@ -87,11 +87,10 @@ struct
= fun params mem loc ->
match params with
| ( e , _ ) :: _ ->
(* TODO: only print when debug mode? *)
F . fprintf F . err_formatter " @[<v>=== Infer Print === at %a@, "
Location . pp loc ;
Dom . Val . pp F . err_formatter ( Sem . eval e mem loc ) ;
F . fprintf F . err_formatter " @] " ;
if Config . bo_debug > = 1 then
L . err " @[<v>=== Infer Print === at %a@,%a@]%! "
Location . pp loc
Dom . Val . pp ( Sem . eval e mem loc ) ;
| _ -> mem
@ -164,7 +163,10 @@ struct
Sem . eval_array_alloc pname node typ offset size inst_num dimension
( Dom . Mem . add_heap field v mem , sym_num + 4 )
| _ -> ( mem , sym_num )
| _ ->
if Config . bo_debug > = 3 then
L . err " decl_fld of unhandled type: %a@. " ( Typ . pp Pp . text ) typ ;
( mem , sym_num )
match typ . Typ . desc with
| Typ . Tstruct typename ->
@ -190,7 +192,10 @@ struct
~ inst_num ~ sym_num ~ dimension : 1 mem
( mem , inst_num + 1 , sym_num )
| _ -> ( mem , inst_num , sym_num ) (* TODO: add other cases if necessary *)
| _ ->
if Config . bo_debug > = 3 then
L . err " declare_symbolic_parameter of unhandled type: %a@. " ( Typ . pp Pp . text ) typ ;
( mem , inst_num , sym_num ) (* TODO: add other cases if necessary *)
List . fold ~ f : add_formal ~ init : ( mem , inst_num , 0 ) ( Sem . get_formals pdesc )
| > fst3
@ -216,16 +221,13 @@ struct
= fun instr pre post ->
if Config . bo_debug > = 2 then
F . fprintf F . err_formatter " @.@.================================@. " ;
F . fprintf F . err_formatter " @[<v 2>Pre-state : @, " ;
Dom . Mem . pp F . err_formatter pre ;
F . fprintf F . err_formatter " @]@.@. " ;
Sil . pp_instr Pp . text F . err_formatter instr ;
F . fprintf F . err_formatter " @.@. " ;
F . fprintf F . err_formatter " @[<v 2>Post-state : @, " ;
Dom . Mem . pp F . err_formatter post ;
F . fprintf F . err_formatter " @]@. " ;
F . fprintf F . err_formatter " ================================@.@. "
L . err " @ \n @ \n ================================@ \n " ;
L . err " @[<v 2>Pre-state : @,%a " Dom . Mem . pp pre ;
L . err " @]@ \n @ \n %a " ( Sil . pp_instr Pp . text ) instr ;
L . err " @ \n @ \n " ;
L . err " @[<v 2>Post-state : @,%a " Dom . Mem . pp post ;
L . err " @]@ \n " ;
L . err " ================================@ \n @. "
let exec_instr
@ -317,10 +319,10 @@ struct
let offset = ArrayBlk . offsetof arr in
let idx = ( if is_plus then Itv . plus else Itv . minus ) offset idx in
( if Config . bo_debug > = 2 then
( F. fprintf F . err_formatte r " @[<v 2>Add condition :@, " ;
F. fprintf F . err_formatte r " array: %a@, " ArrayBlk . pp arr ;
F. fprintf F . err_formatte r " idx: %a@, " Itv . pp idx ;
F. fprintf F . err_formatte r " @]@. " ) ) ;
( L. er r " @[<v 2>Add condition :@, " ;
L. er r " array: %a@, " ArrayBlk . pp arr ;
L. er r " idx: %a@, " Itv . pp idx ;
L. er r " @]@. " ) ) ;
if size < > Itv . bot && idx < > Itv . bot then
Dom . ConditionSet . add_bo_safety pname loc site ~ size ~ idx cond_set
else cond_set
@ -344,15 +346,12 @@ struct
let print_debug_info : Sil . instr -> Dom . Mem . astate -> Dom . ConditionSet . t -> unit
= fun instr pre cond_set ->
if Config . bo_debug > = 2 then
( F . fprintf F . err_formatter " @.@.================================@. " ;
F . fprintf F . err_formatter " @[<v 2>Pre-state : @, " ;
Dom . Mem . pp F . err_formatter pre ;
F . fprintf F . err_formatter " @]@.@. " ;
Sil . pp_instr Pp . text F . err_formatter instr ;
F . fprintf F . err_formatter " @[<v 2>@.@. " ;
Dom . ConditionSet . pp F . err_formatter cond_set ;
F . fprintf F . err_formatter " @]@. " ;
F . fprintf F . err_formatter " ================================@.@. " )
( L . err " @ \n @ \n ================================@ \n " ;
L . err " @[<v 2>Pre-state : @,%a " Dom . Mem . pp pre ;
L . err " @]@ \n @ \n %a " ( Sil . pp_instr Pp . text ) instr ;
L . err " @[<v 2>@ \n @ \n %a " Dom . ConditionSet . pp cond_set ;
L . err " @]@ \n " ;
L . err " ================================@ \n @. " )
let collect_instr
: extras ProcData . t -> CFG . node -> Dom . ConditionSet . t * Dom . Mem . astate
@ -446,10 +445,9 @@ let compute_post
let print_summary : Typ . Procname . t -> Dom . Summary . t -> unit
= fun proc_name s ->
F . fprintf F . err_formatter " @.@[<v 2>Summary of %a :@, "
Typ . Procname . pp proc_name ;
Dom . Summary . pp_summary F . err_formatter s ;
F . fprintf F . err_formatter " @]@. "
L . err " @ \n @[<v 2>Summary of %a :@,%a@]@. "
Typ . Procname . pp proc_name
Dom . Summary . pp_summary s
let checker : Callbacks . proc_callback_args -> Specs . summary
= fun ( { summary } as callback ) ->