@ -733,6 +733,23 @@ module Procname = struct
Option.exists ~f:Config.java_package_is_external package
Option.exists ~f:Config.java_package_is_external package
module Parameter = struct
(** [Some name] means the parameter is of type pointer to struct, with [name]
being the name of the struct, [None] means the parameter is of some other type. *)
type t = Name.t option [@@deriving compare]
let of_typ typ =
match typ.T.desc with T.Tptr ({desc= Tstruct name}, Pk_pointer) -> Some name | _ -> None
let parameters_to_string parameters =
let name_opt_to_string par_opt =
match par_opt with Some par -> Name.to_string par | None -> ""
let string_pars = List.map ~f:name_opt_to_string parameters in
if List.is_empty parameters then "" else "(" ^ String.concat ~sep:"," string_pars ^ ")"
module ObjC_Cpp = struct
module ObjC_Cpp = struct
type kind =
type kind =
| CPPMethod of {mangled: string option}
| CPPMethod of {mangled: string option}