stable order for avoiding reporting deadlocks twice based on the root variable type *) (** a stable order for avoiding reporting deadlocks twice based on the root variable type *)
(** substitution type : a map from (0-based) positional index to lock options *)
type subst
val make_subst : FormalMap.t -> HilExp.t list -> subst
end end
module Event : sig module Event : sig
@ -228,7 +233,13 @@ val empty_summary : summary
val pp_summary : F.formatter -> summary -> unit val pp_summary : F.formatter -> summary -> unit
val integrate_summary : val integrate_summary :
?tenv:Tenv.t -> ?lhs:HilExp.AccessExpression.t -> CallSite.t -> t -> summary -> t ?tenv:Tenv.t
-> ?lhs:HilExp.AccessExpression.t
-> ?subst:Lock.subst
-> CallSite.t
-> t
-> summary
-> t
(** apply a callee summary to the current abstract state; [lhs] is the expression assigned the (** apply a callee summary to the current abstract state; [lhs] is the expression assigned the
returned value, if any *) returned value, if any *)

@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
#include "crossfile-1.h" #include "crossfile-1.h"
// a deadlock should be reported here // a deadlock should be reported here
void CrossFileOne::lock_my_mutex_first_then_the_other() { void CrossFileOne::lock_my_mutex_first_then_the_other(CrossFileTwo* other) {
_mutex.lock(); _mutex.lock();
_other->just_lock_my_mutex(); other->just_lock_my_mutex();
_mutex.unlock(); _mutex.unlock();
} }

@ -22,12 +22,11 @@ class CrossFileOne;
class CrossFileOne { class CrossFileOne {
public: public:
CrossFileOne() {} CrossFileOne() {}
void lock_my_mutex_first_then_the_other(); void lock_my_mutex_first_then_the_other(CrossFileTwo* other);
void just_lock_my_mutex(); void just_lock_my_mutex();
private: private:
std::mutex _mutex; std::mutex _mutex;
CrossFileTwo* _other;
}; };
#endif #endif

@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
#include "crossfile-2.h" #include "crossfile-2.h"
// a deadlock should be reported here // a deadlock should be reported here
void CrossFileTwo::lock_my_mutex_first_then_the_other() { void CrossFileTwo::lock_my_mutex_first_then_the_other(CrossFileOne* other) {
_mutex.lock(); _mutex.lock();
_other->just_lock_my_mutex(); other->just_lock_my_mutex();
_mutex.unlock(); _mutex.unlock();
} }

@ -20,12 +20,11 @@ class CrossFileTwo;
class CrossFileTwo { class CrossFileTwo {
public: public:
CrossFileTwo() {} CrossFileTwo() {}
void lock_my_mutex_first_then_the_other(); void lock_my_mutex_first_then_the_other(CrossFileOne* other);
void just_lock_my_mutex(); void just_lock_my_mutex();
private: private:
std::mutex _mutex; std::mutex _mutex;
CrossFileOne* _other;
}; };
#endif #endif

@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ codetoanalyze/cpp/starvation/basics.cpp, basics::SelfDeadlock::interproc1_bad, 1
codetoanalyze/cpp/starvation/basics.cpp, basics::SelfDeadlock::thread_bad, 105, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [In method `basics::SelfDeadlock::thread_bad`, locks `this.mutex_` in `class basics::SelfDeadlock`, locks `this.mutex_` in `class basics::SelfDeadlock`] codetoanalyze/cpp/starvation/basics.cpp, basics::SelfDeadlock::thread_bad, 105, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [In method `basics::SelfDeadlock::thread_bad`, locks `this.mutex_` in `class basics::SelfDeadlock`, locks `this.mutex_` in `class basics::SelfDeadlock`]
codetoanalyze/cpp/starvation/basics.cpp, basics::WithGuard::thread1_bad, 44, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `basics::WithGuard::thread1_bad`, locks `this.mutex_1` in `class basics::WithGuard`, locks `this.mutex_2` in `class basics::WithGuard`,[Trace 2] `basics::WithGuard::thread2_bad`, locks `this.mutex_2` in `class basics::WithGuard`, locks `this.mutex_1` in `class basics::WithGuard`] codetoanalyze/cpp/starvation/basics.cpp, basics::WithGuard::thread1_bad, 44, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `basics::WithGuard::thread1_bad`, locks `this.mutex_1` in `class basics::WithGuard`, locks `this.mutex_2` in `class basics::WithGuard`,[Trace 2] `basics::WithGuard::thread2_bad`, locks `this.mutex_2` in `class basics::WithGuard`, locks `this.mutex_1` in `class basics::WithGuard`]
codetoanalyze/cpp/starvation/basics.cpp, basics::WithGuard::thread2_bad, 49, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `basics::WithGuard::thread2_bad`, locks `this.mutex_2` in `class basics::WithGuard`, locks `this.mutex_1` in `class basics::WithGuard`,[Trace 2] `basics::WithGuard::thread1_bad`, locks `this.mutex_1` in `class basics::WithGuard`, locks `this.mutex_2` in `class basics::WithGuard`] codetoanalyze/cpp/starvation/basics.cpp, basics::WithGuard::thread2_bad, 49, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `basics::WithGuard::thread2_bad`, locks `this.mutex_2` in `class basics::WithGuard`, locks `this.mutex_1` in `class basics::WithGuard`,[Trace 2] `basics::WithGuard::thread1_bad`, locks `this.mutex_1` in `class basics::WithGuard`, locks `this.mutex_2` in `class basics::WithGuard`]
codetoanalyze/cpp/starvation/crossfile-1.cpp, CrossFileOne::lock_my_mutex_first_then_the_other, 12, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `CrossFileOne::lock_my_mutex_first_then_the_other`, locks `this._mutex` in `class CrossFileOne`,Method call: `CrossFileTwo::just_lock_my_mutex`, locks `this._mutex` in `class CrossFileTwo`,[Trace 2] `CrossFileTwo::lock_my_mutex_first_then_the_other`, locks `this._mutex` in `class CrossFileTwo`,Method call: `CrossFileOne::just_lock_my_mutex`, locks `this._mutex` in `class CrossFileOne`] codetoanalyze/cpp/starvation/crossfile-1.cpp, CrossFileOne::lock_my_mutex_first_then_the_other, 12, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `CrossFileOne::lock_my_mutex_first_then_the_other`, locks `this._mutex` in `class CrossFileOne`,Method call: `CrossFileTwo::just_lock_my_mutex`, locks `other._mutex` in `class CrossFileTwo`,[Trace 2] `CrossFileTwo::lock_my_mutex_first_then_the_other`, locks `this._mutex` in `class CrossFileTwo`,Method call: `CrossFileOne::just_lock_my_mutex`, locks `other._mutex` in `class CrossFileOne`]
codetoanalyze/cpp/starvation/crossfile-2.cpp, CrossFileTwo::lock_my_mutex_first_then_the_other, 12, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `CrossFileTwo::lock_my_mutex_first_then_the_other`, locks `this._mutex` in `class CrossFileTwo`,Method call: `CrossFileOne::just_lock_my_mutex`, locks `this._mutex` in `class CrossFileOne`,[Trace 2] `CrossFileOne::lock_my_mutex_first_then_the_other`, locks `this._mutex` in `class CrossFileOne`,Method call: `CrossFileTwo::just_lock_my_mutex`, locks `this._mutex` in `class CrossFileTwo`] codetoanalyze/cpp/starvation/crossfile-2.cpp, CrossFileTwo::lock_my_mutex_first_then_the_other, 12, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `CrossFileTwo::lock_my_mutex_first_then_the_other`, locks `this._mutex` in `class CrossFileTwo`,Method call: `CrossFileOne::just_lock_my_mutex`, locks `other._mutex` in `class CrossFileOne`,[Trace 2] `CrossFileOne::lock_my_mutex_first_then_the_other`, locks `this._mutex` in `class CrossFileOne`,Method call: `CrossFileTwo::just_lock_my_mutex`, locks `other._mutex` in `class CrossFileTwo`]
codetoanalyze/cpp/starvation/skip.cpp, skipped::Skip::not_skipped_bad, 19, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [In method `skipped::Skip::not_skipped_bad`,Method call: `skipped::Skip::private_deadlock`, locks `this.mutex_` in `class skipped::Skip`, locks `this.mutex_` in `class skipped::Skip`] codetoanalyze/cpp/starvation/skip.cpp, skipped::Skip::not_skipped_bad, 19, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [In method `skipped::Skip::not_skipped_bad`,Method call: `skipped::Skip::private_deadlock`, locks `this.mutex_` in `class skipped::Skip`, locks `this.mutex_` in `class skipped::Skip`]
codetoanalyze/cpp/starvation/skip.cpp, skipped::SkipTemplate<void>::not_skipped_bad, 44, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [In method `skipped::SkipTemplate<void>::not_skipped_bad`,Method call: `skipped::SkipTemplate<void>::private_deadlock`, locks `this.mutex_` in `class skipped::SkipTemplate<void>`, locks `this.mutex_` in `class skipped::SkipTemplate<void>`] codetoanalyze/cpp/starvation/skip.cpp, skipped::SkipTemplate<void>::not_skipped_bad, 44, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [In method `skipped::SkipTemplate<void>::not_skipped_bad`,Method call: `skipped::SkipTemplate<void>::private_deadlock`, locks `this.mutex_` in `class skipped::SkipTemplate<void>`, locks `this.mutex_` in `class skipped::SkipTemplate<void>`]
codetoanalyze/cpp/starvation/skip.cpp, skipped::UseTemplate::foo, 53, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [In method `skipped::UseTemplate::foo`,Method call: `skipped::SkipTemplate<void>::not_skipped_bad`,Method call: `skipped::SkipTemplate<void>::private_deadlock`, locks `this.mutex_` in `class skipped::SkipTemplate<void>`, locks `this.mutex_` in `class skipped::SkipTemplate<void>`] codetoanalyze/cpp/starvation/skip.cpp, skipped::UseTemplate::foo, 51, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [In method `skipped::UseTemplate::foo`,Method call: `skipped::SkipTemplate<void>::not_skipped_bad`,Method call: `skipped::SkipTemplate<void>::private_deadlock`, locks `this.x.mutex_` in `class skipped::UseTemplate`, locks `this.x.mutex_` in `class skipped::UseTemplate`]

@ -47,11 +47,12 @@ class SkipTemplate {
class UseTemplate { class UseTemplate {
public: public:
void foo() { void foo() {
SkipTemplate<void> x;
x.skipped_ok(); x.skipped_ok();
x.not_skipped_bad(); x.not_skipped_bad();
} }
SkipTemplate<void> x;
}; };
} // namespace skipped } // namespace skipped

@ -3,5 +3,5 @@ codetoanalyze/java/starvation-dedup/Dedup.java, Dedup.callMethodWithMultipleBloc
codetoanalyze/java/starvation-dedup/Dedup.java, Dedup.callMethodWithMultipleBlocksBad():void, 28, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [`void Dedup.callMethodWithMultipleBlocksBad()`,calls `Object Future.get()`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation-dedup/Dedup.java, Dedup.callMethodWithMultipleBlocksBad():void, 28, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [`void Dedup.callMethodWithMultipleBlocksBad()`,calls `Object Future.get()`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation-dedup/Dedup.java, Dedup.onUiThreadBad():void, 20, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [`void Dedup.onUiThreadBad()`,Method call: `void Dedup.callMethodWithMultipleBlocksBad()`,calls `void CountDownLatch.await()`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation-dedup/Dedup.java, Dedup.onUiThreadBad():void, 20, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [`void Dedup.onUiThreadBad()`,Method call: `void Dedup.callMethodWithMultipleBlocksBad()`,calls `void CountDownLatch.await()`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation-dedup/Dedup.java, Dedup.oneWayBad():void, 35, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void Dedup.oneWayBad()`, locks `this.lockA` in `class Dedup`, locks `this.lockB` in `class Dedup`,[Trace 2] `void Dedup.anotherWayBad()`, locks `this.lockB` in `class Dedup`, locks `this.lockA` in `class Dedup`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation-dedup/Dedup.java, Dedup.oneWayBad():void, 35, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void Dedup.oneWayBad()`, locks `this.lockA` in `class Dedup`, locks `this.lockB` in `class Dedup`,[Trace 2] `void Dedup.anotherWayBad()`, locks `this.lockB` in `class Dedup`, locks `this.lockA` in `class Dedup`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation-dedup/Interproc.java, Interproc.interproc1Bad(InterprocA):void, 10, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void Interproc.interproc1Bad(InterprocA)`, locks `this` in `class Interproc`,Method call: `void Interproc.interproc2(InterprocA)`, locks `b` in `class InterprocA`,[Trace 2] `void InterprocA.interproc1Bad(Interproc)`, locks `this` in `class InterprocA`,Method call: `void InterprocA.interproc2(Interproc)`, locks `d` in `class Interproc`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation-dedup/Interproc.java, Interproc.interproc1Bad(InterprocA):void, 10, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void Interproc.interproc1Bad(InterprocA)`, locks `this` in `class Interproc`,Method call: `void Interproc.interproc2(InterprocA)`, locks `a` in `class InterprocA`,[Trace 2] `void InterprocA.interproc1Bad(Interproc)`, locks `this` in `class InterprocA`,Method call: `void InterprocA.interproc2(Interproc)`, locks `c` in `class Interproc`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation-dedup/Intraproc.java, Intraproc.intraBad(IntraprocA):void, 10, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void Intraproc.intraBad(IntraprocA)`, locks `this` in `class Intraproc`, locks `o` in `class IntraprocA`,[Trace 2] `void IntraprocA.intraBad(Intraproc)`, locks `this` in `class IntraprocA`, locks `o` in `class Intraproc`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation-dedup/Intraproc.java, Intraproc.intraBad(IntraprocA):void, 10, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void Intraproc.intraBad(IntraprocA)`, locks `this` in `class Intraproc`, locks `o` in `class IntraprocA`,[Trace 2] `void IntraprocA.intraBad(Intraproc)`, locks `this` in `class IntraprocA`, locks `o` in `class Intraproc`]

@ -6,52 +6,52 @@
*/ */
class Interproc { class Interproc {
synchronized void interproc1Bad(InterprocA a) { synchronized void lockThisThenParamBad(InterprocA a) {
interproc2Bad(a); lockParamA(a);
} }
void interproc2Bad(InterprocA b) { void lockParamA(InterprocA b) {
synchronized (b) { synchronized (b) {
} }
} }
synchronized void interproc1Ok(InterprocB a) { synchronized void lockThisThenParamOk(InterprocB a) {
interproc2Ok(a); lockParamB(a);
} }
void interproc2Ok(InterprocB b) { void lockParamB(InterprocB b) {
synchronized (b) { synchronized (b) {
} }
} }
void reentrant1Ok(InterprocB b) { void lockThisTwiceOk(InterprocB b) {
synchronized (this) { synchronized (this) {
synchronized (b) { synchronized (b) {
reentrant2Ok(); lockThis();
} }
} }
} }
synchronized void reentrant2Ok() {} synchronized void lockThis() {}
} }
class InterprocA { class InterprocA {
synchronized void interproc1Bad(Interproc c) { synchronized void lockThisThenParamBad(Interproc c) {
interproc2Bad(c); lockParam(c);
} }
void interproc2Bad(Interproc d) { void lockParam(Interproc d) {
synchronized (d) { synchronized (d) {
} }
} }
} }
class InterprocB { class InterprocB {
void interproc1Ok(Interproc c) { void lockParamThenThisOk(Interproc c) {
synchronized (c) { synchronized (c) {
interproc2Ok(c); lockThis(c);
} }
} }
synchronized void interproc2Ok(Interproc d) {} synchronized void lockThis(Interproc d) {}
} }

@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ class Parameters {
Parameters someObject; Parameters someObject;
// Next two methods will deadlock // Next two methods will deadlock
public synchronized void FN_oneWayEmulateSyncBad() { public synchronized void oneWayEmulateSyncBad() {
emulateSynchronized(someObject); emulateSynchronized(someObject);
} }
public void FN_anotherWayEmulateSyncBad() { public void anotherWayEmulateSyncBad() {
synchronized (someObject) { synchronized (someObject) {
synchronized (this) { synchronized (this) {
} }

@ -12,15 +12,14 @@ codetoanalyze/java/starvation/FutureGet.java, FutureGet.getTimeout64BitsBad():vo
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/FutureGet.java, FutureGet.getTimeoutOneDayBad():void, 43, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [`void FutureGet.getTimeoutOneDayBad()`,calls `Object Future.get(long,TimeUnit)`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation/FutureGet.java, FutureGet.getTimeoutOneDayBad():void, 43, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [`void FutureGet.getTimeoutOneDayBad()`,calls `Object Future.get(long,TimeUnit)`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/FutureGet.java, FutureGet.getTimeoutOneHourBad():void, 59, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [`void FutureGet.getTimeoutOneHourBad()`,calls `Object Future.get(long,TimeUnit)`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation/FutureGet.java, FutureGet.getTimeoutOneHourBad():void, 59, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [`void FutureGet.getTimeoutOneHourBad()`,calls `Object Future.get(long,TimeUnit)`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/IndirectBlock.java, IndirectBlock.takeExpensiveLockOnUiThreadBad():void, 23, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void IndirectBlock.takeExpensiveLockOnUiThreadBad()`, locks `this.expensiveLock` in `class IndirectBlock`,[Trace 2] `void IndirectBlock.doTransactUnderLock()`, locks `this.expensiveLock` in `class IndirectBlock`,calls `boolean Binder.transact(int,Parcel,Parcel,int)`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation/IndirectBlock.java, IndirectBlock.takeExpensiveLockOnUiThreadBad():void, 23, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void IndirectBlock.takeExpensiveLockOnUiThreadBad()`, locks `this.expensiveLock` in `class IndirectBlock`,[Trace 2] `void IndirectBlock.doTransactUnderLock()`, locks `this.expensiveLock` in `class IndirectBlock`,calls `boolean Binder.transact(int,Parcel,Parcel,int)`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/IndirectBlock.java, IndirectBlock.takeRemoteExpensiveLockOnUiThreadBad(IndirectInterproc):void, 35, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void IndirectBlock.takeRemoteExpensiveLockOnUiThreadBad(IndirectInterproc)`,Method call: `void IndirectInterproc.takeLock()`, locks `this` in `class IndirectInterproc`,[Trace 2] `void IndirectInterproc.doTransactUnderLock(Binder)`, locks `this` in `class IndirectInterproc`,calls `boolean Binder.transact(int,Parcel,Parcel,int)`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation/IndirectBlock.java, IndirectBlock.takeRemoteExpensiveLockOnUiThreadBad(IndirectInterproc):void, 35, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void IndirectBlock.takeRemoteExpensiveLockOnUiThreadBad(IndirectInterproc)`,Method call: `void IndirectInterproc.takeLock()`, locks `i` in `class IndirectInterproc`,[Trace 2] `void IndirectInterproc.doTransactUnderLock(Binder)`, locks `this` in `class IndirectInterproc`,calls `boolean Binder.transact(int,Parcel,Parcel,int)`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/InnerClass.java, InnerClass$InnerClassA.<init>(InnerClass,java.lang.Object), 55, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `InnerClass$InnerClassA.<init>(InnerClass,Object)`, locks `this` in `class InnerClass$InnerClassA`,Method call: `void InnerClass.lockOuter()`, locks `this` in `class InnerClass`,[Trace 2] `void InnerClass.FP_outerInnerOk(InnerClass$InnerClassA)`, locks `this` in `class InnerClass`,Method call: `void InnerClass$InnerClassA.lockInner()`, locks `this` in `class InnerClass$InnerClassA`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation/InnerClass.java, InnerClass$InnerClassA.<init>(InnerClass,java.lang.Object), 55, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `InnerClass$InnerClassA.<init>(InnerClass,Object)`, locks `this` in `class InnerClass$InnerClassA`,Method call: `void InnerClass.lockOuter()`, locks `this$0` in `class InnerClass`,[Trace 2] `void InnerClass.FP_outerInnerOk(InnerClass$InnerClassA)`, locks `this` in `class InnerClass`,Method call: `void InnerClass$InnerClassA.lockInner()`, locks `a` in `class InnerClass$InnerClassA`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/InnerClass.java, InnerClass$InnerClassA.innerOuterBad():void, 39, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void InnerClass$InnerClassA.innerOuterBad()`, locks `this` in `class InnerClass$InnerClassA`,Method call: `void InnerClass.lockOuter()`, locks `this` in `class InnerClass`,[Trace 2] `void InnerClass.FP_outerInnerOk(InnerClass$InnerClassA)`, locks `this` in `class InnerClass`,Method call: `void InnerClass$InnerClassA.lockInner()`, locks `this` in `class InnerClass$InnerClassA`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation/InnerClass.java, InnerClass.FP_outerInnerOk(InnerClass$InnerClassA):void, 21, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void InnerClass.FP_outerInnerOk(InnerClass$InnerClassA)`, locks `this` in `class InnerClass`,Method call: `void InnerClass$InnerClassA.lockInner()`, locks `a` in `class InnerClass$InnerClassA`,[Trace 2] `void InnerClass$InnerClassA.innerOuterBad()`, locks `this` in `class InnerClass$InnerClassA`,Method call: `void InnerClass.lockOuter()`, locks `this.this$0` in `class InnerClass$InnerClassA`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/InnerClass.java, InnerClass.FP_outerInnerOk(InnerClass$InnerClassA):void, 21, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void InnerClass.FP_outerInnerOk(InnerClass$InnerClassA)`, locks `this` in `class InnerClass`,Method call: `void InnerClass$InnerClassA.lockInner()`, locks `this` in `class InnerClass$InnerClassA`,[Trace 2] `InnerClass$InnerClassA.<init>(InnerClass,Object)`, locks `this` in `class InnerClass$InnerClassA`,Method call: `void InnerClass.lockOuter()`, locks `this` in `class InnerClass`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation/InnerClass.java, InnerClass.FP_outerInnerOk(InnerClass$InnerClassA):void, 21, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void InnerClass.FP_outerInnerOk(InnerClass$InnerClassA)`, locks `this` in `class InnerClass`,Method call: `void InnerClass$InnerClassA.lockInner()`, locks `a` in `class InnerClass$InnerClassA`,[Trace 2] `InnerClass$InnerClassA.<init>(InnerClass,Object)`, locks `this` in `class InnerClass$InnerClassA`,Method call: `void InnerClass.lockOuter()`, locks `this$0` in `class InnerClass`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/InnerClass.java, InnerClass.FP_outerInnerOk(InnerClass$InnerClassA):void, 21, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void InnerClass.FP_outerInnerOk(InnerClass$InnerClassA)`, locks `this` in `class InnerClass`,Method call: `void InnerClass$InnerClassA.lockInner()`, locks `this` in `class InnerClass$InnerClassA`,[Trace 2] `void InnerClass$InnerClassA.innerOuterBad()`, locks `this` in `class InnerClass$InnerClassA`,Method call: `void InnerClass.lockOuter()`, locks `this` in `class InnerClass`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation/Interclass.java, Interclass.interclass1Bad(InterclassA):void, 10, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void Interclass.interclass1Bad(InterclassA)`, locks `this` in `class Interclass`,Method call: `void InterclassA.interclass1Bad()`, locks `a` in `class InterclassA`,[Trace 2] `void InterclassA.interclass2Bad(Interclass)`, locks `this` in `class InterclassA`,Method call: `void Interclass.interclass2Bad()`, locks `i` in `class Interclass`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/Interclass.java, Interclass.interclass1Bad(InterclassA):void, 10, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void Interclass.interclass1Bad(InterclassA)`, locks `this` in `class Interclass`,Method call: `void InterclassA.interclass1Bad()`, locks `this` in `class InterclassA`,[Trace 2] `void InterclassA.interclass2Bad(Interclass)`, locks `this` in `class InterclassA`,Method call: `void Interclass.interclass2Bad()`, locks `this` in `class Interclass`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation/Interclass.java, InterclassA.interclass2Bad(Interclass):void, 37, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void InterclassA.interclass2Bad(Interclass)`, locks `this` in `class InterclassA`,Method call: `void Interclass.interclass2Bad()`, locks `i` in `class Interclass`,[Trace 2] `void Interclass.interclass1Bad(InterclassA)`, locks `this` in `class Interclass`,Method call: `void InterclassA.interclass1Bad()`, locks `a` in `class InterclassA`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/Interclass.java, InterclassA.interclass2Bad(Interclass):void, 37, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void InterclassA.interclass2Bad(Interclass)`, locks `this` in `class InterclassA`,Method call: `void Interclass.interclass2Bad()`, locks `this` in `class Interclass`,[Trace 2] `void Interclass.interclass1Bad(InterclassA)`, locks `this` in `class Interclass`,Method call: `void InterclassA.interclass1Bad()`, locks `this` in `class InterclassA`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation/Interproc.java, Interproc.lockThisThenParamBad(InterprocA):void, 10, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void Interproc.lockThisThenParamBad(InterprocA)`, locks `this` in `class Interproc`,Method call: `void Interproc.lockParamA(InterprocA)`, locks `a` in `class InterprocA`,[Trace 2] `void InterprocA.lockThisThenParamBad(Interproc)`, locks `this` in `class InterprocA`,Method call: `void InterprocA.lockParam(Interproc)`, locks `c` in `class Interproc`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/Interproc.java, Interproc.interproc1Bad(InterprocA):void, 10, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void Interproc.interproc1Bad(InterprocA)`, locks `this` in `class Interproc`,Method call: `void Interproc.interproc2Bad(InterprocA)`, locks `b` in `class InterprocA`,[Trace 2] `void InterprocA.interproc1Bad(Interproc)`, locks `this` in `class InterprocA`,Method call: `void InterprocA.interproc2Bad(Interproc)`, locks `d` in `class Interproc`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation/Interproc.java, InterprocA.lockThisThenParamBad(Interproc):void, 40, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void InterprocA.lockThisThenParamBad(Interproc)`, locks `this` in `class InterprocA`,Method call: `void InterprocA.lockParam(Interproc)`, locks `c` in `class Interproc`,[Trace 2] `void Interproc.lockThisThenParamBad(InterprocA)`, locks `this` in `class Interproc`,Method call: `void Interproc.lockParamA(InterprocA)`, locks `a` in `class InterprocA`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/Interproc.java, InterprocA.interproc1Bad(Interproc):void, 40, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void InterprocA.interproc1Bad(Interproc)`, locks `this` in `class InterprocA`,Method call: `void InterprocA.interproc2Bad(Interproc)`, locks `d` in `class Interproc`,[Trace 2] `void Interproc.interproc1Bad(InterprocA)`, locks `this` in `class Interproc`,Method call: `void Interproc.interproc2Bad(InterprocA)`, locks `b` in `class InterprocA`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/Intraproc.java, Intraproc.intraBad(IntraprocA):void, 10, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void Intraproc.intraBad(IntraprocA)`, locks `this` in `class Intraproc`, locks `o` in `class IntraprocA`,[Trace 2] `void IntraprocA.intraBad(Intraproc)`, locks `this` in `class IntraprocA`, locks `o` in `class Intraproc`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation/Intraproc.java, Intraproc.intraBad(IntraprocA):void, 10, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void Intraproc.intraBad(IntraprocA)`, locks `this` in `class Intraproc`, locks `o` in `class IntraprocA`,[Trace 2] `void IntraprocA.intraBad(Intraproc)`, locks `this` in `class IntraprocA`, locks `o` in `class Intraproc`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/Intraproc.java, IntraprocA.intraBad(Intraproc):void, 35, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void IntraprocA.intraBad(Intraproc)`, locks `this` in `class IntraprocA`, locks `o` in `class Intraproc`,[Trace 2] `void Intraproc.intraBad(IntraprocA)`, locks `this` in `class Intraproc`, locks `o` in `class IntraprocA`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation/Intraproc.java, IntraprocA.intraBad(Intraproc):void, 35, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void IntraprocA.intraBad(Intraproc)`, locks `this` in `class IntraprocA`, locks `o` in `class Intraproc`,[Trace 2] `void Intraproc.intraBad(IntraprocA)`, locks `this` in `class Intraproc`, locks `o` in `class IntraprocA`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/LegacySync.java, LegacySync.onUiThreadOpBad():java.lang.Object, 25, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `Object LegacySync.onUiThreadOpBad()`, locks `this.table` in `class LegacySync`,[Trace 2] `void LegacySync.notOnUiThreadSyncedBad()`, locks `this.table` in `class LegacySync`,calls `Object Future.get()`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation/LegacySync.java, LegacySync.onUiThreadOpBad():java.lang.Object, 25, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `Object LegacySync.onUiThreadOpBad()`, locks `this.table` in `class LegacySync`,[Trace 2] `void LegacySync.notOnUiThreadSyncedBad()`, locks `this.table` in `class LegacySync`,calls `Object Future.get()`]
@ -46,6 +45,8 @@ codetoanalyze/java/starvation/ObjWait.java, ObjWait.indirectWaitOnMainWithoutTim
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/ObjWait.java, ObjWait.waitOnMainWithExcessiveTimeout1Bad():void, 31, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [`void ObjWait.waitOnMainWithExcessiveTimeout1Bad()`,calls `wait` on `this.o` in `class ObjWait`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation/ObjWait.java, ObjWait.waitOnMainWithExcessiveTimeout1Bad():void, 31, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [`void ObjWait.waitOnMainWithExcessiveTimeout1Bad()`,calls `wait` on `this.o` in `class ObjWait`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/ObjWait.java, ObjWait.waitOnMainWithExcessiveTimeout2Bad():void, 38, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [`void ObjWait.waitOnMainWithExcessiveTimeout2Bad()`,calls `wait` on `this.o` in `class ObjWait`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation/ObjWait.java, ObjWait.waitOnMainWithExcessiveTimeout2Bad():void, 38, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [`void ObjWait.waitOnMainWithExcessiveTimeout2Bad()`,calls `wait` on `this.o` in `class ObjWait`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/ObjWait.java, ObjWait.waitOnMainWithoutTimeoutBad():void, 24, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [`void ObjWait.waitOnMainWithoutTimeoutBad()`,calls `wait` on `this.o` in `class ObjWait`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation/ObjWait.java, ObjWait.waitOnMainWithoutTimeoutBad():void, 24, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [`void ObjWait.waitOnMainWithoutTimeoutBad()`,calls `wait` on `this.o` in `class ObjWait`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/Parameters.java, Parameters.anotherWayEmulateSyncBad():void, 39, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void Parameters.anotherWayEmulateSyncBad()`, locks `this.someObject` in `class Parameters`, locks `this` in `class Parameters`,[Trace 2] `void Parameters.oneWayEmulateSyncBad()`, locks `this` in `class Parameters`,Method call: `void Parameters.emulateSynchronized(Parameters)`, locks `this.someObject` in `class Parameters`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/Parameters.java, Parameters.oneWayEmulateSyncBad():void, 35, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void Parameters.oneWayEmulateSyncBad()`, locks `this` in `class Parameters`,Method call: `void Parameters.emulateSynchronized(Parameters)`, locks `this.someObject` in `class Parameters`,[Trace 2] `void Parameters.anotherWayEmulateSyncBad()`, locks `this.someObject` in `class Parameters`, locks `this` in `class Parameters`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/Parameters.java, Parameters.otherWaySyncOnParamBad(java.lang.Object):void, 20, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void Parameters.otherWaySyncOnParamBad(Object)`, locks `x` in `class java.lang.Object`, locks `this` in `class Parameters`,[Trace 2] `void Parameters.oneWaySyncOnParamBad(Object)`, locks `this` in `class Parameters`,Method call: `void Parameters.syncOnParam(Object)`, locks `x` in `class java.lang.Object`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation/Parameters.java, Parameters.otherWaySyncOnParamBad(java.lang.Object):void, 20, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void Parameters.otherWaySyncOnParamBad(Object)`, locks `x` in `class java.lang.Object`, locks `this` in `class Parameters`,[Trace 2] `void Parameters.oneWaySyncOnParamBad(Object)`, locks `this` in `class Parameters`,Method call: `void Parameters.syncOnParam(Object)`, locks `x` in `class java.lang.Object`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/PubPriv.java, PubPriv.alsoBad():void, 25, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [`void PubPriv.alsoBad()`,Method call: `void PubPriv.transactBad()`,Method call: `void PubPriv.doTransactOk()`,calls `boolean Binder.transact(int,Parcel,Parcel,int)`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation/PubPriv.java, PubPriv.alsoBad():void, 25, STARVATION, no_bucket, ERROR, [`void PubPriv.alsoBad()`,Method call: `void PubPriv.transactBad()`,Method call: `void PubPriv.doTransactOk()`,calls `boolean Binder.transact(int,Parcel,Parcel,int)`]
codetoanalyze/java/starvation/PubPriv.java, PubPriv.callAnotherWayBad():void, 53, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void PubPriv.callAnotherWayBad()`,Method call: `void PubPriv.anotherWayOk()`, locks `this.lockB` in `class PubPriv`, locks `this.lockA` in `class PubPriv`,[Trace 2] `void PubPriv.callOneWayBad()`,Method call: `void PubPriv.oneWayOk()`, locks `this.lockA` in `class PubPriv`, locks `this.lockB` in `class PubPriv`] codetoanalyze/java/starvation/PubPriv.java, PubPriv.callAnotherWayBad():void, 53, DEADLOCK, no_bucket, ERROR, [[Trace 1] `void PubPriv.callAnotherWayBad()`,Method call: `void PubPriv.anotherWayOk()`, locks `this.lockB` in `class PubPriv`, locks `this.lockA` in `class PubPriv`,[Trace 2] `void PubPriv.callOneWayBad()`,Method call: `void PubPriv.oneWayOk()`, locks `this.lockA` in `class PubPriv`, locks `this.lockB` in `class PubPriv`]
