[ConfigImpact] Take cost insantiation and models into account

In D27430485 (a6ab4d38cf), we used the static cost of the callee to determine whether it was cheap/expensive. This diff improves on that by taking the whole instantiated cost of the function call (not just the callee's cost).

Also, if the callee is an unmodeled call, we consider it to be expensive as before.

Note: cost instantiation was used by hoisting. I refactored bunch of code there to reuse as much as code possible.

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D27649302

fbshipit-source-id: 07d11f3dd
Ezgi Çiçek 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 8ad471d5b3
commit 2bdc4e5573

@ -194,8 +194,10 @@ let all_checkers =
; { checker= ConfigImpactAnalysis
; callbacks=
(let checker =
interprocedural2 Payloads.Fields.config_impact_analysis Payloads.Fields.cost
~set_payload:(Field.fset Payloads.Fields.config_impact_analysis)
Payloads.Fields.buffer_overrun_analysis Payloads.Fields.config_impact_analysis
Payloads.Fields.cost ConfigImpactAnalysis.checker
[(checker, Clang); (checker, Java)] ) } ]

@ -366,26 +366,22 @@ module Dom = struct
dispatch tenv pname args |> Option.is_some
let call tenv analyze_dependency callee args location
let call tenv analyze_dependency ~is_cheap_call callee args location
({config_checks; field_checks; unchecked_callees; unchecked_callees_cond} as astate) =
if ConfigChecks.is_top config_checks then
let (callee_summary : Summary.t option), (cost_summary : CostDomain.summary option) =
let (callee_summary : Summary.t option) =
match analyze_dependency callee with
| None ->
(None, None)
| Some (_, analysis_data) ->
| Some (_, (_, analysis_data, _)) ->
let is_expensive = is_known_expensive_method tenv callee args in
let has_expensive_callee =
Option.exists callee_summary ~f:Summary.has_known_expensive_callee
(not is_expensive) && (not has_expensive_callee)
&& Option.exists cost_summary ~f:(fun (cost_summary : CostDomain.summary) ->
let callee_cost = CostDomain.get_operation_cost cost_summary.post in
not (CostDomain.BasicCost.is_symbolic callee_cost.cost) )
then (* If callee is cheap by heuristics, ignore it. *)
if is_cheap_call && (not is_expensive) && not has_expensive_callee then
(* If callee is cheap by heuristics, ignore it. *)
let new_unchecked_callees, new_unchecked_callees_cond =
@ -430,11 +426,17 @@ module Dom = struct
else astate
type analysis_data =
{ interproc:
(BufferOverrunAnalysisSummary.t option * Summary.t option * CostDomain.summary option)
; get_is_cheap_call: CostInstantiate.Call.t -> bool }
module TransferFunctions = struct
module CFG = ProcCfg.Normal
module Domain = Dom
type analysis_data = (Summary.t option * CostDomain.summary option) InterproceduralAnalysis.t
type nonrec analysis_data = analysis_data
let is_java_boolean_value_method pname =
Procname.get_class_name pname |> Option.exists ~f:(String.equal "java.lang.Boolean")
@ -480,7 +482,7 @@ module TransferFunctions = struct
fun tenv pname -> dispatch tenv pname |> Option.is_some
let exec_instr astate {InterproceduralAnalysis.tenv; analyze_dependency} _node instr =
let exec_instr astate {interproc= {tenv; analyze_dependency}; get_is_cheap_call} node instr =
match (instr : Sil.instr) with
| Load {id; e= Lvar pvar} ->
Dom.load_config id pvar astate
@ -495,15 +497,17 @@ module TransferFunctions = struct
Dom.boolean_value ret id astate
| Call (_, Const (Cfun callee), _, _, _) when is_known_cheap_method tenv callee ->
| Call ((ret, _), Const (Cfun callee), args, location, _) -> (
| Call (((ret_id, _) as ret), Const (Cfun callee), args, location, _) -> (
match FbGKInteraction.get_config_check tenv callee args with
| Some (`Config config) ->
Dom.call_config_check ret config astate
Dom.call_config_check ret_id config astate
| Some (`Exp _) ->
| None ->
(* normal function calls *)
Dom.call tenv analyze_dependency callee args location astate )
let call = CostInstantiate.Call.{instr; loc= location; pname= callee; node; args; ret} in
let is_cheap_call = get_is_cheap_call call in
Dom.call tenv analyze_dependency ~is_cheap_call callee args location astate )
| Prune (e, _, _, _) ->
Dom.prune e astate
| _ ->
@ -525,6 +529,8 @@ let has_call_stmt proc_desc =
let checker ({InterproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc} as analysis_data) =
let get_is_cheap_call = CostInstantiate.get_is_cheap_call analysis_data in
let analysis_data = {interproc= analysis_data; get_is_cheap_call} in
Option.map (Analyzer.compute_post analysis_data ~initial:Dom.init proc_desc) ~f:(fun astate ->
let has_call_stmt = has_call_stmt proc_desc in
Dom.to_summary ~has_call_stmt astate )

@ -42,4 +42,6 @@ module Summary : sig
val checker :
(Summary.t option * CostDomain.summary option) InterproceduralAnalysis.t -> Summary.t option
(BufferOverrunAnalysisSummary.t option * Summary.t option * CostDomain.summary option)
-> Summary.t option

@ -81,8 +81,6 @@ module InstrBasicCostWithReason = struct
| None -> (
match callee_cost_opt with
| Some callee_cost ->
L.debug Analysis Verbose "@\nInstantiated cost : %a@\n" BasicCostWithReason.pp_hum
callee_cost ;
| _ ->
ScubaLogging.cost_log_message ~label:"unmodeled_function_operation_cost"

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module InstrCFG = ProcCfg.NormalOneInstrPerNode
module Call = struct
type t =
{ instr: Sil.instr
; loc: Location.t
; pname: Procname.t
; node: Procdesc.Node.t
; args: (Exp.t * Typ.t) list
; ret: Ident.t * Typ.t }
[@@deriving compare]
let pp fmt {pname; loc} =
F.fprintf fmt "loop-invariant call to %a, at %a " Procname.pp pname Location.pp loc
type cost_args =
{ tenv: Tenv.t
; integer_type_widths: Typ.IntegerWidths.t
; get_callee_cost_summary_and_formals:
Procname.t -> (CostDomain.summary * (Pvar.t * Typ.t) list) option
; inferbo_invariant_map: BufferOverrunAnalysis.invariant_map
; inferbo_get_summary: BufferOverrunAnalysisSummary.get_summary
; call: Call.t }
type 'a interproc_analysis =
(BufferOverrunAnalysisSummary.t option * 'a * CostDomain.summary option) InterproceduralAnalysis.t
let get_symbolic_cost
{ tenv
; integer_type_widths
; get_callee_cost_summary_and_formals
; inferbo_invariant_map
; inferbo_get_summary
; call= Call.{instr; pname; node; ret; args} } =
let last_node = Option.value_exn (InstrCFG.of_instr_opt node instr) in
let inferbo_mem =
let instr_node_id = InstrCFG.Node.id last_node in
Option.value_exn (BufferOverrunAnalysis.extract_pre instr_node_id inferbo_invariant_map)
let loc = InstrCFG.Node.loc last_node in
let get_symbolic cost =
if CostDomain.BasicCost.is_symbolic cost then `SymbolicCost cost else `Cheap
let get_summary pname = Option.map ~f:fst (get_callee_cost_summary_and_formals pname) in
match get_callee_cost_summary_and_formals pname with
| Some (CostDomain.{post= cost_record}, callee_formals) ->
let callee_cost = CostDomain.get_operation_cost cost_record in
if CostDomain.BasicCost.is_symbolic callee_cost.cost then
(Cost.instantiate_cost ~default_closure_cost:Ints.NonNegativeInt.one integer_type_widths
~inferbo_caller_mem:inferbo_mem ~callee_pname:pname ~callee_formals ~args ~callee_cost
.cost |> get_symbolic
else `Cheap
| None ->
let fun_arg_list =
List.map args ~f:(fun (exp, typ) ->
ProcnameDispatcher.Call.FuncArg.{exp; typ; arg_payload= ()} )
CostModels.Call.dispatch tenv pname fun_arg_list
|> Option.value_map ~default:`NoModel ~f:(fun model ->
let model_env =
let node_hash = InstrCFG.Node.hash last_node in
BufferOverrunUtils.ModelEnv.mk_model_env pname ~node_hash loc tenv
integer_type_widths inferbo_get_summary
model CostUtils.CostModelEnv.{get_summary; model_env} ~ret inferbo_mem |> get_symbolic )
let prepare_call_args
({InterproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc; exe_env; analyze_dependency} as analysis_data) call =
let proc_name = Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in
let tenv = Exe_env.get_proc_tenv exe_env proc_name in
let integer_type_widths = Exe_env.get_integer_type_widths exe_env proc_name in
let inferbo_invariant_map =
(InterproceduralAnalysis.bind_payload ~f:fst3 analysis_data)
let open IOption.Let_syntax in
let get_callee_cost_summary_and_formals callee_pname =
let* callee_pdesc, (_inferbo, _, callee_costs_summary) = analyze_dependency callee_pname in
let+ callee_costs_summary = callee_costs_summary in
(callee_costs_summary, Procdesc.get_pvar_formals callee_pdesc)
let inferbo_get_summary callee_pname =
let* _callee_pdesc, (inferbo, _purity, _callee_costs_summary) =
analyze_dependency callee_pname
{ tenv
; integer_type_widths
; get_callee_cost_summary_and_formals
; inferbo_invariant_map
; inferbo_get_summary
; call }
let get_cost_if_expensive analysis_data call =
match prepare_call_args analysis_data call |> get_symbolic_cost with
| `SymbolicCost cost ->
Some cost
| `Cheap | `NoModel ->
let get_is_cheap_call analysis_data call =
match prepare_call_args analysis_data call |> get_symbolic_cost with
| `SymbolicCost _ ->
(* symbolic costs (e.g. 4n+5 or log(n) are considered expensive) *)
| `Cheap ->
| `NoModel ->
(* unmodeled calls are considered expensive *)

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module Call : sig
type t =
{ instr: Sil.instr
; loc: Location.t
; pname: Procname.t
; node: Procdesc.Node.t
; args: (Exp.t * Typ.t) list
; ret: Ident.t * Typ.t }
[@@deriving compare]
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
type 'a interproc_analysis =
(BufferOverrunAnalysisSummary.t option * 'a * CostDomain.summary option) InterproceduralAnalysis.t
val get_cost_if_expensive : 'a interproc_analysis -> Call.t -> CostDomain.BasicCost.t option
val get_is_cheap_call : 'a interproc_analysis -> Call.t -> bool

@ -8,23 +8,8 @@ open! IStd
module F = Format
module InstrCFG = ProcCfg.NormalOneInstrPerNode
module BasicCost = CostDomain.BasicCost
module Call = struct
type t =
{ instr: Sil.instr
; loc: Location.t
; pname: Procname.t
; node: Procdesc.Node.t
; args: (Exp.t * Typ.t) list
; ret: Ident.t * Typ.t }
[@@deriving compare]
let pp fmt {pname; loc} =
F.fprintf fmt "loop-invariant call to %a, at %a " Procname.pp pname Location.pp loc
module LoopNodes = AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (Procdesc.Node)
module HoistCalls = AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (Call)
module HoistCalls = AbstractDomain.FiniteSet (CostInstantiate.Call)
(** Map loop_header -> instrs that can be hoisted out of the loop *)
module LoopHeadToHoistInstrs = Procdesc.NodeMap
@ -71,8 +56,8 @@ let get_hoist_inv_map tenv ~get_callee_purity reaching_defs_invariant_map loop_h
loop_head_to_source_nodes LoopHeadToHoistInstrs.empty
let do_report extract_cost_if_expensive proc_desc err_log (Call.{pname; loc} as call) loop_head_loc
let do_report extract_cost_if_expensive proc_desc err_log
(CostInstantiate.Call.{pname; loc} as call) loop_head_loc =
let exp_desc =
F.asprintf "The call to %a at %a is loop-invariant" Procname.pp pname Location.pp loc
@ -100,43 +85,6 @@ let do_report extract_cost_if_expensive proc_desc err_log (Call.{pname; loc} as
Reporting.log_issue proc_desc err_log ~loc ~ltr LoopHoisting issue message
let get_cost_if_expensive tenv integer_type_widths get_callee_cost_summary_and_formals
inferbo_invariant_map inferbo_get_summary Call.{instr; pname; node; ret; args} =
let last_node = Option.value_exn (InstrCFG.of_instr_opt node instr) in
let inferbo_mem =
let instr_node_id = InstrCFG.Node.id last_node in
Option.value_exn (BufferOverrunAnalysis.extract_pre instr_node_id inferbo_invariant_map)
let loc = InstrCFG.Node.loc last_node in
let get_summary pname = Option.map ~f:fst (get_callee_cost_summary_and_formals pname) in
let cost_opt =
match get_callee_cost_summary_and_formals pname with
| Some (CostDomain.{post= cost_record}, callee_formals) ->
let callee_cost = CostDomain.get_operation_cost cost_record in
if CostDomain.BasicCost.is_symbolic callee_cost.cost then
(Cost.instantiate_cost ~default_closure_cost:Ints.NonNegativeInt.one integer_type_widths
~inferbo_caller_mem:inferbo_mem ~callee_pname:pname ~callee_formals ~args
~callee_cost ~loc)
else None
| None ->
let fun_arg_list =
List.map args ~f:(fun (exp, typ) ->
ProcnameDispatcher.Call.FuncArg.{exp; typ; arg_payload= ()} )
CostModels.Call.dispatch tenv pname fun_arg_list
|> Option.map ~f:(fun model ->
let model_env =
let node_hash = InstrCFG.Node.hash last_node in
BufferOverrunUtils.ModelEnv.mk_model_env pname ~node_hash loc tenv
integer_type_widths inferbo_get_summary
model CostUtils.CostModelEnv.{get_summary; model_env} ~ret inferbo_mem )
Option.filter cost_opt ~f:CostDomain.BasicCost.is_symbolic
let report_errors proc_desc tenv err_log get_callee_purity reaching_defs_invariant_map
loop_head_to_source_nodes extract_cost_if_expensive =
(* get dominators *)
@ -162,33 +110,13 @@ let checker
({InterproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc; exe_env; err_log; analyze_dependency} as analysis_data) =
let proc_name = Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in
let tenv = Exe_env.get_proc_tenv exe_env proc_name in
let integer_type_widths = Exe_env.get_integer_type_widths exe_env proc_name in
let cfg = InstrCFG.from_pdesc proc_desc in
(* computes reaching defs: node -> (var -> node set) *)
let reaching_defs_invariant_map = ReachingDefs.compute_invariant_map proc_desc in
let loop_head_to_source_nodes = Loop_control.get_loop_head_to_source_nodes cfg in
let extract_cost_if_expensive =
if Config.hoisting_report_only_expensive then
let inferbo_invariant_map =
(InterproceduralAnalysis.bind_payload ~f:fst3 analysis_data)
let open IOption.Let_syntax in
let get_callee_cost_summary_and_formals callee_pname =
let* callee_pdesc, (_inferbo, _purity, callee_costs_summary) =
analyze_dependency callee_pname
let+ callee_costs_summary = callee_costs_summary in
(callee_costs_summary, Procdesc.get_pvar_formals callee_pdesc)
let inferbo_get_summary callee_pname =
let* _callee_pdesc, (inferbo, _purity, _callee_costs_summary) =
analyze_dependency callee_pname
get_cost_if_expensive tenv integer_type_widths get_callee_cost_summary_and_formals
inferbo_invariant_map inferbo_get_summary
CostInstantiate.get_cost_if_expensive analysis_data
else fun _ -> None
let get_callee_purity callee_pname =
