@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ struct
Format . fprintf ppf " @[<2>%a@] " pp_num num
Format . fprintf ppf " @[<2>%a@] " pp_num num
else Format . fprintf ppf " @[<2>(%a%a)@] " pp_num num pp_den den
else Format . fprintf ppf " @[<2>(%a%a)@] " pp_num num pp_den den
let pp = ppx Trm . pp
(* * [one] is the empty product Πᵢ₌₁⁰ xᵢ^pᵢ *)
(* * [one] is the empty product Πᵢ₌₁⁰ xᵢ^pᵢ *)
let one = Prod . empty
let one = Prod . empty
@ -79,11 +77,6 @@ struct
let trms mono =
let trms mono =
Iter . from_iter ( fun f -> Prod . iter mono ~ f : ( fun trm _ -> f trm ) )
Iter . from_iter ( fun f -> Prod . iter mono ~ f : ( fun trm _ -> f trm ) )
(* query *)
let vars p = Iter . flat_map ~ f : Trm . vars ( trms p )
let fv p = Var . Set . of_iter ( vars p )
module Sum = struct
module Sum = struct
@ -94,10 +87,7 @@ struct
module Poly = Sum
module Poly = Sum
include Poly
include Poly
module Make ( Embed : EMBEDDING with type trm := Trm . t and type t := t ) =
module S0 = struct
include Poly
let ppx pp_trm ppf poly =
let ppx pp_trm ppf poly =
if Sum . is_empty poly then Trace . pp_styled ` Magenta " 0 " ppf
if Sum . is_empty poly then Trace . pp_styled ` Magenta " 0 " ppf
@ -114,31 +104,13 @@ struct
( Sum . pp " @ + " pp_coeff_mono )
( Sum . pp " @ + " pp_coeff_mono )
let pp = ppx Trm . pp
(* core invariant *)
let mono_invariant mono =
let mono_invariant mono =
let @ () = Invariant . invariant [ % here ] mono [ % sexp_of : Mono . t ] in
let @ () = Invariant . invariant [ % here ] mono [ % sexp_of : Mono . t ] in
Prod . iter mono ~ f : ( fun base power ->
Prod . iter mono ~ f : ( fun _ power ->
(* powers are non-zero *)
(* powers are non-zero *)
assert ( not ( Int . equal Int . zero power ) ) ;
assert ( not ( Int . equal Int . zero power ) ) )
match Embed . get_arith base with
| None -> ()
| Some poly -> (
match Sum . classify poly with
| ` Many -> ()
| ` Zero | ` One _ ->
(* polynomial factors are not constant or singleton, which
should have been flattened into the parent monomial * )
assert false ) ) ;
match Mono . get_trm mono with
| None -> ()
| Some trm -> (
match Embed . get_arith trm with
| None -> ()
| Some _ ->
(* singleton monomials are not polynomials, which should have
been flattened into the parent polynomial * )
assert false )
let invariant poly =
let invariant poly =
let @ () = Invariant . invariant [ % here ] poly [ % sexp_of : t ] in
let @ () = Invariant . invariant [ % here ] poly [ % sexp_of : t ] in
@ -164,6 +136,17 @@ struct
else Sum . map_counts ~ f : ( Q . mul coeff ) poly )
else Sum . map_counts ~ f : ( Q . mul coeff ) poly )
| > check invariant
| > check invariant
(* transform *)
let split_const poly =
match Sum . find_and_remove Mono . one poly with
| Some ( c , p_c ) -> ( p_c , c )
| None -> ( poly , Q . zero )
let partition_sign poly =
Sum . partition_map poly ~ f : ( fun _ coeff ->
if Q . sign coeff > = 0 then Left coeff else Right ( Q . neg coeff ) )
(* projections and embeddings *)
(* projections and embeddings *)
type kind = Trm of Trm . t | Const of Q . t | Interpreted | Uninterpreted
type kind = Trm of Trm . t | Const of Q . t | Interpreted | Uninterpreted
@ -199,6 +182,78 @@ struct
| Some ( mono , coeff ) when Q . equal Q . one coeff -> Some mono
| Some ( mono , coeff ) when Q . equal Q . one coeff -> Some mono
| _ -> None
| _ -> None
(* * Project out the term embedded into a polynomial, if possible *)
let get_trm poly =
match get_mono poly with
| Some mono -> Mono . get_trm mono
| None -> None
module Make ( Embed : EMBEDDING with type trm := Trm . t and type t := t ) =
module Mono = struct
include Mono
let pp = ppx Trm . pp
let vars p = Iter . flat_map ~ f : Trm . vars ( trms p )
let fv p = Var . Set . of_iter ( vars p )
include Poly
include S0
let pp = ppx Trm . pp
(* * Embed a monomial into a term, flattening if possible *)
let trm_of_mono mono =
match Mono . get_trm mono with
| Some trm -> trm
| None -> Embed . to_trm ( Sum . of_ mono Q . one )
(* traverse *)
let monos poly =
Iter . from_iter ( fun f ->
Sum . iter poly ~ f : ( fun mono _ ->
if not ( Mono . equal_one mono ) then f mono ) )
let trms poly =
match get_mono poly with
| Some mono -> Mono . trms mono
| None -> Iter . map ~ f : trm_of_mono ( monos poly )
let vars p = Iter . flat_map ~ f : Trm . vars ( trms p )
(* invariant *)
let mono_invariant mono =
mono_invariant mono ;
let @ () = Invariant . invariant [ % here ] mono [ % sexp_of : Mono . t ] in
Prod . iter mono ~ f : ( fun base _ ->
match Embed . get_arith base with
| None -> ()
| Some poly -> (
match Sum . classify poly with
| ` Many -> ()
| ` Zero | ` One _ ->
(* polynomial factors are not constant or singleton, which
should have been flattened into the parent monomial * )
assert false ) ) ;
match Mono . get_trm mono with
| None -> ()
| Some trm -> (
match Embed . get_arith trm with
| None -> ()
| Some _ ->
(* singleton monomials are not polynomials, which should have
been flattened into the parent polynomial * )
assert false )
let invariant poly =
invariant poly ;
let @ () = Invariant . invariant [ % here ] poly [ % sexp_of : t ] in
Sum . iter poly ~ f : ( fun mono _ -> mono_invariant mono )
(* * Terms of a polynomial: product of a coefficient and a monomial *)
(* * Terms of a polynomial: product of a coefficient and a monomial *)
module CM = struct
module CM = struct
type t = Q . t * Prod . t
type t = Q . t * Prod . t
@ -249,12 +304,6 @@ struct
| > check invariant
| > check invariant
(* * Embed a monomial into a term, flattening if possible *)
let trm_of_mono mono =
match Mono . get_trm mono with
| Some trm -> trm
| None -> Embed . to_trm ( Sum . of_ mono Q . one )
(* * Embed a term into a polynomial, by projecting a polynomial out of
(* * Embed a term into a polynomial, by projecting a polynomial out of
the term if possible * )
the term if possible * )
let trm trm =
let trm trm =
@ -264,12 +313,6 @@ struct
| > check ( fun poly ->
| > check ( fun poly ->
assert ( equal poly ( CM . to_poly ( CM . of_trm trm ) ) ) )
assert ( equal poly ( CM . to_poly ( CM . of_trm trm ) ) ) )
(* * Project out the term embedded into a polynomial, if possible *)
let get_trm poly =
match get_mono poly with
| Some mono -> Mono . get_trm mono
| None -> None
(* constructors over indeterminates *)
(* constructors over indeterminates *)
let mul e1 e2 = CM . to_poly ( CM . mul ( CM . of_trm e1 ) ( CM . of_trm e2 ) )
let mul e1 e2 = CM . to_poly ( CM . mul ( CM . of_trm e1 ) ( CM . of_trm e2 ) )
@ -279,29 +322,6 @@ struct
let pow base power = CM . to_poly ( CM . of_trm base ~ power )
let pow base power = CM . to_poly ( CM . of_trm base ~ power )
(* transform *)
let split_const poly =
match Sum . find_and_remove Mono . one poly with
| Some ( c , p_c ) -> ( p_c , c )
| None -> ( poly , Q . zero )
let partition_sign poly =
Sum . partition_map poly ~ f : ( fun _ coeff ->
if Q . sign coeff > = 0 then Left coeff else Right ( Q . neg coeff ) )
(* traverse *)
let monos poly =
Iter . from_iter ( fun f ->
Sum . iter poly ~ f : ( fun mono _ ->
if not ( Mono . equal_one mono ) then f mono ) )
let trms poly =
match get_mono poly with
| Some mono -> Mono . trms mono
| None -> Iter . map ~ f : trm_of_mono ( monos poly )
(* map over [trms] *)
(* map over [trms] *)
let map poly ~ f =
let map poly ~ f =
[ % trace ]
[ % trace ]
@ -338,10 +358,6 @@ struct
Sum . union poly' delta )
Sum . union poly' delta )
| > check invariant
| > check invariant
(* query *)
let vars p = Iter . flat_map ~ f : Trm . vars ( trms p )
(* solve *)
(* solve *)
let exists_fv_in vs poly =
let exists_fv_in vs poly =