@ -12,57 +12,73 @@ module F = Format
module CLOpt = CommandLineOption
module CLOpt = CommandLineOption
module L = Logging
module L = Logging
let capture_text =
type cmd = { cwd : string ; prog : string ; args : string }
if Config . equal_analyzer Config . analyzer Config . Linters then " linting " else " translating "
let create_files_stack compilation_database should_capture_file =
let create_cmd ( compilation_data : CompilationDatabase . compilation_data ) =
let stack = Stack . create () in
let swap_command cmd =
let add_to_stack file _ = if should_capture_file file then Stack . push stack file in
if String . is_suffix ~ suffix : " ++ " cmd then Config . wrappers_dir ^/ " clang++ "
CompilationDatabase . iter compilation_database add_to_stack ; stack
else Config . wrappers_dir ^/ " clang "
let arg_file =
ClangQuotes . mk_arg_file " cdb_clang_args_ " ClangQuotes . EscapedNoQuotes [ compilation_data . args ]
{ cwd = compilation_data . dir ; prog = swap_command compilation_data . command ; args = arg_file }
let swap_command cmd =
(* A sentinel is a file which indicates that a failure occurred in another infer process.
let plusplus = " ++ " in
Because infer processes run in parallel but do not share any memory , we use the
let clang = " clang " in
filesystem to signal failures across processes . * )
let clangplusplus = " clang++ " in
let sentinel_exists sentinel_opt =
if String . is_suffix ~ suffix : plusplus cmd then Config . wrappers_dir ^/ clangplusplus
let file_exists sentinel = PVariant . ( = ) ( Sys . file_exists sentinel ) ` Yes in
else Config . wrappers_dir ^/ clang
Option . value_map ~ default : false sentinel_opt ~ f : file_exists
let run_compilation_file compilation_database file =
let invoke_cmd ~ fail_sentinel cmd =
if sentinel_exists fail_sentinel then L . progress " E%! "
let compilation_data = CompilationDatabase . find compilation_database file in
else (
let wrapper_cmd = swap_command compilation_data . command in
Unix . chdir cmd . cwd ;
let arg_file =
let pid =
ClangQuotes . mk_arg_file " cdb_clang_args_ " ClangQuotes . EscapedNoQuotes [ compilation_data . args ]
Unix . fork_exec ~ prog : cmd . prog ~ argv : [ cmd . prog ; ( " @ " ^ cmd . args ) ; " -fsyntax-only " ]
~ use_path : false ()
let args = [ ( " @ " ^ arg_file ) ] in
let create_sentinel_if_needed () =
let env =
let create_empty_file fname = Utils . with_file_out ~ f : ( fun _ -> () ) fname in
` Extend
Option . iter fail_sentinel ~ f : create_empty_file
[ ( CLOpt . args_env_var
, String . concat ~ sep : ( String . of_char CLOpt . env_var_sep )
( Option . to_list ( Sys . getenv CLOpt . args_env_var ) @ [ " --fcp-syntax-only " ] ) ) ]
( Some compilation_data . dir , wrapper_cmd , args , env )
match Unix . waitpid pid with
with Not_found ->
| Ok ()
Process . print_error_and_exit " Failed to find compilation data for %a@ \n %! " SourceFile . pp file
-> L . progress " .%! "
| Error _
-> L . progress " !%! " ; create_sentinel_if_needed () )
let run_compilation_database compilation_database should_capture_file =
let run_compilation_database compilation_database should_capture_file =
let number_of_files = CompilationDatabase . get_size compilation_database in
let compilation_data =
L . ( debug Capture Quiet ) " Starting %s %d files@ \n %! " capture_text number_of_files ;
CompilationDatabase . filter_compilation_data compilation_database ~ f : should_capture_file
L . progress " Starting %s %d files@ \n %! " capture_text number_of_files ;
let jobs_stack = create_files_stack compilation_database should_capture_file in
let number_of_jobs = List . length compilation_data in
let capture_text_upper = String . capitalize capture_text in
let capture_text =
let job_to_string file = Format . asprintf " %s %a " capture_text_upper SourceFile . pp file in
if Config . equal_analyzer Config . analyzer Config . Linters then " linting " else " translating "
let fail_on_failed_job =
if Config . linters_ignore_clang_failures then false
L . ( debug Capture Quiet ) " Starting %s %d files@ \n %! " capture_text number_of_jobs ;
L . progress " Starting %s %d files@ \n %! " capture_text number_of_jobs ;
let sequence = Parmap . L ( List . map ~ f : create_cmd compilation_data ) in
let fail_sentinel_fname = Config . results_dir ^/ Config . linters_failed_sentinel_filename in
let fail_sentinel =
if Config . linters_ignore_clang_failures then None
match Config . buck_compilation_database with
match Config . buck_compilation_database with
| Some NoDeps
| Some NoDeps when Config . clang_frontend_do_lint
-> Config . clang_frontend_do_lint
-> Some fail_sentinel_fname
| _
| Some NoDeps | Some Deps _ | None
-> fals e
-> Non e
Process . run_jobs_in_parallel ~ fail_on_failed_job jobs_stack
Utils . rmtree fail_sentinel_fname ;
( run_compilation_file compilation_database ) job_to_string
let chunksize = min ( List . length compilation_data / Config . jobs + 1 ) 10 in
Parmap . pariter ~ ncores : Config . jobs ~ chunksize ( invoke_cmd ~ fail_sentinel ) sequence ;
L . progress " @. " ;
L . ( debug Analysis Medium ) " Ran %d jobs " number_of_jobs ;
if sentinel_exists fail_sentinel then (
L . progress
" Failure detected, capture did not finish successfully. Use `--linters-ignore-clang-failures` to ignore compilation errors. Terminating@. " ;
L . exit 1 )
(* * Computes the compilation database files. *)
(* * Computes the compilation database files. *)
let get_compilation_database_files_buck ~ prog ~ args =
let get_compilation_database_files_buck ~ prog ~ args =