[backend] Directly report analysis perf from ProcessPool assigned Task so it works correctly with new parallelism

Previously, `backend_stats` were getting logged correctly only when `infer analyze` was directly called, not `infer run`. Now, we report `backend_stats` directly, as part of the `iterate_callbacks` function in the task passed to the `ProcessPool`.

As a side benefit, `aggregated_stats` are also logged correctly now.

Reviewed By: dulmarod

Differential Revision: D7195525

fbshipit-source-id: fb2a400
Varun Arora 7 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 9d844b707a
commit 28b455cbfa

@ -153,11 +153,3 @@ let main ~changed_files ~makefile =
List.iteri ~f:analyze_cluster clusters_to_analyze ;
L.progress "@\nAnalysis finished in %as@." Pp.elapsed_time () ) ;
output_json_makefile_stats clusters_to_analyze
let register_perf_stats_report () =
let cluster =
match Config.cluster_cmdline with Some cl -> "_" ^ Filename.basename cl | None -> ""
let filename = F.sprintf "%s%s.json" Config.perf_stats_prefix cluster in
PerfStats.register_report_at_exit filename Config.backend_stats_dir_name

@ -14,5 +14,3 @@ open! IStd
val main : changed_files:SourceFile.Set.t option -> makefile:string -> unit
(** Given a name of the Makefile to use for multicore analysis, analyze the captured code *)
val register_perf_stats_report : unit -> unit

@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ let stats source_file stats_type =
(stats, stats_event)
let report_at_exit file source_file stats_type () =
let report file source_file stats_type () =
let stats, stats_event = stats source_file stats_type in
let json_stats = to_json stats in
@ -183,15 +183,21 @@ let report_at_exit file source_file stats_type () =
(Printexc.get_backtrace ())
let register_report_at_exit =
let registered_files = String.Table.create ~size:4 () in
fun filename ?source_file dirname ->
let dir = Filename.concat Config.results_dir dirname in
let file = Filename.concat dir filename in
(* take care of not double-registering the same perf stat report *)
if not (Hashtbl.mem registered_files file) then (
String.Table.set registered_files ~key:file ~data:() ;
if not Config.buck_cache_mode then
~f:(report_at_exit file source_file dirname)
("stats reporting in " ^ file) )
let registered_files = ref String.Set.empty
let handle_report filename ?source_file dirname ~f =
let relative_path = Filename.concat dirname filename in
let absolute_path = Filename.concat Config.results_dir relative_path in
(* make sure to not double register the same perf stat report *)
if not (String.Set.mem !registered_files relative_path) then (
registered_files := String.Set.add !registered_files relative_path ;
f (report absolute_path source_file dirname) )
let report_now filename ?source_file dirname =
handle_report filename ?source_file dirname ~f:(fun report_f -> report_f ())
let register_report_at_exit filename ?source_file dirname =
handle_report filename ?source_file dirname ~f:(fun report_f ->
Epilogues.register ~f:report_f ("stats reporting in " ^ Filename.concat dirname filename) )

@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ val from_json : Yojson.Basic.json -> perf_stats
val aggregate : perf_stats list -> Yojson.Basic.json
val report_now : string -> ?source_file:SourceFile.t -> string -> unit
(** Create performance report immediately *)
val register_report_at_exit : string -> ?source_file:SourceFile.t -> string -> unit
(** Create performance report when the current process terminates. Automatically disabled when
[Config.buck_cache_mode] is true. *)
(** Create performance report when the current process terminates *)

@ -118,6 +118,12 @@ let dump_duplicate_procs (exe_env: Exe_env.t) procs =
if not (List.is_empty duplicate_procs) then output_to_file duplicate_procs
let create_perf_stats_report source_file =
let abbrev_source_file = DB.source_file_encoding source_file in
let filename = F.sprintf "%s_%s.json" Config.perf_stats_prefix abbrev_source_file in
PerfStats.report_now filename ~source_file Config.backend_stats_dir_name
(** Invoke all procedure and cluster callbacks on a given environment. *)
let iterate_callbacks (exe_env: Exe_env.t) =
let saved_language = !Language.curr_language in
@ -146,6 +152,8 @@ let iterate_callbacks (exe_env: Exe_env.t) =
List.iter ~f:analyze_proc_name procs_to_analyze ;
(* Invoke cluster callbacks. *)
iterate_cluster_callbacks procs_to_analyze exe_env get_proc_desc ;
(* Perf logging needs to remain at the end - after analysis work is complete *)
create_perf_stats_report exe_env.source_file ;
(* Unregister callbacks *)
Ondemand.unset_callbacks () ;
Language.curr_language := saved_language

@ -128,7 +128,6 @@ let () =
F.fprintf fmt "of cluster %s" (Filename.basename cluster)
L.environment_info "Starting analysis %a" pp_cluster_opt Config.cluster_cmdline ;
InferAnalyze.register_perf_stats_report () ;
Driver.analyze_and_report Analyze ~changed_files:(Driver.read_config_changed_files ())
| Report ->
InferPrint.main ~report_json:None

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ ANALYZER = checkers
BUCK_TARGET = //src:hello
SOURCES = $(wildcard src/hello.c)
OBJECTS = buck-out/gen/src/hello\#compile-hello.c.o1f717d69,default/hello.c.o
INFER_OPTIONS = --report-custom-error --developer-mode --project-root $(TESTS_DIR)
INFER_OPTIONS = --report-custom-error --project-root $(TESTS_DIR)
INFERPRINT_OPTIONS = --project-root $(TESTS_DIR) --issues-tests
CLEAN_EXTRA = buck-out capture_hash-1.sha capture_hash-2.sha
