@ -8,30 +8,14 @@ open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
module MF = MarkupFormatter
module Domain = StarvationDomain
let pname_pp = MF . wrap_monospaced Typ . Procname . pp
let attrs_of_pname = Summary . OnDisk . proc_resolve_attributes
let is_ui_thread_model pn =
ConcurrencyModels . ( match get_thread pn with MainThread -> true | _ -> false )
let is_nonblocking tenv proc_desc =
let proc_attributes = Procdesc . get_attributes proc_desc in
let is_method_suppressed =
Annotations . pdesc_has_return_annot proc_desc Annotations . ia_is_nonblocking
let is_class_suppressed =
PatternMatch . get_this_type_nonstatic_methods_only proc_attributes
| > Option . bind ~ f : ( PatternMatch . type_get_annotation tenv )
| > Option . exists ~ f : Annotations . ia_is_nonblocking
is_method_suppressed | | is_class_suppressed
module Payload = SummaryPayload . Make ( struct
type t = Starvation Domain. summary
type t = Domain . summary
let field = Payloads . Fields . starvation
end )
@ -48,7 +32,7 @@ let lock_of_class =
module TransferFunctions ( CFG : ProcCfg . S ) = struct
module CFG = CFG
module Domain = Starvation Domain
module Domain = Domain
type extras = FormalMap . t
@ -146,7 +130,7 @@ let analyze_procedure {Callbacks.exe_env; summary} =
let proc_data = ProcData . make summary tenv formals in
let loc = Procdesc . get_loc proc_desc in
let initial =
if not ( Procdesc . is_java_synchronized proc_desc ) then Starvation Domain. bottom
if not ( Procdesc . is_java_synchronized proc_desc ) then Domain. bottom
let lock =
match procname with
@ -157,15 +141,17 @@ let analyze_procedure {Callbacks.exe_env; summary} =
| _ ->
FormalMap . get_formal_base 0 formals | > Option . map ~ f : ( fun base -> ( base , [] ) )
Starvation Domain. acquire tenv Starvation Domain. bottom ~ procname ~ loc ( Option . to_list lock )
Domain. acquire tenv Domain. bottom ~ procname ~ loc ( Option . to_list lock )
let initial =
if ConcurrencyModels . runs_on_ui_thread ~ attrs_of_pname tenv procname then
Starvation Domain. set_on_ui_thread initial
Domain. set_on_ui_thread initial
else initial
let filter_blocks =
if is_nonblocking tenv proc_desc then StarvationDomain . filter_blocking_calls else Fn . id
if StarvationModels . is_annotated_nonblocking ~ attrs_of_pname tenv procname then
Domain . filter_blocking_calls
else Fn . id
Analyzer . compute_post proc_data ~ initial
| > Option . map ~ f : filter_blocks
@ -306,7 +292,7 @@ end
let should_report_deadlock_on_current_proc current_elem endpoint_elem =
( not Config . deduplicate )
| |
let open Starvation Domain in
let open Domain in
match ( endpoint_elem . CriticalPair . elem . event , current_elem . CriticalPair . elem . event ) with
| _ , ( MayBlock _ | StrictModeCall _ ) | ( MayBlock _ | StrictModeCall _ ) , _ ->
(* should never happen *)
@ -361,37 +347,6 @@ let fold_reportable_summaries (tenv, current_summary) clazz ~init ~f =
List . fold methods ~ init ~ f
let report_lockless_violations ( tenv , summary ) StarvationDomain . { critical_pairs } report_map =
let open StarvationDomain in
(* this is inneficient as it climbs the hierarchy potentially twice *)
let is_annotated_lockless tenv pname =
let check annot = Annotations . ( ia_ends_with annot lockless ) in
let check_attributes pname =
PatternMatch . check_class_attributes check tenv pname
| | Annotations . pname_has_return_annot pname ~ attrs_of_pname check
PatternMatch . override_exists check_attributes tenv pname
let pname = Summary . get_proc_name summary in
if not ( is_annotated_lockless tenv pname ) then report_map
let report_violation ( { elem = { event } } as critical_pair : CriticalPair . t ) report_map =
match event with
| LockAcquire _ ->
let error_message =
Format . asprintf " Method %a is annotated %s but%a. " pname_pp pname
( MF . monospaced_to_string Annotations . lockless )
Event . describe event
let loc = CriticalPair . get_earliest_lock_or_call_loc ~ procname : pname critical_pair in
let ltr = CriticalPair . make_trace pname critical_pair in
ReportMap . add_lockless_violation pname loc ltr error_message report_map
| _ ->
CriticalPairs . fold report_violation critical_pairs report_map
(* Note about how many times we report a deadlock: normally twice, at each trace starting point.
Due to the fact we look for deadlocks in the summaries of the class at the root of a path ,
this will fail when ( a ) the lock is of class type ( ie as used in static sync methods ) , because
@ -399,148 +354,113 @@ let report_lockless_violations (tenv, summary) StarvationDomain.{critical_pairs}
inner class but this is no longer obvious in the path , because of nested - class path normalisation .
The net effect of the above issues is that we will only see these locks in conflicting pairs
once , as opposed to twice with all other deadlock pairs . * )
let report_deadlocks env StarvationDomain . { critical_pairs } report_map' =
let open StarvationDomain in
let _ , current_summary = env in
let current_pname = Summary . get_proc_name current_summary in
let report_endpoint_elem current_elem endpoint_pname elem report_map =
CriticalPair . may_deadlock current_elem elem
&& should_report_deadlock_on_current_proc current_elem elem
match ( current_elem . CriticalPair . elem . event , elem . CriticalPair . elem . event ) with
| LockAcquire lock1 , LockAcquire lock2 ->
(* * report warnings possible on the parallel composition of two threads/critical pairs
[ should_report_starvation ] means [ pair ] is on the UI thread and not on a constructor * )
let report_on_parallel_composition ~ should_report_starvation pname pair lock other_pname other_pair
report_map =
let open Domain in
if CriticalPair . can_run_in_parallel pair other_pair then
let acquisitions = other_pair . CriticalPair . elem . acquisitions in
match o ther_pair. CriticalPair . elem . eve nt with
| MayBlock ( block_descr , sev )
when should_report_starvation && Acquisitions . lock_is_held lock acquisitions ->
let error_message =
Format . asprintf
" Potential deadlock. %a (Trace 1) and %a (Trace 2) acquire locks %a and %a in \
reverse orders . "
pname_pp current_pname pname_pp endpoint_pname Lock . describe lock1 Lock . describe
let first_trace =
CriticalPair . make_trace ~ header : " [Trace 1] " current_pname current_elem
" Method %a runs on UI thread and%a, which may be held by another thread which %s. "
pname_pp pname Lock . pp_locks lock block_descr
let second_trace = CriticalPair . make_trace ~ header : " [Trace 2] " endpoint_pname elem in
let first_trace = CriticalPair . make_trace ~ header : " [Trace 1] " pname pair in
let second_trace = CriticalPair . make_trace ~ header : " [Trace 2] " other_pname other_pair in
let ltr = first_trace @ second_trace in
let loc =
CriticalPair . get_earliest_lock_or_call_loc ~ procname : current_pname current_elem
ReportMap . add_deadlock current_pname loc ltr error_message report_map
| _ , _ ->
else report_map
let report_on_current_elem elem report_map =
match elem . CriticalPair . elem . event with
| MayBlock _ | StrictModeCall _ ->
| LockAcquire endpoint_lock
when Acquisitions . lock_is_held endpoint_lock elem . CriticalPair . elem . acquisitions ->
let error_message =
Format . asprintf " Potential self deadlock. %a%a twice. " pname_pp current_pname
Lock . pp_locks endpoint_lock
let ltr = CriticalPair . make_trace ~ header : " In method " current_pname elem in
let loc = CriticalPair . get_earliest_lock_or_call_loc ~ procname : current_pname elem in
ReportMap . add_deadlock current_pname loc ltr error_message report_map
| LockAcquire endpoint_lock ->
Lock . owner_class endpoint_lock
| > Option . value_map ~ default : report_map ~ f : ( fun endpoint_class ->
(* get the class of the root variable of the lock in the endpoint elem
and retrieve all the summaries of the methods of that class * )
(* for each summary related to the endpoint, analyse and report on its pairs *)
fold_reportable_summaries env endpoint_class ~ init : report_map
~ f : ( fun acc ( endpoint_pname , { critical_pairs = endp_critical_pairs } ) ->
CriticalPairs . fold
( report_endpoint_elem elem endpoint_pname )
endp_critical_pairs acc ) )
CriticalPairs . fold report_on_current_elem critical_pairs report_map'
(* * report blocking call chains on the UI thread, or, a call chain on the UI thread taking a lock,
which is held in another call chain making a blocking call * )
let report_starvation env { StarvationDomain . critical_pairs } report_map' =
let open StarvationDomain in
let _ , current_summary = env in
let current_pname = Summary . get_proc_name current_summary in
let report_remote_block event current_lock endpoint_pname endpoint_elem report_map =
(* only consider methods that can run in parallel to the ui thread *)
if CriticalPair . can_run_in_parallel event endpoint_elem then
let acquisitions = endpoint_elem . CriticalPair . elem . acquisitions in
match endpoint_elem . CriticalPair . elem . event with
| MayBlock ( block_descr , sev ) when Acquisitions . lock_is_held current_lock acquisitions ->
let loc = CriticalPair . get_earliest_lock_or_call_loc ~ procname : pname pair in
ReportMap . add_starvation sev pname loc ltr error_message report_map
| LockAcquire other_lock
when CriticalPair . may_deadlock pair other_pair
&& should_report_deadlock_on_current_proc pair other_pair ->
let error_message =
Format . asprintf
" Method %a runs on UI thread and%a, which may be held by another thread which %s. "
pname_pp current_pname Lock . pp_locks current_lock block_descr
let first_trace = CriticalPair . make_trace ~ header : " [Trace 1] " current_pname event in
let second_trace =
CriticalPair . make_trace ~ header : " [Trace 2] " endpoint_pname endpoint_elem
" Potential deadlock. %a (Trace 1) and %a (Trace 2) acquire locks %a and %a in reverse \
orders . "
pname_pp pname pname_pp other_pname Lock . describe lock Lock . describe other_lock
let first_trace = CriticalPair . make_trace ~ header : " [Trace 1] " pname pair in
let second_trace = CriticalPair . make_trace ~ header : " [Trace 2] " other_pname other_pair in
let ltr = first_trace @ second_trace in
let loc = CriticalPair . get_earliest_lock_or_call_loc ~ procname : current_pname event in
ReportMap . add_starvation sev current_ pname loc ltr error_message report_map
let loc = CriticalPair . get_earliest_lock_or_call_loc ~ procname : pname pair in
ReportMap . add_deadlock pname loc ltr error_message report_map
| _ ->
else report_map
let report_on_pair ( ( tenv , summary ) as env ) ( pair : Domain . CriticalPair . t ) report_map =
let open Domain in
let pname = Summary . get_proc_name summary in
let event = pair . elem . event in
let should_report_starvation =
CriticalPair . is_uithread pair && not ( Typ . Procname . is_constructor pname )
let report_on_current_elem ( critical_pair : CriticalPair . t ) report_map =
(* we must be on the UI thread, otherwise there is no reason to report *)
if CriticalPair . is_uithread critical_pair then
let event = critical_pair . elem . event in
match event with
| MayBlock ( _ , sev ) ->
| MayBlock ( _ , sev ) when should_report_starvation ->
let error_message =
Format . asprintf " Method %a runs on UI thread and may block; %a. " pname_pp current_ pname
Format . asprintf " Method %a runs on UI thread and may block; %a. " pname_pp pname
Event . describe event
let loc = CriticalPair . get_loc critical_pair in
let ltr =
CriticalPair . make_trace ~ include_acquisitions : false current_pname critical_pair
ReportMap . add_starvation sev current_pname loc ltr error_message report_map
| StrictModeCall _ ->
let loc = CriticalPair . get_loc pair in
let ltr = CriticalPair . make_trace ~ include_acquisitions : false pname pair in
ReportMap . add_starvation sev pname loc ltr error_message report_map
| StrictModeCall _ when should_report_starvation ->
let error_message =
Format . asprintf " Method %a runs on UI thread and may violate Strict Mode; %a. " pname_pp
current_ pname Event . describe event
pname Event . describe event
let loc = CriticalPair . get_loc critical_pair in
let ltr =
CriticalPair . make_trace ~ include_acquisitions : false current_pname critical_pair
let loc = CriticalPair . get_loc pair in
let ltr = CriticalPair . make_trace ~ include_acquisitions : false pname pair in
ReportMap . add_strict_mode_violation pname loc ltr error_message report_map
| LockAcquire _ when StarvationModels . is_annotated_lockless ~ attrs_of_pname tenv pname ->
let error_message =
Format . asprintf " Method %a is annotated %s but%a. " pname_pp pname
( MF . monospaced_to_string Annotations . lockless )
Event . describe event
ReportMap . add_strict_mode_violation current_pname loc ltr error_message report_map
| LockAcquire endpoint_lock ->
Lock . owner_class endpoint_lock
| > Option . value_map ~ default : report_map ~ f : ( fun endpoint_class ->
(* get the class of the root variable of the lock in the endpoint elem
and retrieve all the summaries of the methods of that class * )
(* for each summary related to the endpoint, analyse and report on its pairs *)
fold_reportable_summaries env endpoint_class ~ init : report_map
~ f : ( fun acc ( endpoint_pname , { critical_pairs ; thread } ) ->
(* perf optimisation: skip if element and other method are both on UI thread *)
if ThreadDomain . can_run_in_parallel critical_pair . elem . thread thread then
let loc = CriticalPair . get_earliest_lock_or_call_loc ~ procname : pname pair in
let ltr = CriticalPair . make_trace pname pair in
ReportMap . add_lockless_violation pname loc ltr error_message report_map
| LockAcquire lock when Acquisitions . lock_is_held lock pair . elem . acquisitions ->
let error_message =
Format . asprintf " Potential self deadlock. %a%a twice. " pname_pp pname Lock . pp_locks lock
let loc = CriticalPair . get_earliest_lock_or_call_loc ~ procname : pname pair in
let ltr = CriticalPair . make_trace ~ header : " In method " pname pair in
ReportMap . add_deadlock pname loc ltr error_message report_map
| LockAcquire lock ->
Lock . owner_class lock
| > Option . value_map ~ default : report_map ~ f : ( fun other_class ->
(* get the class of the root variable of the lock in the lock acquisition
and retrieve all the summaries of the methods of that class ;
then , report on the parallel composition of the current pair and any pair in these
summaries that can indeed run in parallel * )
fold_reportable_summaries env other_class ~ init : report_map
~ f : ( fun acc ( other_pname , { critical_pairs } ) ->
CriticalPairs . fold
( report_remote_block critical_pair endpoint_lock endpoint_pname )
critical_pairs acc
else acc ) )
else report_map
(* do not report starvation/strict mode warnings on constructors, keep that for callers *)
if Typ . Procname . is_constructor current_pname then report_map'
else CriticalPairs . fold report_on_current_elem critical_pairs report_map'
( report_on_parallel_composition ~ should_report_starvation pname pair lock
other_pname )
critical_pairs acc ) )
| _ ->
let reporting { Callbacks . procedures ; source_file } =
let report_on_summary env ( summary : Domain . t ) report_map =
Domain . CriticalPairs . fold ( report_on_pair env ) summary . critical_pairs report_map
let report_procedure issue_log ( ( tenv , summary ) as env ) =
let proc_desc = Summary . get_proc_desc summary in
if should_report proc_desc then
Payload . read_toplevel_procedure ( Procdesc . get_proc_name proc_desc )
| > Option . value_map ~ default : issue_log ~ f : ( fun summary ->
report_deadlocks env summary ReportMap . empty
| > report_lockless_violations env summary
| > report_starvation env summary
report_on_summary env summary ReportMap . empty
| > ReportMap . log issue_log tenv proc_desc )
else issue_log