work harder at matching changed files when a workspace is involved

Detect when changed files paths are trying to escape the project root
and try to guess their relative project root (which has to be a parent
of the current one).

This is perhaps a bit too hacky but it works for the case we need it to.

Reviewed By: martintrojer

Differential Revision: D24425427

fbshipit-source-id: 018651740
Jules Villard 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent f3d58e7e09
commit 25cb478dc8

@ -191,7 +191,8 @@ let create ?(warn_on_error = true) path =
| None -> | None ->
RelativeProjectRoot path RelativeProjectRoot path
| Some workspace_rel_root -> | Some workspace_rel_root ->
RelativeProjectRootAndWorkspace {workspace_rel_root; rel_path= path} let rel_path, new_root = Utils.normalize_path_from ~root:workspace_rel_root path in
RelativeProjectRootAndWorkspace {workspace_rel_root= new_root; rel_path}
else from_abs_path ~warn_on_error path else from_abs_path ~warn_on_error path

@ -90,25 +90,55 @@ let create_outfile fname =
(** close an outfile *) (** close an outfile *)
let close_outf outf = Out_channel.close outf.out_c let close_outf outf = Out_channel.close outf.out_c
(** Convert a filename to an absolute one if it is relative, and normalize "." and ".." *) let normalize_path_from ~root fname =
let filename_to_absolute ~root fname = let add_entry (rev_done, rev_root) entry =
let add_entry rev_done entry = match (entry, rev_done, rev_root) with
match (entry, rev_done) with | ".", _, _ ->
| ".", [] -> (* path/. --> path *)
entry :: rev_done (* id on . *) (rev_done, rev_root)
| ".", _ -> | "..", [], ["/"] | "..", ["/"], _ ->
rev_done (* path/. --> path *) (* /.. -> / *)
| "..", ("." | "..") :: _ -> (rev_done, rev_root)
entry :: rev_done (* id on {.,..}/.. *) | "..", [], ("." | "..") :: _ | "..", ("." | "..") :: _, _ ->
| "..", ["/"] -> (* id on {.,..}/.. *)
rev_done (* /.. -> / *) (entry :: rev_done, rev_root)
| "..", _ :: rev_done_parent -> | "..", [], _ :: rev_root_parent ->
rev_done_parent (* path/dir/.. --> path *) (* eat from the root part if it's not / *)
([], rev_root_parent)
| "..", _ :: rev_done_parent, _ ->
(* path/dir/.. --> path *)
(rev_done_parent, rev_root)
| _ -> | _ ->
entry :: rev_done (entry :: rev_done, rev_root)
let rev_root =
(* Remove the leading "." inserted by [] on relative paths. We don't need to do
that for [ fname] because the "." will go away during normalization in
[add_entry]. *)
let root_without_leading_dot =
match root with "." :: (_ :: _ as rest) -> rest | parts -> parts
List.rev root_without_leading_dot
let rev_result, rev_root = fname |> List.fold ~init:([], rev_root) ~f:add_entry in
(* don't use [Filename.of_parts] because it doesn't like empty lists and produces relative paths
"./like/this" instead of "like/this" *)
let filename_of_rev_parts = function
| [] ->
| _ :: _ as rev_parts ->
let parts = List.rev rev_parts in
if String.equal (List.hd_exn parts) "/" then
"/" ^ String.concat ~sep:Filename.dir_sep (List.tl_exn parts)
else String.concat ~sep:Filename.dir_sep parts
in in
(filename_of_rev_parts rev_result, filename_of_rev_parts rev_root)
(** Convert a filename to an absolute one if it is relative, and normalize "." and ".." *)
let filename_to_absolute ~root fname =
let abs_fname = if Filename.is_absolute fname then fname else root ^/ fname in let abs_fname = if Filename.is_absolute fname then fname else root ^/ fname in
Filename.of_parts (List.rev (List.fold ~f:add_entry ~init:[] ( abs_fname))) normalize_path_from ~root:"/" abs_fname |> fst
(** Convert an absolute filename to one relative to the given directory. *) (** Convert an absolute filename to one relative to the given directory. *)

@ -20,6 +20,12 @@ val string_crc_hex32 : string -> string
val read_file : string -> (string list, string) Result.t val read_file : string -> (string list, string) Result.t
(** read a source file and return a list of lines *) (** read a source file and return a list of lines *)
val normalize_path_from : root:string -> string -> string * string
(** [normalize_path_from ~root path] removes ".." and "." parts of [root/path] when possible and
returns the new [root] and [path], eg if [root = "r"] and [path = "a/../../../foo/./bar"] then
the result is [("../foo/bar", ".")] (in particular "r/a/../../../foo/./bar" and "./../foo/bar"
represent the same file) *)
val filename_to_absolute : root:string -> string -> string val filename_to_absolute : root:string -> string -> string
(** Convert a filename to an absolute one if it is relative, and normalize "." and ".." *) (** Convert a filename to an absolute one if it is relative, and normalize "." and ".." *)
