@ -376,10 +376,12 @@ module Diagnostic = struct
let get_issue_type ( AccessToInvalidAddress _ ) = IssueType . use_after_lifetime
type ' a access_result = ( ' a , Diagnostic . t ) result
(* * operations on the domain *)
module Operations = struct
type ' a access_result = ( ' a , Diagnostic . t ) result
(* * Check that the address is not known to be invalid *)
let check_addr_access actor address astate =
(* * Check that the address is not known to be invalid *)
let check_addr_access actor address astate =
match InvalidAddressesDomain . get_invalidation address astate . invalids with
| Some invalidated_at ->
Error ( Diagnostic . AccessToInvalidAddress { invalidated_at ; accessed_by = actor ; address } )
@ -387,11 +389,11 @@ let check_addr_access actor address astate =
Ok astate
(* * Walk the heap starting from [addr] and following [path]. Stop either at the element before last
(* * Walk the heap starting from [addr] and following [path]. Stop either at the element before last
and return [ new_addr ] if [ overwrite_last ] is [ Some new_addr ] , or go until the end of the path if it
is [ None ] . Create more addresses into the heap as needed to follow the [ path ] . Check that each
address reached is valid . * )
let rec walk actor ~ overwrite_last addr path astate =
let rec walk actor ~ overwrite_last addr path astate =
match ( path , overwrite_last ) with
| [] , None ->
Ok ( astate , addr )
@ -415,8 +417,8 @@ let rec walk actor ~overwrite_last addr path astate =
walk actor ~ overwrite_last addr' path astate )
(* * add addresses to the state to give a address to the destination of the given access path *)
let walk_access_expr ? overwrite_last astate access_expr location =
(* * add addresses to the state to give a address to the destination of the given access path *)
let walk_access_expr ? overwrite_last astate access_expr location =
let ( access_var , _ ) , access_list = AccessExpression . to_access_path access_expr in
match ( overwrite_last , access_list ) with
| Some new_addr , [] ->
@ -436,50 +438,51 @@ let walk_access_expr ?overwrite_last astate access_expr location =
walk actor ~ overwrite_last base_addr access_list astate
(* * Use the stack and heap to walk the access path represented by the given expression down to an
(* * Use the stack and heap to walk the access path represented by the given expression down to an
abstract address representing what the expression points to .
Return an error state if it traverses some known invalid address or if the end destination is
known to be invalid . * )
let materialize_address astate access_expr = walk_access_expr astate access_expr
let materialize_address astate access_expr = walk_access_expr astate access_expr
(* * Use the stack and heap to walk the access path represented by the given expression down to an
(* * Use the stack and heap to walk the access path represented by the given expression down to an
abstract address representing what the expression points to , and replace that with the given
address .
Return an error state if it traverses some known invalid address . * )
let overwrite_address astate access_expr new_addr =
let overwrite_address astate access_expr new_addr =
walk_access_expr ~ overwrite_last : new_addr astate access_expr
(* * Add the given address to the set of know invalid addresses. *)
let mark_invalid actor address astate =
(* * Add the given address to the set of know invalid addresses. *)
let mark_invalid actor address astate =
{ astate with invalids = InvalidAddressesDomain . add address actor astate . invalids }
let read location access_expr astate =
let read location access_expr astate =
materialize_address astate access_expr location
> > = fun ( astate , addr ) ->
let actor = { access_expr ; location } in
check_addr_access actor addr astate > > | fun astate -> ( astate , addr )
let read_all location access_exprs astate =
let read_all location access_exprs astate =
List . fold_result access_exprs ~ init : astate ~ f : ( fun astate access_expr ->
read location access_expr astate > > | fst )
let write location access_expr addr astate =
let write location access_expr addr astate =
overwrite_address astate access_expr addr location > > | fun ( astate , _ ) -> astate
let havoc var astate = { astate with stack = AliasingDomain . remove var astate . stack }
let havoc var astate = { astate with stack = AliasingDomain . remove var astate . stack }
let invalidate location access_expr astate =
let invalidate location access_expr astate =
materialize_address astate access_expr location
> > = fun ( astate , addr ) ->
let actor = { access_expr ; location } in
check_addr_access actor addr astate > > | mark_invalid actor addr
include Domain
include Operations