@ -100,15 +100,24 @@ module Implementation = struct
let merge_procedures_table ~ db_file =
let db = ResultsDatabase . get_database () in
(* Do the merge purely in SQL for great speed. The query works by doing a left join between the
sub - table and the main one , and applying the same " more defined " logic as in Attributes in the
cases where a proc_name is present in both the sub - table and the main one ( main . attr_kind !=
NULL ) . All the rows that pass this filter are inserted / updated into the main table . * )
Sqlite3 . exec db
ResultsDatabase . get_database ()
| > SqliteUtils . exec
~ log : ( Printf . sprintf " copying procedures of database '%s' " db_file )
~ stmt :
{ |
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO memdb . procedures
SELECT sub . proc_name , sub . proc_name_hum , sub . attr_kind , sub . source_file , sub . proc_attributes , sub . cfg , sub . callees
sub . proc_name ,
sub . proc_name_hum ,
sub . attr_kind ,
sub . source_file ,
sub . proc_attributes ,
sub . cfg ,
sub . callees
attached . procedures AS sub
LEFT OUTER JOIN memdb . procedures AS main
@ -118,54 +127,50 @@ module Implementation = struct
OR main . attr_kind < sub . attr_kind
OR ( main . attr_kind = sub . attr_kind AND main . source_file < sub . source_file )
| }
| > SqliteUtils . check_result_code db
~ log : ( Printf . sprintf " copying procedures of database '%s' " db_file )
let merge_source_files_table ~ db_file =
let db = ResultsDatabase . get_database () in
Sqlite3 . exec db
ResultsDatabase . get_database ()
| > SqliteUtils . exec
~ log : ( Printf . sprintf " copying source_files of database '%s' " db_file )
~ stmt :
{ |
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO memdb . source_files
SELECT source_file , type_environment , integer_type_widths , procedure_names , 1
FROM attached . source_files
| }
| > SqliteUtils . check_result_code db
~ log : ( Printf . sprintf " copying source_files of database '%s' " db_file )
let copy_to_main db =
Sqlite 3. exec db { | INSERT OR REPLACE INTO procedures SELECT * FROM memdb . procedures | }
| > SqliteUtils . check_result_code db ~ log : " Copying procedures into main db " ;
Sqlite 3. exec db { | INSERT OR REPLACE INTO source_files SELECT * FROM memdb . source_files | }
| > SqliteUtils . check_result_code db ~ log : " Copying source_files into main db "
Sqlite Utils. exec db ~ log : " Copying procedures into main db "
~ stmt : " INSERT OR REPLACE INTO procedures SELECT * FROM memdb.procedures " ;
Sqlite Utils. exec db ~ log : " Copying source_files into main db "
~ stmt : " INSERT OR REPLACE INTO source_files SELECT * FROM memdb.source_files "
let merge_db infer_out_src =
let db_file = ResultsDirEntryName . get_path ~ results_dir : infer_out_src CaptureDB in
let main_db = ResultsDatabase . get_database () in
Sqlite3 . exec main_db ( Printf . sprintf " ATTACH '%s' AS attached " db_file )
| > SqliteUtils . check_result_code main_db ~ log : ( Printf . sprintf " attaching database '%s' " db_file ) ;
SqliteUtils . exec main_db
~ stmt : ( Printf . sprintf " ATTACH '%s' AS attached " db_file )
~ log : ( Printf . sprintf " attaching database '%s' " db_file ) ;
merge_procedures_table ~ db_file ;
merge_source_files_table ~ db_file ;
Sqlite 3. exec main_db " DETACH attached "
| > SqliteUtils . check_result_code main_db ~ log : ( Printf . sprintf " detaching database '%s' " db_file )
Sqlite Utils. exec main_db ~ stmt : " DETACH attached "
~ log : ( Printf . sprintf " detaching database '%s' " db_file )
let merge infer_deps_file =
let main_db = ResultsDatabase . get_database () in
Sqlite3 . exec main_db " ATTACH ':memory:' AS memdb "
| > SqliteUtils . check_result_code main_db ~ log : " attaching memdb " ;
SqliteUtils . exec main_db ~ stmt : " ATTACH ':memory:' AS memdb " ~ log : " attaching memdb " ;
ResultsDatabase . create_tables ~ prefix : " memdb. " main_db ;
Utils . iter_infer_deps ~ project_root : Config . project_root ~ f : merge_db infer_deps_file ;
copy_to_main main_db ;
Sqlite3 . exec main_db " DETACH memdb "
| > SqliteUtils . check_result_code main_db ~ log : " detaching memdb "
SqliteUtils . exec main_db ~ stmt : " DETACH memdb " ~ log : " detaching memdb "
let canonicalize () =
let db = ResultsDatabase . get_database () in
SqliteUtils . exec db ~ log : " running VACUUM " ~ stmt : " VACUUM "
ResultsDatabase . get_database () | > SqliteUtils . exec ~ log : " running VACUUM " ~ stmt : " VACUUM "
let reset_capture_tables () =
@ -203,8 +208,8 @@ module Implementation = struct
let delete_all_specs () =
let db = ResultsDatabase . get_database () in
SqliteUtils . exec db ~ log : " drop procedures table " ~ stmt : " DELETE FROM specs "
ResultsDatabase . get_database ()
| > SqliteUtils . exec ~ log : " drop procedures table " ~ stmt : " DELETE FROM specs "
module Command = struct