@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ open! IStd
(* * Module for the checks called by Eradicate. *)
(* * Module for the checks called by Eradicate. *)
(* TODO ( T54088319 ) get rid of annotation_deprecated:
(* TODO ( T54088319 ) get rid of annotation_deprecated:
- move all usages related to nullability to AnnotatedNullability .
- introduce " field flags " and move all other usages to this dedicated datatype
- introduce " field flags " and move all other usages to this dedicated datatype
* )
* )
type field_type = { annotation_deprecated : Annot . Item . t ; annotated_type : AnnotatedType . t }
type field_type = { annotation_deprecated : Annot . Item . t ; annotated_type : AnnotatedType . t }
@ -420,57 +419,103 @@ let check_call_parameters tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pdesc node callee_a
List . iter ~ f : check resolved_params
List . iter ~ f : check resolved_params
(* * Checks if the annotations are consistent with the inherited class or with the
let check_inheritance_rule_for_return find_canonical_duplicate tenv loc ~ base_proc_name
implemented interfaces * )
~ overridden_proc_name ~ overridden_proc_desc ~ base_nullability ~ overridden_nullability =
let check_overridden_annotations find_canonical_duplicate tenv proc_name proc_desc
annotated_signature =
let start_node = Procdesc . get_start_node proc_desc in
( NullsafeRules . passes_inheritance_rule NullsafeRules . Ret ~ base : base_nullability
let loc = Procdesc . Node . get_loc start_node in
~ overridden : overridden_nullability )
let check_return overriden_proc_name overriden_signature =
let ret_is_nullable =
Annotations . ia_is_nullable
annotated_signature . AnnotatedSignature . ret . ret_annotation_deprecated
and ret_overridden_nullable =
Annotations . ia_is_nullable
overriden_signature . AnnotatedSignature . ret . ret_annotation_deprecated
if ret_is_nullable && not ret_overridden_nullable then
report_error tenv find_canonical_duplicate
report_error tenv find_canonical_duplicate
( TypeErr . Inconsistent_subclass_return_annotation ( proc_name , overriden_proc_name ) )
( TypeErr . Inconsistent_subclass_return_annotation ( overridden_proc_name , base_proc_name ) )
None loc proc_desc
None loc overridden_proc_desc
and check_params overriden_proc_name overriden_signature =
let compare pos
AnnotatedSignature . { mangled = current_name ; param_annotation_deprecated = current_ia }
let check_inheritance_rule_for_param find_canonical_duplicate tenv loc ~ overridden_param_name
AnnotatedSignature . { param_annotation_deprecated = overriden_ia } =
~ base_proc_name ~ overridden_proc_name ~ overridden_proc_desc ~ param_position ~ base_nullability
let () =
~ overridden_nullability =
if ( not ( Annotations . ia_is_nullable current_ia ) ) && Annotations . ia_is_nullable overriden_ia
( NullsafeRules . passes_inheritance_rule NullsafeRules . Param ~ base : base_nullability
~ overridden : overridden_nullability )
report_error tenv find_canonical_duplicate
report_error tenv find_canonical_duplicate
( TypeErr . Inconsistent_subclass_parameter_annotation
( TypeErr . Inconsistent_subclass_parameter_annotation
( Mangled . to_string current_name , pos , proc_name , overriden_proc_name ) )
( Mangled . to_string overridden_param_name
None loc proc_desc
, param_position
, overridden_proc_name
pos + 1
, base_proc_name ) )
None loc overridden_proc_desc
let check_inheritance_rule_for_params find_canonical_duplicate tenv loc ~ base_proc_name
~ overridden_proc_name ~ overridden_proc_desc ~ base_signature ~ overridden_signature =
let base_params = base_signature . AnnotatedSignature . params in
let overridden_params = overridden_signature . AnnotatedSignature . params in
let zipped_params = List . zip base_params overridden_params in
match zipped_params with
| Ok base_and_overridden_params ->
let should_index_from_zero = is_virtual base_params in
(* Check the rule for each pair of base and overridden param *)
List . iteri base_and_overridden_params
~ f : ( fun index
( AnnotatedSignature . { param_annotated_type = { nullability = base_nullability } }
, AnnotatedSignature .
{ mangled = overridden_param_name
; param_annotated_type = { nullability = overridden_nullability } } )
check_inheritance_rule_for_param find_canonical_duplicate tenv loc ~ overridden_param_name
~ base_proc_name ~ overridden_proc_name ~ overridden_proc_desc
~ param_position : ( if should_index_from_zero then index else index + 1 )
~ base_nullability ~ overridden_nullability )
| Unequal_lengths ->
(* Skip checking.
TODO ( T5280249 ) : investigate why argument lists can be of different length . * )
(* Check both params and return values for complying for co- and contravariance *)
let check_inheritance_rule_for_signature find_canonical_duplicate tenv loc ~ base_proc_name
~ overridden_proc_name ~ overridden_proc_desc ~ base_signature ~ overridden_signature =
(* Check params *)
check_inheritance_rule_for_params find_canonical_duplicate tenv loc ~ base_proc_name
~ overridden_proc_name ~ overridden_proc_desc ~ base_signature ~ overridden_signature ;
(* Check return value *)
match base_proc_name with
(* TODO model this as unknown nullability and get rid of that check *)
| Typ . Procname . Java java_pname when not ( Typ . Procname . Java . is_external java_pname ) ->
(* Check if return value is consistent with the base *)
let base_nullability =
base_signature . AnnotatedSignature . ret . ret_annotated_type . nullability
(* TODO ( #5280249 ) : investigate why argument lists can be of different length *)
let overridden_nullability =
let current_params = annotated_signature . AnnotatedSignature . params
overridden_signature . AnnotatedSignature . ret . ret_annotated_type . nullability
and overridden_params = overriden_signature . AnnotatedSignature . params in
let initial_pos = if is_virtual current_params then 0 else 1 in
if Int . equal ( List . length current_params ) ( List . length overridden_params ) then
ignore ( List . fold2_exn ~ f : compare ~ init : initial_pos current_params overridden_params )
let check overriden_proc_name =
check_inheritance_rule_for_return find_canonical_duplicate tenv loc ~ base_proc_name
match PatternMatch . lookup_attributes tenv overriden_proc_name with
~ overridden_proc_name ~ overridden_proc_desc ~ base_nullability ~ overridden_nullability
| Some attributes -> (
let overridden_signature = Models . get_modelled_annotated_signature attributes in
check_params overriden_proc_name overridden_signature ;
(* the analysis should not report return type inconsistencies with external code *)
match overriden_proc_name with
| Typ . Procname . Java java_pname when not ( Typ . Procname . Java . is_external java_pname ) ->
check_return overriden_proc_name overridden_signature
| _ ->
| _ ->
() )
(* the analysis should not report return type inconsistencies with external code *)
(* * Checks if the annotations are consistent with the derived classes and with the
implemented interfaces * )
let check_overridden_annotations find_canonical_duplicate tenv proc_name proc_desc
annotated_signature =
let start_node = Procdesc . get_start_node proc_desc in
let loc = Procdesc . Node . get_loc start_node in
let check_if_base_signature_matches_current base_proc_name =
match PatternMatch . lookup_attributes tenv base_proc_name with
| Some base_attributes ->
let base_signature = Models . get_modelled_annotated_signature base_attributes in
check_inheritance_rule_for_signature find_canonical_duplicate tenv loc ~ base_proc_name
~ overridden_proc_name : proc_name ~ overridden_proc_desc : proc_desc ~ base_signature
~ overridden_signature : annotated_signature
| None ->
| None ->
(* Could not find the attributes - optimistically skipping the check *)
(* TODO ( T54687014 ) ensure this is not an issue in practice *)
PatternMatch . override_iter check tenv proc_name
(* Iterate over all methods the current method overrides and see the current
method is compatible with all of them * )
PatternMatch . override_iter check_if_base_signature_matches_current tenv proc_name