@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let at_least_bottom =
Domain . join ( Domain . NonBottom SiofTrace . initial )
let exec_instr astate { ProcData . pdesc ; tenv } _ ( instr : Sil . instr ) = match instr with
let exec_instr astate { ProcData . pdesc ; } _ ( instr : Sil . instr ) = match instr with
| Load ( _ , exp , _ , loc )
| Store ( _ , _ , exp , loc )
| Prune ( exp , loc , _ , _ ) ->
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
| Call ( _ , Const ( Cfun callee_pname ) , params , loc , _ ) ->
let callsite = CallSite . make callee_pname loc in
let callee_globals =
match Summary . read_summary tenv pdesc callee_pname with
match Summary . read_summary pdesc callee_pname with
| Some ( Domain . NonBottom trace ) ->
Domain . NonBottom ( SiofTrace . with_callsite trace callsite )
| _ ->
@ -98,12 +98,12 @@ let is_foreign tu_opt v =
| None -> assert false in
Option . map_default ( fun f -> not ( is_orig_file f ) ) false ( Pvar . get_source_file v )
let report_siof t env t race pdesc gname loc =
let report_siof t race pdesc gname loc =
let tu_opt =
let attrs = Procdesc . get_attributes pdesc in
attrs . ProcAttributes . translation_unit in
let trace_of_pname pname =
match Summary . read_summary tenv pdesc pname with
match Summary . read_summary pdesc pname with
| Some ( SiofDomain . NonBottom summary ) -> summary
| _ -> SiofTrace . initial in
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ let report_siof tenv trace pdesc gname loc =
IList . iter report_one_path ( SiofTrace . get_reportable_sink_paths trace ~ trace_of_pname )
let siof_check tenv pdesc gname = function
let siof_check pdesc gname = function
| Some ( SiofDomain . NonBottom post ) ->
let attrs = Procdesc . get_attributes pdesc in
let foreign_global_sinks =
@ -155,15 +155,15 @@ let siof_check tenv pdesc gname = function
( fun sink -> is_foreign attrs . ProcAttributes . translation_unit ( SiofTrace . Sink . kind sink ) )
( SiofTrace . sinks post ) in
if not ( SiofTrace . Sinks . is_empty foreign_global_sinks )
then report_siof tenv post pdesc gname attrs . ProcAttributes . loc ;
then report_siof post pdesc gname attrs . ProcAttributes . loc ;
| Some SiofDomain . Bottom | None ->
let checker ( { Callbacks . tenv; proc_desc } as callback ) =
let checker ( { Callbacks . proc_desc; } as callback ) =
let post = Interprocedural . checker callback ProcData . empty_extras in
let pname = Procdesc . get_proc_name proc_desc in
match Procname . get_global_name_of_initializer pname with
| Some gname ->
siof_check tenv proc_desc gname post
siof_check proc_desc gname post
| None ->