@ -845,6 +845,28 @@ let rec texp_normalize sub exp = match exp with
| Sil . Sizeof ( typ , st ) -> Sil . Sizeof ( typ_normalize sub typ , st )
| _ -> exp_normalize sub exp
(* NOTE: usage of == operator in flds_norm and typ_normalize is intended *)
(* to decrease pressure on ocaml's GC and not allocate new objects if typ_normalize *)
(* doesn't change anything in structure of the type *)
and flds_norm sub fields =
let fld_norm ( ( f , t , a ) as field ) =
let t' = typ_normalize sub t in
if t' = = t then
( f , t' , a ) in
let rec flds_norm_aux fields = match fields with
| [] -> fields
| field :: rest ->
let rest' = flds_norm_aux rest in
let field' = fld_norm field in
if field = = field' && rest = = rest' then
field' :: rest' in
flds_norm_aux fields
and typ_normalize sub typ = match typ with
| Sil . Tvar _
| Sil . Tint _
@ -852,18 +874,29 @@ and typ_normalize sub typ = match typ with
| Sil . Tvoid
| Sil . Tfun _ ->
| Sil . Tptr ( t' , pk ) ->
Sil . Tptr ( typ_normalize sub t' , pk )
| Sil . Tptr ( t , pk ) ->
let t' = typ_normalize sub t in
if t = = t' then
Sil . Tptr ( t' , pk )
| Sil . Tstruct struct_typ ->
let fld_norm = IList . map ( fun ( f , t , a ) -> ( f , typ_normalize sub t , a ) ) in
let instance_fields = fld_norm struct_typ . Sil . instance_fields in
let static_fields = fld_norm struct_typ . Sil . static_fields in
let instance_fields = struct_typ . Sil . instance_fields in
let instance_fields' = flds_norm sub instance_fields in
let static_fields = struct_typ . Sil . static_fields in
let static_fields' = flds_norm sub static_fields in
if instance_fields = = instance_fields' && static_fields = = static_fields' then
Sil . Tstruct
{ struct_typ with
Sil . instance_fields ;
static_fields ;
Sil . instance_fields = instance_fields' ;
static_fields = static_fields' ;
| Sil . Tarray ( t , e ) ->
(* this case is not optimized for less GC allocations since it requires *)
(* to make exp_normalize GC-friendly as well. Profiling showed that it's fine *)
(* to keep this code not optimized *)
Sil . Tarray ( typ_normalize sub t , exp_normalize sub e )
let run_with_abs_val_eq_zero f =