@ -21,40 +21,34 @@ let should_skip_var v =
module Access = struct
module Access = struct
type t =
type t =
| Read of AccessPath.t
| Read of {path: AccessPath.t; original: AccessPath.t}
| Write of AccessPath.t
| Write of {path: AccessPath.t; original: AccessPath.t}
| ContainerRead of AccessPath.t * Typ.Procname.t
| ContainerRead of {path: AccessPath.t; original: AccessPath.t; pname: Typ.Procname.t}
| ContainerWrite of AccessPath.t * Typ.Procname.t
| ContainerWrite of {path: AccessPath.t; original: AccessPath.t; pname: Typ.Procname.t}
| InterfaceCall of Typ.Procname.t
| InterfaceCall of Typ.Procname.t
[@@deriving compare]
[@@deriving compare]
let suffix_matches (_, accesses1) (_, accesses2) =
match (List.rev accesses1, List.rev accesses2) with
| access1 :: _, access2 :: _ ->
AccessPath.equal_access access1 access2
| _ ->
let matches ~caller ~callee =
let matches ~caller ~callee =
match (caller, callee) with
match (caller, callee) with
| Read ap1, Read ap2 | Write ap1, Write ap2 ->
| Read {original= ap1}, Read {original= ap2} | Write {original= ap1}, Write {original= ap2} ->
suffix_matches ap1 ap2
AccessPath.equal ap1 ap2
| ContainerRead (ap1, pname1), ContainerRead (ap2, pname2)
| ContainerRead {original= ap1; pname= pname1}, ContainerRead {original= ap2; pname= pname2}
| ContainerWrite (ap1, pname1), ContainerWrite (ap2, pname2) ->
| ContainerWrite {original= ap1; pname= pname1}, ContainerWrite {original= ap2; pname= pname2}
Typ.Procname.equal pname1 pname2 && suffix_matches ap1 ap2
Typ.Procname.equal pname1 pname2 && AccessPath.equal ap1 ap2
| InterfaceCall pname1, InterfaceCall pname2 ->
| InterfaceCall pname1, InterfaceCall pname2 ->
Typ.Procname.equal pname1 pname2
Typ.Procname.equal pname1 pname2
| _ ->
| _ ->
let make_field_access access_path ~is_write =
let make_field_access path ~is_write =
if is_write then Write access_path else Read access_path
if is_write then Write {path; original= path} else Read {path; original= path}
let make_container_access access_path pname ~is_write =
let make_container_access path pname ~is_write =
if is_write then ContainerWrite (access_path, pname) else ContainerRead (access_path, pname)
if is_write then ContainerWrite {path; original= path; pname}
else ContainerRead {path; original= path; pname}
let is_write = function
let is_write = function
@ -72,38 +66,39 @@ module Access = struct
let get_access_path = function
let get_access_path = function
| Read access_path
| Read {path} | Write {path} | ContainerWrite {path} | ContainerRead {path} ->
| Write access_path
Some path
| ContainerWrite (access_path, _)
| ContainerRead (access_path, _) ->
Some access_path
| InterfaceCall _ ->
| InterfaceCall _ ->
let map ~f = function
let map ~f access =
| Read access_path ->
match access with
Read (f access_path)
| Read ({path} as record) ->
| Write access_path ->
let path' = f path in
Write (f access_path)
if phys_equal path path' then access else Read {record with path= path'}
| ContainerWrite (access_path, pname) ->
| Write ({path} as record) ->
ContainerWrite (f access_path, pname)
let path' = f path in
| ContainerRead (access_path, pname) ->
if phys_equal path path' then access else Write {record with path= path'}
ContainerRead (f access_path, pname)
| ContainerWrite ({path} as record) ->
let path' = f path in
if phys_equal path path' then access else ContainerWrite {record with path= path'}
| ContainerRead ({path} as record) ->
let path' = f path in
if phys_equal path path' then access else ContainerRead {record with path= path'}
| InterfaceCall _ as intfcall ->
| InterfaceCall _ as intfcall ->
let pp fmt = function
let pp fmt = function
| Read access_path ->
| Read {path} ->
F.fprintf fmt "Read of %a" AccessPath.pp access_path
F.fprintf fmt "Read of %a" AccessPath.pp path
| Write access_path ->
| Write {path} ->
F.fprintf fmt "Write to %a" AccessPath.pp access_path
F.fprintf fmt "Write to %a" AccessPath.pp path
| ContainerRead (access_path, pname) ->
| ContainerRead {path; pname} ->
F.fprintf fmt "Read of container %a via %a" AccessPath.pp access_path Typ.Procname.pp pname
F.fprintf fmt "Read of container %a via %a" AccessPath.pp path Typ.Procname.pp pname
| ContainerWrite (access_path, pname) ->
| ContainerWrite {path; pname} ->
F.fprintf fmt "Write to container %a via %a" AccessPath.pp access_path Typ.Procname.pp
F.fprintf fmt "Write to container %a via %a" AccessPath.pp path Typ.Procname.pp pname
| InterfaceCall pname ->
| InterfaceCall pname ->
F.fprintf fmt "Call to un-annotated interface method %a" Typ.Procname.pp pname
F.fprintf fmt "Call to un-annotated interface method %a" Typ.Procname.pp pname
@ -127,7 +122,10 @@ module TraceElem = struct
let pp fmt {site; kind} = F.fprintf fmt "%a at %a" Access.pp kind CallSite.pp site
let pp fmt {site; kind} = F.fprintf fmt "%a at %a" Access.pp kind CallSite.pp site
let map ~f {site; kind} = {site; kind= Access.map ~f kind}
let map ~f ({kind} as elem) =
let kind' = Access.map ~f kind in
if phys_equal kind kind' then elem else {elem with kind= kind'}
module Set = PrettyPrintable.MakePPSet (struct
module Set = PrettyPrintable.MakePPSet (struct
type nonrec t = t
type nonrec t = t