Summary: This script interoperates with the gllvm wrapper for clang that embeds bitcode into native object files to support linking closed bitcode for executables built with gllvm, also linking in the bitcode of needed dynamic libraries. Reviewed By: ngorogiannis Differential Revision: D26903126 fbshipit-source-id: d4b95809amaster
@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
#!/usr/bin/env ocaml
#use "topfind"
#require "core_kernel,shexp.process"
open Core_kernel
module Queue = Hash_queue.Make (String)
module Process = Shexp_process
open Process.Infix
let ( let* ) = ( >>= )
let ( and* ) = Process.fork
let ( let+ ) = ( >>| )
let ( and+ ) = Process.fork
(* C name of entry point function *)
let entry_point = Sys.argv.(1)
(* filename of executable to be linked to bitcode *)
let input = Sys.argv.(2)
(* name of input *)
let basename = Filename.basename input
(* dir containing input exe and objects *)
let input_dir = Filename.dirname input
(* dir where output should be placed *)
let output_dir = Sys.getcwd ()
(* env var used by gllvm to identify dir containing llvm exes e.g. clang *)
let llvm_compiler_path = Sys.getenv_opt "LLVM_COMPILER_PATH"
(* prefix name with LLVM_COMPILER_PATH *)
let llvm_compiler name =
match llvm_compiler_path with
| Some path -> Filename.concat path name
| None -> name
(* llvm-link exe to use *)
let llvm_link =
(Option.value (Sys.getenv_opt "LLVM_LINK_NAME") ~default:"llvm-link")
(* opt exe to use *)
let llvm_opt = llvm_compiler "opt"
(* env var used to identify dir containing gllvm exes e.g. get-bc *)
let gllvm_path = Sys.getenv_opt "GLLVM_PATH"
(* prefix name with GLLVM_PATH *)
let gllvm name =
match gllvm_path with
| Some path -> Filename.concat path name
| None -> name
(* get-bc exe to use *)
let get_bc = gllvm "get-bc"
let calculate_deps () =
(* queue of object names that need to be linked together *)
let needed = Queue.create () in
(* queue of object names whose dependencies need to be calculated *)
let frontier = Queue.create () in
(* enqueue single object, also to frontier if not yet seen *)
let enqueue obj =
match Queue.enqueue_front needed obj obj with
| `Key_already_present -> ()
| `Ok -> Queue.enqueue_back frontier obj obj |> ignore
(* query and enqueue dependencies of an object *)
let enqueue_dependencies obj =
| "objdump" ["-p"; obj]
|- Process.iter_lines (fun line ->
( match String.chop_prefix ~prefix:" NEEDED" line with
| None -> ()
| Some obj -> enqueue (String.strip obj) )
|> Process.return )
(* dequeue and process until done *)
let rec loop () =
match Queue.dequeue_front frontier with
| Some obj ->
let* () = enqueue_dependencies obj in
loop ()
| None -> Process.return ()
enqueue basename ;
let* () = loop () in
Process.return (Queue.keys needed)
let extract_bc_deps needed =
( needed ~f:(fun obj ->
Process.stdout_to "/dev/null"
( get_bc ["-o=" ^ obj ^ ".bc"; obj]) ))
let link_bc_deps needed =
(* an entry in the list depends only on entries before it, so here we
preserve the order and use the `--override` flag to keep the last
definition of multiply-defined symbols *)
| llvm_link
( "-o=-"
( match needed with
| obj :: objs ->
(obj ^ ".bc")
:: objs ~f:(fun obj -> "--override=" ^ obj ^ ".bc")
| [] -> [] ) )
let remove_dead_code =
| llvm_opt
[ "-o=" ^ Filename.concat output_dir (basename ^ ".bc")
; "--internalize-public-api-list=" ^ entry_point
; "--internalize"
; "--globaldce" ]
let context = Process.Context.create ~cwd:(Path input_dir) () in
Process.eval ~context
(let* needed = calculate_deps () in
let* () = extract_bc_deps needed in
link_bc_deps needed |- remove_dead_code)
Reference in new issue