Reviewed By: jberdine Differential Revision: D20438569 fbshipit-source-id: 7db527273master
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
import logging
import os
from . import util
from inferlib import jwlib
MODULE_NAME = __name__
MODULE_DESCRIPTION = '''Run analysis of code built with a command like:
ant [options] [target]
Analysis examples:
infer -- ant compile'''
LANG = ['java']
def gen_instance(*args):
return AntCapture(*args)
# This creates an empty argparser for the module, which provides only
# description/usage information and no arguments.
create_argparser = util.base_argparser(MODULE_DESCRIPTION, MODULE_NAME)
class AntCapture:
def __init__(self, args, cmd):
self.args = args
||||[cmd[0], '-version']))
# TODO: make the extraction of targets smarter
self.build_cmd = [cmd[0], '-verbose'] + cmd[1:]
def is_interesting(self, content):
return self.is_quoted(content) or content.endswith('.java')
def is_quoted(self, argument):
quote = '\''
return len(argument) > 2 and argument[0] == quote\
and argument[-1] == quote
def remove_quotes(self, argument):
if self.is_quoted(argument):
return argument[1:-1]
return argument
def get_infer_commands(self, verbose_output):
javac_pattern = '[javac]'
argument_start_pattern = 'Compilation arguments'
calls = []
javac_arguments = []
collect = False
for line in verbose_output.split('\n'):
if javac_pattern in line:
if argument_start_pattern in line:
collect = True
if javac_arguments != []:
capture = jwlib.create_infer_command(javac_arguments)
javac_arguments = []
if collect:
pos = line.index(javac_pattern) + len(javac_pattern)
content = line[pos:].strip()
if self.is_interesting(content):
arg = self.remove_quotes(content)
if javac_arguments != []:
capture = jwlib.create_infer_command(javac_arguments)
javac_arguments = []
return calls
def capture(self):
(code, (verbose_out, _)) = util.get_build_output(self.build_cmd)
if code != os.EX_OK:
return code
cmds = self.get_infer_commands(verbose_out)
return util.run_compilation_commands(cmds)
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module L = Logging
let javac_pattern = "[javac]"
let arg_start_pattern = "Compilation arguments"
let extract_javac_args line =
let is_quoted s =
String.length s > 2 && String.is_prefix s ~prefix:"'" && String.is_suffix s ~suffix:"'"
let remove_quotes s = if is_quoted s then String.sub s ~pos:1 ~len:(String.length s - 2) else s in
let is_interesting s = String.is_suffix s ~suffix:".java" || is_quoted s in
|||| (String.substr_index line ~pattern:javac_pattern) ~f:(fun pos ->
let content = String.drop_prefix line (pos + String.length javac_pattern) |> String.strip in
if is_interesting content then Some (remove_quotes content) else None )
|> Option.join
let do_javac_capture rev_javac_args =
let prog = Config.bin_dir ^/ "infer" in
let args =
"capture" :: "--continue" :: "--" :: "javac"
:: List.rev_filter_map rev_javac_args ~f:(fun arg ->
if String.equal "-Werror" arg then None
else if String.is_substring arg ~substring:"-g:" then Some "-g"
else Some arg )
L.debug Capture Verbose "%s %s@." prog (String.concat ~sep:" " args) ;
Process.create_process_and_wait ~prog ~args
type fold_state = {collecting: bool; rev_javac_args: string list}
let capture ~prog ~args =
let _, java_version =
Process.create_process_and_wait_with_output ~prog:"java" ~args:["-version"]
let _, javac_version =
Process.create_process_and_wait_with_output ~prog:"javac" ~args:["-version"]
let ant_version, _ = Process.create_process_and_wait_with_output ~prog ~args:["-version"] in
L.environment_info "%s %s %s@." java_version javac_version ant_version ;
L.debug Capture Verbose "%s %s@." prog @@ String.concat ~sep:" " args ;
let ant_out, _ = Process.create_process_and_wait_with_output ~prog ~args:("-verbose" :: args) in
L.debug Capture Verbose "%s" ant_out ;
let res =
List.fold (String.split_lines ant_out) ~init:{collecting= false; rev_javac_args= []}
~f:(fun {collecting; rev_javac_args} line ->
let is_line_interesting = String.is_substring line ~substring:javac_pattern in
if is_line_interesting then
let start_collecting = String.is_substring line ~substring:arg_start_pattern in
let collecting = collecting || start_collecting in
let rev_javac_args =
if start_collecting && not (List.is_empty rev_javac_args) then (
do_javac_capture rev_javac_args ; [] )
else rev_javac_args
let rev_javac_args =
if collecting then
Option.fold (extract_javac_args line) ~init:rev_javac_args ~f:(Fn.flip List.cons)
else rev_javac_args
{collecting; rev_javac_args}
else {collecting; rev_javac_args} )
if not (List.is_empty res.rev_javac_args) then do_javac_capture res.rev_javac_args
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
val capture : prog:string -> args:string list -> unit
(** do an ant capture with the given prog (i.e. ant) and args *)
Reference in new issue