[infer] refactoring to isolate in a single place the need for the procedure description of the callees

This is a refactoring diff with no functional changes in order to move the code using the procedure description of the callees in a single place, in order to replace the approach to use a summary instead in a subsequent step.
jrm 10 years ago
parent 63b1d1ac1c
commit 393f5aad1e

@ -501,30 +501,31 @@ let dangerous_functions =
let dangerous_list = ["gets"] in let dangerous_list = ["gets"] in
ref ((list_map Procname.from_string) dangerous_list) ref ((list_map Procname.from_string) dangerous_list)
let check_inherently_dangerous_function caller_pname callee_pname callee_pdesc = let check_inherently_dangerous_function caller_pname callee_pname =
if list_exists (Procname.equal callee_pname) !dangerous_functions then if list_exists (Procname.equal callee_pname) !dangerous_functions then
let exn = Exceptions.Inherently_dangerous_function (Localise.desc_inherently_dangerous_function callee_pname) in let exn = Exceptions.Inherently_dangerous_function (Localise.desc_inherently_dangerous_function callee_pname) in
let pre_opt = State.get_normalized_pre (Abs.abstract_no_symop caller_pname) in let pre_opt = State.get_normalized_pre (Abs.abstract_no_symop caller_pname) in
Reporting.log_warning caller_pname ~pre: pre_opt exn Reporting.log_warning caller_pname ~pre: pre_opt exn
let call_should_be_skipped caller_pname callee_pname callee_pdesc =
let print_skip_warning () = let is_defined cfg pname =
let exn = Exceptions.Skip_function (Localise.desc_skip_function callee_pname) in match Cfg.Procdesc.find_from_name cfg pname with
Reporting.log_info caller_pname exn in | None -> false
| Some pdesc -> Cfg.Procdesc.is_defined pdesc
let call_should_be_skipped cfg caller_pname callee_pname =
let should_skip () = let should_skip () =
match Specs.get_summary callee_pname with match Specs.get_summary callee_pname with
| None -> | None -> true
not (Cfg.Procdesc.is_defined callee_pdesc)
(* treat calls with no specs as skip functions in angelic mode *)
|| !Config.angelic_execution
| Some summary -> | Some summary ->
Specs.get_flag callee_pname proc_flag_skip <> None (* check skip flag *) Specs.get_flag callee_pname proc_flag_skip <> None (* check skip flag *)
|| summary.Specs.attributes.Sil.is_abstract (* skip abstract methods *) || summary.Specs.attributes.Sil.is_abstract (* skip abstract methods *)
(* treat calls with no specs as skip functions in angelic mode *) (* treat calls with no specs as skip functions in angelic mode *)
|| (!Config.angelic_execution && Specs.get_specs_from_payload summary == []) in || (!Config.angelic_execution && Specs.get_specs_from_payload summary == []) in
if !Config.intraprocedural then true if !Config.intraprocedural then true
else if should_skip () then (print_skip_warning (); true) else should_skip ()
else false
let report_raise_memory_leak tenv msg hpred prop = let report_raise_memory_leak tenv msg hpred prop =
L.d_strln msg; L.d_strln msg;
@ -660,6 +661,7 @@ let method_exists right_proc_name methods =
else (* ObjC case *) else (* ObjC case *)
Specs.summary_exists right_proc_name Specs.summary_exists right_proc_name
let resolve_method tenv class_name proc_name = let resolve_method tenv class_name proc_name =
let found_class = let found_class =
let visited = ref Mangled.MangledSet.empty in let visited = ref Mangled.MangledSet.empty in
@ -690,24 +692,33 @@ let resolve_method tenv class_name proc_name =
proc_name proc_name
| Some proc_name -> proc_name | Some proc_name -> proc_name
(** If the dynamic type of the object calling a method is known, the method from the dynamic type
is called *) let resolve_typename prop arg =
let call_virtual cfg tenv prop actual_params pdesc fn : Cfg.Procdesc.t = let (arg_exp, _) = arg in
let obj_exp =
match actual_params with
| [] -> failwith "Expecting the first parameter to be the object expression"
| (exp, typ):: rest -> exp in
let typexp_opt = let typexp_opt =
let rec loop = function let rec loop = function
| [] -> None | [] -> None
| Sil.Hpointsto(e, _, typexp) :: _ when Sil.exp_equal e obj_exp -> Some typexp | Sil.Hpointsto(e, _, typexp) :: _ when Sil.exp_equal e arg_exp -> Some typexp
| _ :: hpreds -> loop hpreds in | _ :: hpreds -> loop hpreds in
loop (Prop.get_sigma prop) in loop (Prop.get_sigma prop) in
match typexp_opt with match typexp_opt with
| Some (Sil.Sizeof (Sil.Tstruct (_, _, Sil.Class, (Some class_name), _, _, _), _)) -> | Some (Sil.Sizeof (Sil.Tstruct (_, _, Sil.Class, class_name_opt, _, _, _), _)) -> class_name_opt
let fn' = resolve_method tenv class_name fn in | _ -> None
proc_desc_copy cfg pdesc fn fn'
| _ -> pdesc
(** If the dynamic type of the object calling a method is known, the method from the dynamic type
is called *)
let resolve_virtual_pname cfg tenv prop args pname : Procname.t =
match args with
| [] -> failwith "Expecting the first parameter to be the object expression"
| obj_exp :: _ ->
match resolve_typename prop obj_exp with
| Some class_name -> resolve_method tenv class_name pname
| _ -> pname
(* let resolve_procname cfg tenv prop args pname : Procname.t = *)
(** recognize calls to shared_ptr procedures and re-direct them to infer procedures for modelling *) (** recognize calls to shared_ptr procedures and re-direct them to infer procedures for modelling *)
let redirect_shared_ptr tenv cfg pname actual_params = let redirect_shared_ptr tenv cfg pname actual_params =
@ -931,20 +942,22 @@ let rec sym_exec cfg tenv pdesc _instr (_prop: Prop.normal Prop.t) path
| Sil.Call (ret_ids, Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun fn), args, loc, call_flags) when function_is_builtin fn -> | Sil.Call (ret_ids, Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun fn), args, loc, call_flags) when function_is_builtin fn ->
let sym_exe_builtin = Builtin.get_sym_exe_builtin fn in let sym_exe_builtin = Builtin.get_sym_exe_builtin fn in
sym_exe_builtin cfg pdesc instr tenv _prop path ret_ids args fn loc sym_exe_builtin cfg pdesc instr tenv _prop path ret_ids args fn loc
| Sil.Call (ret_ids, Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun _fn), _actual_params, loc, call_flags) -> (** Generic fun call with known name *) | Sil.Call (ret_ids, Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun callee_pname), actual_param, loc, call_flags) ->
let (prop_r, _n_actual_params) = normalize_params pdesc _prop _actual_params in (** Generic fun call with known name *)
let fn, n_actual_params = handle_special_cases_call tenv cfg _fn _n_actual_params in let (prop_r, _n_actual_params) = normalize_params pdesc _prop actual_param in
let fn, n_actual_params = handle_special_cases_call tenv cfg callee_pname _n_actual_params in
let resolved_pname =
if call_flags.Sil.cf_virtual then
resolve_virtual_pname cfg tenv prop_r n_actual_params fn
else fn in
begin begin
match Cfg.Procdesc.find_from_name cfg fn with match Cfg.Procdesc.find_from_name cfg fn with
| None -> | None ->
call_unknown_or_scan call_unknown_or_scan
false cfg pdesc tenv prop_r path ret_ids None n_actual_params fn loc false cfg pdesc tenv prop_r path ret_ids None n_actual_params fn loc
| Some callee_pdesc -> | Some callee_pdesc ->
let callee_pdesc' = let callee_pdesc' = proc_desc_copy cfg callee_pdesc fn resolved_pname in
if call_flags.Sil.cf_virtual then sym_exec_call cfg pdesc tenv prop_r path ret_ids n_actual_params callee_pdesc' loc
(call_virtual cfg tenv _prop n_actual_params callee_pdesc fn)
else callee_pdesc in
sym_exe_call cfg pdesc tenv prop_r path ret_ids n_actual_params callee_pdesc' loc
end end
| Sil.Call (ret_ids, fun_exp, actual_params, loc, call_flags) -> (** Call via function pointer *) | Sil.Call (ret_ids, fun_exp, actual_params, loc, call_flags) -> (** Call via function pointer *)
let (prop_r, n_actual_params) = normalize_params pdesc _prop actual_params in let (prop_r, n_actual_params) = normalize_params pdesc _prop actual_params in
@ -1190,15 +1203,16 @@ and call_unknown_or_scan is_scan cfg pdesc tenv pre path
let path_pos = State.get_path_pos () in let path_pos = State.get_path_pos () in
[(Prop.mark_vars_as_undefined pre''' exps_to_mark callee_pname loc path_pos, path)] [(Prop.mark_vars_as_undefined pre''' exps_to_mark callee_pname loc path_pos, path)]
(** Perform symbolic execution for a function call *) (** Perform symbolic execution for a function call *)
and sym_exe_call cfg pdesc tenv pre path ret_ids actual_pars callee_pdesc loc = and sym_exec_call cfg pdesc tenv pre path ret_ids actual_pars callee_pdesc loc =
let caller_pname = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc in let caller_pname = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc in
let callee_pname = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name callee_pdesc in let callee_pname = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name callee_pdesc in
let check_return_value_ignored () = (* check if the return value of the call is ignored, and issue a warning *)
let ret_typ = Cfg.Procdesc.get_ret_type callee_pdesc in let ret_typ = Cfg.Procdesc.get_ret_type callee_pdesc in
let check_return_value_ignored () = (* check if the return value of the call is ignored, and issue a warning *)
let is_ignored = match ret_typ, ret_ids with let is_ignored = match ret_typ, ret_ids with
| Sil.Tvoid, _ -> false | Sil.Tvoid, _ -> false
| Sil.Tint _, _ when Cfg.Procdesc.is_defined callee_pdesc = false -> | Sil.Tint _, _ when not (is_defined cfg callee_pname) ->
(* if the proc returns Tint and is not defined, *) (* if the proc returns Tint and is not defined, *)
(* don't report ignored return value *) (* don't report ignored return value *)
false false
@ -1211,20 +1225,20 @@ and sym_exe_call cfg pdesc tenv pre path ret_ids actual_pars callee_pdesc loc =
let exn = (Exceptions.Return_value_ignored (err_desc, try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x)) in let exn = (Exceptions.Return_value_ignored (err_desc, try assert false with Assert_failure x -> x)) in
let pre_opt = State.get_normalized_pre (Abs.abstract_no_symop caller_pname) in let pre_opt = State.get_normalized_pre (Abs.abstract_no_symop caller_pname) in
Reporting.log_warning caller_pname ~pre: pre_opt exn in Reporting.log_warning caller_pname ~pre: pre_opt exn in
check_inherently_dangerous_function caller_pname callee_pname callee_pdesc; check_inherently_dangerous_function caller_pname callee_pname;
let caller_pname = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc in if call_should_be_skipped cfg caller_pname callee_pname then
if call_should_be_skipped caller_pname callee_pname callee_pdesc then
begin begin
let exn = Exceptions.Skip_function (Localise.desc_skip_function callee_pname) in
Reporting.log_info caller_pname exn;
L.d_strln ("Undefined function " ^ Procname.to_string callee_pname ^ ", returning undefined value."); L.d_strln ("Undefined function " ^ Procname.to_string callee_pname ^ ", returning undefined value.");
let proc_name = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name pdesc in (match Specs.get_summary caller_pname with
let summary = Specs.get_summary_unsafe proc_name in | None -> ()
| Some summary ->
Specs.CallStats.trace Specs.CallStats.trace
summary.Specs.stats.Specs.call_stats callee_pname loc summary.Specs.stats.Specs.call_stats callee_pname loc
(Specs.CallStats.CR_skip) !Config.footprint; (Specs.CallStats.CR_skip) !Config.footprint);
let callee_pname = Cfg.Procdesc.get_proc_name callee_pdesc
and ret_type_option = Some (Cfg.Procdesc.get_ret_type callee_pdesc) in
call_unknown_or_scan call_unknown_or_scan
false cfg pdesc tenv pre path ret_ids ret_type_option actual_pars callee_pname loc false cfg pdesc tenv pre path ret_ids (Some ret_typ) actual_pars callee_pname loc
end end
else begin else begin
let formal_types = list_map (fun (_, typ) -> typ) (Cfg.Procdesc.get_formals callee_pdesc) in let formal_types = list_map (fun (_, typ) -> typ) (Cfg.Procdesc.get_formals callee_pdesc) in
@ -2038,7 +2052,7 @@ module ModelBuiltins = struct
| Some callee_pdesc -> callee_pdesc | Some callee_pdesc -> callee_pdesc
| None -> assert false in | None -> assert false in
L.d_strln ("pthread_create: calling function " ^ fun_string); L.d_strln ("pthread_create: calling function " ^ fun_string);
sym_exe_call sym_exec_call
cfg pdesc tenv prop path ret_ids [(routine_arg, snd arg)] callee_pdesc loc cfg pdesc tenv prop path ret_ids [(routine_arg, snd arg)] callee_pdesc loc
| _ -> | _ ->
L.d_str "pthread_create: unknown function "; Sil.d_exp routine_name; L.d_strln ", skipping call."; L.d_str "pthread_create: unknown function "; Sil.d_exp routine_name; L.d_strln ", skipping call.";
