@ -518,17 +518,9 @@ type extras_WCET =
; integer_type_widths: Typ.IntegerWidths.t
; get_node_nb_exec: Node.id -> BasicCost.t }
let instantiate_cost integer_type_widths ~inferbo_caller_mem ~callee_pname ~params ~callee_cost =
match Ondemand.get_proc_desc callee_pname with
| None ->
L.(die InternalError)
"Can't instantiate symbolic cost %a from call to %a (can't get procdesc)" BasicCost.pp
callee_cost Typ.Procname.pp callee_pname
| Some callee_pdesc ->
let callee_formals = Procdesc.get_pvar_formals callee_pdesc in
let instantiate_cost integer_type_widths ~inferbo_caller_mem ~callee_formals ~params ~callee_cost =
let eval_sym =
BufferOverrunSemantics.mk_eval_sym integer_type_widths callee_formals params
BufferOverrunSemantics.mk_eval_sym integer_type_widths callee_formals params inferbo_caller_mem
BasicCost.subst callee_cost eval_sym
@ -539,10 +531,11 @@ module InstrBasicCost = struct
For example for basic operation we set it to 1 and for function call we take it from the spec of the function.
let callee_OperationCost callee_cost_record integer_type_widths inferbo_mem callee_pname params =
let callee_OperationCost callee_cost_record integer_type_widths inferbo_mem callee_formals params
let callee_cost = CostDomain.get_operation_cost callee_cost_record in
if BasicCost.is_symbolic callee_cost then
instantiate_cost integer_type_widths ~inferbo_caller_mem:inferbo_mem ~callee_pname ~params
instantiate_cost integer_type_widths ~inferbo_caller_mem:inferbo_mem ~callee_formals ~params
else callee_cost
@ -551,6 +544,14 @@ module InstrBasicCost = struct
let callee_IOCost cost_record = CostDomain.get_IO_cost cost_record
let get_callee_summary caller_pdesc callee_pname =
Ondemand.analyze_proc_name ~caller_pdesc callee_pname
|> Option.bind ~f:(fun summary ->
Payload.of_summary summary
|> Option.map ~f:(fun payload ->
(payload, Summary.get_proc_desc summary |> Procdesc.get_pvar_formals) ) )
let get_instr_cost_record pdata instr_node instr =
match instr with
| Sil.Call (_, Exp.Const (Const.Cfun callee_pname), params, _, _) -> (
@ -565,11 +566,11 @@ module InstrBasicCost = struct
| Some model ->
CostDomain.set_operation_cost (model inferbo_mem) CostDomain.zero_record
| None -> (
match Payload.read pdesc callee_pname with
| Some {post= callee_cost_record} ->
match get_callee_summary pdesc callee_pname with
| Some ({CostDomain.post= callee_cost_record}, callee_formals) ->
let callee_operation_cost =
callee_OperationCost callee_cost_record integer_type_widths inferbo_mem
callee_pname params
callee_formals params
let callee_allocation_cost = callee_AllocationCost callee_cost_record in
let callee_IO_cost = callee_IOCost callee_cost_record in