@ -36,29 +36,90 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
type extras = FormalMap . t
let log_parse_error error pname actuals =
L . debug Analysis Verbose " %s pname:%a actuals:%a@. " error Typ . Procname . pp pname
( PrettyPrintable . pp_collection ~ pp_item : HilExp . pp )
(* * convert an expression to a canonical form for a lock identifier *)
let get_lock_path extras = function
| HilExp . AccessExpression access_exp -> (
match HilExp . AccessExpression . to_access_path access_exp with
| ( ( ( Var . ProgramVar pvar , _ ) as base ) , _ ) as path
when FormalMap . is_formal base extras | | Pvar . is_global pvar ->
Some ( AccessPath . inner_class_normalize path )
| _ ->
(* ignore paths on local or logical variables *)
None )
| HilExp . Constant ( Const . Cclass class_id ) ->
(* this is a synchronized/lock ( CLASSNAME.class ) construct *)
Some ( lock_of_class class_id )
| _ ->
let do_assume assume_exp ( astate : Domain . t ) =
let open Domain in
let add_choice ( acc : Domain . t ) bool_value =
let thread = if bool_value then ThreadDomain . UIThread else ThreadDomain . BGThread in
{ acc with thread }
match HilExp . get_access_exprs assume_exp with
| [ access_expr ] when AttributeDomain . is_thread_guard access_expr astate . attributes ->
HilExp . eval_boolean_exp access_expr assume_exp | > Option . fold ~ init : astate ~ f : add_choice
| _ ->
let do_thread_assert_effect ( ret_var , _ ) callee ( astate : Domain . t ) =
let open Domain in
match ConcurrencyModels . get_thread_assert_effect callee with
| BackgroundThread ->
{ astate with thread = ThreadDomain . BGThread }
| MainThread ->
{ astate with thread = ThreadDomain . UIThread }
| MainThreadIfTrue ->
let attributes = AttributeDomain . add ret_var Attribute . Thread astate . attributes in
{ astate with attributes }
| UnknownThread ->
let do_work_scheduling tenv callee actuals loc ( astate : Domain . t ) =
let schedule_work runnable init thread =
StarvationModels . get_run_method_from_runnable tenv runnable
| > Option . fold ~ init ~ f : ( Domain . schedule_work loc thread )
match actuals with
| [ HilExp . AccessExpression executor ; HilExp . AccessExpression runnable ]
when StarvationModels . schedules_work tenv callee ->
let thread_opt =
IList . force_until_first_some
[ (* match an executor call that we have a model for *)
lazy ( StarvationModels . get_executor_thread_constraint tenv executor )
; (* match an executor call where the executor is stored in a variable *)
lazy ( Domain . AttributeDomain . get_executor_constraint executor astate . attributes ) ]
Option . fold thread_opt ~ init : astate ~ f : ( schedule_work runnable )
| _ ->
let do_executor_effect tenv ( ret_var , _ ) callee actuals astate =
let open Domain in
StarvationModels . get_executor_effect ~ attrs_of_pname tenv callee actuals
| > Option . fold ~ init : astate ~ f : ( fun acc effect ->
let attributes =
AttributeDomain . add ret_var ( Attribute . Executor effect ) astate . attributes
{ acc with attributes } )
let exec_instr ( astate : Domain . t ) { ProcData . summary ; tenv ; extras } _ ( instr : HilInstr . t ) =
let open ConcurrencyModels in
let open StarvationModels in
let log_parse_error error pname actuals =
L . debug Analysis Verbose " %s pname:%a actuals:%a@. " error Typ . Procname . pp pname
( PrettyPrintable . pp_collection ~ pp_item : HilExp . pp )
let get_lock_path = function
| HilExp . AccessExpression access_exp -> (
match HilExp . AccessExpression . to_access_path access_exp with
| ( ( ( Var . ProgramVar pvar , _ ) as base ) , _ ) as path
when FormalMap . is_formal base extras | | Pvar . is_global pvar ->
Some ( AccessPath . inner_class_normalize path )
| _ ->
(* ignore paths on local or logical variables *)
None )
| HilExp . Constant ( Const . Cclass class_id ) ->
(* this is a synchronized/lock ( CLASSNAME.class ) construct *)
Some ( lock_of_class class_id )
| _ ->
let get_lock_path = get_lock_path extras in
let procname = Summary . get_proc_name summary in
let is_java = Typ . Procname . is_java procname in
let do_lock locks loc astate =
@ -70,52 +131,17 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
Payload . read ~ caller_summary : summary ~ callee_pname : callee
| > Option . fold ~ init : astate ~ f : ( Domain . integrate_summary tenv callsite )
let do_assume assume_exp ( astate : Domain . t ) =
let open Domain in
let add_choice ( acc : Domain . t ) bool_value =
let thread = if bool_value then ThreadDomain . UIThread else ThreadDomain . BGThread in
{ acc with thread }
match HilExp . get_access_exprs assume_exp with
| [ access_expr ] when BranchGuardDomain . is_thread_guard access_expr astate . branch_guards ->
HilExp . eval_boolean_exp access_expr assume_exp | > Option . fold ~ init : astate ~ f : add_choice
| _ ->
let do_thread_assert_effect ret_base callee ( astate : Domain . t ) =
let open Domain in
match ConcurrencyModels . get_thread_assert_effect callee with
| BackgroundThread ->
{ astate with thread = ThreadDomain . BGThread }
| MainThread ->
{ astate with thread = ThreadDomain . UIThread }
| MainThreadIfTrue ->
let ret_access_exp = HilExp . AccessExpression . base ret_base in
let branch_guards =
BranchGuardDomain . add ret_access_exp BranchGuard . Thread astate . branch_guards
{ astate with branch_guards }
| UnknownThread ->
let do_work_scheduling actuals loc astate =
match actuals with
(* match an executor call where the second arg is the runnable object *)
| [ HilExp . AccessExpression executor ; HilExp . AccessExpression runnable ] ->
StarvationModels . get_executor_thread_constraint tenv executor
| > Option . fold ~ init : astate ~ f : ( fun init thread ->
StarvationModels . get_run_method_from_runnable tenv runnable
| > Option . fold ~ init ~ f : ( Domain . schedule_work loc thread ) )
| _ ->
match instr with
| Assign _ | Call ( _ , Indirect _ , _ , _ , _ ) | Metadata _ ->
| Assign _ | Call ( _ , Indirect _ , _ , _ , _ ) ->
| Call ( _ , Direct callee , actuals , _ , _ ) when should_skip_analysis tenv callee actuals ->
| Metadata ( Sil . ExitScope ( vars , _ ) ) ->
{ astate with attributes = Domain . AttributeDomain . exit_scope vars astate . attributes }
| Metadata _ ->
| Assume ( assume_exp , _ , _ , _ ) ->
do_assume assume_exp astate
| Call ( _ , Direct callee , actuals , _ , _ ) when should_skip_analysis tenv callee actuals ->
| Call ( ret_base , Direct callee , actuals , _ , loc ) -> (
match get_lock_effect callee actuals with
| Lock locks ->
@ -143,10 +169,12 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
do_lock locks loc astate | > do_unlock locks
| NoEffect when is_java && is_strict_mode_violation tenv callee actuals ->
Domain . strict_mode_call ~ callee ~ loc astate
| NoEffect when is_java && StarvationModels . schedules_work tenv callee ->
do_work_scheduling actuals loc astate
| NoEffect when is_java -> (
let astate = do_thread_assert_effect ret_base callee astate in
let astate =
do_thread_assert_effect ret_base callee astate
| > do_executor_effect tenv ret_base callee actuals
| > do_work_scheduling tenv callee actuals loc
match may_block tenv callee actuals with
| Some sev ->
Domain . blocking_call ~ callee sev ~ loc astate