@ -6,22 +6,75 @@
* )
* )
open ! IStd
open ! IStd
type violation = { nullsafe_mode : NullsafeMode . t ; base : Nullability . t ; overridden : Nullability . t }
type violation = { base : Nullability . t ; overridden : Nullability . t } [ @@ deriving compare ]
[ @@ deriving compare ]
type type_role = Param | Ret
type type_role = Param | Ret
let is_whitelisted_violation ~ subtype ~ supertype =
module ReportableViolation = struct
(* When both nullabilities are kind-of non-nullable we don't want to raise the
type t = { nullsafe_mode : NullsafeMode . t ; violation : violation }
issue . Without this suppression there will be a lot of non - actionable issues
raised for classes in one [ NullsafeMode ] inheriting from classes in the other
[ NullsafeMode ] . * )
(* TODO ( T62521386 ) : consider using caller context when determining nullability to get
rid of white - lists . * )
Nullability . is_nonnullish subtype && Nullability . is_nonnullish supertype
type violation_type =
| InconsistentParam of { param_description : string ; param_position : int }
| InconsistentReturn
[ @@ deriving compare ]
let check ~ nullsafe_mode type_role ~ base ~ overridden =
let is_java_lang_object_equals = function
| Procname . Java java_procname -> (
( Procname . Java . get_class_name java_procname , Procname . Java . get_method java_procname )
| " java.lang.Object " , " equals " ->
| _ ->
false )
| _ ->
let get_description _ violation_type ~ base_proc_name ~ overridden_proc_name =
let module MF = MarkupFormatter in
let base_method_descr = Procname . to_simplified_string ~ withclass : true base_proc_name in
let overridden_method_descr =
Procname . to_simplified_string ~ withclass : true overridden_proc_name
match violation_type with
| InconsistentReturn ->
Format . asprintf
" Child method %a is not substitution-compatible with its parent: the return type is \
declared as nullable , but parent method % a is missing ` @ Nullable ` declaration . Either \
mark the parent as ` @ Nullable ` or ensure the child does not return ` null ` . "
MF . pp_monospaced overridden_method_descr MF . pp_monospaced base_method_descr
| InconsistentParam { param_description ; param_position } ->
if is_java_lang_object_equals base_proc_name then
(* This is a popular enough case to make error message specific *)
Format . asprintf
" Parameter %a is missing `@Nullable` declaration: according to the Java Specification, \
for any object ` x ` call ` x . equals ( null ) ` should properly return false . "
MF . pp_monospaced param_description
let translate_position = function
| 1 ->
" First "
| 2 ->
" Second "
| 3 ->
" Third "
| n ->
string_of_int n ^ " th "
Format . asprintf
" %s parameter %a of method %a is missing `@Nullable` declaration when overriding %a. \
The parent method declared it can handle ` null ` for this param , so the child should \
also declare that . "
( translate_position param_position )
MF . pp_monospaced param_description MF . pp_monospaced overridden_method_descr
MF . pp_monospaced base_method_descr
let get_severity { nullsafe_mode } = NullsafeMode . severity nullsafe_mode
let check type_role ~ base ~ overridden =
let subtype , supertype =
let subtype , supertype =
match type_role with
match type_role with
| Ret ->
| Ret ->
@ -31,65 +84,17 @@ let check ~nullsafe_mode type_role ~base ~overridden =
(* contravariance for param *)
(* contravariance for param *)
( base , overridden )
( base , overridden )
Result . ok_if_true
Result . ok_if_true ( Nullability . is_subtype ~ subtype ~ supertype ) ~ error : { base ; overridden }
( Nullability . is_subtype ~ subtype ~ supertype | | is_whitelisted_violation ~ subtype ~ supertype )
~ error : { nullsafe_mode ; base ; overridden }
type violation_type =
| InconsistentParam of { param_description : string ; param_position : int }
| InconsistentReturn
[ @@ deriving compare ]
let is_java_lang_object_equals = function
| Procname . Java java_procname -> (
match ( Procname . Java . get_class_name java_procname , Procname . Java . get_method java_procname ) with
| " java.lang.Object " , " equals " ->
| _ ->
false )
| _ ->
let violation_description _ violation_type ~ base_proc_name ~ overridden_proc_name =
let module MF = MarkupFormatter in
let base_method_descr = Procname . to_simplified_string ~ withclass : true base_proc_name in
let overridden_method_descr =
Procname . to_simplified_string ~ withclass : true overridden_proc_name
match violation_type with
| InconsistentReturn ->
Format . asprintf
" Child method %a is not substitution-compatible with its parent: the return type is \
declared as nullable , but parent method % a is missing ` @ Nullable ` declaration . Either \
mark the parent as ` @ Nullable ` or ensure the child does not return ` null ` . "
MF . pp_monospaced overridden_method_descr MF . pp_monospaced base_method_descr
| InconsistentParam { param_description ; param_position } ->
if is_java_lang_object_equals base_proc_name then
(* This is a popular enough case to make error message specific *)
Format . asprintf
" Parameter %a is missing `@Nullable` declaration: according to the Java Specification, \
for any object ` x ` call ` x . equals ( null ) ` should properly return false . "
MF . pp_monospaced param_description
let translate_position = function
| 1 ->
" First "
| 2 ->
" Second "
| 3 ->
" Third "
| n ->
string_of_int n ^ " th "
Format . asprintf
" %s parameter %a of method %a is missing `@Nullable` declaration when overriding %a. The \
parent method declared it can handle ` null ` for this param , so the child should also \
declare that . "
( translate_position param_position )
MF . pp_monospaced param_description MF . pp_monospaced overridden_method_descr
MF . pp_monospaced base_method_descr
let violation_severity { nullsafe_mode } = NullsafeMode . severity nullsafe_mode
let to_reportable_violation nullsafe_mode ( { base ; overridden } as violation ) =
Nullability . is_nonnullish base && Nullability . is_nonnullish overridden
(* When both nullabilities are kind-of non-nullable we don't want to raise the
issue . Without this suppression there will be a lot of non - actionable issues
raised for classes in one [ NullsafeMode ] inheriting from classes in the other
[ NullsafeMode ] . * )
(* TODO ( T62521386 ) : consider using caller context when determining nullability to get
rid of white - lists . * )
then None
else Some ReportableViolation . { nullsafe_mode ; violation }