@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ module Lock = struct
let pp_locks fmt lock = F . fprintf fmt " locks %a " describe lock
module LockEvent = ExplicitTrace . MakeTraceElem ( Lock ) ( ExplicitTrace . DefaultCallPrinter )
module Event = struct
type severity_t = Low | Medium | High [ @@ deriving compare ]
@ -57,15 +55,9 @@ module Event = struct
F . pp_print_string fmt msg
type event_t =
| LockAcquire of Lock . t
| MayBlock of ( string * severity_t )
| StrictModeCall of string
type t = LockAcquire of Lock . t | MayBlock of ( string * severity_t ) | StrictModeCall of string
[ @@ deriving compare ]
module EventElement = struct
type t = event_t [ @@ deriving compare ]
let pp fmt = function
| LockAcquire lock ->
F . fprintf fmt " LockAcquire(%a) " Lock . pp lock
@ -83,106 +75,234 @@ module Event = struct
F . pp_print_string fmt msg
| StrictModeCall msg ->
F . pp_print_string fmt msg
include ExplicitTrace . MakeTraceElem ( EventElement ) ( ExplicitTrace . DefaultCallPrinter )
let make_acquire lock loc = make ( LockAcquire lock ) loc
let make_acquire lock = LockAcquire lock
let make_call_descr callee = F . asprintf " calls %a " pname_pp callee
let make_blocking_call callee sev loc =
let make_blocking_call callee sev =
let descr = make_call_descr callee in
make ( MayBlock ( descr , sev ) ) loc
MayBlock ( descr , sev )
let make_strict_mode_call callee loc =
let make_strict_mode_call callee =
let descr = make_call_descr callee in
make ( StrictModeCall descr ) loc
StrictModeCall descr
(* * A lock acquisition with source location and procname in which it occurs.
The location & procname are * ignored * for comparisons , and are only for reporting . * )
module Acquisition = struct
type t =
{ lock : Lock . t ; loc : Location . t [ @ compare . ignore ] ; procname : Typ . Procname . t [ @ compare . ignore ] }
[ @@ deriving compare ]
let make_trace ? ( header = " " ) pname elem =
let trace = make_loc_trace elem in
let trace_descr = F . asprintf " %s%a " header pname_pp pname in
let start_loc = get_loc elem in
let header_step = Errlog . make_trace_element 0 start_loc trace_descr [] in
header_step :: trace
let pp fmt { lock } = Lock . pp_locks fmt lock
let make ~ procname ~ loc lock = { lock ; loc ; procname }
let compare_loc { loc = loc1 } { loc = loc2 } = Location . compare loc1 loc2
let make_trace_step acquisition =
let description = F . asprintf " %a " pp acquisition in
Errlog . make_trace_element 0 acquisition . loc description []
module EventDomain = Event . FiniteSet
(* * Set of acquisitions; due to order over acquisitions, each lock appears at most once. *)
module Acquisitions = struct
include PrettyPrintable . MakePPSet ( Acquisition )
module Order = struct
type order_t = { first : Lock . t ; eventually : Event . t } [ @@ deriving compare ]
(* use the fact that location/procname are ignored in comparisons *)
let lock_is_held lock acquisitions =
mem { lock ; loc = Location . dummy ; procname = Typ . Procname . Linters_dummy_method } acquisitions
module OrderElement = struct
type t = order_t
module LockState : sig
include AbstractDomain . WithTop
let compare = compare_order_ t
val acquire : procname : Typ . Procname . t -> loc : Location . t -> Lock . t -> t -> t
let pp fmt { first ; eventually } =
F . fprintf fmt " {first= %a; eventually= %a} " Lock . pp first Event . pp eventually
val release : Lock . t -> t -> t
val is_lock_taken : Event . t -> t -> bool
let describe fmt { first } = Lock . pp_locks fmt first
val get_acquisitions : t -> Acquisitions . t
end = struct
module LockStack = AbstractDomain . StackDomain ( Acquisition )
include AbstractDomain . InvertedMap ( Lock ) ( LockStack )
include ExplicitTrace . MakeTraceElem ( OrderElement ) ( ExplicitTrace . DefaultCallPrinter )
let get_stack lock map = find_opt lock map | > Option . value ~ default : LockStack . top
let may_deadlock { elem = { first ; eventually } } { elem = { first = first' ; eventually = eventually' } } =
match ( event ually. elem , eventually' . elem ) with
| LockAcquire e , LockAcquire e' ->
Lock . equal first e' && Lock . equal first' e
| _ , _ ->
let is_lock_taken event map =
match event with
| Event . LockAcquire lock ->
not ( LockStack . is_top ( get_stack lock map ) )
| _ ->
let make_loc_trace ? ( nesting = 0 ) ( { elem = { eventually } } as order ) =
let first_trace = make_loc_trace ~ nesting order in
let first_nesting = List . length first_trace in
let eventually_trace = Event . make_loc_trace ~ nesting : first_nesting eventually in
first_trace @ eventually_trace
let acquire ~ procname ~ loc lock map =
let acquisition = Acquisition . make ~ procname ~ loc lock in
let current_value = get_stack lock map in
let new_value = LockStack . push acquisition current_value in
add lock new_value map
let make_trace ? ( header = " " ) pname elem =
let trace = make_loc_trace elem in
let trace_descr = F . asprintf " %s%a " header pname_pp pname in
let start_loc = get_loc elem in
let header_step = Errlog . make_trace_element 0 start_loc trace_descr [] in
header_step :: trace
let release lock map =
let current_value = get_stack lock map in
if LockStack . is_top current_value then map
let new_value = LockStack . pop current_value in
if LockStack . is_top new_value then remove lock map else add lock new_value map
(* FIXME - this should be a O ( 1 ) operation by moving it into the lock-state and updating in tandem,
so as to increase sharing between critical pairs . * )
let get_acquisitions map =
( fun _ lock lock_stack init ->
List . fold lock_stack ~ init ~ f : ( fun acc acquisition -> Acquisitions . add acquisition acc ) )
map Acquisitions . empty
module OrderDomain = Order . FiniteSet
module LockStack = AbstractDomain . StackDomain ( LockEvent )
module CriticalPairElement = struc t
type t = { acquisitions : Acquisitions . t ; event : Event . t } [ @@ deriving compare ]
module LockState = struct
include AbstractDomain . InvertedMap ( Lock ) ( LockStack )
let pp fmt { acquisitions ; event } =
F . fprintf fmt " {acquisitions= %a; event= %a} " Acquisitions . pp acquisitions Event . pp event
let is_taken lock_event map =
match lock_event . Event . elem with
| Event . LockAcquire lock -> (
try not ( find lock map | > LockStack . is_top ) with Caml . Not_found -> false )
| _ ->
let describe = pp
let acquire loc map lock_id =
let lock_event = LockEvent . make lock_id loc in
let current_value = try find lock_id map with Caml . Not_found -> LockStack . top in
let new_value = LockStack . push lock_event current_value in
add lock_id new_value map
module CriticalPair = struct
include ExplicitTrace . MakeTraceElem ( CriticalPairElement ) ( ExplicitTrace . DefaultCallPrinter )
let make ~ loc acquisitions event = make { acquisitions ; event } loc
let release lock_id map =
let current_value = try find lock_id map with Caml . Not_found -> LockStack . top in
if LockStack . is_top current_value then map
let is_blocking_call { elem = { event } } = match event with LockAcquire _ -> true | _ -> false
let get_final_acquire { elem = { event } } =
match event with LockAcquire lock -> Some lock | _ -> None
let may_deadlock ( { elem = pair1 } as t1 : t ) ( { elem = pair2 } as t2 : t ) =
Option . both ( get_final_acquire t1 ) ( get_final_acquire t2 )
| > Option . exists ~ f : ( fun ( lock1 , lock2 ) ->
( not ( Lock . equal lock1 lock2 ) )
&& Acquisitions . lock_is_held lock2 pair1 . acquisitions
&& Acquisitions . lock_is_held lock1 pair2 . acquisitions
&& Acquisitions . inter pair1 . acquisitions pair2 . acquisitions | > Acquisitions . is_empty )
let with_callsite t existing_acquisitions call_site =
let f ( { acquisitions } as elem : CriticalPairElement . t ) =
{ elem with acquisitions = Acquisitions . union existing_acquisitions acquisitions }
let new_t = map ~ f t in
with_callsite new_t call_site
let get_earliest_lock_or_call_loc ~ procname ( { elem = { acquisitions } } as t ) =
let initial_loc = get_loc t in
Acquisitions . fold
( fun { procname = acq_procname ; loc = acq_loc } acc ->
Typ . Procname . equal procname acq_procname
&& Int . is_negative ( Location . compare acq_loc acc )
then acq_loc
else acc )
acquisitions initial_loc
let make_trace ? ( header = " " ) ? ( include_acquisitions = true ) top_pname
{ elem = { acquisitions ; event } ; trace ; loc } =
let acquisitions_map =
if include_acquisitions then
Acquisitions . fold
( fun ( { procname } as acq : Acquisition . t ) acc ->
Typ . Procname . Map . update procname
( function None -> Some [ acq ] | Some acqs -> Some ( acq :: acqs ) )
acc )
acquisitions Typ . Procname . Map . empty
else Typ . Procname . Map . empty
let header_step =
let description = F . asprintf " %s%a " header pname_pp top_pname in
let loc = Location . dummy in
Errlog . make_trace_element 0 loc description []
(* construct the trace segment starting at [call_site] and ending at next call *)
let make_call_stack_step fake_first_call call_site =
let procname = CallSite . pname call_site in
let trace =
Typ . Procname . Map . find_opt procname acquisitions_map
| > Option . value ~ default : []
(* many acquisitions can be on same line ( eg, std::lock ) so use stable sort
to produce a deterministic trace * )
| > List . stable_sort ~ compare : Acquisition . compare_loc
| > List . map ~ f : Acquisition . make_trace_step
if CallSite . equal call_site fake_first_call then trace
let new_value = LockStack . pop current_value in
if LockStack . is_top new_value then remove lock_id map else add lock_id new_value map
let descr = F . asprintf " %a " ExplicitTrace . DefaultCallPrinter . pp call_site in
let call_step = Errlog . make_trace_element 0 ( CallSite . loc call_site ) descr [] in
call_step :: trace
(* construct a call stack trace with the lock acquisitions interleaved *)
let call_stack =
(* fake outermost call so as to include acquisitions in the top level caller *)
let fake_first_call = CallSite . make top_pname Location . dummy in
List . map ( fake_first_call :: trace ) ~ f : ( make_call_stack_step fake_first_call )
let endpoint_step =
let endpoint_descr = F . asprintf " %a " Event . describe event in
Errlog . make_trace_element 0 loc endpoint_descr []
List . concat ( ( [ header_step ] :: call_stack ) @ [ [ endpoint_step ] ] )
let is_recursive_lock event tenv =
let is_class_and_recursive_lock = function
| { Typ . desc = Tptr ( { desc = Tstruct name } , _ ) } | { desc = Tstruct name } ->
ConcurrencyModels . is_recursive_lock_type name
| typ ->
L . debug Analysis Verbose " Asked if non-struct type %a is a recursive lock type.@. "
( Typ . pp_full Pp . text ) typ ;
match event with
| Event . LockAcquire lock_path ->
AccessPath . get_typ lock_path tenv | > Option . exists ~ f : is_class_and_recursive_lock
| _ ->
let fold_over_events f map init =
let ff _ lock_state acc = List . fold lock_state ~ init : acc ~ f in
fold ff map init
(* * skip adding an order pair [ ( _, event ) ] if
- we have no tenv , or ,
- [ event ] is not a lock event , or ,
- we do not hold the lock , or ,
- the lock is not recursive . * )
let should_skip tenv_opt event lock_state =
Option . exists tenv_opt ~ f : ( fun tenv ->
LockState . is_lock_taken event lock_state && is_recursive_lock event tenv )
module CriticalPairs = struct
include CriticalPair . FiniteSet
let with_callsite astate tenv_opt lock_state call_site =
let existing_acquisitions = LockState . get_acquisitions lock_state in
( fun ( { elem = { event } } as critical_pair : CriticalPair . t ) acc ->
if should_skip tenv_opt event lock_state then acc
let new_pair =
CriticalPair . with_callsite critical_pair existing_acquisitions call_site
add new_pair acc )
astate empty
module UIThreadExplanationDomain = struct
@ -231,110 +351,81 @@ module GuardToLockMap = struct
type t =
{ events : EventDomain . t
; guard_map : GuardToLockMap . t
{ guard_map : GuardToLockMap . t
; lock_state : LockState . t
; order: OrderDomain . t
; critical_pairs: CriticalPairs . t
; ui : UIThreadDomain . t }
let bottom =
{ events = EventDomain . empty
; guard_map = GuardToLockMap . empty
; lock_state = LockState . empty
; order = OrderDomain . empty
{ guard_map = GuardToLockMap . empty
; lock_state = LockState . top
; critical_pairs = CriticalPairs . empty
; ui = UIThreadDomain . bottom }
let is_bottom { events ; guard_map ; lock_state ; order ; ui } =
EventDomain . is_empty events && GuardToLockMap . is_empty guard_map && OrderDomain . is_empty order
&& LockState . is_empty lock_state && UIThreadDomain . is_bottom ui
let is_bottom { guard_map ; lock_state ; critical_pairs ; ui } =
GuardToLockMap . is_empty guard_map && LockState . is_top lock_state
&& CriticalPairs . is_empty critical_pairs
&& UIThreadDomain . is_bottom ui
let pp fmt { events ; guard_map ; lock_state ; order ; ui } =
F . fprintf fmt " {events= %a; guard_map= %a; lock_state= %a; order= %a; ui= %a} " EventDomain . pp
events GuardToLockMap . pp guard_map LockState . pp lock_state OrderDomain . pp order
UIThreadDomain . pp ui
let pp fmt { guard_map ; lock_state ; critical_pairs ; ui } =
F . fprintf fmt " {guard_map= %a; lock_state= %a; critical_pairs= %a; ui= %a} " GuardToLockMap . pp
guard_map LockState . pp lock_state CriticalPairs . pp critical_pairs UIThreadDomain . pp ui
let join lhs rhs =
{ events = EventDomain . join lhs . events rhs . events
; guard_map = GuardToLockMap . join lhs . guard_map rhs . guard_map
{ guard_map = GuardToLockMap . join lhs . guard_map rhs . guard_map
; lock_state = LockState . join lhs . lock_state rhs . lock_state
; order= OrderDomain . join lhs . order rhs . order
; critical_pairs= CriticalPairs . join lhs . critical_pairs rhs . critical_pairs
; ui = UIThreadDomain . join lhs . ui rhs . ui }
let widen ~ prev ~ next ~ num_iters : _ = join prev next
let ( < = ) ~ lhs ~ rhs =
EventDomain . ( < = ) ~ lhs : lhs . events ~ rhs : rhs . events
&& GuardToLockMap . ( < = ) ~ lhs : lhs . guard_map ~ rhs : rhs . guard_map
&& OrderDomain . ( < = ) ~ lhs : lhs . order ~ rhs : rhs . order
GuardToLockMap . ( < = ) ~ lhs : lhs . guard_map ~ rhs : rhs . guard_map
&& LockState . ( < = ) ~ lhs : lhs . lock_state ~ rhs : rhs . lock_state
&& CriticalPairs . ( < = ) ~ lhs : lhs . critical_pairs ~ rhs : rhs . critical_pairs
&& UIThreadDomain . ( < = ) ~ lhs : lhs . ui ~ rhs : rhs . ui
let is_recursive_lock event tenv =
let is_class_and_recursive_lock = function
| { Typ . desc = Tptr ( { desc = Tstruct name } , _ ) } | { desc = Tstruct name } ->
ConcurrencyModels . is_recursive_lock_type name
| typ ->
L . debug Analysis Verbose " Asked if non-struct type %a is a recursive lock type.@. "
( Typ . pp_full Pp . text ) typ ;
match event with
| { Event . elem = LockAcquire lock_path } ->
AccessPath . get_typ lock_path tenv | > Option . exists ~ f : is_class_and_recursive_lock
| _ ->
(* * skip adding an order pair [ ( _, event ) ] if
- we have no tenv , or ,
- [ event ] is not a lock event , or ,
- we do not hold the lock , or ,
- the lock is not recursive . * )
let should_skip tenv_opt event lock_state =
Option . exists tenv_opt ~ f : ( fun tenv ->
LockState . is_taken event lock_state && is_recursive_lock event tenv )
(* for every lock b held locally, add a pair ( b, event ) *)
let add_ order_pairs tenv_opt lock_state event acc =
let add_critical_pair tenv_opt lock_state event ~ loc acc =
if should_skip tenv_opt event lock_state then acc
let add_first_and_eventually acc ( { elem = first ; loc } : LockEvent . t ) =
let new_elem = Order . make { first ; eventually = event } loc in
OrderDomain . add new_elem acc
LockState . fold_over_events add_first_and_eventually lock_state acc
(* FIXME we should not do this repeatedly in the fold below *)
let acquisitions = LockState . get_acquisitions lock_state in
let critical_pair = CriticalPair . make ~ loc acquisitions event in
CriticalPairs . add critical_pair acc
let acquire tenv ( { lock_state ; events ; order } as astate ) loc locks =
let new_events = List . map locks ~ f : ( fun lock -> Event . make_acquire lock loc ) in
let acquire tenv ( { lock_state ; critical_pairs } as astate ) ~ procname ~ loc locks =
{ astate with
events = List . fold new_events ~ init : events ~ f : ( fun acc e -> EventDomain . add e acc )
; order =
List . fold new_events ~ init : order ~ f : ( fun acc e ->
OrderDomain . union acc ( add_order_pairs ( Some tenv ) lock_state e order ) )
; lock_state = List . fold locks ~ init : lock_state ~ f : ( LockState . acquire loc ) }
(* FIXME do one fold not two *)
critical_pairs =
List . fold locks ~ init : critical_pairs ~ f : ( fun acc lock ->
let event = Event . make_acquire lock in
add_critical_pair ( Some tenv ) lock_state event ~ loc acc )
; lock_state =
List . fold locks ~ init : lock_state ~ f : ( fun acc lock ->
LockState . acquire ~ procname ~ loc lock acc ) }
let make_call_with_event tenv_opt new_event astate =
let make_call_with_event tenv_opt new_event ~ loc astate =
{ astate with
events= EventDomain . add new_event astate . events
; order = add_order_pairs tenv_opt astate . lock_state new_event astate . order }
critical_pairs =
add_critical_pair tenv_opt astate . lock_state new_event ~ loc astate . critical_pairs }
let blocking_call callee sev loc astate =
let new_event = Event . make_blocking_call callee sev loc in
make_call_with_event None new_event astate
let blocking_call ~ callee sev ~ loc astate =
let new_event = Event . make_blocking_call callee sev in
make_call_with_event None new_event ~ loc astate
let strict_mode_call callee loc astate =
let new_event = Event . make_strict_mode_call callee loc in
make_call_with_event None new_event astate
let strict_mode_call ~ callee ~ loc astate =
let new_event = Event . make_strict_mode_call callee in
make_call_with_event None new_event ~ loc astate
let release ( { lock_state } as astate ) locks =
@ -342,27 +433,19 @@ let release ({lock_state} as astate) locks =
lock_state = List . fold locks ~ init : lock_state ~ f : ( fun acc l -> LockState . release l acc ) }
let integrate_summary tenv ( { lock_state ; events ; order ; ui } as astate ) callee_pname loc
callee_summary =
let callsite = CallSite . make callee_pname loc in
let callee_order = OrderDomain . with_callsite callee_summary . order callsite in
let callee_ui = UIThreadDomain . with_callsite callee_summary . ui callsite in
let should_keep event = should_skip ( Some tenv ) event lock_state | > not in
let filtered_order =
OrderDomain . filter ( fun { elem = { eventually } } -> should_keep eventually ) callee_order
let callee_events = EventDomain . with_callsite callee_summary . events callsite in
let filtered_events = EventDomain . filter should_keep callee_events in
let order' =
EventDomain . fold ( add_order_pairs ( Some tenv ) lock_state ) filtered_events filtered_order
let integrate_summary tenv ~ caller_summary : ( { lock_state ; critical_pairs ; ui } as astate ) ~ callee
~ loc ~ callee_summary =
let callsite = CallSite . make callee loc in
let critical_pairs' =
CriticalPairs . with_callsite callee_summary . critical_pairs ( Some tenv ) lock_state callsite
let callee_ui = UIThreadDomain . with_callsite callee_summary . ui callsite in
{ astate with
events = EventDomain . join events filtered_events
; order = OrderDomain . join order order'
critical_pairs = CriticalPairs . join critical_pairs critical_pairs'
; ui = UIThreadDomain . join ui callee_ui }
let set_on_ui_thread ( { ui } as astate ) loc explain =
let set_on_ui_thread ( { ui } as astate ) ~ loc explain =
let ui =
UIThreadDomain . join ui
( AbstractDomain . Types . NonBottom ( UIThreadExplanationDomain . make explain loc ) )
@ -370,9 +453,9 @@ let set_on_ui_thread ({ui} as astate) loc explain =
{ astate with ui }
let add_guard tenv astate guard lock ~ acquire_now loc =
let add_guard ~ acquire_now ~ procname ~ loc tenv astate guard lock =
let astate = { astate with guard_map = GuardToLockMap . add_guard ~ guard ~ lock astate . guard_map } in
if acquire_now then acquire tenv astate loc [ lock ] else astate
if acquire_now then acquire tenv astate ~ procname ~ loc [ lock ] else astate
let remove_guard astate guard =
@ -389,10 +472,14 @@ let unlock_guard astate guard =
FlatLock . get lock_opt | > Option . to_list | > release astate )
let lock_guard tenv astate guard loc =
let lock_guard ~ procname ~ loc tenv astate guard =
GuardToLockMap . find_opt guard astate . guard_map
| > Option . value_map ~ default : astate ~ f : ( fun lock_opt ->
FlatLock . get lock_opt | > Option . to_list | > acquire tenv astate loc )
FlatLock . get lock_opt | > Option . to_list | > acquire tenv astate ~ procname ~ loc )
let filter_blocking_calls ( { critical_pairs } as astate ) =
{ astate with critical_pairs = CriticalPairs . filter CriticalPair . is_blocking_call critical_pairs }
type summary = t