@ -3144,35 +3144,61 @@ module CTrans_funct (F : CModule_type.CFrontend) : CModule_type.CTranslation = s
(* * Translates a clang instruction into SIL instructions. It takes a a [trans_state] containing
(* * Translates a clang instruction into SIL instructions. It takes a a [trans_state] containing
current info on the translation and it returns a [ trans_result ] . * )
current info on the translation and it returns a [ trans_result ] . * )
and instruction trans_state instr : trans_result =
and instruction =
let pp_pointer f instr =
(* log errors only at the innermost recursive call *)
let { Clang_ast_t . si_pointer } , _ = Clang_ast_proj . get_stmt_tuple instr in
let logged_error = ref false in
Format . pp_print_int f si_pointer
fun trans_state instr ->
let pp_pointer f instr =
L . ( debug Capture Verbose )
let { Clang_ast_t . si_pointer } , _ = Clang_ast_proj . get_stmt_tuple instr in
" Translating statement '%a' (pointer= '%a')@ \n @[<hv2> "
Format . pp_print_int f si_pointer
( Pp . to_string ~ f : Clang_ast_proj . get_stmt_kind_string )
instr pp_pointer instr ;
L . ( debug Capture Verbose )
let trans_result =
" Translating statement '%a' (pointer= '%a')@ \n @[<hv2> "
try instruction_aux trans_state instr with e ->
( Pp . to_string ~ f : Clang_ast_proj . get_stmt_kind_string )
IExn . reraise_after e ~ f : ( fun () ->
instr pp_pointer instr ;
let { Clang_ast_t . si_source_range } , _ = Clang_ast_proj . get_stmt_tuple instr in
let trans_result =
let source_file =
try instruction_aux trans_state instr with e ->
trans_state . context . CContext . translation_unit_context . CFrontend_config . source_file
IExn . reraise_after e ~ f : ( fun () ->
let should_log_error = not ! logged_error in
let loc_start =
if should_log_error then (
CLocation . location_of_source_range ~ pick_location : ` Start source_file si_source_range
(* prevent from displaying the same issue multiple times as we climb up the call
stack * )
let loc_end =
logged_error := true ;
CLocation . location_of_source_range ~ pick_location : ` End source_file si_source_range
let { Clang_ast_t . si_source_range } , _ = Clang_ast_proj . get_stmt_tuple instr in
let source_file =
L . internal_error " %a: ERROR translating statement '%a'@ \n " Location . pp_range
trans_state . context . CContext . translation_unit_context
( loc_start , loc_end )
. CFrontend_config . source_file
( Pp . to_string ~ f : Clang_ast_proj . get_stmt_kind_string )
instr )
let loc_start =
CLocation . location_of_source_range ~ pick_location : ` Start source_file
L . ( debug Capture Verbose ) " @] " ;
let loc_end =
CLocation . location_of_source_range ~ pick_location : ` End source_file
(* Unfortunately this triggers regularly so do not show the message on the console
unless asked to do so or if the error will crash the frontend . * )
let should_display_error =
Config . debug_level_capture > = 1
| |
match e with
| CFrontend_config . Unimplemented _ | CFrontend_config . IncorrectAssumption _ ->
(* these are caught by default, do not print messages unless asked to do so *)
| _ ->
(* we are going to crash, print message for more context *)
( if should_display_error then L . internal_error else L . debug Capture Quiet )
" %a: ERROR translating statement '%a'@ \n " Location . pp_range ( loc_start , loc_end )
( Pp . to_string ~ f : Clang_ast_proj . get_stmt_kind_string )
instr ) )
L . ( debug Capture Verbose ) " @] " ;
(* don't forget to reset this so we output messages for future errors too *)
logged_error := false ;
and instruction_aux trans_state ( instr : Clang_ast_t . stmt ) =
and instruction_aux trans_state ( instr : Clang_ast_t . stmt ) =