@ -238,12 +238,7 @@ end = struct
if phys_equal heap (fst memory) && phys_equal attrs (snd memory) then memory else (heap, attrs)
if phys_equal heap (fst memory) && phys_equal attrs (snd memory) then memory else (heap, attrs)
(** Stacks: map addresses of variables to values and initialisation location.
(** Stacks: map addresses of variables to values and initialisation location. *)
This is defined as an abstract domain but the domain operations are mostly meaningless on their
own. It so happens that the join on abstract states uses the join of stacks provided by this
functor followed by normalization wrt the unification found between abstract locations so it's
convenient to define stacks as elements of this domain. *)
module Stack = struct
module Stack = struct
module VarAddress = struct
module VarAddress = struct
include Var
include Var
@ -258,28 +253,22 @@ module Stack = struct
F.fprintf f "%a%a" pp_ampersand var Var.pp var
F.fprintf f "%a%a" pp_ampersand var Var.pp var
module ValueDomain = struct
module VarValue = struct
type t = AbstractAddress.t * Location.t option [@@deriving compare]
type t = AbstractAddress.t * Location.t option [@@deriving compare]
let join ((addr1, _) as v1) ((addr2, _) as v2) = if addr1 <= addr2 then v1 else v2
let ( <= ) ~lhs:(lhs_addr, _) ~rhs:(rhs_addr, _) = AbstractAddress.equal lhs_addr rhs_addr
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters:_ = join prev next
let pp = Pp.pair ~fst:AbstractAddress.pp ~snd:(Pp.option Location.pp)
let pp = Pp.pair ~fst:AbstractAddress.pp ~snd:(Pp.option Location.pp)
include AbstractDomain.Map (VarAddress) (ValueDomain)
include PrettyPrintable.MakePPMonoMap (VarAddress) (VarValue)
let pp fmt m =
let pp fmt m =
let pp_item fmt (var_address, v) =
let pp_item fmt (var_address, v) =
F.fprintf fmt "%a=%a" VarAddress.pp var_address ValueDomain.pp v
F.fprintf fmt "%a=%a" VarAddress.pp var_address VarValue.pp v
PrettyPrintable.pp_collection ~pp_item fmt (bindings m)
PrettyPrintable.pp_collection ~pp_item fmt (bindings m)
let compare = compare ValueDomain.compare
let compare = compare VarValue.compare
type t = {heap: Memory.t; stack: Stack.t} [@@deriving compare]
type t = {heap: Memory.t; stack: Stack.t} [@@deriving compare]
@ -442,17 +431,11 @@ module GraphComparison = struct
match supergraph_map ~lhs ~rhs mapping with Supergraph _ -> true | NotASupergraph -> false
match supergraph_map ~lhs ~rhs mapping with Supergraph _ -> true | NotASupergraph -> false
let join _ _ = (* not implemented: use disjunctive domain instead *) assert false
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
(* [lhs] implies [rhs] if it knows more facts than [rhs] *)
(* [lhs] implies [rhs] if it knows more facts than [rhs] *)
phys_equal lhs rhs || GraphComparison.is_supergraph ~lhs ~rhs GraphComparison.empty_mapping
phys_equal lhs rhs || GraphComparison.is_supergraph ~lhs ~rhs GraphComparison.empty_mapping
let widen ~prev:_ ~next:_ ~num_iters:_ =
(* not implemented: use disjunctive domain instead *) assert false
let pp fmt {heap; stack} =
let pp fmt {heap; stack} =
F.fprintf fmt "{@[<v1> heap=@[<hv>%a@];@;stack=@[<hv>%a@];@]}" Memory.pp heap Stack.pp stack
F.fprintf fmt "{@[<v1> heap=@[<hv>%a@];@;stack=@[<hv>%a@];@]}" Memory.pp heap Stack.pp stack