@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ module F = Format
module L = Logging
module L = Logging
(** Create a taint analysis from a trace domain *)
(** Create a taint analysis from a trace domain *)
module Make (TraceDomain : Trace.S) = struct
module Make (TraceDomain : QuandarySummary.Trace) = struct
module TaintDomain = AccessTree.Make (TraceDomain)
module TaintDomain = AccessTree.Make (TraceDomain)
module IdMapDomain = IdAccessPathMapDomain
module IdMapDomain = IdAccessPathMapDomain
@ -246,6 +247,76 @@ module Make (TraceDomain : Trace.S) = struct
(** grab footprint traces in [access_tree] and make them into inputs for the summary. for each
trace Footprint(T_out, a.b.c) associated with access path x.z.y, we will produce a summary of
the form (x.z.y, T_in) => (T_in + T_out, a.b.c) *)
let make_summary formals access_tree pdesc =
let add_summary_for_output summary_acc output trace =
let make_in_out_summary summary_input summary_output trace =
let _ = match summary_input with
| QuandarySummary.In_formal (_, _) -> ()
| _ -> () in
summary_input summary_output (TraceDomain.to_summary_trace trace) in
let extract_input source acc =
let get_formal_number base formal_bases =
(fun index formal_base ->
if AccessPath.base_equal base formal_base
then Some index
else None)
formal_bases in
match TraceDomain.Source.get_footprint_access_path source with
| Some footprint_ap ->
let input =
let footprint_ap_base = fst (AccessPath.extract footprint_ap) in
match get_formal_number footprint_ap_base formals with
| Some index ->
QuandarySummary.make_formal_input index footprint_ap
| None ->
"Couldn't find formal number for %a@." AccessPath.pp_base footprint_ap_base in
let summary = make_in_out_summary input output trace in
summary :: acc
| None ->
let summary = make_in_out_summary QuandarySummary.empty_input output trace in
summary :: acc in
TraceDomain.Source.Set.fold extract_input (TraceDomain.sources trace) summary_acc in
let add_summaries_for_base
~(f_make_output : AccessPath.t -> QuandarySummary.output) base summary_acc =
let add_summary_for_access_path summary_acc access_path trace =
add_summary_for_output summary_acc (f_make_output access_path) trace in
let raw_base_ap = base, [] in
match TaintDomain.BaseMap.find base access_tree with
| trace, TaintDomain.Star ->
add_summary_for_access_path summary_acc (AccessPath.Abstracted raw_base_ap) trace
| trace, TaintDomain.Subtree subtree ->
let access_path = AccessPath.Exact raw_base_ap in
add_summary_for_output summary_acc (f_make_output access_path) trace
|> TaintDomain.access_map_fold add_summary_for_access_path base subtree
| exception Not_found ->
summary_acc in
let add_formal_summaries summary_acc formal_index formal =
let f_make_output = QuandarySummary.make_formal_output formal_index in
add_summaries_for_base ~f_make_output formal summary_acc in
let add_return_summaries summary_acc = match Cfg.Procdesc.get_ret_type pdesc with
| Typ.Tvoid ->
| ret_typ ->
let return_var_base = AccessPath.base_of_pvar (Cfg.Procdesc.get_ret_var pdesc) ret_typ in
~f_make_output:QuandarySummary.make_return_output return_var_base summary_acc in
(* add summaries for each formal and for the return value *)
IList.fold_lefti add_formal_summaries [] formals
|> add_return_summaries
let checker { Callbacks.proc_name; proc_desc; tenv; } =
let checker { Callbacks.proc_name; proc_desc; tenv; } =
let formals =
let formals =
let attrs = Cfg.Procdesc.get_attributes proc_desc in
let attrs = Cfg.Procdesc.get_attributes proc_desc in
@ -253,7 +324,19 @@ module Make (TraceDomain : Trace.S) = struct
(fun (name, typ) -> AccessPath.base_of_pvar (Pvar.mk name proc_name) typ)
(fun (name, typ) -> AccessPath.base_of_pvar (Pvar.mk name proc_name) typ)
attrs.formals in
attrs.formals in
let proc_data = ProcData.make proc_desc tenv formals in
let proc_data = ProcData.make proc_desc tenv formals in
ignore (Analyzer.compute_post proc_data)
match Analyzer.compute_post proc_data with
| Some { access_tree; } ->
ignore (make_summary formals access_tree proc_desc)
| None ->
failwithf "Couldn't compute post for function %a@." Procname.pp proc_name
module Java = Make(JavaTrace)
module Java = Make(struct
include JavaTrace
let to_summary_trace trace = QuandarySummary.Java trace
let of_summary_trace = function
| QuandarySummary.Java trace -> trace
| QuandarySummary.Unknown -> assert false