@ -106,64 +106,6 @@ module Make (TraceDomain : AbstractDomain.S) = struct
let get_trace ap tree =
Option.map fst (get_node ap tree)
(* helper for [add_access]. [last_trace] is the trace associated with [tree] in the parent. *)
let rec access_tree_add_trace ~last_trace ~seen_array_access ~is_exact trace access_list tree =
match access_list, tree with
| [], subtree ->
match is_exact, seen_array_access with
| true, false ->
(* adding x.f, do strong update on both subtree and its traces *)
make_normal_leaf trace
| true, true ->
(* adding x[_], do weak update on subtree and on its immediate trace *)
let trace' = TraceDomain.join last_trace trace in
trace', subtree
| _ ->
(* adding x.f* or x[_]*, join with traces of subtree and replace it with * *)
let trace' = join_all_traces (TraceDomain.join last_trace trace) subtree in
make_starred_leaf trace'
| _, Star ->
let trace' = TraceDomain.join last_trace trace in
make_starred_leaf trace'
| access :: accesses, Subtree subtree ->
let access_trace, access_subtree =
try AccessMap.find access subtree
with Not_found -> make_normal_leaf TraceDomain.initial in
(* once we encounter a subtree rooted in an array access, we have to do weak updates in the
entire subtree. the reason: if I do x[i].f.g = <interesting trace>, then
x[j].f.g = <empty trace>, I don't want to overwrite <interesting trace>. instead, I
should get <interesting trace> |_| <empty trace> *)
let seen_array_access = seen_array_access || match access with
| AccessPath.ArrayAccess _ -> true
| AccessPath.FieldAccess _ -> false in
let access_node' =
access_tree_add_trace ~last_trace:access_trace
access_subtree in
last_trace, Subtree (AccessMap.add access access_node' subtree)
(** add [ap] to [tree] and associate its leaf node with [trace].
if [ap] or a suffix of [ap] is not already present in the tree, it will be added with empty
traces associated with each of the inner nodes.
if [ap] is already present in the tree and contains no array accesses, this overwrites the
existing trace. if [ap] does contain array accesses, it joins the existing trace with [trace].
let add_trace ap trace tree =
let base, accesses = AccessPath.extract ap in
let is_exact = AccessPath.is_exact ap in
let base_trace, base_tree =
try BaseMap.find base tree
with Not_found -> make_normal_leaf TraceDomain.initial in
let base_node' =
~last_trace:base_trace ~seen_array_access:false ~is_exact trace accesses base_tree in
BaseMap.add base base_node' tree
let rec access_tree_lteq ((lhs_trace, lhs_tree) as lhs) ((rhs_trace, rhs_tree) as rhs) =
if lhs == rhs
then true
@ -223,10 +165,6 @@ module Make (TraceDomain : AbstractDomain.S) = struct
then node2
else trace'', Star
let join tree1 tree2 =
if tree1 == tree2
then tree1
let rec node_merge node1_opt node2_opt =
match node1_opt, node2_opt with
| Some node1, Some node2 ->
@ -237,8 +175,68 @@ module Make (TraceDomain : AbstractDomain.S) = struct
then node2_opt
else Some joined_node
| None, node_opt | node_opt, None ->
node_opt in
BaseMap.merge (fun _ n1 n2 -> node_merge n1 n2) tree1 tree2
(* helper for [add_access]. [last_trace] is the trace associated with [tree] in the parent. *)
let access_tree_add_trace ~node_to_add ~seen_array_access ~is_exact accesses node =
let rec access_tree_add_trace_ ~seen_array_access accesses node =
match accesses, node with
| [], (trace, tree) ->
match is_exact, seen_array_access with
| true, false ->
(* adding x.f, do strong update on both subtree and its traces *)
| true, true ->
(* adding x[_], do weak update on subtree and on its immediate trace *)
node_join node_merge TraceDomain.join node_to_add node
| _ ->
(* adding x.f* or x[_]*, join with traces of subtree and replace it with * *)
let node_trace, node_tree = node_to_add in
let trace' = join_all_traces (TraceDomain.join trace node_trace) tree in
make_starred_leaf (join_all_traces trace' node_tree)
| _, (_, Star) ->
node_join node_merge TraceDomain.join node_to_add node
| access :: accesses, (trace, Subtree subtree) ->
let access_node =
try AccessMap.find access subtree
with Not_found -> make_normal_leaf TraceDomain.initial in
(* once we encounter a subtree rooted in an array access, we have to do weak updates in
the entire subtree. the reason: if I do x[i].f.g = <interesting trace>, then
x[j].f.g = <empty trace>, I don't want to overwrite <interesting trace>. instead, I
should get <interesting trace> |_| <empty trace> *)
let seen_array_access = seen_array_access || match access with
| AccessPath.ArrayAccess _ -> true
| AccessPath.FieldAccess _ -> false in
let access_node' = access_tree_add_trace_ ~seen_array_access accesses access_node in
trace, Subtree (AccessMap.add access access_node' subtree) in
access_tree_add_trace_ ~seen_array_access accesses node
(** add ([ap], [node]) to [tree]. *)
let add_node ap node_to_add tree =
let base, accesses = AccessPath.extract ap in
let is_exact = AccessPath.is_exact ap in
let base_node =
try BaseMap.find base tree
with Not_found -> make_normal_leaf TraceDomain.initial in
let base_node' =
access_tree_add_trace ~node_to_add ~seen_array_access:false ~is_exact accesses base_node in
BaseMap.add base base_node' tree
(** add [ap] to [tree] and associate its leaf node with [trace].
if [ap] or a suffix of [ap] is not already present in the tree, it will be added with empty
traces associated with each of the inner nodes.
if [ap] is already present in the tree and contains no array accesses, this overwrites the
existing trace. if [ap] does contain array accesses, it joins the existing trace with [trace].
let add_trace ap trace tree =
add_node ap (make_normal_leaf trace) tree
let join tree1 tree2 =
if tree1 == tree2
then tree1
else BaseMap.merge (fun _ n1 n2 -> node_merge n1 n2) tree1 tree2
(* replace the normal leaves of [node] with starred leaves *)
let rec node_add_stars ((trace, tree) as node) = match tree with