@ -183,16 +183,11 @@ type capture_status =
(* returns true for the set of classes that are selected to be translated *)
let should_capture classes package_opt source_basename node =
let classname = Javalib.get_name node in
let temporary_skip =
(* TODO (#6341744): remove this *)
(fun part -> part = "graphschema")
(JBasics.cn_package classname) in
let match_package pkg cn =
match JTransType.package_to_string (JBasics.cn_package cn) with
| None -> pkg = ""
| Some found_pkg -> found_pkg = pkg in
if JBasics.ClassSet.mem classname classes && not temporary_skip then
if JBasics.ClassSet.mem classname classes then
match Javalib.get_sourcefile node with
| None -> false