[sledge] Functorize worklist, separate out domain-specific logic

Summary: Add support for future development of new abstract domains by eliminating hard-wired dependencies from the worklist into the symbolic heap domain.  Also includes an implementation of a trivial unit domain and a CLI flag to enable its use, for debugging purposes.

Reviewed By: jberdine

Differential Revision: D17281681

fbshipit-source-id: 5858fd420
Benno Stein 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 7132a84b0d
commit 2acb1c3dee

@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ Analyze code in a buck target. This is a convenience wrapper for the sequence `s
output if <file> is `-`
[-skip-throw] do not explore past throwing an exception
[-trace <spec>] enable debug tracing
[-unit-domain] use unit domain (experimental, debugging purposes
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
@ -132,6 +134,8 @@ Analyze code in one or more LLVM bitcode files. This is a convenience wrapper fo
[-margin <cols>] wrap debug tracing at <cols> columns
[-skip-throw] do not explore past throwing an exception
[-trace <spec>] enable debug tracing
[-unit-domain] use unit domain (experimental, debugging purposes
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)
@ -171,6 +175,7 @@ The <input> file must be binary LLAIR, such as produced by `sledge translate`.
[-margin <cols>] wrap debug tracing at <cols> columns
[-skip-throw] do not explore past throwing an exception
[-trace <spec>] enable debug tracing
[-unit-domain] use unit domain (experimental, debugging purposes only)
[-help] print this help text and exit
(alias: -?)

@ -11,30 +11,31 @@
type exec_opts = {bound: int; skip_throw: bool; function_summaries: bool}
module Stack : sig
module Make (Dom : Domain_sig.Dom) = struct
module Stack : sig
type t
type as_inlined_location = t [@@deriving compare, sexp_of]
val empty : t
val push_call :
Llair.func Llair.call -> bound:int -> Domain.from_call -> t -> t option
Llair.func Llair.call -> bound:int -> Dom.from_call -> t -> t option
val pop_return : t -> (Domain.from_call * Llair.jump * t) option
val pop_return : t -> (Dom.from_call * Llair.jump * t) option
val pop_throw :
-> init:'a
-> unwind:(Var.t list -> Var.Set.t -> Domain.from_call -> 'a -> 'a)
-> (Domain.from_call * Llair.jump * t * 'a) option
end = struct
-> unwind:(Var.t list -> Var.Set.t -> Dom.from_call -> 'a -> 'a)
-> (Dom.from_call * Llair.jump * t * 'a) option
end = struct
type t =
| Return of
{ recursive: bool (** return from a possibly-recursive call *)
; dst: Llair.Jump.t
; params: Var.t list
; locals: Var.Set.t
; from_call: Domain.from_call
; from_call: Dom.from_call
; stk: t }
| Throw of Llair.Jump.t * t
| Empty
@ -43,10 +44,10 @@ end = struct
type as_inlined_location = t [@@deriving sexp_of]
(* Treat a stack as a code location in a hypothetical expansion of the
program where all non-recursive functions have been completely inlined.
In particular, this means to compare stacks as if all Return frames for
recursive calls had been removed. Additionally, the from_call info in
Return frames is ignored. *)
program where all non-recursive functions have been completely
inlined. In particular, this means to compare stacks as if all Return
frames for recursive calls had been removed. Additionally, the
from_call info in Return frames is ignored. *)
let rec compare_as_inlined_location x y =
if x == y then 0
@ -130,12 +131,12 @@ end = struct
| Throw _ as stk -> violates invariant stk
pop_throw_ init stk
module Work : sig
module Work : sig
type t
val init : Domain.t -> Llair.block -> int -> t
val init : Dom.t -> Llair.block -> int -> t
type x
@ -146,12 +147,12 @@ module Work : sig
-> retreating:bool
-> Stack.t
-> Domain.t
-> Dom.t
-> Llair.block
-> x
val run : f:(Stack.t -> Domain.t -> Llair.block -> x) -> t -> unit
end = struct
val run : f:(Stack.t -> Dom.t -> Llair.block -> x) -> t -> unit
end = struct
module Edge = struct
module T = struct
type t =
@ -186,11 +187,13 @@ end = struct
type priority = int * Edge.t [@@deriving compare]
type priority_queue = priority Fheap.t
type waiting_states = (Domain.t * Depths.t) list Map.M(Llair.Block).t
type waiting_states = (Dom.t * Depths.t) list Map.M(Llair.Block).t
type t = priority_queue * waiting_states * int
type x = Depths.t -> t -> t
let empty_waiting_states : waiting_states = Map.empty (module Llair.Block)
let empty_waiting_states : waiting_states =
Map.empty (module Llair.Block)
let pp_priority fs (n, e) = Format.fprintf fs "%i: %a" n Edge.pp e
let pp fs pq =
@ -225,31 +228,31 @@ end = struct
| Some ((_, ({Edge.dst; stk} as edge)), pq) -> (
match Map.find_and_remove ws dst with
| Some (state :: states, ws) ->
let join (qa, da) (q, d) = (Domain.join q qa, Depths.join d da) in
let join (qa, da) (q, d) = (Dom.join q qa, Depths.join d da) in
let qs, depths = List.fold ~f:join ~init:state states in
run ~f (f stk qs dst depths (pq, ws, bnd))
| _ ->
[%Trace.info "done: %a" Edge.pp edge] ;
run ~f (pq, ws, bnd) )
| None -> [%Trace.info "queue empty"] ; ()
let exec_jump stk state block Llair.{dst; retreating} =
let exec_jump stk state block Llair.{dst; retreating} =
Work.add ~prev:block ~retreating stk state dst
let summary_table = Hashtbl.create (module Var)
let summary_table = Hashtbl.create (module Var)
let exec_call opts stk state block call globals =
let exec_call opts stk state block call globals =
let Llair.{callee; args; areturn; return; recursive} = call in
let Llair.{name; params; freturn; locals; entry} = callee in
[%Trace.call fun {pf} ->
pf "%a from %a" Var.pp name.var Var.pp return.dst.parent.name.var]
let dnf_states =
if opts.function_summaries then Domain.dnf state else [state]
if opts.function_summaries then Dom.dnf state else [state]
let domain_call =
Domain.call args areturn params (Set.add_option freturn locals) globals
Dom.call args areturn params (Set.add_option freturn locals) globals
List.fold ~init:Work.skip dnf_states ~f:(fun acc state ->
@ -258,11 +261,10 @@ let exec_call opts stk state block call globals =
let maybe_summary_post =
let state = fst (domain_call ~summaries:false state) in
Hashtbl.find summary_table name.var
>>= List.find_map ~f:(Domain.apply_summary state)
>>= List.find_map ~f:(Dom.apply_summary state)
"Maybe summary post: %a"
(Option.pp "%a" Domain.pp)
"Maybe summary post: %a" (Option.pp "%a" Dom.pp)
maybe_summary_post] ;
@ -271,7 +273,9 @@ let exec_call opts stk state block call globals =
domain_call ~summaries:opts.function_summaries state
Work.seq acc
( match Stack.push_call call ~bound:opts.bound from_call stk with
( match
Stack.push_call call ~bound:opts.bound from_call stk
| Some stk ->
Work.add stk ~prev:block ~retreating:recursive state entry
| None -> Work.skip )
@ -279,15 +283,15 @@ let exec_call opts stk state block call globals =
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} _ -> pf ""]
let pp_st () =
let pp_st () =
"@[<v>%t@]" (fun fs ->
Hashtbl.iteri summary_table ~f:(fun ~key ~data ->
Format.fprintf fs "@[<v>%a:@ @[%a@]@]@ " Var.pp key
(List.pp "@," State_domain.pp_function_summary)
(List.pp "@," Dom.pp_summary)
data ) )]
let exec_return ~opts stk pre_state (block : Llair.block) exp globals =
let exec_return ~opts stk pre_state (block : Llair.block) exp globals =
let Llair.{name; params; freturn; locals} = block.parent in
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "from %a" Var.pp name.var]
@ -296,11 +300,11 @@ let exec_return ~opts stk pre_state (block : Llair.block) exp globals =
let exit_state =
match (freturn, exp) with
| Some freturn, Some return_val ->
Domain.exec_move pre_state freturn return_val
Dom.exec_move pre_state freturn return_val
| None, None -> pre_state
| _ -> violates Llair.Func.invariant block.parent
let post_state = Domain.post locals from_call exit_state in
let post_state = Dom.post locals from_call exit_state in
let post_state =
if opts.function_summaries then (
let globals =
@ -308,7 +312,7 @@ let exec_return ~opts stk pre_state (block : Llair.block) exp globals =
(Vector.map globals ~f:(fun (g : Global.t) -> g.var))
let function_summary, post_state =
Domain.create_summary ~locals post_state
Dom.create_summary ~locals post_state
~formals:(Set.union (Var.Set.of_list params) globals)
Hashtbl.add_multi summary_table ~key:name.var
@ -317,59 +321,59 @@ let exec_return ~opts stk pre_state (block : Llair.block) exp globals =
post_state )
else post_state
let retn_state = Domain.retn params freturn from_call post_state in
let retn_state = Dom.retn params freturn from_call post_state in
exec_jump stk retn_state block retn_site
| None -> Work.skip )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} _ -> pf ""]
let exec_throw stk pre_state (block : Llair.block) exc =
let exec_throw stk pre_state (block : Llair.block) exc =
let func = block.parent in
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "from %a" Var.pp func.name.var]
let unwind params scope from_call state =
Domain.retn params (Some func.fthrow) from_call
(Domain.post scope from_call state)
Dom.retn params (Some func.fthrow) from_call
(Dom.post scope from_call state)
( match Stack.pop_throw stk ~unwind ~init:pre_state with
| Some (from_call, retn_site, stk, unwind_state) ->
let fthrow = func.fthrow in
let exit_state = Domain.exec_move unwind_state fthrow exc in
let post_state = Domain.post func.locals from_call exit_state in
let exit_state = Dom.exec_move unwind_state fthrow exc in
let post_state = Dom.post func.locals from_call exit_state in
let retn_state =
Domain.retn func.params func.freturn from_call post_state
Dom.retn func.params func.freturn from_call post_state
exec_jump stk retn_state block retn_site
| None -> Work.skip )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} _ -> pf ""]
let exec_skip_func :
let exec_skip_func :
-> Domain.t
-> Dom.t
-> Llair.block
-> Var.t option
-> Llair.jump
-> Work.x =
fun stk state block areturn return ->
Report.unknown_call block.term ;
let state = Option.fold ~f:Domain.exec_kill ~init:state areturn in
let state = Option.fold ~f:Dom.exec_kill ~init:state areturn in
exec_jump stk state block return
let exec_term :
exec_opts -> Llair.t -> Stack.t -> Domain.t -> Llair.block -> Work.x =
let exec_term :
exec_opts -> Llair.t -> Stack.t -> Dom.t -> Llair.block -> Work.x =
fun opts pgm stk state block ->
[%Trace.info "exec %a" Llair.Term.pp block.term] ;
match block.term with
| Switch {key; tbl; els} ->
Vector.fold tbl
~f:(fun x (case, jump) ->
match Domain.exec_assume state (Exp.eq key case) with
match Dom.exec_assume state (Exp.eq key case) with
| Some state -> exec_jump stk state block jump |> Work.seq x
| None -> x )
( match
Domain.exec_assume state
Dom.exec_assume state
(Vector.fold tbl ~init:(Exp.bool true)
~f:(fun b (case, _) -> Exp.and_ (Exp.dq key case) b))
@ -378,7 +382,7 @@ let exec_term :
| Iswitch {ptr; tbl} ->
Vector.fold tbl ~init:Work.skip ~f:(fun x (jump : Llair.jump) ->
Domain.exec_assume state
Dom.exec_assume state
(Exp.eq ptr
~parent:(Var.name jump.dst.parent.name.var)
@ -391,19 +395,21 @@ let exec_term :
let lookup name =
Option.to_list (Llair.Func.find pgm.functions name)
Domain.resolve_callee lookup callee state
Dom.resolve_callee lookup callee state
| [] -> exec_skip_func stk state block areturn return
| callees ->
List.fold callees ~init:Work.skip ~f:(fun x callee ->
( match
Domain.exec_intrinsic ~skip_throw:opts.skip_throw state
Dom.exec_intrinsic ~skip_throw:opts.skip_throw state
areturn callee.name.var args
| Some (Error ()) ->
Report.invalid_access_term (Domain.project state) block.term ;
(Dom.report_fmt_thunk state)
block.term ;
| Some (Ok state) when Domain.is_false state -> Work.skip
| Some (Ok state) when Dom.is_false state -> Work.skip
| Some (Ok state) -> exec_jump stk state block return
| None when Llair.Func.is_undefined callee ->
exec_skip_func stk state block areturn return
@ -413,26 +419,27 @@ let exec_term :
|> Work.seq x ) )
| Return {exp} -> exec_return ~opts stk state block exp pgm.globals
| Throw {exc} ->
if opts.skip_throw then Work.skip else exec_throw stk state block exc
if opts.skip_throw then Work.skip
else exec_throw stk state block exc
| Unreachable -> Work.skip
let exec_inst :
Domain.t -> Llair.inst -> (Domain.t, Domain.t * Llair.inst) result =
let exec_inst : Dom.t -> Llair.inst -> (Dom.t, Dom.t * Llair.inst) result
fun state inst ->
Domain.exec_inst state inst
Dom.exec_inst state inst
|> Result.map_error ~f:(fun () -> (state, inst))
let exec_block :
exec_opts -> Llair.t -> Stack.t -> Domain.t -> Llair.block -> Work.x =
let exec_block :
exec_opts -> Llair.t -> Stack.t -> Dom.t -> Llair.block -> Work.x =
fun opts pgm stk state block ->
[%Trace.info "exec %a" Llair.Block.pp block] ;
match Vector.fold_result ~f:exec_inst ~init:state block.cmnd with
| Ok state -> exec_term opts pgm stk state block
| Error (state, inst) ->
Report.invalid_access_inst (Domain.project state) inst ;
Report.invalid_access_inst (Dom.report_fmt_thunk state) inst ;
let harness : exec_opts -> Llair.t -> (int -> Work.t) option =
let harness : exec_opts -> Llair.t -> (int -> Work.t) option =
fun opts pgm ->
let entry_points = Config.find_list "entry-points" in
List.find_map entry_points ~f:(fun name ->
@ -442,12 +449,12 @@ let harness : exec_opts -> Llair.t -> (int -> Work.t) option =
(Domain.call ~summaries:opts.function_summaries [] None []
locals pgm.globals (Domain.init pgm.globals)))
(Dom.call ~summaries:opts.function_summaries [] None []
locals pgm.globals (Dom.init pgm.globals)))
| _ -> None
let exec_pgm : exec_opts -> Llair.t -> unit =
let exec_pgm : exec_opts -> Llair.t -> unit =
fun opts pgm ->
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "@]@,@["]
@ -456,3 +463,4 @@ let exec_pgm : exec_opts -> Llair.t -> unit =
| None -> fail "no applicable harness" () )
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} _ -> pf ""]

@ -12,4 +12,6 @@ type exec_opts =
; skip_throw: bool (** Treat throw as unreachable *)
; function_summaries: bool (** Use function summarisation *) }
val exec_pgm : exec_opts -> Llair.t -> unit
module Make (Dom : Domain_sig.Dom) : sig
val exec_pgm : exec_opts -> Llair.t -> unit

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** Abstract Domain *)
module type Dom = sig
type t
val pp : t pp
val report_fmt_thunk : t -> Formatter.t -> unit
val init : Global.t vector -> t
val join : t -> t -> t
val is_false : t -> bool
val exec_assume : t -> Exp.t -> t option
val exec_kill : t -> Var.t -> t
val exec_move : t -> Var.t -> Exp.t -> t
val exec_inst : t -> Llair.inst -> (t, unit) result
val exec_intrinsic :
-> t
-> Var.t option
-> Var.t
-> Exp.t list
-> (t, unit) result option
type from_call [@@deriving sexp_of]
val call :
-> Exp.t list
-> Var.t option
-> Var.t list
-> Var.Set.t
-> Global.t vector
-> t
-> t * from_call
val post : Var.Set.t -> from_call -> t -> t
val retn : Var.t list -> Var.t option -> from_call -> t -> t
val dnf : t -> t list
val resolve_callee :
(Var.t -> Llair.func list) -> Exp.t -> t -> Llair.func list
type summary
val pp_summary : summary pp
val create_summary :
locals:Var.Set.t -> formals:Var.Set.t -> t -> summary * t
val apply_summary : t -> summary -> t option

@ -22,18 +22,17 @@ let unknown_call call =
| _ -> () )
call Llair.Term.pp call]
let invalid_access state pp access loc =
let invalid_access fmt_thunk pp access loc =
let rep fs =
Format.fprintf fs "%a Invalid memory access@;<1 2>@[%a@]" Loc.pp
(loc access) pp access
Format.printf "@\n@[<v 2>%t@]@." rep ;
"@\n@[<v 2>%t@;<1 2>@[{ %a@ }@]@]@." rep State_domain.pp state] ;
[%Trace.printf "@\n@[<v 2>%t@;<1 2>@[{ %t@ }@]@]@." rep fmt_thunk] ;
Stop.on_invalid_access ()
let invalid_access_inst state inst =
invalid_access state Llair.Inst.pp inst Llair.Inst.loc
let invalid_access_inst fmt_thunk inst =
invalid_access fmt_thunk Llair.Inst.pp inst Llair.Inst.loc
let invalid_access_term state term =
invalid_access state Llair.Term.pp term Llair.Term.loc
let invalid_access_term fmt_thunk term =
invalid_access fmt_thunk Llair.Term.pp term Llair.Term.loc

@ -8,5 +8,5 @@
(** Issue reporting *)
val unknown_call : Llair.term -> unit
val invalid_access_inst : State_domain.t -> Llair.inst -> unit
val invalid_access_term : State_domain.t -> Llair.term -> unit
val invalid_access_inst : (Formatter.t -> unit) -> Llair.inst -> unit
val invalid_access_term : (Formatter.t -> unit) -> Llair.term -> unit

@ -13,6 +13,9 @@ open Command.Let_syntax
type 'a param = 'a Command.Param.t
module Sh_executor = Control.Make (Sh_domain)
module Unit_executor = Control.Make (Unit_domain)
(* reverse application in the Command.Param applicative *)
let ( |*> ) : 'a param -> ('a -> 'b) param -> 'b param =
fun x f -> x |> Command.Param.apply f
@ -75,9 +78,15 @@ let analyze =
and function_summaries =
flag "function-summaries" no_arg
~doc:"use function summaries (in development)"
and unit_domain =
flag "unit-domain" no_arg
~doc:"use unit domain (experimental, debugging purposes only)"
let exec =
if unit_domain then Unit_executor.exec_pgm else Sh_executor.exec_pgm
fun program () ->
Control.exec_pgm {bound; skip_throw; function_summaries} (program ())
exec {bound; skip_throw; function_summaries} (program ())
let analyze_cmd =
let summary = "analyze LLAIR code" in

@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
type t = State_domain.t * State_domain.t
let embed q = (q, q)
let project (_, curr) = curr
let pp fs (entry, current) =
Format.fprintf fs "@[<v 1> entry: %a@;current: %a@]" State_domain.pp entry
State_domain.pp current
let report_fmt_thunk (_, curr) fs = State_domain.pp fs curr
let init globals = embed (State_domain.init globals)
let join (entry_a, current_a) (entry_b, current_b) =
@ -95,6 +95,10 @@ let dnf (entry, current) =
let resolve_callee f e (_, current) =
State_domain.resolve_callee f e current
type summary = State_domain.summary
let pp_summary = State_domain.pp_summary
let create_summary ~locals ~formals (entry, current) =
let fs, current =
State_domain.create_summary ~locals ~formals ~entry ~current

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
type t
val project : t -> State_domain.t
val pp : t pp
val report_fmt_thunk : t -> Formatter.t -> unit
val init : Global.t vector -> t
val join : t -> t -> t
val is_false : t -> bool
@ -28,16 +28,16 @@ val exec_intrinsic :
-> (t, unit) result option
type from_call [@@deriving sexp_of]
type summary
val pp_summary : summary pp
(* formals should include all the parameters of the summary. That is both
formals and globals.*)
val create_summary :
-> formals:Var.Set.t
-> t
-> State_domain.function_summary * t
locals:Var.Set.t -> formals:Var.Set.t -> t -> summary * t
val apply_summary : t -> State_domain.function_summary -> t option
val apply_summary : t -> summary -> t option
val call :

@ -152,9 +152,9 @@ let resolve_callee lookup ptr _ =
| Some callee_name -> lookup callee_name
| None -> []
type function_summary = {xs: Var.Set.t; foot: t; post: t}
type summary = {xs: Var.Set.t; foot: t; post: t}
let pp_function_summary fs {xs; foot; post} =
let pp_summary fs {xs; foot; post} =
Format.fprintf fs "@[<v>xs: @[%a@]@ foot: %a@ post: %a @]" Var.Set.pp xs
pp foot pp post
@ -184,10 +184,10 @@ let create_summary ~locals ~formals ~entry ~current:(post : Sh.t) =
let current = Sh.extend_us xs post in
({xs; foot; post}, current)
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} (fs, _) -> pf "@,%a" pp_function_summary fs]
[%Trace.retn fun {pf} (fs, _) -> pf "@,%a" pp_summary fs]
let apply_summary ({xs; foot; post} as fs) q =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "fs: %a@ q: %a" pp_function_summary fs pp q]
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "fs: %a@ q: %a" pp_summary fs pp q]
let xs_in_q = Set.inter xs q.Sh.us in
let xs_in_fv_q = Set.inter xs (Sh.fv q) in

@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ val call :
-> t
-> t * from_call
type function_summary = {xs: Var.Set.t; foot: t; post: t}
type summary = {xs: Var.Set.t; foot: t; post: t}
val pp_function_summary : Format.formatter -> function_summary -> unit
val apply_summary : function_summary -> t -> t option
val pp_summary : summary pp
val apply_summary : summary -> t -> t option
(* formals should include all the parameters of the summary. That is both
formals and globals.*)
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ val create_summary :
-> formals:Var.Set.t
-> entry:t
-> current:t
-> function_summary * t
-> summary * t
val post : Var.Set.t -> t -> t
val retn : Var.t list -> Var.t option -> from_call -> t -> t

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** "Unit" abstract domain *)
type t = unit
let pp fs () = Format.pp_print_string fs "()"
let report_fmt_thunk () fs = pp fs ()
let init _ = ()
let join () () = ()
let is_false _ = false
let exec_assume () _ = Some ()
let exec_kill () _ = ()
let exec_move () _ _ = ()
let exec_inst () _ = Ok ()
let exec_intrinsic ~skip_throw:_ _ _ _ _ : (t, unit) result option = None
type from_call = unit [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
let call ~summaries:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ = ((), ())
let post _ _ () = ()
let retn _ _ _ _ = ()
let dnf () = [()]
let resolve_callee lookup ptr _ =
match Var.of_exp ptr with
| Some callee_name -> lookup callee_name
| None -> []
type summary = unit
let pp_summary fs () = Format.pp_print_string fs "()"
let create_summary ~locals:_ ~formals:_ _ = ((), ())
let apply_summary _ _ = Some ()

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
(** "Unit" abstract domain *)
include Domain_sig.Dom