[pulse][nullptr][objcpp] Warn on sending a message to nil when return type is non-POD

Summary: In ObjC, when a method is called on nil, there is no NPE, the method is actually not called and the return value is 0/false/nil. There is an exception in the case where the return type is non-POD. In that case it's UB and we want to report an error.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D26815687

fbshipit-source-id: 8126414ab
Daiva Naudziuniene 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 991654c282
commit 3ad19cd83d

@ -75,7 +75,8 @@ type t =
; objc_accessor: objc_accessor_type option (** type of ObjC accessor, if any *)
; proc_name: Procname.t (** name of the procedure *)
; ret_type: Typ.t (** return type *)
; has_added_return_param: bool (** whether or not a return param was added *) }
; has_added_return_param: bool (** whether or not a return param was added *)
; is_ret_type_pod: bool (** whether or not the return type is POD *) }
let get_annotated_formals {method_annotation= {params}; formals} =
let rec zip_params ial parl =
@ -137,7 +138,8 @@ let default translation_unit proc_name =
; method_annotation= Annot.Method.empty
; objc_accessor= None
; proc_name
; ret_type= StdTyp.void }
; ret_type= StdTyp.void
; is_ret_type_pod= true }
let pp_parameters =
@ -183,7 +185,8 @@ let pp f
; method_annotation
; objc_accessor
; proc_name
; ret_type }[@warning "+9"]) =
; ret_type
; is_ret_type_pod }[@warning "+9"]) =
let default = default translation_unit proc_name in
let pp_bool_default ~default title b f () =
if not (Bool.equal default b) then F.fprintf f "; %s= %b@," title b
@ -249,6 +252,7 @@ let pp f
F.fprintf f "; objc_accessor= %a@," (Pp.option pp_objc_accessor_type) objc_accessor ;
(* always print ret type *)
F.fprintf f "; ret_type= %a @," (Typ.pp_full Pp.text) ret_type ;
pp_bool_default ~default:default.is_ret_type_pod "is_ret_type_pod" is_ret_type_pod f () ;
F.fprintf f "; proc_id= %a }@]" Procname.pp_unique_id proc_name

@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ type t =
; objc_accessor: objc_accessor_type option (** type of ObjC accessor, if any *)
; proc_name: Procname.t (** name of the procedure *)
; ret_type: Typ.t (** return type *)
; has_added_return_param: bool (** whether or not a return param was added *) }
; has_added_return_param: bool (** whether or not a return param was added *)
; is_ret_type_pod: bool (** whether or not the return type is POD *) }
val default : SourceFile.t -> Procname.t -> t
(** Create a proc_attributes with default values. *)

@ -531,6 +531,8 @@ let get_locals pdesc = pdesc.attributes.locals
let has_added_return_param pdesc = pdesc.attributes.has_added_return_param
let is_ret_type_pod pdesc = pdesc.attributes.is_ret_type_pod
(** Return name and type of captured variables *)
let get_captured pdesc = pdesc.attributes.captured

@ -262,6 +262,8 @@ val get_ret_type : t -> Typ.t
val has_added_return_param : t -> bool
val is_ret_type_pod : t -> bool
val get_ret_var : t -> Pvar.t
val get_start_node : t -> Node.t

@ -148,16 +148,21 @@ module BuildMethodSignature = struct
let return_typ = qual_type_to_sil_type tenv return_qual_type in
let return_typ_annot = CAst_utils.sil_annot_of_type return_qual_type in
let is_ret_typ_pod = CGeneral_utils.is_type_pod return_qual_type in
if should_add_return_param return_typ then
(StdTyp.void, Some (CType.add_pointer_to_typ return_typ), Annot.Item.empty, true)
else (return_typ, None, return_typ_annot, false)
( StdTyp.void
, Some (CType.add_pointer_to_typ return_typ)
, Annot.Item.empty
, true
, is_ret_typ_pod )
else (return_typ, None, return_typ_annot, false, is_ret_typ_pod)
let method_signature_of_decl qual_type_to_sil_type tenv method_decl ?block_return_type
?(passed_as_noescape_block_to = None) procname =
let decl_info = Clang_ast_proj.get_decl_tuple method_decl in
let loc = decl_info.Clang_ast_t.di_source_range in
let ret_type, return_param_typ, ret_typ_annot, has_added_return_param =
let ret_type, return_param_typ, ret_typ_annot, has_added_return_param, is_ret_type_pod =
get_return_val_and_param_types qual_type_to_sil_type tenv ~block_return_type method_decl
let method_kind = CMethodProperties.get_method_kind method_decl in
@ -175,6 +180,7 @@ module BuildMethodSignature = struct
; class_param
; params
; ret_type= (ret_type, ret_typ_annot)
; is_ret_type_pod
; has_added_return_param
; attributes
; loc

@ -51,3 +51,5 @@ val is_cpp_translation : CFrontend_config.translation_unit_context -> bool
val is_objc_extension : CFrontend_config.translation_unit_context -> bool
(** true if the current language is ObjC or ObjC++ *)
val is_type_pod : Clang_ast_t.qual_type -> bool

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ type t =
; params: param_type list
; ret_type: Typ.t * Annot.Item.t
; has_added_return_param: bool
; is_ret_type_pod: bool
; attributes: Clang_ast_t.attribute list
; loc: Clang_ast_t.source_range
; method_kind: ClangMethodKind.t
@ -55,15 +56,17 @@ let is_setter {pointer_to_property_opt; params} =
Option.is_some pointer_to_property_opt && Int.equal (List.length params) 1
let mk name class_param params ret_type ?(has_added_return_param = false) attributes loc method_kind
?(is_cpp_virtual = false) ?(passed_as_noescape_block_to = None) ?(is_no_return = false)
?(is_variadic = false) pointer_to_parent pointer_to_property_opt return_param_typ access =
let mk name class_param params ret_type ?(has_added_return_param = false) ?(is_ret_type_pod = true)
attributes loc method_kind ?(is_cpp_virtual = false) ?(passed_as_noescape_block_to = None)
?(is_no_return = false) ?(is_variadic = false) pointer_to_parent pointer_to_property_opt
return_param_typ access =
{ name
; access
; class_param
; params
; ret_type
; has_added_return_param
; is_ret_type_pod
; attributes
; loc
; method_kind

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ type t =
; params: param_type list
; ret_type: Typ.t * Annot.Item.t
; has_added_return_param: bool
; is_ret_type_pod: bool
; attributes: Clang_ast_t.attribute list
; loc: Clang_ast_t.source_range
; method_kind: ClangMethodKind.t
@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ val mk :
-> param_type list
-> Typ.t * Annot.Item.t
-> ?has_added_return_param:bool
-> ?is_ret_type_pod:bool
-> Clang_ast_t.attribute list
-> Clang_ast_t.source_range
-> ClangMethodKind.t

@ -264,6 +264,7 @@ let create_local_procdesc ?(set_objc_accessor_attr = false) ?(record_lambda_capt
; formals
; const_formals
; has_added_return_param
; is_ret_type_pod= ms.CMethodSignature.is_ret_type_pod
; access
; is_defined= defined
; is_biabduction_model= Config.biabduction_models_mode

@ -31,7 +31,13 @@ let mk_objc_method_nil_summary_aux proc_desc astate =
let mk_objc_method_nil_summary ({InterproceduralAnalysis.proc_desc} as analysis_data) initial =
let proc_name = Procdesc.get_proc_name proc_desc in
match (initial, proc_name) with
| ContinueProgram astate, Procname.ObjC_Cpp {kind= ObjCInstanceMethod} ->
| ContinueProgram astate, Procname.ObjC_Cpp {kind= ObjCInstanceMethod}
when Procdesc.is_ret_type_pod proc_desc ->
(* In ObjC, when a method is called on nil, there is no NPE,
the method is actually not called and the return value is 0/false/nil.
We create a nil summary to avoid reporting NPE in this case.
However, there is an exception in the case where the return type is non-POD.
In that case it's UB and we want to report an error. *)
let result = mk_objc_method_nil_summary_aux proc_desc astate in
Some (PulseReport.report_list_result analysis_data result)
| ContinueProgram _, _

@ -21,6 +21,12 @@
- (int*)getXPtr;
+ (SomeObject*)unknown;
+ (SomeObject*)returnsNil;
- (SomeObject*)get;
@implementation SomeObject
@ -41,6 +47,15 @@
return &_x;
+ (SomeObject*)returnsNil {
return nil;
- (SomeObject*)get {
SomeObject* o = [SomeObject new];
return o;
int dereferenceNilBad() {
@ -53,18 +68,30 @@ int testCallMethodReturnsPODOk() {
return [obj returnsPOD];
std::shared_ptr<int> FN_testCallMethodReturnsnonPODBad() {
std::shared_ptr<int> testCallMethodReturnsnonPODBad() {
SomeObject* obj = nil;
std::shared_ptr<int> d = [obj returnsnonPOD]; // UB
return d;
std::shared_ptr<int> testSkippedOK() {
SomeObject* obj = [[SomeObject unknown] get];
std::shared_ptr<int> result = [obj returnsnonPOD];
return result;
std::shared_ptr<int> testNonPODTraceBad() {
SomeObject* obj = [[SomeObject returnsNil] get];
std::shared_ptr<int> result = [obj returnsnonPOD];
return result;
int testAccessPropertyAccessorOk() {
SomeObject* obj = nil;
return obj.x; // calls property accessor method
std::shared_ptr<int> FN_testAccessPropertyAccessorBad() {
std::shared_ptr<int> testAccessPropertyAccessorBad() {
SomeObject* obj = nil;
return obj.ptr; // calls property accessor method, but return type is non-POD

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
codetoanalyze/objcpp/pulse/AllocPatternMemLeak.mm, A.create_no_release_leak_bad, 1, MEMORY_LEAK, no_bucket, ERROR, [allocation part of the trace starts here,allocated by call to `ABFDataCreate` (modelled),allocation part of the trace ends here,memory becomes unreachable here]
codetoanalyze/objcpp/pulse/NPEBasic.mm, dereferenceNilBad, 2, NULLPTR_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidation part of the trace starts here,assigned,is the null pointer,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,assigned,invalid access occurs here]
codetoanalyze/objcpp/pulse/NPEBasic.mm, testAccessPropertyAccessorBad, 2, NULLPTR_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidation part of the trace starts here,assigned,is the null pointer,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,assigned,when calling `SomeObject.ptr` here,parameter `self` of SomeObject.ptr,invalid access occurs here]
codetoanalyze/objcpp/pulse/NPEBasic.mm, testCallMethodReturnsnonPODBad, 2, NULLPTR_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidation part of the trace starts here,assigned,is the null pointer,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,assigned,when calling `SomeObject.returnsnonPOD` here,parameter `self` of SomeObject.returnsnonPOD,invalid access occurs here]
codetoanalyze/objcpp/pulse/NPEBasic.mm, testNonPODTraceBad, 2, NULLPTR_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidation part of the trace starts here,when calling `SomeObject.returnsNil` here,assigned,is the null pointer,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,passed as argument to `SomeObject.returnsNil`,return from call to `SomeObject.returnsNil`,passed as argument to `SomeObject.get`,return from call to `SomeObject.get`,assigned,when calling `SomeObject.returnsnonPOD` here,parameter `self` of SomeObject.returnsnonPOD,invalid access occurs here]
codetoanalyze/objcpp/pulse/NPEBasic.mm, testTraceBad, 3, NULLPTR_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidation part of the trace starts here,assigned,is the null pointer,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,assigned,passed as argument to `SomeObject.getXPtr`,return from call to `SomeObject.getXPtr`,assigned,invalid access occurs here]
codetoanalyze/objcpp/pulse/use_after_delete.mm, PulseTest.deref_deleted_in_objc_method_bad, 3, USE_AFTER_DELETE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidation part of the trace starts here,passed as argument to `new` (modelled),return from call to `new` (modelled),assigned,was invalidated by `delete`,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,passed as argument to `new` (modelled),return from call to `new` (modelled),assigned,when calling `Simple::Simple` here,parameter `__param_0` of Simple::Simple,invalid access occurs here]
codetoanalyze/objcpp/pulse/use_after_delete.mm, deref_deleted_bad, 3, USE_AFTER_DELETE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidation part of the trace starts here,passed as argument to `new` (modelled),return from call to `new` (modelled),assigned,was invalidated by `delete`,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,passed as argument to `new` (modelled),return from call to `new` (modelled),assigned,when calling `Simple::Simple` here,parameter `__param_0` of Simple::Simple,invalid access occurs here]
