@ -766,44 +766,49 @@ let inconsistent_actualpre_missing actual_pre split_opt =
| None -> false
(* Collect the taint/untain info on the pi part *)
(* TODO (t9199155): this be done with a single traversal of the list of atoms/combined with
intersection_taint_untaint to be much more efficient *)
let rec get_taint_untaint pi =
let get_att_exp p e (t,u) =
let get_att_exp p e (t,u) atom =
match Prop.get_taint_attribute p e with
| Some(Sil.Ataint _) ->
L.d_str " ---->Found TAINTED exp: "; Sil.d_exp e; L.d_ln ();
(e::t, u)
((e, atom)::t, u)
| Some(Sil.Auntaint) ->
L.d_str " ---->Found UNTAINTED exp: "; Sil.d_exp e; L.d_ln ();
(t, e::u)
(t, (e, atom)::u)
| _ -> (t,u) in
match pi with
| [] -> ([],[])
| Sil.Aneq (e1, e2):: pi' ->
| (Sil.Aneq (e1, e2) as atom) :: pi' ->
let (t, u) = get_taint_untaint pi' in
let p = Prop.replace_pi [Sil.Aneq (e1, e2)] Prop.prop_emp in
let (t',u') = get_att_exp p e1 (t,u) in
get_att_exp p e2 (t',u')
let p = Prop.replace_pi [atom] Prop.prop_emp in
let (t',u') = get_att_exp p e1 (t,u) atom in
get_att_exp p e2 (t',u') atom
| _ :: pi' -> get_taint_untaint pi'
(* perform the taint analysis check by comparing in a function call the
actual calling state and the missing pi computed by abduction *)
let do_taint_check caller_pname callee_pname calling_prop missing_pi sub prop =
(* Note: returns only the first element in the intersection*)
let rec intersection_taint_untaint taint untaint =
let rec intersection_taint_untaint taint untaint acc =
match taint with
| [] -> None
| e:: taint' -> if (IList.exists (fun e' -> Sil.exp_equal e e') untaint) then (Some e)
else intersection_taint_untaint taint' untaint in
| [] -> acc
| (e1, atom_taint) :: taint' ->
let acc' =
let (e2, atom_untaint) =
IList.find (fun (e2, _) -> Sil.exp_equal e1 e2) untaint in
(e1, atom_taint, atom_untaint) :: acc
with Not_found -> acc in
intersection_taint_untaint taint' untaint acc' in
let combined_calling_prop =
Prop.replace_pi ((Prop.get_pi calling_prop) @ missing_pi) calling_prop in
let sub_combined_calling_prop = Prop.prop_sub sub combined_calling_prop in
let taint_set, untaint_set = get_taint_untaint (Prop.get_pi sub_combined_calling_prop) in
L.d_str "Actual pre combined with missing pi: "; Prop.d_prop sub_combined_calling_prop; L.d_ln();
L.d_str "Taint set: "; Sil.d_exp_list taint_set; L.d_ln ();
L.d_str "Untaint set: "; Sil.d_exp_list untaint_set; L.d_ln ();
match intersection_taint_untaint taint_set untaint_set with
| None -> L.d_str "NO taint error detected"; L.d_ln();
| Some e -> begin
L.d_str "Taint set: "; Sil.d_exp_list (fst (IList.split taint_set)); L.d_ln ();
L.d_str "Untaint set: "; Sil.d_exp_list (fst (IList.split untaint_set)); L.d_ln ();
let report_taint_error (e, _, _) =
L.d_str "Taint error detected!"; L.d_ln();
let e' = match Errdesc.find_pvar_with_exp prop e with
| Some (pv, _) -> Sil.Lvar pv
@ -816,8 +821,28 @@ let do_taint_check caller_pname callee_pname calling_prop missing_pi sub prop =
let exn =
(err_desc, try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x) in
Reporting.log_warning caller_pname exn
Reporting.log_warning caller_pname exn in
match intersection_taint_untaint taint_set untaint_set [] with
| [] ->
L.d_str "NO taint error detected"; L.d_ln();
| taint_errors ->
IList.iter report_taint_error taint_errors;
(* get a version of [missing_pi] whose var names match names in taint_errors *)
let missing_pi_sub =
Prop.get_pi (Prop.prop_sub sub (Prop.replace_pi missing_pi Prop.prop_emp)) in
(* filter out UNTAINT(e) atoms from [missing_pi] such that we have already reported a taint
error on e. without doing this, we will get PRECONDITION_NOT_MET (and failed spec
inference), which is bad. instead, what this does is effectively assume that the UNTAINT(e)
precondition was met, and contine with the analysis under this assumption. this makes sense
because we are reporting the taint error, but propagating a *safe* postcondition w.r.t to
tainting. *)
(fun atom -> not
(fun (_, _, atom_untaint) -> Sil.atom_equal atom atom_untaint)
let class_cast_exn pname_opt texp1 texp2 exp ml_location =
let desc = Errdesc.explain_class_cast_exception pname_opt texp1 texp2 exp (State.get_node ()) (State.get_loc ()) in
@ -887,7 +912,11 @@ let exe_spec
let exn = get_check_exn check callee_pname loc (try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x) in
Reporting.log_warning caller_pname exn in
let do_split () =
let split = process_splitting actual_pre sub1 sub2 frame missing_pi missing_sigma frame_fld missing_fld frame_typ missing_typ in
let missing_pi' =
if !Config.taint_analysis then
do_taint_check caller_pname callee_pname actual_pre missing_pi sub2 prop
else missing_pi in
let split = process_splitting actual_pre sub1 sub2 frame missing_pi' missing_sigma frame_fld missing_fld frame_typ missing_typ in
d_splitting split; L.d_ln ();
let norm_missing_pi = Prop.pi_sub split.sub split.missing_pi in
let norm_missing_sigma = Prop.sigma_sub split.sub split.missing_sigma in
@ -911,8 +940,6 @@ let exe_spec
vr_incons_res = inconsistent_results } in
IList.iter log_check_exn checks;
if !Config.taint_analysis then
do_taint_check caller_pname callee_pname actual_pre missing_pi sub2 prop;
let subbed_pre = (Prop.prop_sub sub1 actual_pre) in
match check_dereferences callee_pname subbed_pre sub2 spec_pre formal_params with
| Some (Deref_undef _, _) when !Config.angelic_execution ->